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Posts posted by gwennylou

  1. 5:02 PM BBT
    Caleb is telling Cody in the kitchen that if Cody wins the pov he shouldn't use it, so that Derrick doesn't go up. Cody says, "If I win, I'm using it. I'm not stupid." Caleb is trying to convince Cody to throw it instead. Derrick says, "Dude, I'm not encouraging anyone to throw a competition." Caleb says, "I can understand Cody's strategy though of using the pov if he wins."


    5:10 PM BBT Frankie is still talking about Arianna's cd and says he still wants to know if Justin Bieber was on the cd. He knows Big Sean was. Derrick wants to know if he memorized it. Caleb tells everyone they are wrong when they try to help Derrick. Cody tells Caleb that it's not "In the block", it's box. Cody gives his nomination speech but it is far dirtier. Caleb and Frankie keep singing in the house.


    5:18 PM BBT The voice of Big Brother comes on the speaker and gives them another random fact. It was too low for anyone to hear and Frankie asks to have it repeated. Cody says, "If these facts are going to be used in a competition, I'm going to be so pissed." Frankie says, "What if all these facts all season have led up to the next veto competition? If I go out and find it is, I'm killing everyone!" They repeat the fact for them. Cody asks production to get a pov started up in here. Frankie happens to notice they have bugs again, but instead of ants they are termites. We immediately cut to fish.


    5:32 PM BBT Feeds are cutting in and out as they discuss members of production. They want to call out the DR to let them know when they get to play. They hear something in the storage room. Frankie checks it and is mad that nothing has changed. He didn't even get the Febreeze he requested. He says they are screwing with them now.


    5:37 PM BBT The house guests are in the button room counting down to the next day down since they pushed the button. When they get back in the room, the screen flashed blank and then came back. And Caleb and Cody start humming and we immediately go back to fish.


    5:40 PM BBT Feeds come back for about 10 seconds and then immediately cut as they are still singing.


    5:44 PM BBT They come back and they are playing a game similar to the Big Booty game from S13. They are playing a game called Zoomy Zommay. The guests clap and say, "Zoomy Zoomay, Zoomy Zoomy" and they call out numbers, the first person to forget their number and keep it going loses. Feeds cut again. When they come back Cody suggest they play a drinking game. Frankie says they can do a Kabbalah blessing ceremony.


    5:46 PM BBT Frankie tells the boys he has high hopes for them and their social media futures. He says he'll help them all set up their Vine, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube acounts. He says he only has 200,000 subscribers and you need 1,000,000 to make any money. He says it's a hard life and is complicated. It's a great platform, but unless you do the correct thing with it, it could be pointless. He says it's the same way with Big Brother. You could leave the house with no avenue into stardom or making money. He says no one who has a viral video makes money off them, because they are one hit wonders. Big Brother asks Victoria if she washed her hands. The boys yell out at that she's disgusting for doing that. Cody wonders why they call them out like that and Frankie says it's so we don't pass each other diseases in the house.


    5:49 PM BBT Frankie wants to go back to the DR to ask for a netti pot. His nasal passages are jacked up. Cody says that would be so great if they could get one, because his nasals have been messed up all season. Derrick says netti pots are weird. Cody says you have to do it correctly otherwise it could go down your throat. He says his dad uses a netti pot twice a day, and he does it once a day. He says his dad never gets sick, but when Cody does he does it three times a day until he's over it. Cody says he cannot believe that the blue hat is gone. Frankie is back and said the DR would put in a request. He says he needs the netti pot and Cody can use it too. Cody says the water is not clean in the house so they need to put it in the microwave. Frankie says we'll boil it and let it come back to room temperature.

  2. 5:18 PM BBT
    Derrick and Caleb wonder if Jeff was being sincere with the nice things he said about them and their game. Caleb says, "Well we made it farther than him." Derrick says, "But in terms of success? It's hard to top Jeff's success. He went from Chicago to LA and is basically the face of Big Brother outside of Julie Chen." Frankie says, "Jeff is like the cohost of the show." Derrick says, "He'll be around Big Brother for a long time. Jeff has made a name for himself. He's become a staple of the show. He didn't win, but he's sincere. He was straight up. You know where he's at and on top of it, he's a funny guy." Frankie says, "He's charming too." Derrick says, "I remember when he was up in the room when they were crying when Evel Dick left and he just went off on the veterans and knuckle up and win." Derrick says Jeff said, "I'm going down there and acting happy and I don't care." Frankie says Jeff said, "Thank you for letting us use your house." Derrick said, "It was your house first, Jeff." Frankie is blaming the bad smell in the house on Cody. Cody says Frankie's gas is way worse.


    5:25 PM BBT
    Frankie brings up the fact that Caleb sat out a BOB and the whole house turned their backs on him. Caleb says, "It was everyone else in the house who told me to do it!" Cody says, "Woah, pump the brakes there. That is NOT how it happened." Caleb says, "Okay, fine, it was my idea and I did it, but everyone else said that it would be epic." Frankie says, "Don't worry. I'm over it. Why would I still harbor resentment over that? " Cody says that Frankie doesn't seem over it. Frankie says, "I'm more pissed that Caleb thinks because he technically shared a win on Wikipedia, he had anything to do with the win." Caleb says, "I didn't win. How could I? I didn't even play!" Frankie laughs and walks away. Derrick tells Caleb and Frankie about how he got sterry stitches, which doesn't require needles. He has to keep his hand clean for four days.


    5:32 PM BBT Feeds come back after Caleb's singing sends it to fish. They are talking about oreos. Victoria likes the golden ones, Derrick likes the double stuffed, and Frankie likes the traditional.


    5:36 PM BBT
    Derrick, Frankie, and Victoria talk about how disgusting Christine was with the food. She refused to refrigerate food that needed to be and a lot of food spoiled because of her. They said they tried talking to her earlier in the season and she ignored them. Derrick and Frankie are talking about what to do with the small fridge in the house and the bigger on in the storage room.


    5:47 PM BBT
    Caleb says Derrick is sitting the prettiest out of us all, but he can't win against anyone, so no matter what one of us will take him. Cody says, "And yet again he's not going on the block and I'm going up for a second time." Caleb says it doesn't matter who wins, Victoria goes home. Caleb says he hopes Derrick wins HoH next week. Cody just wants to get to final four. If he goes home then because he lost a comp, he's fine. Caleb says as long as he's up against Frankie, he knows Derrick and Cody would save him. Caleb said he'd save Derrick and Cody over Frankie too. They are both athletes and they hate losing to someone like Frankie.


    5:54 PM BBT Caleb is convinced whoever is cut at F3 will win America's Player. He says Donny wasn't a huge gameplayer. He was likeable, but he won't win it. Cody says Donny might win because we targeted him a bunch of times and failed.


    5:59 PM BBT Jeff is back on feeds. Nomination time most likely!

  3. #BB16 8:42PM BBT

    Cody, Frankie, Derrick, and Caleb say they won't tell Victoria she's gone until the day of the eviction. He doesn't wantto hurt her feelings, but she has to go, so they all make F4.

    Caleb says, "We'll just tell her that we've had an alliance since day 2 and she had to go, it's not personal."

    They talk about how awesome it was that four of the original Bomb Squad made it.

    #BB16 8:46 PM BBT

    Caleb tries to convince everyone that they should push the button because it will be something good. For the most part, Frankie is agreeing. Derrick is the only one who saying it's probably going to be something bad unleashed in the house.

    Derrick bashes how smart Christine really was in the house and how offended she got at Derrick earlier today for telling her that there might be new competitions today and Christine bit his head off and told him, "The entire season has been consistent, why would they change it now?"

    #BB16 8:50 PM BBT
    Derrick thinks Christine was just bashing everyone left and right in her DRs and probably bashed Arianna Grande, and Arianna led the charge on social media to go after Christine. Caleb says, “I better not get booed, I’ll cry.” Cody says, “When he leaves he’s going to leave really timidly and see the reaction he gets.”

    #BB16 8:56 PM BBT Caleb, Derrick, and Cody are worried about Frankie winning endurance. Derrick says, "We have to win the next comp first and then take a shot at him." Derrick says even if he wins veto, we send Victoria home. They say Frankie would have to win both Hoh and veto to stay safe for the rest of them and if he doesn't, he goes."


    #BB16 8:58 PM BBT Caleb wonders if they could get Victoria to throw it to them and convince her they are targetting Frankie. Derric says at this point, they could try, but Victoria would probably try to win. THey all say they're going to win regardless and make it to final four and then make their move to get rid of Frankie.

  4. #BB16 8:10 PM BBT
    Extended time with fish on the feeds.

    #BB16 8:28 PM BBT

    Feeds come back and all the houseguests are allowed to go in the new room with the button. They are guessing what happens if they push it. Frankie hopes if he pushes it another homosexual will enter the game. Derrick wants to know if they’re supposed to wait in the room. Fish keep cutting in and out. Caleb thinks it’s like Pandora’s box.

    #BB16 8:31 PM BBT

    Feeds are back again. Frankie plays a prank on the other house guests. When the leave the room, with the button unpushed, he screams as if someone is in the house. Everyone get’s excited and then call Frankie a jerk for doing that.  Cody says, “I’m so proud of us for making it to the final 5, we’ll make it to the final 4 and get Victoria out.” He says that he was open for getting rid of Christine for weeks now and wasn’t as close to her as everyone thought. Frankie said, “That’s understandable, a lot of people thought the same of me and Christine.”  Frankie says, “Justice was done today with her being horribly booed.” Frankie says when Donny and Nicole left they were outrageously cheered and clearly loved. Cody wants to know what Christine was doing to be so hated. Frankie said, “I have no idea, but I Sure am glad she’s gone!”

  5. #BB16 8:04 PM BBT

    Derrick tells Frankie what Christine told him about wanting to be the Britney H. of season just like Britney was to the Brigade. Derrick said Christine said that her fate wouldn’t be like Britney’s. Frankie laughs as says, “So clearly my game was way better than hers!”  Frankie is positive that Christine was talking crap about him and his family in the DR and he’s pissed. He wants to tape his goodbye message to her and say things like, “America is TeamGrande, @#$*!!

    #BB16 8:07 PM BBT

    Derrick goes to the fire room and reads his HoH letter from his daughter and wife. He whispers, “Thank you, Tenley. He puts her baby blanket over his face and cries.

  6. Bb16 7:48 PM BBT
    Frankie tells the house guests if any of the former house guests talk crap about them at the Finale party, just to say, “Yeah, but did you make Top 5? Because I’m sure more than likely the majority of past BB guests didn’t.” Derrick says he’s eating to get ready for the HoH competition.

    #BB16 7:49 PM BBT

    Frankie says he knows for sure Christine was expecting this tonight. Victoria says no way. Caleb and Frankie say, “She was a beast. She knew we’d eventually turn on her.” Frankie says, “She beat me last week in the HoH and if I had been in veto I would’ve crushed her.” Caleb makes fun of Derrick and Cody being bad at the maze veto. Caleb says some people are good at mazes and can see the solution without even trying. Frankie says, “I’m like that. I can solve any puzzle.” Frankie says, “Christine would have been so mean if she had won it.” He says, “That puts so much perspective on the season.” Cody says, “Yeah, I’m super excited to find out about it.” Caleb says, “Cody don’t worry, you’re fine.” Caleb makes fun of Christine’s speech about how she loved Tim. He says, “Well you should have been thinking about him earlier in the season, sweetcheeks!” Caleb, Frankie, and Victoria say they feel bad for Tim. They wonder if they’ll show the HoH comp on TVGN? They say probably not. They are waiting for Derrick to get out of the DR, because he’s hosting the next competition like they did last Double Eviction.


    #BB16 7:56 PM BBT

    Frankie says, “Christine hates us. I don’t even get it. We were all really nice to her.” Cody says, “Oh my God, there are only five keys left!” Victoria says, “They probably locked the storage room to remove Christine’s stuff for her.” Frankie tells Cody he’s so happy who has made it to Final 5. They hug. Cody says he thought he’d get evicted tonight. Frankie says, “I didn’t think I’d get this far.” Caleb says, “I didn’t know. I thought I’d might be gone. Caleb says if it was gone, I’d be gone. Normally, key players like us are gone in the first 5 weeks. The BOB has saved the strong players this week.” Cody and Frankie agree. Cody says last year the house guests were so hated at this point. Frankie says, “They should have sucked less. The only player who was good was Helen.” Derrick comes out and they ask when he’s hosting. He said I haven’t been told anything. They think the veto competition will be hosted by a celebrity. Derrick says, “We made it through two double evictions!” Caleb whispers to them, “And once again we control who goes home!”

    #BB16 8:01 PM BBT

    Frankie says, “I guarantee if Christine wasn’t on the block and last week and had won that veto, she would’ve saved Nicole. Cody says, “Are you serious? She told you that?” Derrick and Frankie say, “There is no way Christine was being loyal to us.” Frankie says he is mad that he said he sadly voted to evict Christine. Cody says “I said I voted to evict Victoria. I don’t know why they said 3-0.” Victoria giggles as Frankie says, “Be careful, she’s standing right here.” Cody says it was so awkward when Julie announced the 3-0 vote. No one attempted to hug Christine and it was so weird. Derrick says, “Did she expect us to save her?” Cody says, “Christine told me last night that the boys were going to evict her in the double eviction.” Derrick says, “Are you serious?” We cut to fish.

  7. #BB16 7:04 PM BBT

    Feeds are back, Frankie and Derrick can’t believe how hated Christine was. Frankie says it was unbelievable. Derrick says Christine must be making fun of everyone. Derrick says Christine used to make fun of Jocasta and hated her and said horrible stuff about people. Frankie says Christine was evil. Derrick says Christine has admitted that people in real life don’t like her and think she’s evil. Frankie says that when Christine started acting nice it wasn’t the real her. The rude and mean Christine is the real one. Frankie and Caleb are positive that Christine said horrible things about them in the DR. Frankie is worried that Christine said bad things about his sister in the DR.

