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Everything posted by April

  1. kaysar making his meat at 3 different angles, and an empty living room on the 4th feed.
  2. Howie to Sarah: you look so innocent standing there. James to Howie: [whispers] shes not that innocent Howie: can i get a story later?!?! James: ehh maybe at the wrap party. James/Howie/Sarah/Rachel in bathroom Howie: ohh butts..oh boobies..ohh panties... Sarah and Rachel walk out shaking their heads and laughing. howie calling kaysar a bastard because he's cooking his meat.
  3. Ivette to the diary room. Maggie asks if beau dissed her yet. Beau saying he didn't call Maggie a lesbian in the diary room. then he says maybe he did...or maybe he didnt. he is back and forth on the issue... doesnt seem to remember. Beau gives her a speech about how she hangs out with guys a lot and she doesnt really care so you form opinions based on what you see when you see someone. then he adds all his female friends are dress wearing, lipsticking wearing, flashy girly girls. maggie talking about how her ER is the biggest ER around. 76 beds or something of that sort. says the point of her job is to keep people alive and thats first priority, and because of insurance they cant give people all the help they need feed switch. bunch of people in the kitchen doing random things H: what should i do with my life today. im going to do squats. Jen: im going to bed at 8:30. Sarah: we're hot tubbing it now? Rachel: in a little bit Jen is sneezing and saying shes getting sick in this stupid house.
  4. Ivette saying she is going to go 'flick the bean', eric says nooo, maggie says let her go so shes normal. Ivette: everyones going crazy!! i open the door and jennifers talking to the camera saying 'do you like that!, do you like that!' E: just remember im going to be knocking off a piece thurs night. B: you're gonna be jacking off in the hotel room? E: no hopefully shes going to be there and its going to be the best 15 seconds of my life. Howie in background: i want some lesbian cooter. all people in background going nuts Eric burps directly into the mic.
  5. Eric, Maggie, Ivette, Beau in Hammock. talking about some bug kaysar to the storage room. M: youve had convos with kaysar since all this has gone down right? M: i dont care what he thinks about this but... I: wheres april M: sleeping..shes going to be up all night. shes a wreck. M: listen. what the f-- was i gonna say? whats his point? B: he chooses not to tell because he wants to use all his info to put things together. M: whatever. I: so he can manipulate? im not a person who gets manipluated. M: I shoulda known that [about kaysar] E: did you really wake up hmuping the bed? B: hell yes she did. [ivette] ivette does a humping impression on the grass.
  6. Jennifer and Sarah talking. S: im just mad because i tried..you know...i understand..they played the game and we played the game, and this is just what happend. [then some analogy of offense/defense] Janelle interupts worried about a nail file. Jen: you shouldnt fault anyone in this game. did you think it was going to be roses? it's a game! S: *sigh* people are really starting to not do dishes. all 4 feeds on useless things.. sarah doing dishes feed one [alone], and 3 empty rooms.
  7. K wants to do amazing race. howie says hes never seen it really..just pieces. howie says this show is on more then any other. rachel said she alays thought it would be cool to do something like BB, but never ever thought she would, then thanked howie. Howie: I could imagine you naked in cowboy boots Rachel: Howie..! Howie: ok without the cowboy boots. they are talking about the bachlorette and how rachel wants to do it. k says she has to look for it. r says that reality show [bachlortte] is her ideal [to be on]. howie met one of the bachlorette's in ft lauderdale. fish all 4 feeds
  8. 2 feeds on empty rooms.. 2 feeds on h/r/k. talking about how bad pj &j sucks and r says "you're the one who spun.." talking now about how Howie was on reality shows..and r says "do you get to eat?!"
  9. April


