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Posts posted by jammer

  1. Janelle had her back! Now bitterbrit doesnt have anyone except shane who will be gone soon because boogi frank and dan are targeting him!

    That will be even better...if Boogie or Frank get HOH and send Shane home. Danielle will DOR.....LMFAO!!!!

  2. No big loss for Jani. She gets her 20k, gets to go home to her daughter, and gets to chill out the rest of the summer. Don't think she could have made it till the end, so happy for her to get out now instead of jury. She will know the truth about everyone for the finale, and most likely will never agree to go back. She should not feel bad at all. Great job Jani ! ! !

    Totally agree. And I truly believe she will get America's Favorite Player.

  3. Britney's tears were for us. She knows she was hated and dissed badly by fans during her first season and she's afraid it will happen again. Too late. We all know what a self-centered b!tch she is.

    Exactly, she did know how much America hated her..just like we do this year. Although Danielle is taking over Bitchney's bitchy crown these days. I'm sure she's trying to get that $25.000.

  4. Danielle just told Janelle that she's never said a bad word about her. Lying b!tch.

    Not one person in the house will tell Janelle the truth. She's very alone while thinking these deceitful ppl are her trustworthy friends because they look her in the eye and blatantly lie again and again.

    It's actually comical watching Janelle, Bitchney and Ashley sitting in the crane room not saying a word. They couldn't be screaming it and sending a louder signal that they are voting her out. Danielle sitting in the HOH talking to Dan....it's so apparent how jealous she is of Janelle. She's the type to want to be the last and only female in the house. Can not wait for her to see how much America can't stand her and her low self esteem ways.

  5. What reason does she have to vry to Dani about sending home Jani? she already has Danis trust if anything it would have been a bad Idea to cry about it and show shes wavering. Im not saying Brit is perfect but she is in no way S12 Brit anymore. Jani is a worse version of her former self. She lies badly Fakes her emotions badly and kisses ass overtly and badly. Id like old Jani back please the one who told beau he was a gold digger and Jennifer she was a clown and still didnt go home. This Jani is fake unbelieveably so.

    First of all EVERYONE in the Big Brother house is fake...that's a given. I would rather lie badly that to be good at it.....like Britney. But,....it's a good thing in the BB house, although it gets you out on your ass eventually .

    No Jani needs to play! This with dani thinks she is the greatest bb players ever by doing this cowardly thing! The girl never watch her seasons! I wouldnt be upset if it was a fair fight and jani got got! But she did the coward thing and back door her! AND TALKING SH^T! Right now she thinks she is america's little darling! Jennifer thought she was the same thing ih her season bb6! Now her and maggie cant come out the house! WELL MAGGIE AND JENNIFER, YALL CAN COME OUT! Dani has taken the new scumbag crown!

    Nothing Janelle does will save her at this point. I would cause as much havoc as I could before I left. I would get drunk every night and be so obnoxious that they would all be hovering in the HOH room until Thursday.

  6. I like Brittany. I think that she is actually playing big brother this year. Janelle has talked crap about Brittany all along and she knew when Shane won the HOH she had to make up with her. Do I think Brittany feels bad about the situation yes. Brittany as well as Shane both said they were 50/50 about believing Boogie. I know alot of people love Janelle but she is far from innocent in the big brother house and she is fake to people. Wil is on to her and Ashley has stated many times that she did not want to play the game the way that Janelle plays. I am not saying that the way Janelle plays the game is wrong but please don't act like Janelle is an angel in this game she is far from it. Now having said that Brittnay is no angel either but for some reason this year I like her and I think its because she is actually playing the game and not acting so stupid!

    Yeah...and Britney has NEVER talked crap about Janelle, Hell.....Britney has never talked crap about anyone.

  7. Britney has come miles from where she was then. Shes not said that STDs go airborn when someone wears a skirt. Brit cried last night over this decision. Shes not been nearly as rude as she was her season. At first I was not excited at all to see her back because of who she was on S12. I have top say she changed my mind shes a much better person but this is the Janelle board so about whats happening to Jani. Jani is a big player Brit is making the good choice in going with the plan to oust her. They can flip on Boogie next week since we all know how trustworthy he is. They also have Ian in their pocket.

    So you actually believed Britney's tears???? LOL! Just watch her diary sessions this Thursday. I bet you she brags about her award winning performance. And I'm, sure they'll be a lot more of them these next 3 days.