    #BB16 7:08 PM BBT

    Derrick tells Caleb he better think twice before pushing the button, because if he does and unleashes something terrible on the house, his game could be ruined. Derrick says, “How much do you value your game?” Caleb is trying to say it’s like Pandora’s box. Derrick says no way, “Pandora’s box does not happen two weeks before the show is over.”


    #BB16 7:09 PM BBT

    Victoria says she’s going to pack Christine’s stuff her for and asks Frankie if everything of hers was in the same room. Frankie says he’ll help later. Derrick says he’s in shock about how hated Christine was. Derrick says she wasn’t racist or a bigot, so what did she do?  Frankie says, honestly, the things she said to him in mocking about other people, were terrible. He’s not shocked at all that America hates her. She said the last two days, especially last night, she has said horrible things about Nicole. Nicole told Frankie the things Christine said to her and Frankie believes Nicole about that. Caleb says Christine said awful things about the live feeders and they were bad. Frankie says we absolutely made the correct decision in who we evicted. 


    #BB16 7:12 PM BBT

    Derrick wonders if he heard cheers when he won the HoH. Frankie said he’s not sure, but he knows he heard the gasp when he won veto. Caleb says they cheer for anyone who wins hoh. Derrick says, “After what we saw tonight, no.” Frankie is telling Caleb to push the button. Derrick says he will not push the button, because he thinks it will ruin the game. Frankie says America wants us to push the button. Derrick says, “Screw it. I’ll push the button.” Frankie says, what if we push the button and Donny comes back in?” Derrick says we should eat before the next comp.


    #BB16 7:15 PM BBT

    Caleb is telling them about his mess up in the DR when he was live voting for Christine. Victoria sys we have stayed in for 11 weeks. Derrick says what if anyone who voted to evict Donny gets booed? Frankie says, “Shut up. That’s not the reason Christine was booed.”  Frankie wonders if his sister was in the audience. (She was singing the National Anthem at the NFL kickoff tonight). Derrick says he’s happy that there are no have nots this week. They said they heard more boos than claps for Christine and even Aaryn got more claps than boos. Derrick said obviously she was the most hated house guest ever, and must have said some really awful things. Frankie wonders if she was completely lying about everything in the house. Caleb said the way she left was terrible and that didn’t help her at all in their eyes.  Cody is telling them that Julie called him adorable in his costume. Frankie says, “Julie is feisty.” Derrick said he wanted a Rascal Flatts cd for his HoH. Caleb says he won’t get the music since he won a short one. Frankie begs Victoria to request his sister’s new cd if she ever wins HoH.

    #BB16 7:20 PM BBT Cody said he still doesn’t get it. Frankie finally says, “I’ll be honest with you, if you’d like.” Cody says, “Please.” Frankie says, “America hated her because of your very inappropriate relationship. It was not okay for her as a married person. He says no one faults you, but she didn’t view you as a friend, she viewed you as someone she was in love with.” Cody isn’t buying it. Caleb and Frankie said, “Trust us, she likes you way more than was appropriate for being a married person.” Cody is defending himself and they say, “Cody, we don’t view you negatively, you are single and she  is married. She liked you way more than you liked her.” Derrick says that the Zingbot thing didn’t help the view. Caleb says, “I’m with Frankie, she would not leave you alone and definitely like you as a more than a friend. She’s married, but you liked her as a friend.” Caleb says “You treated all the girls the same, but Christine bought into it more than any of the other girls.” Frankie says, “It doesn’t reflect on you.” They encourage him to go the DR to get answers. Frankie said, “It was the way she looked at you that the world thought was wrong, not the way you looked at her.” They tell him to stop worry about getting booed. Cody says he was just stunned to hear the boos and didn’t even know they could boo until last season. Derrick says honestly it was probably a combination of a bunch of things that made people dislike her. He says if people bash everyone in the DR, you don’t leave with many friends. He says if you boo everyone you’re gonna get booed. Derrick says Nicole told him what Christine said to her and they were some awful things in the DR. Derrick says when you go out and don’t get booed, it wasn’t about her talking to you, it was more than that. Derrick says, “I don’t like you, that’s just a personal opinion. I’m not a fan.” Frankie says, “I love you. I love you so much.”


    #BB16 7: 27Derrick says out of 11 people she’s the first to get booed. Frankie tries to cheer Cody up. He says, “You’re charming, talented, sexy, and funny. You can’t help it that America loves you. He offers to have sex with him if he wants.” Cody leaves and Derrick, Caleb, and Frankie talk about it. Derrick does agree with Caleb and Frankie that Christine definitely likes Cody way more than he likes her. Frankie says that Christine was saying awful things to him at the end of the week and was so happy when she left so unclassy. Derrick said he actually felt bad until she left that way. Frankie is so happy they made Final 5 out of 16 people. Frankie is making food for the final 5 celebration.

    #BB16 7:29 PM BBT

    #BB16 7:30 PM BBT Frankie says honestly he was just worried about Nicole and Christine being in the house together. Derrick says, “Nicole honestly played a way better game than Christine.” Frankie says Nicole’s message was clearly about voting Christine out and that she’s going to be ecstatic when Christine walks in the house.  They say if they had taped goodbye messages they would have made Christine’s a lot meaner. They talk about how Christine hated everyone. Caleb says “I don’t hate anyone. I dislike people, but I don’t hate anyone.” Frankie says for awhile, they were together early and were really close. They ask Victoria how it feels to be the final girl.

    #BB16 7:34 PM BBT

    Caleb and Frankie are trash talking about the next hoh and the pov competition. Caleb says, “The thing is I’m going to smoke you. Wake me up when you’re done and then I’ll win it.” Derrick says he hopes it’s the wall comp. Cody comes back into the kitchen and Frankie is saying he knows how the world thinks and they hate Christine and not Cody.


    #BB16 7:39 PM BBT
    Frankie says his outfit leaves little to the imagination and he was featured on live television since he won veto. He’s not worried though. Frankie says he told everyone he’d win any puzzle or maze vetos. He says there will be no more mazes, but puzzles probably.

    #BB16 7:41 PM BBT

    Frankie is saying again how the audience gasped when he won because he crushed the competition and he had 10 seconds of awkward silence. He says he smoked Christine.


    #BB16 7:44 PM BBT
    Frankie still can’t believe how brutal the audience was to Christine. He can’t believe that Devin didn’t get booed, but Christine got the whole crowd booing her. Caleb tells Derrick he is not losing the endurance POV. Derrick says he better win. Frankie tells Cody he expects Cody to win the F4 hoh to make sure they all make it.

  8.  4:01 PM BBT
    Cody and Derrick head back outside. Victoria tells Derrick she did his laundry for him and folded it. He says she's the best. Nicole is still in the HN room taking a nap.


    4:09 PM BBT In an exciting turn of events, Nicole wakes up from her nap because Derrick get's a holla. Cody gets called out for not having a mic on and then he asks how Nicole slept. Nicole and Cody go outside, Nicole with her mushrooms and Cody in his dino suit. Everyone sits in awkward silence, until Frankie complains about how sore he still is. Christine says she's actually starting to feel good again. Frankie makes a comment about the pestilence in the house has changed from ants to flies. Christine says in the west they have flying red ants and they cover everything.


    4:11 PM BBT Cody has his swim trunks on now and gets in the pool. Christine and Cody are quick to follow him to the pool. Cody gets out because it's too cold in the pool. He heads over to the hot tub instead.


    4:17 PM BBT

    Derrick is laying on the backyard couches while telling Victoria he has knots in his legs. She starts caressing his upper thighs while she searches for them. Cody, Derrick, and Frankie are hanging out by the hot tub. Frankie, Caleb, Cody, and Christine are being called to the DR to retape their DRs. Cody says he's being called back to retape his Drs from before veto was even played.


    4:21 PM BBT Caleb sits in one of lawnchairs by the hot tub and says he should have told Victoria at the renom ceremony " You have curves that make Algebra hard to pass." Cody and Frankie are confused. Caleb says, "Oh wait, it's the one with curves." He finally realizes it was, "You have curves that make geometry hard to pass." Cody and Frankie say that his original line to Victoria was a JLO reference and it was funny.


    4:27 PM BBT Christine is back from her DR session. She asks Derrick how he can wear sweatshirts and sweatpants all day outside. He says he doesn't know but he's comfortable in them. Cody announces that he's done cleaning the hot tub. He shows Christine all the dirt he got out of it and she is disgusted by it. Cody and Christine talk about Nicole's speech at the veto ceremony and it was really good. Cody said he was concerned for about a minute that Christine might actually use it on Nicole and not herself. Caleb comes back out with food and tells Cody he didn't do a good job cleaning. Cody says the thing you're pointing to is rust, Caleb. Cody wants to get out of the hot tub, but he doesn't want to put his costume back on, so he's standing in the water. He finally gets out. Derrick gets called to the DR and he gets annoyed. Christine told him they are taping their goodbyes right now.




    4:33 PM BBT Cody and Caleb are fake fighting over Cody's dinosaur costume. Cody tells Caleb his name is Dino (pronounced Deeno) the Dinosaur. Caleb calls him a creep. Cody tells him not to come at him like that. He says if he was in an alligator costume he'd make everyone call him Al the Alligator. Caleb asks Cody if he's going to make the people who do the backyard interviews call him that. Feeds go to fish since they are talking about production. Feeds come back and Caleb tells Cody they are going to be remembered for sure when the season is over. Christine agrees and thinks their season will be on the best.


    4:41 PM BBT Victoria and Nicole are talking about hiding hummus for her to eat later. Caleb is at the kitchen counter listening to their conversation. Frankie comes downstairs from the HoH shower and is getting changed.


     4:49 PM BBT Christine is in the hammock by herself picking her feet. Nicole and Victoria are sitting at the kitchen counter. Nicole is hoping for the DE so bad on Thursday. All she wants is someone following her out the door. Nicole said she doesn't even know if it's coming, but Derrick seems to think so. Victoria says Caleb effed them over by not nominating Caleb. Victoria asks Derrick why he didn't get in the pool. Derrick says he can't find his swim trunks. Victoria laughs and says she hid them and Derrick says he believes her.


    4:54 PM BBT Nicole tells Victoria that Christine and Frankie are so happy she's leaving this week. Nicole said she'll be so mad if America thinks any of them are nice people, especially Frankie. Victoria says that she feels the same way about Christine and how fake she is. They both agree that Frankie is super paranoid all the time. Nicole says I wish you weren't on the block next to me. Victoria says she knows.


     4:56 PM BBT Victoria and Nicole say that Caleb's speech was weird and didn't make any sense whatsoever. Nicole said Caleb's speech was rude and Caleb never practices and just said stuff to say it. Victoria said he must have had nothing to say and that was the only thing he could think of. Nicole said that basically whoever went up was the person who got ready, which was Victoria and that Nicole was the target and it didn't matter who he nominated. Nicole says you get rid of people who aren't going to better your game. She says he did an idiotic move and didn't man up, but he'll realize when he watches the show just how dumb he really was.

  9. 5:05 PM BBT
    Feeds are back, they are cutting in and out. Christine has won POV!


    5:13 PM BBT

    It was a muddy pov, so most houseguests are taking showers and getting rid of the mud. Derrick tells Victoria that Nicole gave Donny a shoutout during the comp. Derrick tells Victoria it doesn't matter who the replacement nom is because Nicole is going home. He tells her anything is possible but Caleb isn't putting Frankie up, and he doubts it will be him. Victoria wonders if it could be Cody. Victoria tells Derrick she has been trying to talk to him the past few days but he's always with Cody. Derrick says we'll have time to talk in the next few days. She rolls her eyes and gets into bed. Derrick and Victoria are now changing after their showers under the covers.


    5:20 PM BBT

    Victoria tells Derrick they absolutely have to talk tonight in the house. Derrick says "Absolutely." Christine and Cody are super excited that Christine won. They are talking about how it was physical and also a mental puzzle at the same time. Nicole says she's glad to know that Christine could have gone on for a lot longer, because Nicole was ready to be done. Caleb and Frankie are talking about how they are glad for the win. Caleb says he's ready to get wasted tonight and relax. Frankie says he can barely move and he's going to just lay on the couch in the HoH room. Frankie asks Caleb who he is going to put up. Caleb and Frankie laugh, because they are putting up Victoria. They say she has no chance of winning at the double eviction so she's following her friend Nicole out of the house. They will for sure be the final 5 and their alliance makes it to the end. Frankie says we should throw the POV to Christine in the double eviction so we can send her out and the boys will be F4. Caleb says I'm scared for her to win, because she'll turn on us.


    5:27 PM BBT

    Frankie is trying to tell Caleb that Cody and Derrick may turn on them before final four and it may be in their best interest to strike first. Caleb says we don't know what anyone is going to do, but we need to get rid of Nicole, Victoria, and Christine in that order. Derrick comes in and the talk ends. Frankie asks Derrick if Nicole thinks she has a chance, Derrick says no, Nicole knows she's done. He says Victoria has already cornered him about going up but he blew her off until later. Frankie says Derrick did a good job. Derrick says he was one combination off, but he wasn't going to beat Christine. Christine was a genius in that game.


    5:27 PM BBT

    Frankie is trying to tell Caleb that Cody and Derrick may turn on them before final four and it may be in their best interest to strike first. Caleb says we don't know what anyone is going to do, but we need to get rid of Nicole, Victoria, and Christine in that order. Derrick comes in and the talk ends. Frankie asks Derrick if Nicole thinks she has a chance, Derrick says no, Nicole knows she's done. He says Victoria has already cornered him about going up but he blew her off until later. Frankie says Derrick did a good job. Derrick says he was one combination off, but he wasn't going to beat Christine. Christine was a genius in that game.


    5:3O PM BBT

    Frankie says that Cody and Christine are making out. The camera pans to them and Cody has his nose in the side of her neck. She is giggling. Cody is talking about how bad he was at the game.


    5:33 PM BBT

    Frankie tells Caleb and Derrick he made all the mushrooms they had yesterday for dinner. Derrick says he's fine with it and wants to eat something else tonight. They say tomorrow they want to do something fun in the house. Derrick says we have to have studying sessions. Caleb said they did what they had to do. Frankie is asking questions to Derrick and Caleb that involve before and after questions.