    yeah what DID he say to Ivette? I have been rooting for James since day 1 and will continue to do so
  10. Ivette: im going if i dont get hoh next week. Maggie: i dont even know anymore. everyone in this house lies.
  11. still talking about plan b. Ivette wont stop saying plan b was her. again and again. lots of James/Sarah/Kaysar basing. Some april bashing thrown in there by maggie *yawn*
  12. Ivette word for word practically telling EVERYTHING, EVERYONE said in the GR to cappy, beau, maggie... Ivette reiterates, plan b was me. eric: dont believe a single word that comes out of his mouth. every single word that comes out to james is a plan. Ivette: youd still be here if you told sarah something and she ran and told james. Eric: that has nothing to do with it. Ivette: thats what he said... Ivette: if yu're paired up, its easier to know. where as me it never even crossed my mind!!! Eric: exactly! james came to me the 3rd or 4th day and said howie and rachel were working together! group: really?!?!!?!
  13. Ivette: if janelle won veto, she was going to leave it as is. Eric: no, i asked howie what if janelle got it what was she gonna do. Maggie: howie was the one who took me out. Maggie: thats why i have a hard tiem talking to rachel. by association. Eric: you cant trust april either?? I: if worse comes to worse. E: all you need is hoh. B: I have to win hoh next week its not even funny..its going to be james...
  14. Ivette/Eric/Beau/Maggie trashing sarah some more. Ivette: cappy i have yet to lie to you in this game. (HA!!!!!!!) Ivette telling cappy/Beau/Maggie EVERYTHING james just told her in the GR. I: if either one of you is not here, reguardless, i wanna stay on the same pg with someone. they are in there talking about a plan b. and kaysar and james are in there talking aobut it- and they wont tell us what it is. PLan B was me. i think it was me. Eric: best case scenerio, maggie wins POV, takes herself off.. I: that veto was not meant for us. M: I was told reguardless, james will be gone.
  15. James: when you are in the same situation..you will react the same way. James: we ant sit here and count lies April BRINGS UP THE MYSTERY VOTE AGAIN (omg, get off the ash thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Ivette still talking about not having a partner.
  16. I: you got fired up [during veto] James: damn right I did...cuz i knew damn well everyone wanted me out. I dont get angry at people, I use it for focus. james dominating convo and discussing his strategy. April: are you that second vote that voted for ash to stay. James: i already told you i was. to cause deception. K: that's good. thats prety good. James: thank you!!! James: thats how I knew maggie and eric were together. eric told maggie, maggie told sarah, and sarah came back and told me. J: it was a decent strategy you have to admit. Kaysar: pretty good james... J: i wanted to cause decpetion. A: the whole time i thought it was michael. James: and that made me very happy. A: we all thought that. James: not michael. not sarah. not eric. rachel telling a story about howie how he ordered a large chocolate shake at breakfast. howie 'was that with frannie and bla bla'
  17. james: i figured out the first night... Rachel: cuz dumbass got off the surfboard!!! james saying games on because the 2 people evicted were problematic in the house, then goes on with ash being lazy and eating all the food, and mike scaring everyone. they are asking kaysar the logic behind his choices. aboutt he 'lovey dovey family' Kaysar said he did it to have people rethink their friends. "and thats what i did" april adds, and then some.... kaysar explains that james and eric were tight..and wanted to see eric turn on james for maggie. james explaining he only had sarahs vote and maybe someone elses. james telling EVERYONE his strategy- (what the hell you doing boy??????). Kaysar said he se thtat whole thing up. kaysar oened the door and said " i know what you want" howie: it was a big gamble jamie: my ass that was being gambled sarah: can we not gamble wth my boyfriend anymore. James: you cant take waht peopel tell you as face value. you have to talk to them yourself. i could tell by talking to you you were full of shit, and i knew i was going home. reguardless, they never approached me. the only way i knew i wasnt going home is if i got the veto myself i was going home. K: it's true... I: they bless certain people with certain games.
  18. howie and rachel laying down together. talking about real life friends. she is rubbing his arm. talking about "teresa"
  19. they are talking about how the house is up and down up and down.. everyone is pissed one minute and OMG i love you the next. Maggie: I went down.. Beau: today? Bea: I was mindblown i was sitting on the couch, and he was like i pick janelle..and i was like omg. talking crap aobut james being a backstabber... Maggie: I was like *claps for a minute* you got what you wanted. Jennifer: I feel like it's over. M: if the plot was to get cappy and I, it could have been better. but if there was no other way to get us...*cam switch* April and Ivette continuing their award winning perf. A: you never know, the doorbell could ring, and in walks my fuckin cousin. A: if yall want to group us together, i cant change that. im sorry to you kaysar to keep telling you that nigh that I know michael voted you out. people lie, it sucks. i really thought that. Aprl bringing yup the mystery vote for Ash..(April is obviously trying to start shit IMO) A: you know who it was kaysar dont you? K: no..
  20. maggie talking about the one and only time her and eric could have been caught was when beau was sleeping under the covers and maggie thought she and eric were alone in a room, because they were heavily discussing who they liked and didnt like.
  21. trying to say james old job which was a "cool ass job" Rachel: im guessing he's a.. FISHHH come back to laughter. sarah says they never figure anything out because they always give up.. S: we're just like ehh screw it. james sarah rachel standing by fishtank. rachel looking at fishtank. ((she seems to be the most serious to figure it out..but nothing)) howie using the blacklight as a jedi light sabor thing. racheL: howie use the toy and seach the walls. if not sarah and i will.
  22. howie saying he emails rachel to keep in touch. most of his relatives see him on tv - blind date, elimidate, big brother etc. howie wants them to see the tapes..saying it's halarious. camrea zooms in on compass , green thing, vase- everything on that table. chitchat, howie going on about nothing in particular...
  23. Eric is venting to ivette and april, he says he played this game ALL wrong- with integrity. E: the minute james said maggie was evil on day 3..that was it. if maggie and i are going down, im calling everyone else out too. lots of he said she said about sarah and maggie, ivette saying james and eric got protective of their girls, so they had to. Eric telling everyone james was the 2nd vote for james. everyone thinking. eric continues to complain. ask them whats the point is. eric saying rachels the only swing vote. and she wont do it because of howie. he adds not to forget they [howie and rachel] are a pair. eric says he's f--- nausiated. ivette stewing over james voting for ash to stay. beau, april, ivette stewing. april sasys she will ask janelle if mike voted for ash to stay. silence. i think their in thought. I: im votig for cappy to stay.-- pause-- im not changing that. A: he has never done anything to me. I: james is the one who started getting everyone worked up. Eric: that m-fer will sell anyone out. [who??] Eric: im not going to cower down and go begging for votes. [walks away] Beau: relax. April still stewing. saying she'll ask kaysar who was the second vote. says she knows the truth. beau says dont even worry about it. april exclaims I WANNA KNOW.
  24. Eric is venting to ivette and april, he says he played this game ALL wrong- with integrity. E: the minute james said maggie was evil on day 3..that was it. if maggie and i are going down, im calling everyone else out too. lots of he said she said about sarah and maggie, ivette saying james and eric got protective of their girls, so they had to. Eric telling everyone james was the 2nd vote for james. everyone thinking. eric continues to complain. ask them whats the point is. eric saying rachels the only swing vote. and she wont do it because of howie. he adds not to forget they [howie and rachel] are a pair. eric says he's f--- nausiated. ivette stewing over james voting for ash to stay. beau, april, ivette stewing. april sasys she will ask janelle if mike voted for ash to stay. silence. i think their in thought. I: im votig for cappy to stay.-- pause-- im not changing that. A: he has never done anything to me. I: james is the one who started getting everyone worked up. Eric: that m-fer will sell anyone out. [who??] Eric: im not going to cower down and go begging for votes. [walks away] Beau: relax.



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