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Everything posted by arrowhead

  1. Hand Aaryn the NR that her modelling agency fired her and we all see how Arayn's face looks after she reads the news.
  2. Yea, a Yankee saying nigger insurance or “You want the black to come out?”cannot be a racist.
  3. Candice at least should have thrown a sheet to Aaryn and said here you go wear this KKK bitch rather then making a lame threat about being like ED.
  4. I thought that was hilarious when Aaryn snapped her fingers. The girl can push the buttons but the NY bimbo was the one that got in Candice's face asking her if "you want the black to come out?"
  5. I looked at the tape and she said whatch gonna do girl,class girl. Candice could have thrown her clothes on the floor and said something like girl you are All hat and no cattle in a redneck voice. IMO GinaMaire the bimbo when she got in Candice's face was much more confrontational.
  6. Spencer is smart as well and has proven it in his decisions. Aryan is like, like really stupid. I still remember her asking what is 9 x 3 ?
  7. Yep, smart and crazy is right. That was hilarious when Nick said that about the band-aids in his speech.
  8. Candice should have just thrown Aryan's clothes on the floor rather then saying she will get all ED,how lame. Aryan is an idiot and Jeff should hand her the NR that said she is fired from her modeling job when he interviews her after she is evicted.
  9. I bet Nick is laughing his ass off at her.
  10. Candice should have just thrown Aryan's clothes on the floor.This is a lot of put on. A cat fight would have been hilarious.
  11. So why did Candice not throw Aryan's clothes on the floor ? This shows BB is a lot of put on.
  12. But I thought the sad little bullfrog was enhanced.
  13. Maybe she can become a porn star then for her new job and wonder if Nick who says poop would like her jewels or Howard's better.
  14. There is no way hemp could supply that much for the US to make us energy independent without oil and hemp oil is less powerful than petroleum. Exxon and other big oil would have pushed to cultivate hemp themselves if it was that viable. I quit being interested in the discussion when Jack Herer was mentioned as a source on info. Being this is a Candice thread looks like she was a NFL toned Texan cheerleader.
  15. Well Helen is a political consultant that works in Chicago.
  16. The phrase ''Put the pipe down, put your bong down '' is appropriate if anybody thinks a little hemp plant could have ever competed with big oil then or now.
  17. Jack Herer and yes I knew before you were talking about hemp but it could have never competed with Texas Tea.
  18. You understand her last two sentences a lot better then me then.
  19. Yea, Evel Dick is such a model for decency.



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