    5:38 PM BBT

    Cody called to the DR to get his dinosaur costume. He got it for going out first. Derrick and Frankie are talking. Derrick says that the DR told him Team America is not done. Frankie and Derrick are mad that they have to keep going, because they know America hates them now and will just give them impossible missions to eff with them. Derrick says we already lost 15k on those missions. Derrick says those TA missions were guaranteed money, but they lost it. Frankie blames their failed missions on Donny. He's 100% the reason that they lost. Derrick doesn't understand why Donny's fans would cost Donny 5k. He says they probably didn't like it. He admits it wasn't that great and Caleb wasn't in it at all. Derrick says he's not the best actor. Frankie says he wants to see the edit of the episode to see if it came across bad. Frankie says he thought it was over the top demoralizing the way Julie said "OVERWHELMINGLY no." Derrick said his heart broke a little. Derrick says they are going to get a new mission in the next few days. Derrick says when Cody and Caleb left the POV game, he was so worried Nicole would win. They are glad Christine took it.


     5:44 PM BBT

    Frankie says America is just out to get them now. He wants to know how voting is done. Is it online or texting? He said maybe it's only the feedsters doing the voting. Derrick says he just wants to get the missions done. He's not super confident about the ones coming up, because he feels like CBS might have taken more money from them for some of the missions. Frankie says it's upsetting because we had no critieria. Derrick says "They clearly wanted the Donny thing." Frankie agrees. Frankie asks Derrick to use the remote so they can see when Cody is out of DR. Frankie would love to hide their alcohol tonight and just pour it down the drain. Derrick says, Who would we blame it on, Victoria? Derrick says he already took a penalty to get more money, but he does need it. Frankie says, "I just want to leave with 25k, because that's how much one school costs." Derrick and Zach say they can hang out and no one thinks anything, but when they hung out with Donny, everyone freaked out. Derrick says the few times he talked to Donny one on one early on, everyone assumed Derrick was pushing Donny to do stuff. Cody is out in a full fledged dinosaur outfit. Everyone loves it. Nicole says he looks super cute. Cody hates it, because if he lifts his arms it rides up his crotch. Frankie says his costume has a super small tail. Cody says, "I don't want to have a small tail." They talk about how Enzo from S12, had to wear a penguin suit.


    5:52 PM BBT

    Caleb is making weird beast noises. Cody wants to know if that's what a dinosaur sounds like. Caleb says that's what a wild cat sounds like. Caleb looks at Victoria's play-doh creations. He is impressed. He tells Victoria she's really good at it. He asks if she went to art school for college. She says no, but one of her good friends she's known since she was 12, taught her how to make sculptures. Christine and Cody are goofing around and talking about the POV. Cody says that DR told him he has to sleep in his costume. He can only have it off when showering. Christine and Derrick tell him that can't be right because both times Nicole had an outfit, she got to take hers off to sleep.

  10. 8:13 PM BBT
    Nicole wakes up in the Have Not room and comments about how sore she is. She goes to storage room and grabs a bag of rice and some mushrooms. Frankie ignores her as she gets things around to make her food. Christine tells Frankie a story about growing up with her brothers. Frankie wants to know where Caleb is and Christine says she doesn't know. They start talking about their favorite movies. Cody wakes up and joins them in the kitchen. Frankie says he's so happy Cody is up because he made tuna fish, pasta with mushrooms and garlic. Cody lays his head on the kitchen counter. Cody says he's going to eat and then go back to bed.


    8:19 PM BBT

    The voice says, "Holla at your bad self, Derrick." Frankie repeats it. Christine is singing "Closing Time" and then she and Frankie start singing The Golden Girls theme. Frankie offers to fry up some mushrooms with garlic and basil for Nicole. Frankie says again he's so glad that they all woke up at the same time so they can hang out. He's waiting for Caleb to get out of the DR, so he can cook for him too.


    8:22 PM BBT
    Frankie offers Caleb some of his pasta as Sid the Sloth. Derrick is also in the kitchen. Frankie offers to fry mushrooms for him. Derrick says sure. Frankie is telling Derrick what he's making him. Derrick says he can't take Frankie seriously when he talks like that. Derrick asks Nicole if she plans on eating the Head cheese. She says no, so he says he's going to throw away the Head Cheese. Christine asks him why he would do that and he asks her, "Would you eat that?" She says, "I ate blood sausage." Derrick says blood sausage is very different than head cheese. Caleb says are you throwing away all 114 packages you got?


    8:31 PM BBT


    The houseguests are involved in general chit chat about food and cooking as Frankie and Cody continue to make food. Nicole is asking Victoria how to make slop the way she makes it. Caleb is trying to give Nicole pointers but she's ignoring him.


    8:34 PM BBT Derrick is frustrated because his slop is liquidy and gross. Victoria tells him he needs more protein powder to thicken it up. Cody tells Derrick he used way too much milk, which is why it's so runny. Derrick tells Cody he barely used any milk. Victoria yells up at Caleb to throw her down a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. Caleb comes out of the HoH and asks Victoria what she said. Christine makes fun of Derrick for mispronouncing the word. Derrick says he still calls a hose a "bubbler". Cody makes fun of Derrick for being weird. Caleb says Victoria is a butter fingers because she couldn't catch the candy he threw at her.


    8:37 PM BBT
    Cody and Caleb are up in HoH room. Cody says he passed out in the Rock Room as soon as he left the HoH room earlier. Cody says all he wants is to have a great night's sleep for once in the house. Caleb complains about his knee, he says he knows what kind of physical therapy to do on it, because he knows all about muscles and joints and how to rehabilitate it.


    8:39 PM BBT
    Caleb says he hopes they do DRs tonight. Cody says isn't that what they've been doing? I thought it was DR sessions so we could all go to bed. Caleb says that he and Victoria went to DR to meet with the doctor. Cody says that makes more sense, since Christine just got called in and she had been asking for medication.


    8:42 PM BBT
    Caleb says he thinks they've had some of the hardest competitions of any season. He says they had to skate on soap for two and a half hours, uphill with a scoop that barely held water. He says the slush had to have been a strategy. Caleb says he didn't know he was allowed to grab the slush, so he didn't. He said if he had known that, the comp would have been over way sooner. Cody says did your container have a ton of slush like Christine's? Cause her tub was halfway full of the slush. We keep getting fish as they are discussing production. Cody asks if production is calling them out. Caleb says, "It could be us, but it might be someone else."


    8:45 PM BBT
    Caleb tells Cody it can't be the 29th, because the 1st is Monday. The voice says, "Derrick, open that mouth let me hear a holla." Cody and Caleb start laughing. They think the hollas are "mad funny." Caleb thinks there are 24 days left. Caleb says his brother wrote his HoH letter after the season had started because he called him Beast Mode Cowboy. Caleb says he didn't get a letter in his first HoH, but then got one from his mom and then one from his brother, Blake.


    8:48 PM BBT
    Caleb says he hopes for a Pandora's Box. Cody says he does too. He just wants to see how it works. Caleb says knowning his luck, America's Favorite Player will be gone for the season and all the houseguests will get 5k and he'll be stuck with Andy for an hour in the room. Cody says that happened in S14 with Ian. He got stuck with Rachel talking about herself while all the house guests got a message from home. Cody says he's so glad they got messages from home. Caleb says even Donny, who was going home, got one. Cody says it was nice for Donny to get to see how much his family and town is proud of him. He says he cannot wait to find out who Donny really is outside of the house. Caleb says it would have been more sick for the message to have been live like Skype. Caleb says that wouldn't happen though because of the risk of people spilling game secrets.


    8:52 PM BBT
    Cody tells Caleb that Christine is super down in the dumps because she got nominated. Cody told her to pick it up because they all want her to stay. Caleb says next week's hoh is so important. Cody agrees. Cody tells Caleb that he thought he wouldn't put Nicole on as have not again, because Frankie is ruthless and would kill someone before admitting defeat, but Caleb and Cody both feel bad when they have to do that to house guests. They both agree that Nicole cannot win this week's pov, so that they don't have to go to plan B. Caleb says that with his brain power and Derrick, Frankie, and Cody they would crush Nicole at any brain competition. Cody and Caleb start studying nominations and before and after scenarios.


    8:55 PM BBT
    Caleb suddenly perks up and says, "I don't think Derrick has ever been on the block, has he?" Cody laughs and says, "Nope." Caleb says, "Dang. He's good, because the rest of us have." They watch the hoh cameras and say that Christine is coming to the room and she always does whenever anyone talks longer than ten minutes anywhere. Caleb says, "I've been on the block a few times myself." Cody says, "Yeah you have."


    8:57 PM BBT
    Caleb realizes that Donny, Nicole, and Derrick all nominated him. Cody says, "Derrick nominated you because you volunteered!" Cody says, when Nicole nominated you it was more of a we don't trust Zach thing. Cody and Caleb says they both want to make F2. Cody says the videos made it seem so real that we are so close. He wants to make his family proud and they'll be devastated if they go out this close to the end. He knows his dad will think he's an idiot if he loses now. Caleb says his brother told him he's either getting 500k or new friends, but he has plenty of friends, so come home with the money.

  11. 7:07 PM BBT

    Christine and Derrick are sitting in the bathroom talking about their past competitions. Derrick says he didn't get picked for a lot of pov competitions.Derrick and Christine both hope he gets picked for this POV.


    7:11 PM BBT Christine and Derrick think Nicole would pick Cody for player's choice if she gets it tomorrow. Christine and Derrick say it's going to be a long week until Thursday. Derrick says the comps go way too quick for the amount of time they are trapped inside.


    7:14 PM BBT
    Christine and Derrick are talking about past houseguests and what they are saying about them. Christine doesn't even want to think about it. She then says she wonders what Andy thinks of her game. Derrick shouts out to Andy and asks for tweets from him about their game. Christine really wants to see all of the tweets and comments about their games. Derrick says he only used twitter for former HGs and fantasy football. Derrick said he had 21 followers when he left. Christine says she used to get in twitter fights and has fun with it. She thinks it's hilarious when people get mad. Christine says she doesn't understand why people attack her on twitter. They both say Frankie has to deal with a lot more hate than they do. Christine says she's expecting the haters to come out when she gets home.


    7:18 PM BBT
    Christine is worried about her audition tape getting out, because it's weird. She's pretty sure that her friend didn't make it private and she's worried about her former coworkers at Starbucks seeing it. Derrick and Christine talk about the numbers and talk about turning on their alliance after the final five is solidified.


    7:26 PM BBT
    Derrick tells Christine not to feel sorry for him about being HN. Derrick says he hates it, but it's easier this week since it's the last HN week and he got the 5K and will accept being a have not. Derrick says he'd rather have it the way Caleb had it with the freaking veto. Derrick says he loves mushrooms, though, so he'll be fine. Derrick is telling Christine how amazing it is that his daughter is saying words now and is way more articulate than when he left. Derrick hopes that his wife sent all of the videos of his daughter to his Iphone, so he can download them and watch all the videos on his six hour flight home.


    7:35 PM BBT
    Christine wonders where Tim watches the show. Christine tells Derrick about Tim and how much he loves the taste of beer. Derrick says he will not drink beer with food. Derrick says guys tend to love beer with food. Christine says Tim will even pair beers with the food he's having. Christine asks Derrick when he and Jenna will have another kid. Derrick says it really depends on finances. Derrick says probably the next year or so, barring any setbacks. Derrick says he for sure wants two kids and doesn't want to wait too long for another kid.


    7:39 PM BBT
    Frankie is hobbling around the kitchen. He is preparing to make food for Victoria and himself. Derrick and Christine talk about how the only people who understand how that hard is are people who have actually lived in the house. Christine says it's one of the hardest things she's ever done. Christine still can't believe she's in the house. Derrick says he can't believe it either.


    7:45 PM BBT
    Christine is complaining about how much pain she is in from that comp. She is bashing Spencer from last year and Danielle from the year before. She said Spencer was so boring she couldn't stand him. She said Danielle won more comps than Ian did, but she was Dan's minion and had no chance. She then said Gina Marie's final 2 speech last year was so stupid. Frankie comes in and tells Derrick he's sauteing mushrooms in butter and garlic. Derrick says to tell him when it's ready because it sounds good. Christine says being a have not sucks. She had migraines for days when she was a have not.


    7:48 PM BBT
    Victoria comes in and tells Derrick and Christine that the doctor told her not to walk today because of the shape of her feet. Christine asks her why in the world she's still walking on it if she's not supposed to. Victoria says she can't just sit around all day. Christine says to be careful because her feet won't heal and she'll have issues with the rest of the comps. Derrick is bored. He said he wants to find something to do. He went around today and found all the dirty dishes and washed them. Victoria tells him he should massage her feet. Christine laughs and says that is the perfect idea. Derrick asks Victoria if she's making him a have not meal. A holla comes on the feeds. Derrick says the hollas only air in the room he's in, since it's a penalty only for him. Derrick says that during waking hours it airs throughout the house. The voice comes back and says, "Derrick, I said holla." Derrick says "holla" back. He asks for the voice to give him a D Bomb.


    7:54 PM BBT
    Derrick wonders what he could stuff in the mushrooms, because he hates headcheese. He says he likes garlic, but he's not going to use garlic all the time. Victoria said she'll try to think of what else he could stuff in there. Victoria goes to the kitchen. Frankie tells her he's excited for the whole house to sit down and have a nice meal. Victoria makes herself a salad. Christine and Derrick are bashing Nicole in the house for constantly twisting words and trying to pit people against each other. Derrick says last week it worked in Nicole's favor, because Donny was too big of a target, but it won't work this week. Derrick says we'll know how the week will go once the veto is done. He's hoping it's another easy week.


    7:59 PM BBT
    Christine says she's excited because she knows she has made it to at least day 84 if Nicole doesn't win veto. Derrick says they'll both make it day 84. Christine wonders how the jury is doing. Christine knows Hayden will be so pissed at them. Derrick says they can't be too mad because Donny didn't win. They said Donny and Hayden will both hope the next one to jury isn't Nicole. Christine says, "Sorry boys."


