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Everything posted by MissSugarKane

  1. Jenn telling Dan she is going to be out for blood next week, I'm sure everyone is going to be shaking in their boots lol
  2. Jenn should be glad she got put on the block because she finally made it to two pages here
  3. Okay I can't believe I am saying this but Joe is awesome. He actually called F/B out for being bullies when they were trying to harass Dan.
  4. Danielle making all the drama about her. Trying to make the tears come so she gets attention from Dan.
  5. Watching the 4am session and I just can't believe this girl is for real Shane: I am going to go streak around the house. Danielle: No don't do that, Ashley might jump on you. Oh how great it would be for Shane and Ashley to end up in the house or jury without Danielle. She would go crazy!
  6. Joe is growing on me I am sad to say lol
  7. Shane needs a babysitter during these conversations with Boogie. Where is his stalker when you need her!
  8. Ian talking about how he feels guilty for napping because he knows how boring it is for those watching the feeds
  9. I think he was talking about his good bye video to Boogie
  10. Why the fish? What would be going on now that we can't see, so annoying
  11. Well this is all a crappy turn of events
  12. Seems like he is still with Brittany (?) way to sell out your team for no reason Shane
  13. Is Shane a really good actor or is he actually buying this?
  14. Boogie just chilling by the pool, not a care in the world. This is going to be great!
  15. Danielle complaining to Dan again about how Shane hurts her feelings. If he is such an ass to you like you complain about then here's a thought...stay away from him
  16. Finally something exciting was going to happen and BB had to go mess with it. I want to see Frank/Boogie on the block so Frank can really get mad about Boggie not fighting for HOH
  17. She seemed to even get jealous of a blanket Shane was snuggling with
  18. I flashbacked to this and it is really painful to watch. She is so crazy and I don't think she will ever get how pathetic she looks because she has a warped way of looking at things.
  19. The feeds are so boring. Has there even been any fighting since Willie left? Wil did make me laugh sometimes but he is leaving so something needs to happen soon with this bunch.
  20. Shane was also so jealous that Wil held Danielle for a picture. Poor Shane, his whole BB experience is being ruined by a pyscho.
  21. He is quite the romantic too, I can see why Ashley would fall for the line, "so you want to go make out on the couch"
  22. Ashley is making out with Frank in HOH. She's gross, I would make out with Ian way before I went near Mr. BO



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