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Posts posted by jammer

  1. Easy! Shane and dani are doing it for him! They are showing that they are together and need to be separated! Hum! Dani might get herself out the door finally!

    I would just love to see this happen. She thinks she's such a great player and that she has Dan wrapped around her finger (especially since he did not nominate Shane)...would love to see Dan vote her out.

  2. I think it would really suck if Joe went to jury because of that. He shouldn't even be going on the block, because Jenn isn't the target. Dan should be explaining that to her, because it's just not necessary to use the veto since Frank is their target. If I were Joe I would be majorly pissed at Dan and Ian for this.

    I believe it would be a tie that Ian would have to break. Jen & Dan for Frank, and Danielle and Shane for Joe.

  3. Choo Choo!!!

    Totally agree Marty. Also, I think Danielle sorta, kinda, maybe knew what Dan was up to... but, she is all about herself and she LOVED that drama surrounding her. She may not have been sure if he was doing what he did before (telling her she was on her own) but, it at least occurred to her. Once Dan filled her in completely she has been eating up the place that Dan put her in. He set her up perfectly, all the way from Shane protecting her in the game to making sure they (D/D) don't get nominated together. If/when Dani gets nom'd next it will be against Shane. Almost guaranteed a Shane eviction over Dani.

    What Dan did in the funeral was epic and served a purpose on every level... saved him last week, set Danielle up beautifully with everyone left in the house (so, that if he doesn't make it to the end... she will and Dan would consider that a pseudo win for himself), made enemies of Frank/Ian, QP is still together... on and on.

    I don't think he will make it to the end but, nonetheless he got himself out of an impossible situation and gave himself and Danielle a legitimate shot at a run for the end. Even if Danielle puts Dan out in the end... Dan would be proud of that move, imo. He's a gamer, loves BB and respects moves over flotation/furniture strategy.

    Danielle may have some issues with reality, self-centeredness, insecurity, etc. but, she has playing a really good game. She learned quickly from Dan (I think she learned some from Brit too.) brought together with ability to lie convincingly, brains, physical strength and as the game progressed her social game is bar non the best. Britney, Shane, Dan, Jenn and even Frank to a degree thinks she is completely loyal to them. (Even working on Ian for last 24 hours.)

    It's really too bad that Dan, Frank, Danielle, Ian and Shane weren't the F5 and then fight it out to the end but, it's just not good strategy to go up against Frank... he's just too physically threatening in the F4 to bring along and he'd win the $500,000 hands down in he were F2.

    Choo Choo


    Thank you for saying what I've been thinking in my head...LOL!

  4. This is Big Brother where you will do anything...say anything to win a half million dollars. Saying what you have to to say to stay in the game is one thing....but threats and just mean talk about others is just wrong. Dan is doing what others have done for 13 seasons...he just does it better.

    Also...how boring would it be if there were no lies or backstabbing? Hell...I'm here for the backstabbing!

  5. IF Dan "wins" it will obviously be at Danielle's expense. Brilliant? USING a female and her emotions? Wow.

    Well we all know about Danielle's emotions. How long after hearing she was dead to him in this game did this happen? An hour maybe???


    I think if Danielle wins it will be in some part because of Dan...especially the way he treated her at his "BB funeral". He probably handed her at least $50.000 with that line. Like he told her....I saved us both.

  6. I know a lot of you on here really like Dan but many of you don't want to see him win cause he was a coach and he has already won the game before. But seriously he deserves to win. I'm still holding on to a bit of hope that my favorite Frank will win. But honestly, this game is full of house guest that are easily manipulated and dumb. And Dan has played them all like a fiddle. If Dan or Frank do not win I will be highly disappointed. Like Boogie said, could you imagine giving $500k to Joe, Jenn, Shane, Danielle, or Ian??? Good chance one of those 5 will win and it will be a shame.

    I didn't want Dan to win either...but now think he totally deserves it. Mostly for putting up with Danielle the whole summer!

  7. What Dan said to Danielle was "you are dead to me in this game".

    I don't like what Dan did to Danielle. Yes, he did it knowing it would hurt her. Yes, the "I did it for your own good" thing was condescending. I can understand why it makes him a scumbag in your eyes. But IMO, I think his intentions were to keep himself and Danielle in the game, he thought he was doing the right thing. That doesn't make it right, for me personally it doesn't make him nearly as much of a scumbag as ED and MB, whose words and actions have the potential to hurt their victims long after the game is over.

    What Dan said to Danielle was a strategy move and was not personal. Threats to you and your family are personal and make you a scumbag.

  8. Janelle wasn't blindsided by F/B. Frank was on the block with her and she obviously knew she didn't have Boogie's vote. It was the rest of the house that blindsided her.

    I very much remember boogie telling Britney that she was not telling her vote that they wanted Janelle blindsided,

  9. Danielle is good looking, far nicer than Britney, but she is also good, she's made Britney think all week that she doesn't know anything about the plan to get rid of Brit. Danielle has a head on her shoulders.

    Agree...she didn't put up much of a fight when Dan told her that Britney was going up in his place.

  10. Watching the show...

    Did Brittany expect Dan to throw the comp after

    1. Seeing what the comp was

    2. Frank being in the lead

    3 Shane with 0

    4. Frank giving her the answer

    Did she really think Dan was too stupid to figure it out! How could she be mad when Frank was obviously in the lead to win?

    Yes...Brittany did expect Dan to still throw it.

    Best line of the night..."Britney....pop a squat". :animated_rotfl:

    No, Brit said that her or shane had to win in order to save the QP......and that if they didnt win it then they would have to let Dan go.....her intentions were good......Shane didn't do crap during the veto, at least Britt tried!!!!! Her plans were for them to win it then her or shane could pull Dani off the block and Ian would pull Dan off......She said that if they could NOT pull it off then they would have to let Dan go.......BUT her intentions were good!!!!! She wanted to save their alliance!!

    But she was pissed because Dan was answering the questions (instead of relying on those two to buzz in) because Frank was so far ahead, he knew that Britney and Shane could not catch them with the points they had. Neither her and definetly not Shane could have caught Frank, he was answering every question. And he would have won if he hadn't of tried to give Britt the answer. Pretty sure even if Jenn had gotten the last answer she still wouldn't have beaten Frank.

  11. Stupid move, Dan. Frank can't play in the next two HOH challenges, Dan and Jenn versus Danielle, Shane, and Ian in HOH comps is pretty bad odds. I don't imagine Danielle has as much trust in Dan anymore, not after his fake beef with her and then going and bailing on the alliance, both instances not even giving her a heads up.

    Both him and Jenn think they can just roll with Frank and be safe because Frank is a good competitor, but seem to have to forgot about that little roadbump.

    Yeah...because sitting in the jury house with zoned out Ashley would be so much more fun................



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