    8:02 PM BBT
    Frankie yells out for Christine to eat. Christine says she is so bad at taking care of herself and forgets to eat. Derrick says she's probably not hungry because she has a cough and has a cold. Frankie keeps telling her to just go to the DR and get some cough syrup and ask for benadryl. Christine goes to DR at Frankie's urging.


    8:06 PM BBT
    Christine stops and talks to Frankie and Victoria. She is mad that this year they didn't get a big fridge like past seasons. She says no other house guest has ever had to go to the storage room to get all their food. She doesn't think it's fair. She's also mad they have to literally ring a bell to get their food.

  12. 3:48 PM BBT
    The houseguests are doing the photobooth right now. Caleb shouts out to production and says, "Hey production, Beastmode Cowboy would like to do a DR in case you forgot that I am still here." Cody and Victoria are taking sexy pictures in the photobooth. Christine tells them their pictures are getting too steamy for her.


    3:57 PM BBT

    Nicole asks Cody and Christine if Caleb is cooking because the kitchen smells awful. Nicole goes into kitchen and asks Caleb if he's trying to burn the house down. Caleb shows off his handy work and it is definitely burnt. Frankie is telling Cody, Christine, and Nicole how the play will work and how they will start off the play by doing monologues in the diary room as other people.


    4:08 PM BBT Frankie and Cody are in the backyard running. Nicole and Christine are watching the boys run. Nicole tells Frankie his "sex lines" on his stomach and waist look good. Donny and Victoria join Nicole and Christine on the couches in the backyard. Frankie tells Nicole he's going to have a session with each person once they dress up and feed them some lines to say while in the DR. Derrick is sleeping in the fire room.


    4:10 PM BBT Christine and Victoria are talking about how mad Zach was at Victoria taking the pink hat and how Victoria just smiled at him and egged him on. Victoria laughs as she tells Nicole that Zach told her in the last week how much he hated her and he was being sincere. Victoria says she doesn't get Zach because one minute he was super nice to her and they would have great conversations and then in three hours he would say something awful to her.


    4:14 PM BBT

    Christine says that Zach was a disgusting person and her family hates his guts for screaming in her face and calling her an effing liar. Frankie comes over and asks who they are talking about. Nicole says Zach. Frankie wonders how Zach was portrayed on tv. Nicole says as a villain, but as a viewer she would have loved him. Christine says, I hated Evel Dick and Zach was like him, so I would still hate him as a viewer. Victoria says Zach was so mean to everyone when they were going home and when they were have nots. Nicole said I got him back with that wedgie. Christine says, "Yeah. That was so humiliating for him. He covered his face with his pink hat because he was so embarrassed."


    4:17 PM BBT Cody is swimming in the pool and cooling off after his run. Frankie sees him get in the pool and immediately runs over to join him. He stares at Cody who has water dripping off him as he plays with his hair. Cody asks him if he's going to jump in or keep staring at him. Frankie nods his head and then dives in.


    4:21 PM BBT

    Zach and Frankie take quick showers in the backyard shower. Frankie takes off his shorts and rinses them off and puts them in the dryer for Nicole who will wear them later for when she plays her boyfriend, Hayden. Frankie walks around the backyard in his underwear and starts talking like Frank. He goes up to Nicole and welcomes her back to the house and tells her she's looking good. Nicole and Christine are laughing at Frankie's voice. Cody is laying on one of the chairs and watching the whole thing. Victoria comes out and tells Nicole that she ate an apple for natural sugar. Nicole tells Victoria she should drink grape juice once a day and eat a little bit of peanut butter and she'll be okay with her sugar level.


    4:36 PM BBT Derrick is finally awake. He's been sleeping since 6 a.m. Derrick says he feels much better. Derrick asks Victoria how she's feeling. She says she feels way better. Caleb and Derrick tell her she looks better today. Victoria wonders why they give her the ibuprofen in the bag yesterday instead of the bottle.


     4:45 PM BBT

    Frankie, Cody, Donny, Nicole, and Victoria are in the backyard practicing what they are going to say for everyone in the play.


     4:51 PM BBT

    Nicole is complaining to Christine that BB took more of her clothes this time around and Zach stole one of her sweatshirts and the other one is too big and she has no lounging clothes anymore. Christine says it's weird how BB takes clothes away. Nicole, Frankie, Christine, and Cody are talking about how often Brittany would get in trouble with production for not putting her microphone on. Derrick gets called out again by BB to get a fresh battery and Cody and Nicole can't believe that Derrick still hasn't gotten up. Nicole is trying to do a British accent and Cody is making fun of how awful it is. Nicole keeps trying and Cody and Christine are laughing hysterically at her. Cody is playing Zach and is saying how he's the Saboteur and how much all the houseguests are losers.


    4:57 PM BBT Christine and Cody are talking about how gross Caleb is and saying all the really inappropriate and offensive sexual things he has said in the house. Cody says Caleb pretends to be clean and pure and he's not at all. Cody says the way Caleb has said he's talked to girls he's dating is seriously disturbing. Caleb comes out just then and they pretend they are still talking about the play tonight. Frankie is going over the play again and telling Cody, Caleb, and Donny what they are supposed to do.


    5:01 PM BBT

    Frankie is saying that Brittany's only play this season was to flirt with Cody and Devin. Donny says to talk about how she stole Jocasta's stories. Caleb asks if they are being too mean? Frankie and Donny say they are roasting the houseguests. Donny says, "Caleb is still sitting over here wondering what the heck monologues means and thinks it's the kissing disease." Everyone but Caleb laughs at the joke.


    5:11 PM BBT

    They are still sitting around the backyard bashing Brittany being ridiculous and how she targeted Nicole for not wanting to sleep with Victoria and for taking the POV and how dumb Brittany was. Frankie is coming up with stuff for Nicole to say while in the DR when they do their monologue.


    5:25 PM BBT

    Cody gets called to the DR and tells them he's not feeling it. He'd rather sit outside and do what he wants. Caleb and Christine laughs at him. He gets up and goes to the house. Cody asks Donny how his DR was. Donny says, "IF I told you that, I'd have to kill you." Donny says it's really cool outside and is very pleasant.


     5:38 PM BBT
    Cody and Caleb are playing pool while the rest of the house guests except Derrick are watching the game. Frankie is commenting on how good Cody looks shooting the balls.


    5:47 PM BBT

    Nicole and Christine go into the bathroom to get ready for their DR monologues. Derrick is now outside talking to Caleb and Cody as they continue to play pool.


    5:54 PM BBT

    Nicole decides she's going to run laps in the backyard. She goes outside and Cody asks her what she's up to. She says you inspired me to run after I saw you and Frankie. Donny tells Caleb he better play him well in their play tonight. Caleb says he slept too long and isn't feeling the play. Caleb says he doesn't feel like playing along.

  13. 4:01 PM BBT

    Derrick, Christine, and Frankie are in the kitchen. Donny comes out of the DR and Derrick tells Donny he knows why he was in the DR. They are still making fun of Caleb (who Donny referred to as a modern day Barney Fife), telling Derrick the reason he kept being called to the DR was because he kept messing up. They are talking about what the comp could be, Derrick hopes it’s physical.


    4:06 PM BBT

    Derrick and Frankie are trying to figure out Christine's secret. She says she wants to tell them, but she can't right now. She says she'll reveal it at the end of the show. Frankie thinks she's a ghost writer and is really J.K. Rowling or George R. R. Martin.


    4:08 PM BBT

    Frankie and Derrick talk about their rituals before they performed in a show or a game. Derrick said he always threw up before he had to pitch a game. Frankie says that he will not eat once he gets called into the DR and told they are starting soon.


    4:12 PM BBT

    Christine says she doesn't want to go home because she's so scared. Cody gets called to the DR. Derrick and Christine tell him he messed up too much and needs to fix some things. Caleb says, "Oh for sure, that's why all of you get called in so much." Christine hopes that POV is starting soon.


     4:17 PM BBT

    Derrick is telling Nicole that she reacted the way she did with Victoria because the house has gotten close. Nicole said she views the people in the house like her family members which is why she panicked. Derrick told her that she was able to tell the paramedics what was happening and that she responded properly. Nicole said she cannot believe she opened the door and wouldn't normally do that. Donny and Derrick told her that she saved the day and it was lucky that she was up and in the bathroom when Victoria went in the toilet.



    4:21 PM BBT Jeff Reel is now on feeds. It must be POV time!

  14. 2:58 PM BBT

    Donny and Derrick talk about whether or not Caleb suspected they were talking game and were working together. Donny says that Caleb was just being funny yesterday when he was sneaking around. Derrick says he thinks Caleb is a terrible liar and only came clean because he got caught. They talk about the challenge and say that can't wait until Thursday to find out if they won. Derrick says he hopes BOB is done. He thinks it will come back at some point this season, even though he doesn't want that.



    3:04 PM BBT Donny tells Derrick his parent's anniversary is this month and he always jokes that he doesn't get his parents gifts on their anniversary because they didn't invite him to their wedding. He also tells people his parents got married in August and he was born in November (after a three second pause) 13 years later. Derrick laughs as Donny finishes his story.



    3:06 PM BBT Derrick asks Donny about his jobs. Donny explains that he is considered a state and county employee, because he gets paid by the state, but the county funds all the materials to the school. Donny explains how charter, public, and private schools work in North Carolina. Derrick shifts the conversation to how much houses cost in North Carolina. Donny says a nice house is around $125,000. Derrick cannot believe that houses are that cheap. Donny says the nicest houses in the nicest areas start at $150,000 and they are considered mansions.



    3:09 PM BBT In backyard, Victoria and Christine are in the backyard grilling. Victoria tells Christine she is so grateful they are the two remaining females in the house. She says that she couldn't tolerate a lot of the girls in the house this year. Christine agrees. Victoria tells Christine about the boyfriend she had before she came in the house.


    3:15 PM BBT 
    Donny tells Derrick he hopes he can get his job back when he returns to North Carolina. Derrick tells Donny he doesn't see why Donny wouldn't get it back. He tells Donny If you win the 500k you can take time off and figure it out. Derrick is pissed that the BOB is messing up his game and everyone elses. He wants the single HOH to come back.


    3:18 PM BBT
    Derrick tells Donny he is worried that someone might be coming back and then Big Brother will throw another double eviction at them. He would rather just have a straightforward four weeks of normal big brother.


    3:20 PM BBT

    Derrick and Donny talk about how inappropriate Christine and Cody's relationship is in the house. Donny tells Derrick, that he has nothing to worry about. Donny says from what he has seen Derrick and Victoria's relationship is nowhere near the same level as Christine and Cody's. Donny said he's never seen Derrick play with Victoria's hair or hold her hand as if they were a couple. Derrick says he'd rather be called ugly and anti-social over a cheater.



    3:21 PM BBT
    Victoria asks Christine about how she can get a good husband. Christine says try church, live in a good neighborhood, but it requires time and effort to weed the bad guys out. Victoria says her whole family is very old fashioned and she wants a practicing Jew for a husband.


    3:23 PM BBT Derrick and Donny say that they wish they could participate in one have not or luxury competition this year.


    3:25 PM BBT
    Christine tells Victoria no guy likes it when their significant other makes more money than they do and has to support them financially. She says a lot of Tim's insecurities came from making more money than Tim did. She had to tell him that it was God's plan for them at the moment. Christine says she's worried about cracking under the pressure of the house. She feels herself slipping. She just wants the buyback to happen and to stop worrying, because she's tired of worrying about it and feeling like it's unfair that the people they got out get to have a vacation from the house and come back. She says no matter who comes back she's never voting for them to win the money at the end if they make it their. She says she put in way too much effort to let someone else come back and ruin all her hard work.


    3:27 PM BBT The voice of big brother comes on the intercom. The houseguests are on an outdoor lockdown. Cody who has been napping comes out to the backyard


    3:30 PM BBT
    Christine goes into the kitchen to grab some plates for her and Victoria's dinner that is still being grilled. Caleb and Frankie come outside and lounge on the backyard couches. Frankie goes over to help the girls grill their dinner. Everyone is now outside and the lockdown has begun.


    3:36 PM BBT We keep getting intermittent fish on the feeds as Cody, Donny, Zach, and Caleb talk about the guy that was yelling shout outs last night and how they kept getting locked down inside.


    3:40 PM BBT
    Cody and Frankie prepare to play cornhole and are looking for a lost bean bag. Caleb wonders what they are doing inside the house to make them have a lockdown. After searching for the missing white bean bag, they toss the other on aside and just play with 6 bags instead of 8. Frank is back and is shouting out to Cody, Caleb, and Zach's family. We go back to fish on the feeds.


    3:42 PM BBT Frankie jumps into his British accent and then back to his normal voice. He says it's actually windy today and he's trying to figure out how to throw the beanbag with the wind. Caleb says he plans on winning the next HoH and putting every houseguests instagram name in the blog to help get them followers.


     3:46 PM BBT Frankie says last night when feeds were down due to a lockdown due to shoutouts a police helicopter came really low and gave a shoutout to the houseguests. Caleb says it was cool and he couldn't believe how low the helicopter got to them.


    3:49 PM BBT
    Lockdown is over and Zach immediately goes back inside. Cody says he's following him shortly. Zach is now looking for his pink hat.


    3:51 PM BBT
    Zach sees that they gave them a dartboard. There are instructions on it. Donny waits for the other guests to come in to read them the rules.


    3:52 PM BBT "Houseguests this dart set is yours for the next 24 hours. At the end of the 24 hours you must return the darts to the storage room. Each week you will receive the darts for a new 24 hour period. The dartboard will remain for the rest of the season and must remain on the door." The house guests are excited and decide to start playing.


    3:56 PM BBT
    Zach goes outside to eat in the backyard by himself while the rest of the house is gathered around the dart board set watching Caleb and Frankie throw darts.

