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Posts posted by Canucklehead

  1. I got a feeling that the next eviction will be a girl because Vanessa is letting her emotions affect her game.


    Girl because she came to her senses - Evicting Austin is a poor game move and she never should have considered it in the first place which happened because she made an emotional play over a lie like she hasn't done the same - Although I think she should get rid of Jason because he's a number for everyone expect her, Austin, and Liz/Julia

  2. If Vanessa is crazy enough to buy this foolishness from Jason, Meg, and Jackie then she's not half as good as I thought she was - The fact that she waffled at all and considered not sticking to the plan tells the other side she's not trustworthy and could turn on them at any point - Obviously they are gonna fill your head with whatever juicy stuff it takes to make you blind lol


    I thought maybe it was just her putting on a face for them but Liz is crying to Austin about Vanessa potentially backdooring him ... These HGs are off the wall nutty can't just form an alliance and stay true to each other - Seems this is one of the worst years to try and form an alliance that you can actually trust people in.  The best alliance is one that I'm not even sure if it has a name for it lol

  3. I just don't think that Austin will be a trusted & loyal ally to Vanessa because Austin is obsessed with Liz, and his head is not into the game. Vanessa put on a very public display about lying, and everybody saw what happened to Jeff 2 weeks ago.

    Vanessa actively participated in an 8 man alliance to bacckdoor Austin based on his lies and double dealing. Vanessa gave her word because she thought that Jackie would be HOH and her hands would be free of Austin's blood. She could later deny any responsibility and blame Jackie.

    If Vanessa does not put up Austin as the replacement nominee Jackie, John, James, Jason, Meg & Julia will feel betrayed by Vanessa. I think that keeping Austin will do more harm than good for Vanessa's game.


    I think someone just really doesn't like Austin Haha


    Julia will be fine once they sort it all out when she enters the game .... I'd be willing to bet those crazies would all gun for the others once they got into power next week anyway.  MAYBE the week after but they aren't gonna take out each other before they take shots at Shay and Vanessa or the twins anyway so take your shot first.

  4. Whether she believes him or not having him there is far better for her game than kicking him out ... Why remove an ally that has absolutely 0 chance of putting you up anytime soon so you can help a group of people that would take you out in a heart beat if they had a chance.

  5. For an hour Vanessa is just telling Austin he has not been loyal to her? She doesn't know if she can trust him. Now did Vanessa lie to Austin the past week about him being the target


    She is questing why she didn't know about Judas. Did she tell Austin she is a professional poker player.


    She is making sure that he never talks to anyone but her 

    Just to add that the Internet is blowing up with Austin hate. It is OK for Vanessa to berate him for an hour and he is not allowed to talk to anyone else but her. 


    Good Points Marty

  6. Austin is dumb and plays terribly, but in the end he is a vote for the 6th sense. They just can't afford to let him go this week. 


    Poor Liz.


    Agreed - I'm not a fan at all of Austin's but it would be a poor game move to get rid of someone on your side - Just doing the other side of the house a big favour by voting out one of your own numbers

  7. Jason's #1 target is Steve. To Jason, Steve intimidates him the most. If you think about it, Jason's extremely jealous of Steve. Where Jason works at a supermarket, Steve is attending Cornell. They are both super fans but Steve's memory is better. Their build is similar so they would likely be competitive in an endurance competition. There is a simple reason why Jason constantly badmouths Steve. To create an outcast and target on him.


    True he has said he would target Steve next but if he was given the opportunity I'm not so sure he would actually do that - Seems like a pretty weak move and he seems like someone that wants to take out the power players but it would make sense either way - He's clearly jealous of Steve's accomplishments in life so he needs to belittle him like a slimeball

  8. Is John also on board with the whole "back door Austin" plan?

    Hmmm...too bad...when I saw he was playing I thought him winning veto could be interesting.

    Liz winning it and using it to send Austin home would be a huge knife to Austin's creepy heart.


    John knows the plan but to make it less obvious he will use it on Becky because that's what he's expected to do anyway - Hate this move for Vanessa and I wanted her to do well but this could be a move that proves very costly for her game long term

    Austin's only hope this week is Liz winning and not going along with their plan - Really though Liz would actually think this would be a smart play if she suddenly went along with the plan when they didn't even fill her in on the details until AFTER she played the Veto?  That would be a huge red flag to me ...Where you figure you fit on the totem poll there sunshine? lol

  9. All she had to do was bluff her way through the HoH and just worry about Austin's lie later when it mattered right now it wasn't something that was going to hurt her game.  I think she has to figure out a way to get Jason out because an endurance comp has to be looming soon and if their are 2 spots he's likely to get one of them and if she thinks she can suddenly trust him she's a lot more trusting of him then she should be.  Jason may not like Steve but I doubt he's going to burn his HoH to take out Steve.

  10. If I were in Vanessa's position I'd be mad at Clay for his weak performance in the BOB comp. They spent hours developing what Vanessa thought was a fool-proof plan. All the pieces were in place and they all had their parts to play. I wonder which one of her fools is ultimately gonna pay the price for this failure?


    Probably still going to be Austin or Steve because Vanessa has her blinders on - Instead of taking out the real threats to her game she's all of a sudden obsessed with getting Austin out who had no intention of going after her until at least much further down the line to keep someone from the group that would serve her up on a silver platter in a heart beat - 2 weeks in a row this side of the house could have just stuck with their group they had and took out another number from the other side and failed to do so.



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