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Posts posted by Canucklehead

  1. Sad to see even as adults to see Steve over heard Jason & Becky joking about the cameras giving them more privacy then Steve does - which was said specifically by Jason last night - I just hate hearing comments like that and it's compounded by the fact the person actually heard him say it.  Nail in the coffin for me Jason ya Jerk!

  2. I think that she's gonna wait until after the Veto comp before she decides what's her next play. I hope she doesn't over think it, or "what if" herself into a panic attack.

    This upcoming veto comp could result in a major game changer depending on who plays, and ultimately wins it.


    The way she's acting right now it almost seems like she's laying the ground work for change in the game plan - Acting scared of Austin even if he doesn't win the Veto - She doesn't strike me as the type to be scared of too many things in life.

  3. Vanessa has decided she wants to ride or die with James, Meg and Jason now. Oh and of course Clay and Shellie too (sorta) 


    She can manipulate the dumb ones and use them to evict Clay when she is ready. 


    I honestly think this move will come back to haunt her - She was gonna ride or die with Austin too until he lied ... Cuz she hasn't lied to Austin at all lol


    I like Vanessa just don't like this move

  4. Austin is definitely an odd dude - I just fail to see Vanessa's logic in taking out someone that didn't even have you on his radar at all ... Just not understanding the decision to take him out you're doing the other side of the house a huge favour by taking out one of your own.

  5. Worst thing is where is Vanessa thinking she will end up in their pecking order once they get to the final 8 assuming she gets that far - The other side will take her out knowing she's a huge comp threat.  A move that she didn't have to make here IMO.  Like I said before tuck it in your pocket and don't forget it but now is not the time to use this card ... Save it for when you need it!

  6. ITA. I was also thinking that a big move for Jackie would be to backdoor the dethroned Vanessa. Not because of Jeff, but because she would be taking out a powerful player in the game. But when I started counting possible votes to evict Vanessa, I couldn't find the 5 votes needed.

    The only way Jackie stays in power is for her nominees (Liz & James) to beat Clay & Becky.

    If Vanessa is not picked to play veto comp she can't win it. Best case scenario with veto in play would be either, Jackie , Becky, or John winning Veto and replacing Becky with Vanessa.

    With Clay vs Vanessa, I can see Becky, Meg, Jason, Shelli voting to evict Vanessa on one side, and Steve, Liz, Austin voting to evict Clay on the other side. I have no idea how James or Johnny Mac would vote in the Clay vs Vanessa matchup.


    Jackie would need her noms to lose not win - They win and she's dethroned

  7. I know Austin was dumb but Vanessa taking him out would be just as dumb!  At what point was his going to be concerned about Vanessa in fact she basically told him exactly what to do last time and he did exactly that ... He got caught in a lie yes but why would you suddenly throw all this thrust to people that a couple days ago were plotting against you to target the one that wan't ... Just simple logic going out the window on this one.

  8. Austin lied to Vanessa but she's off her rocker for trying to get someone out that had no intention on putting her up - Tuck the info in your back pocket and use it later when you truly need it - Now is not the time to take out someone that wasn't coming after you for a long time yet.  Horrible game move!


    Unless and it doesn't seem this way right now but may she's trying to create distance between herself and Austin this week because they only have 1 HOH instead of the 2 they had last time but she hasn't tipped her hand yet to show if her real intention is to target someone else - But the fact she hasn't even mentioned it to anyone leads me to think she's actually considering targeting Austin which at this point in the game is just dumb.



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