  15.  8:33 PM BBT
    Feeds are back. Zach won pov and he is pumped! He says that competition was the most fun one of the season. Derrick tells Donny that he did a good job. Donny walks past carrying some towels and dirty clothes. It was the OTEV competition!


     8:36 PM BBT

    Zach and Cody go into the have not room and Zach celebrates! He cannot believe he won a competition. Cody says, "Dude, you had to win this, that's why you did!" Frankie goes in and tells Zach that he deserved to win the competition. Frankie says he's never seen anything cooler in his entire life. Frankie and Zach say they are going to talk game. Frankie and Zach squabble over who screwed each other over more. Zach says, "You're still my best friend." They decide they have to re-evaluate their game.


     8:40 PM BBT Zach tells Frankie if he was gay, he'd be all over him for real. He tells him he still feels like Frankie was his wife and he cheated on him. He says when I found out you were trying to get me out, I was not cool. Zach tells Frankie that it was his idea to throw the comp so that Frankie would not win. Frankie asked if Zach lied about that and Zach said, "Lying is not my game, Frankie." Frankie says he refuses to take 100% responsibility for everything. Zach says "Fine, but I don't know this game well and I feel like I'm being targetted." Frankie and Zach say they are still good. Frankie says, "I saved everything yesterday by telling everyone." Zach says, "Okay, but you screwed me over raw yesterday, because you were trying to get me out!" Frankie says, "But I saved you!" They are still squabbling in the have not room.


    8:45 PM BBT Cody and Nicole talk in the bathroom about the game. Donny and Cody sit on the living room couches talking about the comp. Meanwhile in the Have Not Room, Zach and Frankie are still arguing over who screwed who over the most. Zach says Frankie ruined his game, but Frankie claims that Zach ruined his own game. Zach says, "How did I ruin my own game?" Frankie says, "By telling me about Los Tres Amigos, you pitted me against them."


    8:49 PM BBT Nicole and Cody are cuddling on the couch. He's rubbing her arm and back. She says she wiped out and Cody started laughing. Caleb asks Cody if he saw his wipeout and Cody says Caleb had a massive wipe out at the beginning of the competition. Cody tells Nicole he thought it was super cute that she grabbed one of Hayden's pieces to give to him when the season is over. Caleb said he got one for Amber as well. Zach and Derrick talk in the bathroom about who they are voting out if Christine puts one of them up. Zach and Derrick think she will put up Victoria. Derrick says Victoria would never vote us out, but in the end, I'll vote for whoever we want to go this week.


    8:54 PM BBT Zach, Cody, Nicole, Victoria, Christine, Caleb, and Donny sit on the living room couches talking about the competition. Zach got injured playing and has the starts of a bruise and scrapes on his leg. The final four in the competition were Derrick, Cody, Caleb, and Zach, according to Caleb. Frankie and Derrick talk about how complicated the OTEV competition is. They say that on tv it seems to go a lot faster than what the competition actually is. The riddles and puzzles they get they actually have three or four minutes to find the pieces before they are called to place them.


     8:58 PM BBT Frankie asks Caleb about throwing the competition yesterday. Caleb says he did not throw it, he wanted to go to the NFL team meet. Zach earlier told Frankie their plan to throw the comp to make Frankie not win. Frankie tells Caleb thanks for telling me and now he doesn't have to struggle with a moral dilemma anymore.

  16. 9:29 PM BBT Cody and Vic in the KT. Cody says if Frankie wins this whole thing is screwed. Vic says “Yeah… then we did this for no reason.” Cody says, “That’s why Zach should have gone up next to him because Zach would have yanked it.” 

    9:30 PM BBT Vic says “The fact that Caleb is watching Frankie win it, I’m not understanding.” Cody looks at the camera and says, “You guys are getting a good one.” Derrick comes and gets them to go outside.


    9:51 PM BBT

    Feeds are back and Zach is pissed at Frankie and Christine. He's yelling at both of them and calling them liars. Frankie asks for a meeting where Zach is not there. Frankie and Caleb won. Frankie is rubbing it in Zach's face. Zach is not happy.


    9:55 PM BBT 

    Zach and Frankie are fighting in the living room. Caleb tries to get them to stop yelling and Frankie tells Zach he should be more grateful because he saved him. Cody, Caleb, and Zach are confronting Frankie about him trying to get Cody backdoored. He says he could apologize, but he did it. He admits to it.


    9:57 PM BBT

    Zach calls Frankie out and says he screwed over Zach, Cody, Derrick, and Caleb by trying to get Christine and Nicole to put them up on the block. Frankie says he never tried to form an alliance with Hayden and Nicole. Zach says Frankie disgusts him and lies to everyone. Cody calls Frankie out and tells him a liar.


    10:01 PM BBT

    Zach is still yelling at Frankie about being a liar and treating him like crap. Derrick tells them to hash it out behind closed doors. Frankie and Zach say what's the point, everyone can hear it anyway. Frankie says he has stuff to tell them. They decided to go to the fire room. Frankie tells them he's been lying the entire time. He says he's a youtube, television, and social media mogul. He makes videos. He walked into the house with 1.5 million dollars. He says he has been hiding that fact from everyone. His sister is a mega popstar and her name is Ariana Grande. Zach doesn't buy it, but Cody and Derrick buy it. Caleb says if they were outside the house he would kick him in the teeth. Frankie says his insane paranoia came to fruition from his grandfather dying and people talking about things he does for a living. Frankie says he started to lose it because of the paranoia. Frankie blames everything on Zach saying that he, Derrick, and Cody have a final 3 and he's on the outside. He second guessed everything they said. He apologizes to Zach for trying to get him out. He says the plan was to go to Hayden to vote out Zach and he wasn't alone in knowing about it.


    10:08 PM BBT Derrick and Cody call Frankie out on telling Zach it was his decision and his plan to keep him. Frankie tell them he's using the money from the show to build schools in Africa. Cody asks Frankie what was up with me going up beside Zach? Frankie tells him it was because they wanted Zach out. Cody says Christine was saying all week that I needed to go home and go up. Frankie says that Hayden and Nicole threw him under the bus and he wasn't involved and got crazy and he assumed that Cody and Derrick would no longer trust him. Frankie says he's consumed by lies and he freaked out and ran to Nicole. He admitted to her that he was working with the other side and would flip to her side if she wanted to. Derrick says why are you telling us this? This is not strategy. Frankie says, "I am saying this because I really am sorry. I was freaked out." He says he never told Nicole the details. Zach said the only thing I get from this is that you want me out and you wanted to work with the other side of the house. Frankie says that's not true. Frankie says there was a time he wanted Zach out, but never wanted Cody up. Frankie says he was scared and was trying to cover his ass to Nicole.


     10:14 PM BBT

    Cody wants to know how involved Christine was and how close Frankie is to her. He wants to know if they are both playing them. Caleb is mad at Frankie for lying to him about yet another thing. Derrick says you're here for the game, I'm not hurt by this, but you live a life and experience things that most of us don't get to. I respect you for being honest.Cody says he doesn't give a crap what Frankie does. He is pissed at the game thing. Derrick says I"m not going to Wicked with you. Frankie is upset. He's trying to smooth bridges and saying that he's still himself, he just omitted some parts of his life. Caleb says, "Dude, are you even gay/?" Frankie says, "I am very gay." Frankie says if this is his downfall, then he'll walk out and go back to his life. He tells Donny and Donny isn't fazed by it. Caleb says as an individual human he thinks that Frankie is an amazing person, but as a game, he doesn't trust him anymore Derrick says, "Why wouldn't you tell us this? This doesn't change anything." Donny sticks up for Frankie.


    10:21 PM BBT Frankie offers to get Zach tickets to Justin Bieber. Cody says he doesn't care. Derrick says he holds no ill will against Frankie. Cody and Derrick say they are concerned about the game and who his real target is. Zach tells Derrick that losing his grandfather, who was really like his father, was the thing that sent him over the edge. He said he is at their mercy and wanted to leave with that stuff off his chest. Frankie says he is not supported by his family or his sister. He got all his money by his own hands. Derrick asked if anyone knew who he really was. Frankie says he thinks Victoria already knows who he is. Derrick and Cody ask who does Frankie want to work with. Frankie says he wants to work with the boys in the room.


     10:28 PM BBT

    Frankie asks Derrick if he should tell the girls about his sister. He says just tell them, because if they find out later, they'll be mad. Derrick says the girls will get a kick out of it. Zach refuses to even look at Frankie as he leaves. Zach tells the guys he is not okay with anything that Frankie has admitted. Donny tries to build Zach up who is bummed about losing.
    Frankie has now called Christine, Nicole, and Victoria to the living room. He tells them the same thing about his lies. Victoria is astounded. Christine says her husband loves Ariana Grande. Nicole can't believe that she's his sister. Nicole is freaking out the most of the girls so far. Frankie says there is a reason he he knows all her choreography. Victoria and Nicole scream about Frankie doing a backstage tour with Justin Bieber. Nicole cannot believe that Frankie is famous.


     10:28 PM BBT

    Frankie asks Derrick if he should tell the girls about his sister. He says just tell them, because if they find out later, they'll be mad. Derrick says the girls will get a kick out of it. Zach refuses to even look at Frankie as he leaves. Zach tells the guys he is not okay with anything that Frankie has admitted. Donny tries to build Zach up who is bummed about losing.
    10:33 pM BBT

    Frankie has now called Christine, Nicole, and Victoria to the living room. He tells them the same thing about his lies. Victoria is astounded. Christine says her husband loves Ariana Grande. Nicole can't believe that she's his sister. Nicole is freaking out the most of the girls so far. Frankie says there is a reason he he knows all her choreography. Victoria and Nicole scream about Frankie doing a backstage tour with Justin Bieber. Nicole cannot believe that Frankie is famous.


    10:35 PM BBT Frankie tells the girls that this is Frankie’s funeral and this is Frankie J. Grande. Vic says, “You’ve met Justin Bieber?” and we get FotH. She says she just talked about him in the DR yesterday and Frankie says he’s sure they were baiting her. Nicole says, “What did you say your last name was?” and he tells her Grande Marchione which is actually true. The girls just can’t get over how famous he is.


    10:36 PM BBT Derrick, Cody, and Caleb are questioning Frankie's reasoning for telling them about his lies. Derrick says Frankie is trying to pull a Dan Gheesling funeral move for next week. Derrick said Frankie only told them that because he has no one on his side. Cody says he has no one in the game, so now he's getting votes by telling the house. Derrick says, "Gamewise, Frankie has admitted to try to pick us off one by one." Cody and Derrick say that if Donny comes off with the veto and puts one of them up, the gloves are off.


    10:37 PM BBT Frankie them he didn't want to make it about Arianna. He's a YouTuber. Everything he does he films. He entered the house with half million Twitter followers. Nicole says now I understand why you were so paranoid. She asks him if he feels so much better. He keeps saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." And he tells them he's a good person. Nicole says, "I know you're a good person."


    10:40 PM BBT Vic says they have the same exact smile, the same exact eyes. Their eyebrows are the same. Christine says, "That's why they only game you kid pictures of her!" Frankie hopes they will play her song PROBLEM tomorrow morning. He says he doesn't want to lie anymore. He says they are financially independent of one another.

    10:41 PM BBT Cody is paranoid that if Christine wants to backdoor Cody, they might have the votes to send him out, since he knows Nicole is still mad and would vote him out as revenge. Derrick says, "There is no way Christine is going to do that because Caleb, Donny, Derrick, and Victoria would vote to keep Cody over Zach. Christine could only put up Cody if she was guaranteed the votes and right now she'd only have Frankie and Nicole. "


     10:42 PM BBT Frankie says he was planning on coming forward all day today. It was stressful for him to hear Caleb talking about 1500 followers all the time. It was also hard to hear Vic talk about an American Idol person that he knows. He just couldn't take the stress anymore. He says now he can say #teamgrande. What he did outside was for his sister Arianna. Christine says that Tim is going to be so excited and Nicole says that America already knows.


    10:43 PM BBT Caleb is pissed because Frankie told him that he was going to win America's Favorite Player and now it makes sense. Derrick says I only have 21 followers. Cody laughs and says, "That's what's up." Cody tells Caleb that Ariana is gorgeous. Derrick tells Caleb and Cody that neither of them have a chance with Ariana. She gets hit on by professional athletes. Caleb says he just wants Frankie to give him a shoutout after the game.



    10:45 PM BBT Christine says that she bets that's why they don't have America's Favorite Player this year because he would be a shoe in. He asks if they hate him or if they would be Frankie-steins. Nicole says that America probably hates her for calling him out yesterday. She hopes people know that it was just game. Nicole says that it shouldn't change the game and she doesn't feel bad about what she says. She says that everything does make more sense now.


     10:47 PM BBT Derrick and Frankie talk about Team America. Derrick says he has an obligation to work with him, because he has to. Frankie says I had to blow it up, I'm sorry. Derrick says I'm not going against America and we'll go to the end together.


    10:47 PM BBT Frankie says that he would rather go home telling the truth letting people know he's playing for charity than a liar. Frankie goes to change his shirt.


    10:48 PM BBT Derrick and Frankie tell Caleb that Nicole lied to him about Amber. Frankie says that is not true and he should not believe Nicole. Caleb says Nicole is obviously lying and playing the game. Caleb says after what you did tonight and fighting by yourself I thought you deserved to be here. Frankie says he is done lying and he's playing a good game from here on out. Frankie says he wants her cd when he wins the next hoh competition


    10:49 PM BBT Christine says that it's weird to know that she will 100% be playing in the veto comp tomorrow. Nicole says, "Wow. He's doing this for charity, we're doing this for our lives." Christine says, "Maybe he can help Tim's music career." Then she says how funny it would be for him to be sitting there listening to Caleb talk about having 1100 followers knowing that he has 10x that many. Nicole says she's just a small town girl with no secrets. Donny says he was Kelly Picklers janitor.


    10:51 PM BBT Frankie and Caleb discuss the BOB competition. Caleb admits to coaching and helping Frankie twice during the competition so that Frankie could win.

