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Posts posted by Canucklehead

  1.  I LOVE it! Perfect HOH's. I think Jeff, James and Jason are the biggest targets with the outsiders. 


    Agreed those 3 would be my choices and really for their core group any of those would be just fine - I almost lean a bit towards Jason because I think an endurance comp is coming soon and he will be very tough to beat in those ... He's so small, skinny, light, small feet all the things you need to win an endurance comp.

  2. And she conveniently was waiting for #7. Blatant production help.


    Agreed that was played out the way they wanted it to ... BB Canada had too many twists (Has from the start) and it provides options for production to get involved to help players more BB Canada this year was a prime example of just that.

    Sooo the twins were to last 5 weeks without getting caught ?

    There are so many twists, etc thrown into this season... I can't remember what supposed to happen to them if

    they get found out before that time. It's only week 3.

    And agree... how come Da didn't name Clay to cancel his vote ????


    I was wondering the same thing you know that's one sure vote and you don't cancel his vote lol ... Not that it mattered in the end but what the heck dude!

  3. Stoked about the new HoH crew ... Keep my favorites in the game longer!  Perfect shot intentional or not (Probably a fluke) by Vanessa looked like James had it ... I think he thought he did too by the look on his face when she nailed that shot!


    My guess is they should target either Jeff or Jason ... I know people don't like Shellie and Clay much but they told them about the twin twist and formed an alliance with them I think for now they should roll with that and keep their numbers and hope it doesn't burn them.  Jeff has stated on several occasions that he wants to go after Austin which should be reason enough and you know people are going to make sure he knows that Jeff said it.  Plan B is Jason though ... Someone from the other side of the house ...

  4. I just hope that she is 'playing' Shelli & Clay and not really trusting them 100%. I wonder what Vanessa would do if and/or when Austin wins HOH and puts up Steve?


    Not so sure she's playing them given she told them about Liz/Julia seems she wants to work with them at least for now - Might just be help get Liz/Julia into the game together which will give Liz/Julia/Vanessa/Austin a strong core after week 5 but she wants to make sure both the twins get into the game together to work with her and Austin.

  5. I actually enjoy the crew they have in there this ... year as year's go by it's getting harder to find those unique characters that make the show great but I do find more and more the characters with the most potential to make a good season even better are voted out early.  


    Case in point Jace while he was pretty annoying he adds character to the the game while someone like Jackie (no disrespect intended) doesn't really bring anything to the entertainment side of things and these players seem to last longer now ... BB Canada was a great example of that again this year the most boring characters lasted the longest because they played and very simple boring game.

  6. How does the most awesome HG of the season not have a post since July 6th Haha ... This is the best character he seriously cracks me up with the goofy laugh among other things I can't even figure out how to describe this guy but he makes me laugh and that's all I need to have a favorite :)


    I mean can you imagine having this cat as your dentist ... It does sound a little bit crazy Haha


    :guitarist:  :guitarist:  :guitarist:  :guitarist:  :guitarist:  :guitarist:

  7. I think this girl is bi-polar. Now she wants to save Da?!?!


    I wonder if she was just trying to get her to name the other votes so she could use that against her and/or the people she names as votes for her to stay - None of this means she's not bi-polar she's all over the place

  8. I guess this is a fitting end to my least favorite season of Big Brother in the history of the show including BB Canada ... I've watched since the very first season and this has been the absolute worst season and to be honest it's not close IMO. Every year I have been able to at least watch the live feeds and due to the restrictions in Canada ... the first HoH we had was when Helen won her HoH and I decided maybe I'll wait another week then ... Well one week led to the next which eventually led to the entire season.

    I know a lot of people weren't fans of some of the early evicted players like David but I realyl think the majority of the HGs voted out early would have been the ones to really make the season interesting. Having nice people (except Amanda) make for some rather boring TV ... it's just about going through the motions.

    Andy winning really caps off the worst season of Big Brother ever ... Will I be back next time? .... Of Course! :cheers:

  9. Elissa as America's Favorite is a done deal. They Facebook BB groups are going nutzo for Elissa. It is a huge campaign to vote for her in protest to the rest of the HG. There are a few Candice & Howard votes but the majority are voting for Elissa because she was picked on after she left.... bla bla bla

    Isn't it funny how quickly some people forget how Elissa treated Amanda when she was doing her thing for McCrae ... and I'm far from a fan of Amanda but Elissa was far from an Angel in the house

  10. Just to touch on the front page post from Morty ... The reason Elissa would be winning America's favorite player is because Brechel fans will stick together the rest of the HGs will split votes ... There is no clear favorite so the wing nut that is Elissa will win America's Favorite player.

    It's the same reason she was MVP and was voted as the replacement by America people love her or hate her but they all stick together ... No chance for anybody else to win America's favorite player ...

    This might just be my new least favorite season ever ...

  11. I'd like to think Elissa is only doing this with fake rings to drive the nail in Amanda's coffin ... give her a false sense of hope then kick her ass to the curb on Thursday! She could be hoping to make Andy look bad in the process if there is a stray vote but if that were to happen Andy would be wise to deny deny deny ... Being a double eviction it would be a quick easy denial as long as Elissa didn't win

    Funny how quick she came out of the diary room and suddenly wants to be friends with Amanda giving her rings an all ... Yeah I know a little behind on the topic lol

  12. Save me the trouble ... Is Andy really thinking about going along with this stupid plan created by the DR than fed to Elissa and later they called in Andy to likely work on his too? If I recall he was talking about it then got called into the DR

  13. No, I just chose not to ignore the facts of which were shown above in my posts.

    I don't disagree that she made some comments in very poor taste but what I disagree with is the way some people continue to hate a 22 year old girl ... that's not the solution but they'll continue because they refuse to admit adding their hate to racism

    So someone calls for the thread to be locked after trying to get 1 last jab in ... Why am I not surprised?



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