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Posts posted by Cocoabutta98

  1. Aaryn, Andy, and McManda are all comparing notes on Helen. Helen is totally unmasked. McManda told Aaryn that Helen wants Aaryn on the block next week, and Aaryn is telling McManda that she wants them broken up. It's funny, McManda are using Aaryn's own scare tactics against her, and Aaryn seems to be buying it. Aaryn appears to be pissed off at Helen now.

    EDIT : Helen comes in and takes the temperature in the room. Aaryn puts on her smiley face.

    WOW! Helen won't be there much longer. Amanda has really gotten into Aaryn's ear. They are definitely going to blind side Helen. I've said it before and I will say it again she should have kept Howard in the game.

  2. No you're right - I just went to Quirkydude's website and checked it out - he hugged everyone BUT her - he even hugged Aaryn! I missed that last night.

    He probably was mad that Jessie voted against him ... Jessie had every right to vote the way she voted. He was trying to have an alliance with her Aaryn and McManda all at the same time and kept throwing Jessie under the bus and treated her like crap when others were watching.

  3. I think Helen does know about their racisms. I suspect Helen herself shares many of those same sentiments. So I

    don't think Helen will be shocked -- however, I think Helen will pretend shock to try to keep her fabricated /

    manufactured image going.

    I don't think Helen knows. I believe Helen is in the dark on this one. Helen has heard the talks so she has an idea but the racism wasn't geared towards her its easy to sweep it under the rug and not engage in it.

  4. I started out liking Candace and Howard. He was a smart man, but a bit too much in his head. The "keeping it real" sessions were just unbearable. I understand that when a person feels attacked the instinct is to lash out but geeze. enough. Just stop talking. I mean yelling. At the beginning with all of her talk of "going evel Dick on the hg's and Candyland etc I knew then it was all talk. I mean it was all shouting. Some people you can't talk to I mean GM but if she had gone to Aryan and maybe brought one other person maybe Helen to back her up and keep her calm she could have explained the race issue and Aryan would maybe have understood. The shouting over each other and name calling is for Jerry Springer and I stopped watching him in the late 80's.

    Talking to Aaryn or GM would not have helped. They didn't like Candice and would never truly hear what she had to say. Helen wasn't willing to help and neither was anyone else in the house but Howard. With that being said they could care less what Howard said either. The word racist means a person who thinks one race is superior over the other. Aaryn clearly thinks this way. She thinks her race is more superior than Candice and Howard's race therefore what they have to say has no merit. Racist does not mean you cannot be friends or talk to a person it is feeling of being superior to or inferior to another race.

    No disrespect, but it's easy when you're white and not a bigot to not separate the races, especially when you're in the majority. When I went to a predominately black school, I felt the same as you, but the minority of whites, Hispanics and Asians didn't feel that way. Now if those people in the BB house were like you, it would have been easier to forget that you're of a different race when you're treated with the same respect as everyone else, but when you're not and you constantly see and hear racial stereotypes and derogatory statements about your race, than it's not easy to have a pleasant personality to get along with everyone. You're stressed and angry because this person is cutting you to the core and it hurts because you can't help what color your skin is or what culture you're from. It's not about her personality clicking, it was about her being cast out because some people were racists and some people were playing the game hardcore and didn't care what she was going through, i.e. Helen.

    They never said anything to Helen's face about her ethnicity. They never said anything to Andy's face about his sexuality to make him feel uncomfortable. They never said anything at all about or to Amanda's face about her being a Jew. But, the racists in the house did do and say things to Candice' face about her race.

    It's easy to say, when you've never worn the brown skin of a black person, that we should be able to adapt. What do you think we've been doing for the last 400 years? She had no support from the cast members in the house to back her up on the racial issue, except Elissa and then she was bullied by Helen and Amanda to back down because of the game.

    If she was in a more diverse cast and there were more blacks in the house, she probably could have survived longer because she would have had the support to fight against the racism in the house and be able to play the game on an even field of play, but when you're alone, you're an outcast and no matter what you say or do, you're going to fail. That's why you have to be able to look at things from all perspectives and not run to the defense of "she just didn't have the game or personality to play better because I don't see race". There are other factors at play involved. It constantly amazes me how readily people give their opinion about the feelings of people in certain positions in life that they themselves have never experienced and never will.

    Well said! :notworthy:

  5. I TOTALLY understand why Candice felt the need to go off at the end but I wish she didn't. I don't think ANY of us on this board could imagine being stuck in that house and people take personal jabs at you ALL THE TIME at some point you will break and the need to speak will come out. Speaking for myself....I would have been kicked out a long time ago because I would have slapped a few people a VERY VERY long time ago!!!!

    lol I Agree!

  6. It seems to me that the first person going to sequester pretty much claims the house. Candice will be fine. She will be paid. Stress gone. She doesn't have to even acknowledge them if she doesn't want to. The field will be much more level. They won't be playing a game so they will have to be a lot more careful how they treat each other. Real life. no cameras except when they film them for us/tv.

    Why would they have to be careful how they treat each other in sequester? It doesn't make sense to be nice to someone you do not like if you are both out of the game. Like you said there are no cameras so they can go balls to the walls with their hatred for Candice. Aaryn is the type to spit in someone's food while they aren't looking. And Amanda obviously is very vocal in her every day life. I don't see her shutting up in sequester.

  7. I think it's 5 votes to evict

    Its 4 to evict. There are 7 people voting so the votes can't be split so that GM can make the final decision.