    10:51 PM BBT Feeds 3/4 switch to Zach and Cody in the Fire BR. Zach says he thinks everyone is going to suck up to him now. Cody says F' that. Cody says he doesn't care what he's doing with the money. He's playing the game for himself and Zach has to play for himself.

    10:54 PM BBT
    Derrick joins Cody and Zach int he fire room. He says he's getting tired of everyone being starstruck about Frankie and his sister. They tell Zach they need to get Christine to admit that she knew about the Cody/Derrick backdoor plan, because she's gone next week.Victoria joins in and says she's confused about why he's playing. He's playing for charity and she's playing to make her life better.



    10:56 PM BBT Victoria says him telling them was nothing game related. Derrick says it's totally game related, Victoria. Why is it game related? She says, "Because we're kissing ass now." She admits to being a huge fan of hers and Derrick says, "see?"




    10:57 PM BBT Zach is still sitting in the room being mad. Victoria asks him what is wrong. Zach says, "Frankie has screwed my game and was making fun of me behind my game." Zach says that Nicole did not make that stuff up about Frankie, because the stuff she said is true. Zach says he's just going to sit in the chair until Thursday. Zach wants to give up. Derrick is mad and says that there is no way production should've allowed Frankie to play by himself but he's glad that Frankie told about his lies. Zach says if Donny wins, then I'm going home and we lost. Derrick says if it comes to that flip a coin because I don't want to vote out either of you.

  17. 6:38 PM BBT Cody and Frankie talking about how their drinking affected them negatively and how both would get super angry when they got drunk. Cody said he used to flip out and want to fight anyone when he drank. He's grown up and doesn't do that anymore. Frankie says drinking is not good for him.

    6:40 PM BBT Victoria and Derrick are laying in HoH bed. Victoria is complaining about how her parents expect her to be perfect and when she does act her age (Immature) they get angry. Derrick tells her the DR asked about how he felt about Victoria. He says he said he hated her. They instantly get "You're not allowed to talk about your diary room sessions with other houseguests."

    6:42 PM BBT Derrick says Victoria replaced him with Hayden and that's why he's giving her space. Victoria says, "Stop. I just threw up in my mouth a little." He says, "I hope I'm not in jury house with two, because I'll be by myself. You replaced me. My feelings are hurt a little bit. I got kicked out." Victoria says, "Whatever." Derrick says, "I feel neglected." Victoria says,"Yeah, whatever." Victoria says, "Do they want us to win or lose right now?" Derrick says, "Do you mean the houseguests or America? America wants you to lose and me to win, since you replaced me." Victoria says, "I told Hayden we can't be as close as we were, because of Nicole. I can't have her mad at me. She showed me her emotions and she's upset at me and that cannot happen."

    6:46 PM BBT Victoria says, "I'm losing all these competitions because..." Derrick finished, "You're a genius?" Victoria starts laughing. "Does that make me sound stupid?" Derrick said, "You really are a genius aren't you? Are you a scientist?" Victoria said, "My mom and I laid out at the pool before I came and planned out my strategy week by week. My goal is to win and not lose." Derrick says, "Oh, okay." Victoria says, "I haven't spoken to Julie yet in a live show." Derrick says, "I'm really a photographer." Victoria is now mad about her superhero picture, because it makes her look like a stuck up princess. Derrick says, "I wouldn't worry about it. Every year people make stuff up and the show edits people to look like people they really aren't." Derrick says, "I really actually hate you." Victoria says, "Fine, I'm going to go start working with Hayden now." Derrick gasps in shock, "What?" Victoria says, "I'm kidding, Derrick."

    6:50 PM BBT
    Victoria says, "I think America hates me. I"m not entertaining enough." Derrick tells her, "America does not hate you." Victoria says, "Do you think I'm entertaining enough?" Derrick tells her "Yeah." Derrick looks at the clock and tells Victoria that it's 6:50 and they are 10 minutes away from getting unchained from each other. Caleb wakes up and tells Victoria they need to go to DR to find out if they can get away from each other. Derrick goes to backyard and joins the house guests outside.

    6:55 PM BBT Cody and Frankie start heckling the other house guests across the yard. Cody and Frankie start talking about the size of the other player's junk. Frankie says he is so happy Christine won. Frankie says this day was perfect weather wise. Cody says Christine is happy because she hates sunny weather. Caleb and Victoria come outside and say they get to take their chain off in 10 minutes.

    6:58 PM BBT Frankie is bashing Nicole to Christine. Nicole is mad because no one wants to vote Zach out and doesn't understand why. Nicole said getting Zach out is the best move for everyone and apologized for putting up his best friend on the block. Frankie says, "All the boys love Christine and would never target her. We're the bottom of the alliance and save all of our cards and then turn all of them against each other." Christine says," We have to retain information." Frankie says, "Yep, we have to build a file and then destroy them when we're ready."

    7:01 PM BBT Nicole and Cody are talking in the hammock. Nicole says that Christine is being very sketchy and it's making her paranoid. Cody says, "Is Christine using it?" Nicole says, "Nope. She said if I used it, you'd have to put up Derrick or Cody and said absolutely no to Donny." Nicole says, "That alone sketched me out. Cody says, "Not even Frankie?" Nicole says, "Definitely not. Frankie is always coming in my room even when I'm in the bathroom and surprises me. Cody says, "What would Frankie do if he won hoh?" Nicole said, "Honestly, I think they are both targeting you and Derrick. They want to keep Caleb." Nicole says, "Christine thought she was doing better by staying true to Frankie, but she's realizing he's not." Cody says, "Yeah, I picked that up from conversations with her."

    7:04 PM BBT Nicole tells Cody that all the lies this week have come from Frankie and Christine and that she (Christine) straight up lied to Cody's face. Nicole says, "Christine came to me yesterday with a ton of information about Frankie and other people in the house. Donny says Christine asked Cody to be put up." Cody says, "I want to ask Christine this." Nicole said, "Would Donny lie? He never talks game." Cody says, "Donny said to me, I was an easy person to put up since I put him up." Nicole says, "You should talk to Donny, because I believe him." Cody says, "Why is Christine throwing me under the bus? I can't believe it." Nicole says, "She feels threatened, because Frankie has her ear on everything." Cody says, "Christine doesn't want to keep Zach, because she hates him, and then Christine told them they should keep Zach." Cody says, "I told Christine all the shit Zach has said about her since the beginning of the season, and now she's wavering. Frankie and Zach are playing me and Christine against each other."

    7:11 PM BBT Cody says, "I don't understand why Frankie is so threatened by me. Frankie and Zach are playing games with me and they are stupid to think I don't see it or understand that whatever I say to either of them are shared with each other. Nicole said, "Frankie said to me the other day, "Don't you think Cody and Zach are a power couple and are dangerous?" Nicole and Cody think that Christine has switched too suddenly and cannot be trusted. She's clearly regretting aligning with Frankie and realizes it might cost her the game. Nicole says, "Watch what you say to both of them." Cody says, "Trust me, I don't say anything to either of them." Cody says he told Christine, "You are being played by Frankie and he only wants you in his back pocket. You are the third person in the Zach/Frankie alliance." Nicole tells Cody that Christine threatened her and said that if Zach doesn't go home, she's blowing up alliances and turning the house upside down.

    7:16 PM BBT Nicole says, "He is driving me crazy." Cody says, "Frankie?" Nicole says, "Yeah. He is so annoying." Cody says, "I know. Trust me I know." Nicole says, "You have to be careful about how you act toward Frankie and just pretend you're with him. Otherwise, you'll be his target." They talk about how Christine would normally in a heartbeat be up for backdooring Donny, and it's kind of weird that she was so angry about not using the veto today. Donny told Nicole he thought, Nicole, Hayden, Caleb, and Derrick were working together. Nicole tells Cody that Donny told her that he only trusts Cody and Hayden for the guys in the house.

    7:20 PM BBT Cody tells Nicole that Frankie has started campaigning for Zach to stay and Frankie told Nicole that Zach was just mad but not actually going after her. Cody says, "Frankie came up to me and bragged about how stupid Nicole is and thinks he convinced her to keep Zach if it comes to a tie." Nicole says, "Frankie is so fake. I don't trust him at all." Cody says, "Well, apparently I'm his target. I guess I have to win the double eviction." Nicole says, "You better hope he goes, because if he wins he's putting you and Derrick up next to each other." Nicole turns conversation to votes for Thursday. She says, "Cody, Derrick, Donny, Victoria, Hayden, and Jocasta will vote Zach out."

    7:24 PM BBT Nicole says Christine told her that Hayden and Victoria are hooking up. Nicole says, "I know she only said that to make me mad. And then she told me in the same conversation to put you and Derrick up. She's so freaking manipulative." Cody says, "Why does she never mention Frankie in this conversation?" Nicole says, "Why would she tell me she wouldn't use it so that I don't have to put up Cody and Derrick." Nicole said, "You can trust her if you want, but no matter what you say she's reporting it to Frankie." Cody says, "I would trust her if Frankie wasn't in here. But he sways the shit out of her." Nicole says, "That's why Frankie doesn't like me, because he cannot manipulate me." Cody says, "He thought you were so stupid when I told him he had convinced you to keep Zach." Nicole tells Cody that Zach told her his targets are Cody and Derrick and then the floaters. She said the only reason they are saying that is to prove they aren't after her but after big players like Cody and Derrick.

    7:29 PM BBT Nicole tells Cody that she is scared that Cody will turn on her and run back to Christine, but she is so over trusting Christine. She gave her everything this whole season and is in shock how little she cares about Nicole and isn't loyal at all. Hayden joins them. She tells Hayden about Christine telling everyone that Hayden and Cody are Frankie and Zach's targets. Hayden says, "She already told me about Zach, but not Frankie." Hayden and Cody say, "She is definitely going to go report everything we say to Frankie, so just make sure we tell them both the same thing." Derrick joins them. Hayden saiys, "Quick thing. Derrick has to go." Derrick starts laughing. Hayden tells Derrick that Christine has flipped and is telling everyone that Zach has to go. Hayden tells Derrick and Cody that Frankie and Zach have both said their top 2 targets are Cody and Derrick. Derrick says, "He actually said that to you?" Hayden says, "Christine has also said it." They talk about how annoying Frankie is and follows everyone around and watches people's conversations. Nicole says she walked out of the beehive after Christine told her she wasn't using the veto and Frankie straight up asked her what they were talking about.
    Cody says he's confused about why Frankie wants Nicole to keep Zach when Zach said Nicole is his target. Derrick says Frankie/Zach/Christine are clearly lying and that everyone is being listed at the target to make them want to keep Zach.

    7:36 PM BBT Cody and Hayden say they are worried about Frankie having Christine in his back pocket, because she is easily swayed. Cody says, "She's a flip flopper". They all say that Christine is smart, but she agrees to much to everyone and everything. Derrick says he's going to try to get Christine to throw Nicole under the bus by talking smack about her. Nicole says, "Go ahead. She hopes Derrick realizes how shady Christine really is." Victoria and Caleb are being unhooked from each other and the game talk comes to an end.

    7:42 PM BBT Caleb tells Victoria, no offense, but he is so happy to be away from her. He's getting ready for his first solo shower in two days. Victoria is making food. Frankie is making slop for the have nots. Cody and Hayden decided to run to let off steam. Cody calls out Donny for being lazy and said the least he could do was walk some laps with them. Donny is watching Jocasta and Derrick playing pool. Nicole calls Zach cute and innocent and he gets angry. "You don't call a super villain cute and innocent!" Frankie laughs and says, "So basically she pegged you just right." Zach laughs and says, "Yeah. But I'm not cute and innocent." Caleb comes out with a cowboy hat and overalls with no shirt on and one side unhooked.

    7:47 PM BBT
    Zach asks Nicole if he can have the other half of the avocado she got. She says, "Since you're so cute and innocent, absolutely." He says, "I'm not cute and innocent, Nicole!" She laughs and goes over to help Frankie make slop. Zach and Nicole talk about how much they like avocado and how Nicole eats hers with hot sauce and she's weird. Victoria tells Zach where some of his stuff is and he says, "I'd be nowhere without you in this house." Victoria asks Nicole if she can shower in the hoh room and Nicole says, "Sure!" Zach yells out, "Have fun in there!" Caleb comes back in and says, "Metro by day and Beastmode by night! Ain't that right?" He rubs Nicole's back and she smiles and says, "Sure". Nicole says, "What does that even mean?" Caleb says, "I'm basically a G." Nicole says to Zach, "What do you think your parents think that I put you up?" Zach says, "Not gonna lie, they probably like you over me now. My family is indifferent to me now and how I act."

    7:53 PM BBT
    Caleb says he's going to be pissy the rest of the time he's on slop. Frankie says, "If you need to relax or destress just come to me." Caleb says, "I'll take out my stress on your butt." Frankie says, " I was going for that line of thinking. Thank you for just being open and honest about it." Zach is laughing at both of them .Caleb says he is tired of slop already and just wants to eat something. Frankie says, "Well actually semen is high in protein. You could technically eat that." Zach says, "Yeah. That's true." Caleb tells them both they are disgusting. Frankie says, "I know." Caleb says he's going to get ripped after being on slop so much and working out. He says he's going to try for the slop record this year, so he can have a great body at the end.

    7:58 PM BBT Caleb tells Zach he can deal with being a have not, a manure bath, a shaved head, and being hooked up to Victoria, but he would never choose an option that took him out of playing for HoH, because that could be a death sentence. He does say though that if he doesn't win next week, he's going to be pissed he took 2 weeks of extra slop.

  18. 10:37 PM BBT

    Still discussing how each individual houseguest did. They said it was super confusing and hard. Cody said Joey was a Superhero Kangaroo and it was stupid. Christine says her parents are going to be so proud that she won a competition.

    10:42 PM BBT Caleb complains that he has to make slop, because he's hungry. Frankie tells him he's going to make slop pie, but Caleb can make regular slop if he wants some. Derrick says he loves his picture because his daughter was in it. Zach says his said, "Saving little broskis". Cody is super pumped about his Effronater poster.