    Janelle's fake crying was so evident but Britney is so good at it you just have to know her to know it's fake.

  8. Ok i admit im in tears! Om shock about that! I didnt cry when my bb fav of all time dani from bb3! I think i wouldnt be upset if it wasnt backdoored! She didnt have a chance! She didnt even play in veto! And just for her to go out like that! I feel sorry for her! They dont have the decency to tell her she is going on thet block and lying to her face! She doesnt deserve that! Brits lies started all this her and jealousy. Now brit is fake bawling. Because she wants america to still like her! And dani is delusional thinking she is the best bb player ever and thinking her and shane are a threat! She trust boogie way to much! Now wasnt dan the one saying u cant trust boogie and boogie is dangerous! Now he has faith in boogie? I wouldnt be suprise if dan is out next wk! He doesnt have a chance! Boogie is laughing at him now! Saying he is going to get rid od dan and use dani because she is easily manipulated! And wil and ash! What is up with all the hate! Jani has done nothing but protect them! If it wasnt for jani wil would have been on the block! She saved his ass twice! I hope she doesnt go home! Her chances are slim to none! And i hope she finds out all the things brit and dani has been spreading about her! That is why brit doesnt want shane to call jani out because its all a pack of lies by brit and she know who to go after!

    Janelle will once again get the $25.000 from America for favorite player while getting to sit at home with her baby most of the summer. This is more than the other coaches will get.

  9. lemondrops -- you should watch the convo at 12:20 am between Brit/Dani. Good grief...they're such good, sweet people and they hate being put in a position of having to deliberately deceive mean, hateful Janelle. Sorority Row is so inspiring, tears and all. I can only hope to be as sweet and nice as they are. <puke>

    They're both evil-hearted b!tches.

    Britney and Danielle are this seasons Britney and Monet.

    First of all, they don't do it nearly as much and second, they actually ask if people need some time to talk before inviting themselves into the conversation. In other words, they have manners.

    Manners in the Big Brother house?? We must be watching a different show. As far as Janelle eating all the food in the HOH room....you never see Britney in that room unless she is laying in the HOH bed or her hand is in a bag or box if food...most of the time both!

  10. JMO -- Janelle's not been outplayed, she's just been unmercifully and wrongly blamed for everything from day one while she's tried to be a loyal alliance member from the get-go, while warning everyone about the dangers of Mike Boogie. She's tried to find one loyal ally from the beginning and EVERYONE has bashed her behind her back and lied to her face constantly.

    My opinion of Dan has gone way down with his trusting Boog/Frank over Janelle. Why can't he see that Boog has unwaivering loyalty to Frank, above anyone else, but they're not going to take this opportunity to get Frank out? I thought Dan was smarter than that. I watched the convo with the coaches and I don't see where Janelle didn't defend herself at all. Boog never gave her any specific circumstance to be able to defend herself, with the pretense of protecting others' confidences, and Dan/Brit believed him?? Boog outsmarted Dan/Brit last night, easily.

    I kind of hope Janelle does get voted out because she's way above these scumbagging, lying people, imo. Backdooring her and lying to her face, without giving her a chance to fight for herself, is their only hope of getting rid of her.

    I can not agree enough with your post. I just don't see my girl getting out of this one. She has done none of the things she's being accused of and I'm glad she's getting out now she can go home to her baby girl but most of all to go home to watch these DUMBASSES see how bad the'y've all been played. How can ANYONE trust Boogie...they've all watched both of his seasons!I really hope Boogie or Frank win HOH this coming week and nominate either Danielle, Dan or Britt. I will literally laugh my ass off!!!!

    Rooting for Ashley, Jenn or Ian!!! Mostly Jenn.

    I'm so over Janelle barging in whenever she sees the power in a conversation and going "Hey guys. What are ya doing?" as she invites herself to take a seat and eat the HOH's food. She keeps messing up all the good game talk (which I know is her plan).

    Ummm, that's playing the game. Britt and Dan do it as much as anyone else in the house.

  11. What was the first thing Dan did within seconds of pushing the button, Danielle? He threw your dumb azz under the Boogie bus. Then he did the, sooo sorry, I was just so excited...(puppy eyes, sad face). Really?

    He has a way of hypnotizing people...I kind of feel sorry for his wife. Now honey...you just think you want me to take out the garbage when you know that you really want to do it yourself.



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