    GM - HOH

    Candice, Amanda, Spencer - Nominees

    Helen, Elissa, Jessie, McCrae, Judd, Andy, Aaryn - will vote

    I am not sure if everyone has heard but there will be 9 people on the Jury this year. So whoever is evicted tomorrow night will go to Jury.

  8. Yep! And her reason for it, that Amanda and Mccrae would be he greatful! :lol: they are going to be greatful right? Greatful to vote her ass out!!!


    When she was talking with Candice and Jessie in the BY tonight Candice explained to her that Howard was NEVER going to vote Helen out. Helen said that she realized that but she didn't realize it until he was gone. I don't know if she really meant it or if she was just saying it to make Candice feel better.

    I hope she really sees it and I hope she is out the door right behind Candice on Thursday for it! lol that would be great!

  9. At this late stage I don't know that Candice's getting out of bed is really going to make a difference. Her pitch to Helen

    that if she goes that's one less vote in jury for her is a strong sale -- I wish Candice had made that pitch about herself

    + Howard to Helen a while back.

    The houseguests have pretty much closed their mind to Candice at this point. So her relaxing and just laying out the

    facts to Helen is probably as effective as anything.

    I don't think it will make a difference either. She should have definitely made the pitch to Helen last week before Howard was evicted. The only people willing to save Candice are Jessie and Elissa. What hurt Candice a lot was her house meeting. I know she was frustrated and Helen instigated it but It was uncalled for. There is no way to prove who said what when it was only you and another person talking.

    The only thing she can do at this point is plant seeds and hope that she can at least shake some things up before her eviction. She will be evicted there is no way she won't unless Spencer messes up some how. But Aaryn and Gm want Candice gone!

    Helen doesn't know her game is f up! She has no power! She might be next in double eviction! It would serve her right

    I can't wait until Helen figures this out ^^^

    Aaryn's/Helen's HOH did nothing but hurt Helen and gave all the power to Amanda.

  10. Helen talking to one of her children:

    Andy: You know I trust you more than Judd

    Helen: I know, I don't want anyone putting wedges in between us

    Andy: Don't believe it.

    Helen: well if you hear anything, you need to come to me to..

    Oh Helen! lol she is so cluesless. IDK why she didn't listen to Candice. Candice has been on point with figuring out a lot in the house when others can't she may not be 100% correct but she is damn close and thats good enough.

    And while he is talking to her he is mentally configuring where Amanda is at that moment and the direct flight path to get to her.

    :lol2: This is hilarious!

  11. They have been Jessie bashing in the HOH for quite some time now. Helen might have to cut Jessie loose as Amanda said to Helen several times, "She's had her head up your butt for the past 48 hours" casting suspicion on the situation. Don't forget Amanda knows that Helen was trying to setup a blindside but called it off because of Andy - the same Andy who gave Amanda a heads up about it. Helen saying things like "Don't worry Amanda, you have the votes, this will be an easy week". Amanda now clearly sees Helen's BS. Helen's game is compromised in my book.

    LOL Andy is a little snitch... He is playing the gofer role very well I must say!

    Helen's game is dunn! She had equal the power Amanda had before she chose to get rid of Howard.

  12. That is helen's biggest weakness. I don't think she is thinking about the end game. she is too busy enjoying the here and now. If they vote out candy b4 jury, she will be down to just elissa and maybe jesse for her jury. I think GM and Aryan might vote for mcmandy in the end.

    No she is not thinking end game. And I do not think she has Candi any more. Candi will gladly vote her out if given the opportunity. All of Helen's power is gone. She gave the power to Amanda when she "Took out the Lynch Pin Player" as she so eloquently put it which weakened the other players. But what she didn't know is she pulled the pin to her own pyramid in which she was the top player.

  13. My point was that he didn't even really try to develop a social game with Helen, Andy, Judd, Jessie, or McManda... When he most needed to engage... he withdrew and focused on Candice...

    He could have done as our nasty little HG Aaryn is doing now... Make nice and be friendly with the current power people.

    He could have worked on a relationship with Andy, Judd, Jessie, Elissa and Helen... none of them had said a single racist thing... so his only choices were NOT limited to Aaryn, GM, & Kaitlin...

    Ah, the lie... One can make excuses for his serious mistake of lying to Helen when it was obvious that Helen knew about the MC when she listed it's members to him while she & he were talking in the HOH bathroom... How stupid could he have possibly be to lie in the face of the knowledge that the person he's talking to has just proven that she knows the truth... Keep in mind this was a serious and completely unnecessary problem that he created for himself and did absolutely nothing to repair... A little socializing can do wonders in this house... season after season has shown that to be true.

    Even after his insanely stupid lie to Helen, if he had done as Aaryn has done when she found herself in deep deep trouble, he may still be here... Taking one shot at redemption with the crew in power by telling them that he wants to be their 'Jeremy" is a great first step but it must be followed with more good steps... and he did squat to follow up...

    Nasty little HG Aaryn has made nice, laid low, and worked on building trust .....I can't tell you how much I'd like to see her evicted but she is making the moves that Howard should have be making... And because she has... she stays(for now)... and because he didn't... he's gone....


    I agree there was a way out for Howard. He should have tried to be more social and also Howie, Candice, & Spencer should have sold Helen on Jury votes. They should have told her to keep them til Jury and they would be her 3 votes. They also could have told her if any of them won HOH they would get Elissa out and that would be her 4 votes for the win.

    That is a deal Helen couldn't have turned down!



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