    10:44 PM BBT
    Zach was throwing pieces and hit a camera and production was livid at him. Zach says he asked them if the camera was okay and they told him they hadn't checked it yet for damage. Derrick tells Zach he's going to get put on a payment plan to pay for it after the show is over.

    10:50 PM BBT Nicole is so upset at herself because she was close to winning and got her own set wrong and feels stupid. Frankie tells Christine he's proud of her for winning.

    10:54 PM BBT Cody and Hayden are complaining about being tired. Zach tells them they are assholes for complaining since they had four hours to sleep in the hoh room. Cody and Hayden said they would have stayed away to talk to Donny, but both are havenots and were taking advantage of sleeping in a comfortable bed until they had to sleep on the ice cubes.

    10:56 PM BBT Derrick tells Cody that because they had the BOB this year, they won't do Have Not Competitions, because that competition would happen when BOB does. Cody says this year is all thrown off because they randomly throw people up as have nots on random days this year, so he never knows when have nots go off slop. He's not looking forward to the coming week.

    10:58 PM BBT Zach and Cody say they hope Zac Effron signs Cody's poster. Cody says, "Hey, Zac does live in LA somewhere!" He tells people watching to get a hold of Zac Effron to do it.

  19. 9:08 PM BBT on BBAD, Cody, Hayden, and Donny, the three players not playing in VETO are on indoor HOH lockdown .Cody and Hayden are sleeping and Donny is eating Wheat Thins. When the feeds come back or the scene changes, we'll let you know.

    9:11 PM BBT Derrick has joined Cody, Hayden, and Donny in the HoH room.

    9:16 PM BBT Donny and Derrick discuss that the competition has now taken three hours. They are talking about Zach . How witty he is and that he's not a dummy. He graduated from the University of Florida and that you have to be pretty smart to get in there.

    9:22 PM BBT
    Hayden is shouting out to his parents and the live feeders. Derrick asks if his parents knew he'd be as 'outgoing' as he is (showing himself). Hayden says that his parents follow him on Instagram and he actually posts pics of himself naked there, but censors himself with HUGE censors.

    9:25 PM BBT

    Cody is asleep in the HOH bed and Hayden is giving him the finger with both hands and dancing around the bed. He's laughing while he's doing it. Now they are all talking about how cold it is in the DR.

    9:34 PM BBT Earlier in the HoH room, Donny and Derrick said that having to wait in the DR or the SR before or after the competition is a form of torture because the DR is freezing. They said Vic would have to put her outfit back on after the comp, too. So, the veto is a timed competition and each guest goes individually.

    9:43 PM BBT
    Donny says on Survivor they usually vote the prettiest girl off. Hayden says that the male viewers probably hate them. They speculate there are probably more female viewers of the show.

    9:45 PM BBT Donny asks Derrick if he watches the cable show, too. Derrick says YES and the live feeds. Donny says he just watched the 3 shows, nothing else. Derrick says his wife would be watching the shows and he would have the feeds on at the same time.

    9:50 PM BBT
    According to lockdowned players, they can hear players screaming and loud buzzer noises. Sounds like Zach was screaming earlier.

    9:53 PM BBT
    Donny says last year the 5th player going home was Howard. Cody says he liked Howard, he just couldn't speak very well.

    9:57 PM BBT
    Donny asks Derrick if the 3 regular shows really represent the HGs true characters well. Derrick says NO. He says there may be someone you don't like and when you watch the live feeds you may find you actually like them or vice versa. In the background you can hear someone screaming, it sounds like it's still Zach.

    10:00 PM BBT Live feeds are still down due to the comp, but BBAD is up and live. Hayden asks if they would rather have scaly skin like a snake or horns like a devil on their heads. They all agree on horns because they can hide them with hats. Apparently, Zach quit the comp, because he couldn't find a piece.

    10:02 PM BBT Hayden... would you rather always have a red clown nose on or tie dyed hands? They all agree on tie dyed hands. Donny says it's because people look at your face when they are speaking and his brother doesn't even have hands.

    10:04 PM BBT Locked down houseguests are still playing would you rather. Derrick...would you rather drown or be burned to death? The consensus is drowning because burning would hurt. Cody asks would they rather burn to death or freeze to death. They all still pick burn because it would be quicker.

    10:06 PM BBT
    Cody... How would you react if you were swimming in the ocean and a great white fin is headed toward you? Derrick says he would sh*t himself. Cody... would you rather have a pet tiger or pet panther? Derrick says a pet tiger. Hayden wants a panther. Cody takes a panther. Derrick would like a pet monkey if they didn't jerk off all the time and throw their sh*t at you.

    10:13 PM BBT Feeds should be back soon, the locked in houseguests are leaving the HoH room. They are calling everyone to backyard to do POV winner reveal.

    10:26 PM BBT
    Feeds are live. According to Zach, Christine, and Nicole they had cards to swap. Christine won the pov. Zach said he gave up after saying he would three times. He got in trouble by production for throwing the pieces, because he was so mad. He said he got three at the end and he had the order wrong for 20 minutes as was furious.

    10:29 PM BBT Everyone is in the kitchen talking loudly over each other about the comp. Nicole said they were on a zip line playing the comp and they weren't really high off the ground. Victoria tells Frankie she is so frustrated that she didn't win the POV.

    10:30 PM BBT
    Apparently the theme was a comic theme. Both Victoria and Zach are wearing I heart BB Comics t-shirts.

    10:32 PM BBT
    Zach says that waiting around 10 hours to play and wait for the comp to end was worth it, because each guest got a picture of themselves as a superhero. He is taking it home and hanging it up on his wall. They said Cody's said, "Effronator". Caleb's said "Metro by day and Beastmode by Night".

  20. 8:33 PM BBT Feeds come back after an extended WBRB screen. Zach and Nicole are talking. Zach tells Nicole they aren’t putting her up. She says, “I would never put up you, Cody, Derrick, or Hayden.” Zach says he’s putting up Amber and Victoria, tell Victoria to throw it so that Amber is left on the block, someone other than Amber or Caleb has to win veto so they can put Caleb up. If for some reason Caleb wins pov and takes Amber down they can target Jocasta.

    #BB16 8:35 PM BBT Hayden and Frankie are talking and Frankie says, “I can’t put up Amber.” Hayden says, “Put up Victoria and Amber vs Donny and Jocasta. If Donny and Jocasta lose, use the veto and backdoor Caleb and if worst comes to worst, just get rid of Jocasta.” Frankie says, “Caleb will go insane if this happens.”

    #BB16 8:35 PM BBT Frankie pulls Christine in to the beehive, “I don’t feel like putting Nicole up is a good move.” Christine agrees. Frankie says, “What if I have to put her up?” Frankie says, “How do I justify this to Nicole without letting her know our plans?” Christine says, “Zach is insane. This week is so hard because we’re getting down to alliance members now.” Frankie says, “I want to come down again.” Christine says, “Put up Nicole and Donny. Just tell her she’s not a target.” Frankie makes fun of Victoria for offering to go on the block, because she’d probably win. Frankie says, “I wanted to tell her ‘Welcome to the Game. I’m so glad you decided to start playing’!”

    #BB16 8:42 PM BBT Zach goes into the beehive and tells Christine, “I’m going to put you up vs. Amber.” Christine says, “I’m not going to throw it, because I want safety for the week.” Christine says, “You never know what can happen in this game.” Christine is getting angry about this idea. Zach says, “Come on. Even if you lose, and Amber won POV, Caleb will go up.” Christine is mad and says, “I’m not throwing it; I don’t care what you say.” Zach keeps asking Christine why she won’t do it. Christine says, “I don’t care what you say, I’m not throwing it!” Zach says, “I’m just going to put up Hayden, because he will 100% throw it.” Christine laughs and says, “Hayden would love to throw it. He hates Amber.”

    #BB16 8:47 PM BBT Zach is getting mad at Frankie and Christine because Christine keeps telling Zach he needs to backdoor amber. Zach says, “We have to backdoor Caleb if we backdoor anybody.” They can’t decide who to put up. Frankie says, “I’m now seeing that Derrick didn’t want to be HoH, and had a great excuse not to get it.” Frankie is getting annoyed by Zach because he won’t commit to putting anyone up. Zach says, “ What is the plan?” Frankie says, “I’m putting up Cody and Derrick and you’re putting up Christine and Nicole!” Zach says, “Shut up. What is the real plan?” Frankie says,” We have to get Hayden or Donny to throw BOTB so that Amber is on the block and then win the pOV to get Caleb up.” Zach says, “I’m going to tell Caleb before that I’m putting Amber up.” Frankie says, “Caleb might say put me on the block with her.” Hayden knocks and comes in. Zach says I have a new plan, I’m going to put you up against Amber and you throw it. Would you do that?” Hayden says, “I’d really rather not.” Hayden says, “If you put me up, I won’t make it obvious, but I will do what I need to do it.” Christine keeps telling Zach that you can’t ask people to throw comps, because it can come back to bite them in the ass. Zach says, “Hayden would have the numbers to stay even if Jocasta or someone put him up.” Zach says, “Oh my god. What if I tell Caleb, I’m putting you up vs. Victoria, you have to lose so we can get rid of Victoria.” Zach and Christine says, “That way if Caleb does lose BOTB and win pov, he’d save himself and Amber would go home.”

  21. 8:07 PM BBT Donny is telling the house guests that his father was in the navy as a gunner’s man, but they don’t have that position anymore, since all the weapons are on a computer system. Derrick, Jocasta, and Donny talk about their digestive issues while they were on slop earlier.

    8:10 PM BBT Derrick gets called to Diary Room. He says, “America saw tonight’s show and decided that I’m actually HoH and not a have not.” They laugh at him as Derrick goes into the DR.

    8:16 PM BBT Derrick and Frankie goes into the beehive and Frankie hugs him. “From the bottom of my soul, thank you!” Frankie says that the gift Derrick gave him was amazing. Frankie says, I’m concerned right now. Derrick says, “Why?” Frankie says, “ Zach wants Caleb gone, but he won’t put Donny up.” Frankie says, “I don’t want to put Donny up, because that would be a huge issue for me.” Frankie says, “I think I can sell putting Donny up, but I don’t want to.” Derrick asks, what about Amber?” Frankie says he can’t do that, because Caleb would try extra hard for pov. “This was a rough week to win HoH.” Derrick says, “Hayden might get mad if you put him up.” Frankie said, “I’m going to ask Hayden, “Are you willing to fall on your sword for Nicole?” Derrick says, “I think that would work.” They both think that Zach is unpredictable, but he really wants Caleb backdoored.

  22. 7:39 PM BBT Caleb, Zach, and Derrick sit on the couch and talk about this week. Zach tells Derrick, “You look like a hero, dude!” Derrick says, “Tell me that midweek when I’m freezing and shaking in the have not room.” Derrick laughs and says, “I’m good. My boys are in the HoH and I’m going to relax and worry about next week’s hoh.” He tells Zach, “You guys get to hang out in the hoh room and I’m going to spend a lot of time with Caleb being a have not.” Derrick and Zach compare notes. Both of their mothers curse like a sailor. Caleb is appalled. He doesn’t even say the word crap in front of his mother. Zach laughs and says, “Dude, I drop the F bomb in front of my parents.” Caleb says, “Man, we just got to survive this week.” Derrick says his biggest issue is the have not bed. He can do the diet, but he hates the bed.” Zach tells them, “Pick a spot in the middle of the bed and just wrap yourself in a blanket.” Caleb says, “ I was in the military, I can handle anything.” Caleb is mad that he’s a personal trainer and now everyone sees that he’s the laziest guy in the house.” Derrick says, “That would be like CBS saying, “You’re horrible with kids.” Derrick says, “ I don’t understand how Zach wasn’t a have not.” He said he thought Jocasta, Victoria, Derrick, and Zach would be the have nots. He says he sees Christine walking and running a lot in the house.

    7:46 PM BBT Zach tells Caleb and Derrick they can’t believe how lucky their alliance has been. They have been beasting this game and winning like every competition when they need to. Zach says, “The best part is knowing we are all safe!”

    7:50 PM BBT Zach and Frankie head to the beehive and hug each other. Frankie grabs Zach’s head and puts his forehead on his. Zach says, “Frankie, I want to give you complete control.” Frankie wants Zach to put up Donny and Jocasta, and Zach says, I can’t. I have to put up Jocasta and Victoria, because I have Donny in my back pocket. I Don’t want to lose that.” Frankie says I have to put up Hayden. I want to put up Nicole, but she’s a have not and will lose. Zach and Frankie are confused about how BOTB work and are planning to have Frankie’s nominations win. Zach asks Frankie if it’s a stupid move to talk to Donny and find out where he is in the game. Frankie thinks it’s not stupid. Zach says he could not care less if Caleb ends up mad at him, but he doesn’t want Donny mad. Frankie and Zach say that if for some reason the nominations stay the same, Jocasta is going home, but if they get the pov, they are backdooring Caleb 100%. Zach and Frankie decide that Frankie is going to throw HoH to Zach, so that Zach has to put up Caleb and get the blood on his hands. Frankie keeps pushing Zach to put up Donny with Jocasta, but Zach tells Frankie, “I am not putting Donny up.” Frankie says, “I’m telling Donny and Hayden that when they go up, they’ll know it’s so that they will win.” Frankie and Zach decide to say that they had no idea who each other was putting up.” Frankie says, “Zach we’re close, everyone knows we’re talking and that we’re working together.” Frankie says, “This is rough. But Caleb is for sure the target.” Zach says, “I’m sort of questioning it. “What if I put Caleb up and he doesn’t go home?” Frankie says, “No one would go home over Caleb if he’s on the block.” They agree that Victoria is not going home before Caleb. They agree that Frankie is putting up Hayden and Donny and Zach is putting up Jocasta and Victoria.

