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Posts posted by Cocoabutta98

  1. Watching tonight's show:

    OMG if Amanda doesn't shut up! She is getting on my nerves keep pressuring each HOH to put up Howard. That may be best for her game but it isn't good for anyone else's...

    I hate a pushy sales person! If I were Judd I would have put her on the block ...

  2. If these houseguests were smart they would use some common sense. I am sure they can clearly see the division in the house. Candice pretty much called out the moving company alliance.

    Candice, Elissa, Hellen, and the Red Haired Kid need to make an alliance or at least an agreement to save each other. Can't they see that they are on the outs with everyone else.

    It sickened me to see Candice vote to evict Elissa because if she (Candice) hadn't noticed no one really likes her.

  3. Can someone please explain to me how this competition works? Who wins HOH if they are in pairs. This isn't fair at all to the other player who helps because there can only be 1 HOH right? Julie's mic cut off as she was explaining the comp on the live show.

  4. Choo Choo!!!

    Totally agree Marty. Also, I think Danielle sorta, kinda, maybe knew what Dan was up to... but, she is all about herself and she LOVED that drama surrounding her. She may not have been sure if he was doing what he did before (telling her she was on her own) but, it at least occurred to her. Once Dan filled her in completely she has been eating up the place that Dan put her in. He set her up perfectly, all the way from Shane protecting her in the game to making sure they (D/D) don't get nominated together. If/when Dani gets nom'd next it will be against Shane. Almost guaranteed a Shane eviction over Dani.

    What Dan did in the funeral was epic and served a purpose on every level... saved him last week, set Danielle up beautifully with everyone left in the house (so, that if he doesn't make it to the end... she will and Dan would consider that a pseudo win for himself), made enemies of Frank/Ian, QP is still together... on and on.

    I don't think he will make it to the end but, nonetheless he got himself out of an impossible situation and gave himself and Danielle a legitimate shot at a run for the end. Even if Danielle puts Dan out in the end... Dan would be proud of that move, imo. He's a gamer, loves BB and respects moves over flotation/furniture strategy.

    Danielle may have some issues with reality, self-centeredness, insecurity, etc. but, she has playing a really good game. She learned quickly from Dan (I think she learned some from Brit too.) brought together with ability to lie convincingly, brains, physical strength and as the game progressed her social game is bar non the best. Britney, Shane, Dan, Jenn and even Frank to a degree thinks she is completely loyal to them. (Even working on Ian for last 24 hours.)

    It's really too bad that Dan, Frank, Danielle, Ian and Shane weren't the F5 and then fight it out to the end but, it's just not good strategy to go up against Frank... he's just too physically threatening in the F4 to bring along and he'd win the $500,000 hands down in he were F2.

    Choo Choo

    GREAT POST!!! ITA!!!

  5. I don't know if I'm more disappointed in Jenn, or more disgusted. After all her outrage and going on and on last night to Danielle about how evil Dan is, how he'll cut her throat, etc.. and then immediately falls into that very trap and takes him off the block. What a mindless sheep.

    She should have gone to Britney and the others and revealed the plan and what they were up to.. play along if she has to, but ultimately refuse to use the veto come the veto ceremony - Dan would have been sent out for sure.

    I had high hopes for Jenn, and she turned out to be nothing more than a puppet. I won't feel sorry for her a bit when they cut her throat next.

    Jenn did the best thing for her to secure herself at least another 2 weeks in the house. If she had went to Brittany she would have sold out Frank. Jenn had no alliances and would have been on the block the very next week no matter what deals she made she was at the bottom of the Brit/Shane/Ian/Danielle w Joe tailing along. Not to mention the deal Brit had with Frank so her only option was to save Dan which puts Dan and Frank in the line of fire and gives her 3 people working with her rather than 6 against her.

  6. Stupid move, Dan. Frank can't play in the next two HOH challenges, Dan and Jenn versus Danielle, Shane, and Ian in HOH comps is pretty bad odds. I don't imagine Danielle has as much trust in Dan anymore, not after his fake beef with her and then going and bailing on the alliance, both instances not even giving her a heads up.

    Both him and Jenn think they can just roll with Frank and be safe because Frank is a good competitor, but seem to have to forgot about that little roadbump.

    It wasn't a stupid move if it gives you one more week in the house to play for HOH, Veto, prizes, make new alliances/moves, new twists, America's vote etc., to advance in the game. Dan was out the door for sure this week. Even if he goes home next week it was all still worth it IMO

  7. AMEN... I am right there with you. It's like I'm watching a totally different show than the people on this board.

    Classless? How long does everyone have to keep feeling sorry for Ian. Boo hoo cry me a river you little nerd. You did the deed, now take the consquenses that come along with it. That's life in general, he's 21 years old, not like he is 12!!! Not to mention Frank made some very convincing points... Boogie saved him week 1. Boogie gave him $3k. If it was a fore-gone conclusion why not just give him your vote. Ian is a RAT, he wanted to a big time vilian and know that he had to actually take some action he doesn't want to handle the heat. Im so sick of Ian... and so is the beloved Dan. Dan took all the heat for that guy now he's going to get him back.

    And one more thing about Ian... I read a lot of people on here talk about production rigging the game. I never really thought nothing of it, just jealous Frank haters, I thought. But did anyone else notice the claw during the pandora's box veto? Look at the difference of the way the claw gripped the ball when Dan and Britany had a shot at it and when Ian finally got it. And when it looked like Britany had it, the claw actually opened slighty to make it fall. When Ian grabbed it, the claw was completely surrounding the ball. Seemed awfully fishy. If production wants anyone to advance further it would most definetly be Ian because he is such a crowd favorite. And it was the perfect time for him to get a veto too... he had just backstabbed Frank 2 times in a row, and Frank was HOH. Hmmmm.... i might be on board with the conspiracy theorist after all.

    The Claw game in general is rigged. The game is set to a certain number of tries before it actually puts in more force to drop down and close completely shut. Anyone could have won that game they just had to be the 5th or 6th try to win (or however many tires it took for Ian to win). As you can see the number of quarters was limited for that very reason.

  8. Yeah. I'm looking forward to him getting evicted from the house. Sometimes his mimicry of Joe is funny but most of the time his baby voices and non-sensical babble is just so juvenile. Last night on BBAD, he, Ashley and Jenn were acting totally assanine in the bedroom. I've seen 9 year olds act more mature. Surely they don't think they are entertaining us?

    Wait he mimicked Joe??? Excuse me if I remember correctly but didn't he piss a fit when he found out that Willie mimicked him in the HOH??? He called Willie a homophobe for doing so...

    I hope he goes next week!

  9. IMO, Janelle's downfall was not bonding well with her players and bailing on Brittany (Willie Drama). If you take a real good look Joe, Wil and Ashley are not on her side and when the coaches got in the game they (Wil Joe Ashley) did not flock to Janelle for support. Janelle didn't even bother to try and get them together. I'm guessing she (Janelle) thought it would be a coaches alliance. But that didn't work out seeing as Boogie doesn't trust her.

    Janelle isn't as dangerous as they think because she has literally no one to help her in the game. The only person Janelle is a threat to is Boogie. Janelle's worst game move was turning on Brittany and not getting her team to vote out Danielle (Keep JoJo) to knock out Dan as a coach to get her that much closer to the $100K.



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