    8:00 PM BBT

    Donny and Frankie go into the storage room. Donny says, “I should meet with you later.” Frankie says, “I’m hoh again this week.” Donny says, “We can make whatever happen that we need to!” They hug and then leave the storage room. Christine, Hayden, Cody, and Donny asks Zach about his little brother. He is so excited for his basket and can’t wait to see his brother’s picture. Frankie says, “This time I’m going to get a picture of myself as a fetus on a sonogram.”

  23. 7:14 PM BBT Feeds are back! They are talking about the live show. Nicole and Christine complain about being have nots. Amber and Frankie ask if Have Nots starts right away and Frankie says yeah, it starts now. Cody is telling Christine and Nicole they’ll have basically 6.5 days of being on slop. Amber cleans her stuff out of the have not room so that the have nots have room.

    7:15 PM BBT Feeds go to fish.

    7:17 PM BBT Feeds are back and production has delivered the Have Nots, clean blankets. Amber goes into Have Not Room and places the blankets on the beds. Jocasta and Donny are talking in the fire room. Jocasta says “The question is are we going up together or opposite of each other?” Jocasta says that Christine is full of crap, because she knew what she was doing when Christine pitted against them. Amber walks in and Jocasta asks her what she thinks. Amber says if she goes up again she’s going to be pissed. She says, I don’t care for Zach and I won’t pretend to be nice. The other people can kiss his ass. She says she is worried thought that he’ll put her up. Jocasta and Donny ask about when the first double eviction is and wonder when jury starts.

    7:20 PM BBT

    Amber and Jocasta said that Derrick’s gesture was the nicest thing they’ve seen in a long time. Amber said she went to the DR and asked if she won hoh if she could trade the pictures in the basket so that Frankie could get his picture. Feeds cut out and Amber says that Derrick will get something in return for that gesture. Jocasta asks Caleb if he could give Cody some verses to help him out in the game. Caleb says he’ll direct him to the book of Psalm.

    7:22 PM BBT

    Amber and Caleb sit in awkward silence in the have not room. Amber sweeps out the room while Caleb eats a bowl of slop. Caleb can’t believe they didn’t get a question about their date. Caleb is mad about being a have not and believes that Zach should have been a have not. Amber tells Caleb what Jocasta asked her about going up. Amber says she has no idea what they will do. Caleb says they better use other pawns this week and if they don’t, they just have to remember it in the future when they are power. He tells Amber, just think though, it would have been much worse this week if Donny had won HoH. Caleb says he could barely hear the song, which is why he lost.

    7:26 PM BBT In the kitchen, Frankie is making slop for the have nots. General chitchat in the house about the HoH competition and comparing notes about the questions. Derrick and Jocasta talk about when Jocasta got sick and he said that he felt so bad for her when that happened. Derrick tells Christine and Nicole that after the first three days of eating slop and drinking shakes, your body gets used to it and you’ll be fine. Christine says she hopes she gets shredded like Hayden did on slop. Derrick says, “The tracker says I’m a lazy douche bag!” The other houseguests start laughing. Cody is busy making spicy soy chicken and Jocasta and Victoria asks Cody to make some for them. Cody offers some to Nicole and she says, “I’m a have not!” Cody laughs at her.

    7:32 PM BBT The have nots wonder if America voted for extra food for them this week. Jocasta says they’ll probably get the food on Saturday if America did vote. Nicole asks Amber when the have nots get to eat again. Victoria tells Nicole she feels bad for her, “First the costume and now have not? I feel so bad for you!”

    7:34 PM BBT Frankie says “My family is bawling right now. They are a mess!” The other houseguests agree. Caleb and Nicole commiserate with each other. Caleb tells Nicole horror stories about how bad the water is and that it is freezing. Frankie goes in. Nicole tells Frankie she is so proud of him. He hugs her and kisses her on the cheek. Nicole and Caleb tell Frankie they love him. Caleb says “Zach is so spontaneous, Frankie. Remember there is still battle of the block and pov, so watch who you nominate! If you put up me and Hayden, watch out!” Everyone leaves the HN room and heads back to the kitchen.

  24. 10:01 PM BBT

    Brittany is cramping in her legs and Cody asks her where her legs hurt. Brittany says she's fine and just wants to get it over with. Feeds switch to Victoria and Nicole. They decide to go make some food. Christine wants to hide a stick of butter because they are almost out of a lot of their food. Victoria tells Christine to put the stick in a ziplock bag and hide it in her bag.

    10:06 PM BBT
    Victoria tells Christine that Amber is so mad that she won POV and she doesn't get why and that she's been up Frankie's ass all day. Christine agrees. Caleb comes in and says Zach is insane, because he's still being mean to Brittany. Victoria says she doesn't get Zach and that he's always mean. Nicole says Zach is always nice to her.

    10:12 PM BBT
    Hayden, Zach, Amber, Caleb, Donny, Cody, Derrick, Jocasta, and Christine are all outside watching Brittany kick her soccer balls. They are having general chitchat. Cody says Amber she'll eventually have to start doing headers because her legs are going to give out. Derrick tells Caleb that Brittany's legs will probably give out on her and she might not finish. Derrick says that it took her almost 3 hours to do 600 kicks. And she has at least another 9 hours of this to go and she's already winded.

    10:19 PM BBT
    Everyone but Frankie is in the backyard watching Brittany kick the soccer balls. General conversation going on. Amber is telling Cody that she loves the sounds of jets as they fly over the house. Victoria, Christine, and Nicole are eating their dinner while watching Brittany. They all talk about how the jackshack is the cleanest porta potty they've ever seen. Christine and Donny admit to using the jack shack, before they knew what it was for, but only to use the restroom.

    10:30 PM BBT Cody, Hayden, and Christine are so mad at Caleb for not taking the Veto. He messed the game up because he took money over the Veto. Cody says that Zach and Caleb were so selfish today. Cody told Zach to stop being an asshole to Brittany and he doesn't want Brittany to stay, but Zach is an ass. Hayden says Caleb and Zach are so selfish and stupid. Cody says he's so tempted to backdoor Caleb for taking the money and telling him, "Talk about deserving things, you don't deserve to make money than me, so pop a squat." Hayden says that would be an amazing move, but catastrophic to their game at the moment. Christine agrees. Nicole walks in an Hayden and Cody both say that Nicole looks so hot in her Germantard. Cody says he'd do stuff to Nicole, but he can't say what on the live feeds. Cody and Christine and Hayden start using a German accent.

    10:36 PM BBT
    Cody and Hayden are in the storage room talking about much it sucks to have to put up Donny on the block. They will have to do damage control after Brittany goes home. They both talk about how much they hate Zach sometimes and how he never knows when to draw the line and stop. Cody is so over Zach antagonizing and being mean to Brittany, because it's unnecessary and pointless. Hayden would love putting up Zach and Caleb, but they have to get rid of Brittany and Amber first.

    10:41 PM BBT
    Cody and Hayden talk about how Amber and Brittany are working together, because Brittany repeated a conversation he had with her to Amber. He's confused about why she would go to her with that information unless they were working together. Hayden agrees and says they are both dangerous to their games.

    10:43 PM BBT Hayden and Cody agree that Nicole is not going anywhere if they have anything to do with it. They said that Nicole proved her loyalty and game play by trying to get the POV over people supposedly in their alliance. Cody says people better not even mention Nicole's name to him about going home after what she did tonight.

    10:44 PM BBT Hayden and Cody leave the Storage Room and Nicole and Christine surprise them. Hayden and Cody are both startled and start laughing. Hayden is wheezing and Nicole asks him if he needs cpr. Cody says that Nicole keeps pranking him and he keeps falling for it. Hayden says he likes girls who prank him.

    10:58 PM BBT
    Nicole goes up to HoH room and tell Frankie/Zach who are cuddling in HoH bed that Amber keeps saying snarky things to Nicole about feeling bad for Brittany. Frankie groans and says, "Boring." He tells Zach and Nicole that Amber is the worst and causes way too much drama. Nicole says she told Amber, "I was taking the veto regardless of who it was." Frankie says it doesn't matter because Brittany is going home. Frankie says Amber is an idiot and she wants to tether herself to a sinking ship in Brittany. He says he'll watch her drown.

  25. 9:00 PM BBT

    Caleb and Cody are talking by the hammock. Caleb tells Cody that Frankie threw him under the bus to Amber and said that Frankie blamed Cody for Amber going up. Cody is mad that Frankie would do that. Caleb says that he is mad that Amber is the only one turning on their group and it's going to ruin her game if she doesn't vote for Brittany to go home this week. Cody is mad because Amber has said shady stuff about him and Caleb says the majority of it was because Frankie blamed Cody.

    9:03 PM BBT Cody gets whistled to take his penalty kicks to his rear end. He almost does too many and Caleb laughs at him. Amber accidentally kicked the soccer ball into the pool and wastes time trying to get it out. Christine breaks up Frankie and Amber's game talk. Christine says that she has tried to talk to Brittany three times and Brittany has been snippy with her. Amber said that Brittany knows Christine and Nicole are mad at her because she was mean to Nicole. Christine says she doesn't care about that, but Brittany has ignored her. Amber and Christine rehash the bed situation drama.

    9:11 PM BBT Frankie complains about his quad injury. Amber massages his leg for him. Amber says, "Is this weird for you?" He laughs and says he gets massages all the time. He says who gets an injury in a freaking egg competition? Amber says, "I can get deeper if I need too." Caleb admits to Amber that he took a banana peel in her Nike shoe. He felt bad though because he didn't want it to rot in there. Amber tells him that is disgusting.

    9:17 PM BBT
    Zach and Cody are playing pool. Zach asks Cody about making things good with Amber and Cody says he doesn't care anymore. He is tired of Amber and Frankie lying to him and he's mad that Amber would go and talk to Frankie, after Frankie put her up, not him. Cody is so mad at Frankie for throwing him under the bus with the Amber situation. Zach tells him not to blow up, because it could hurt his game. Cody says, "I'm telling Amber that I know she's talking to Frankie and that it pisses him off." Zach asks if he's going to say anything to Frankie too? Cody says he doesn't know, he's just venting right now.

    9:23 PM BBT Victoria brings out half of a veggie burger to Zach and offers to bring food to Cody as well. He says he's good. Victoria says he's barely eaten. Cody says he's not hungry. Victoria says her sister's kids eat veggie meat a lot, because they aren't allowed to take meat to school because of the kosher rules for Jewish schools. Victoria says this is the first time she's ever had a veggie burger, because she always eats kosher meat at home.

    9:33 PM BBT Amber is telling Christine that she is mad at Zach for talking shit about her and questioning her loyalty. Amber claims that she has played a clean game and she hasn't done anything wrong. I have too much respect and I'll be loyal to the people I want to be loyal to. No one else will run my game (where was this when you let Derrick tell you who to nominate when you were HoH?-gwennylou)

    9:36 PM BBT
    Cody goes and talks to Derrick about Amber and wonders what he thinks about taking Amber to final three. Derrick says I'd rather take Christine to final 3, because she has been loyal. He straight up tells Caleb, "If it were up to me, Amber would be out. I was only to her because of you. My loyalty to is to you and you wanted Amber safe. I refused to put her up even when Nicole insisted she go up." Derrick thinks Amber can win the whole thing if she gets to final 3 and that scares him. Caleb says, "I would win over Amber."

    9:39 PM BBT
    Derrick says if Amber and Jocasta won HoH next week, four guys are going up. The girls are paranoid that we're targeting them and one of us will go home if we don't win HoH. Caleb says that they have one week left before jury if it's 9 in jury this season. He will be happy getting 18k and getting to spend the rest of the summer in the jury house. Derrick says he wants to win more money than that. Caleb says I only trust you and Amber. Derrick says I only trust you. I don't trust Amber, but I am loyal to her because of you.

    9:42 PM BBT
    Derrick and Caleb talk about Victoria's replacement. Derrick says that if Donny goes up, Brittany is going home for sure, because if they want to play the deserving game like Brittany likes to do, Donny is more deserving than her based on the comps he has won. Derrick also says that Brittany hasn't been loyal to anyone. Caleb says that Donny hasn't either. Derrick says that he's basing Donny staying based on deserving it. Derrick says that it's ridiculous that Brittany talks about who deserves it over other people. He tells Caleb that he has a daughter, but he doesn't think that he deserve it more than Caleb or anyone that has kids. Derrick tells Caleb that Cody won't keep Amber since he nominated her and Zach will stay loyal to him because he hates Amber. Caleb says Amber was so mad and said to Cody, "What do you think my dad thinks of you now?" Caleb says he almost feels bad for Cody.

    9:46 PM BBT

    Zach and Cody are at kitchen table talking about Frankie and Amber. Zach says, "Do you want me to talk to Frankie about why you're mad?" Cody says he's going to talk to Frankie himself, because Frankie and Derrick both said Amber said she was willing to go up. Zach asks him if it was that big of a deal. Cody says it makes me look shitty, but he doesn't care because he's over Amber and her bipolar mood swings. Cody says Frankie is just trying to save his ass and blow his game up, to keep Amber on his side.

    9:49 PM BBT
    Zach says that he cannot stand Amber and that she's a snake. Cody says she's pissing him off, but Frankie is a snake too. Zach tells Cody he doesn't think Frankie did it on purpose and Cody rolls his eyes and scoffs at Zach. He says, "Don't come to me with that bull. Frankie very smart and knew exactly what he was doing." Donny comes in to get some food. Cody asks how Brittany is doing. Donny says she's hit the 450 mark.

    9:50 PM BBT Cody hears the whistle again and goes outside. He does 10 and then the whistle blows again immediately. Derrick and Caleb are sitting in the chairs by Cody's contraption and are laughing hysterically at Cody. Cody tells them it doesn't feel good and he's afraid if he has to poop later. Derrick and Caleb laugh even harder at him.

    9:56 PM BBT
    Derrick and Caleb are talking about how rude and disrespectful Zach has been to Victoria and Brittany both.. Caleb says even though they both don't like either of them, you can't be rude to them. Derrick says if Zach said stuff like that outside of the house, someone would kick Zach's ass. Caleb and Derrick hear Brittany say that at this rate she'll be done by 2 a.m. Her math is way off and Caleb and Derrick start laughing hysterically at her.



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