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Posts posted by vannatc1

  1. I think he is trying to get him some before he leaves. I see the love in his eyes. He is feeling her up right now. She said she can't wait until Wednesday. Probably because he will be gone. I think he is going to be in for a big suprise when he finds out she is just using him. Poor guy LOL

    He sure eats alot doesn't he? He's probably loving it. He looks like a mouch for some reason.

  2. He better stop talking about he is going to get EVERYONE out and he is going to won this. Great way to get your ass on the block and QUICK.

    If these guys don't get him on the block SOON they are going to be sorry they didn't.

    I have never seen ANY BB player talk like this before. Why would you do that you idiot!

  3. This fool just said he didn't care about boobies, boobies are boobies... He is looking for an ass all day... Hey Jerkemy! You see ass all day! I see you checking out yourself in the mirror constantly... there is the ass you are looking for!

    ROFLMAO! Well said. Loser Loser Loser. I would RUN like heck from someone like him back in the day. He thinks he is all that and he is just a waste of space.

    I think him and his showmance are meant for each other. She is just as bad as him. They make a good couple. To peas in a pod.

  4. 5:40 AM cam1 is just Jeremy and one of the girls asleep.. nothing is happening. Did you intend to put a different date or is this for today, 6/30? It isn't even McCrae, cause I can see Jeremy's tattoo. I assume you're going by Big Brother time? (PST)

    Edit: Just watched the other one also.. 7:4am cam 2. I could see McCrae, but both of them were just sleeping, nothing happening. Amanda rolled over at one point but didn't appear to wake up, and I can hear someone walking around off camera. I watched for about 2 minutes and nothing happened. Can you clarify the date/times, or what we're supposed to be seeing?

    Sorry, I think it's either 6/28 or 6/29. I watched them right away so I didn't note down the date. But the one where David reveals it ALL should be the right time because I copied and pasted it from his thread.

    Hehe I avoided that on purpose but thanks for posting for the ladies. Now if one of the multitude of pretty chicks this season could slip up, I'd be all over that!

    Hey, You gotta take care if us ladies too! :bangin:

  5. First I thought she was annoying... then she wasn't so bad... now her obsession with garbage talking on Elissa is making me see that she is one of those weak, catty tramps... PLUS and the BIG thing that has turned me off is her racist comments & gay slurs... she and Aaryn are two peas in a pod... She is turning out more & more like Aaryn as time progresses...

    I don't think she turned into anything in the BB house. She was that way BEFORE she stepped in the door. That stuff just doesn't all of a suddenn pop up. I guess Aaryn plans to move in with her after the show. I'm sure they will have their fans but hopefully it won't be many.

  6. Aaryn & GinaMarie are ignorant and they are gonna see just what they are thought of when they get outta that house.....They think America likes them...lol......wait till their bubbles are busted after their racial and gay comments!!!!! They are in for a Rude Awakening!!!! Would LOVE to see them 2 get nominated next week!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I am soooooooo disgusted by these 2!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah they are going to get a BIG suprise when they get out of the BB house. At least hopefully they will. To me there is no excuse for all the shit coming out of their mouths. They must think it's no big deal??

  7. I think they deliberately cast people who are coming into the show looking for a showmance- maybe they are trying to play up that aspect of it. At least three of the HGs mentioned in their pre-season interviews that they were open or looking for a showmance. I heard one of the guys tonight (I can't remember who) say he was more interested in a showmance than winning the money.

    I don't consider this a coincidence- I think the producers sought them out.

    I agree. I have never seen this many single people in the BB house.

    I'm thinking they're a product of today's sexual morals.... which is hardly any morals at all it seems.


    They sure did hook up fast... that's for sure

    Yeah This is one of the only reasons I'm glad I'm past that age. It's really crazy what many of these young people are all into. It seems like they hookup with anyone just to be hooked up. It's REALLY sad the way some of these girls and guys treat each other. I don't think any of them know what love is. I think some of them hooked up the minute they walked it the door. And Katilin asked like she has been dating Jeremy for years and its only been days.

  8. She seems really nice once you get past the botox and duck lips......

    Am I the only who feels like she is heavily medicated?

    Yeah I wonder if her lips are a natural thing or she had surgery on them. She even puckers them all the time. It is weird. And always says umm umm all the time. I can't believe what some people have done with their lips.

  9. Has anyone noticed that the houseguests don't sit around the big round table and eat dinner together? That used to be one of my favorite parts about the first week or so of each season- everyone was still getting to know one another and none of the drama had started yet. I used to love dinner time because it was the only time the entire house would be sitting together in one place, not talking game, just chatting, joking around and telling stories.

    I started watching the live feed the night it went live this season, and not once have I seen them all sitting at the table together. It seems like they cook separate meals at various times, and split into small groups and eat in different rooms of the house.

    I just heard Katalia and Aaryn saying they needed to start doing that.

  10. From the same page - complete with a night camera animated GIF sequence:

    amanda fingered herself next to him and wiped her p***y juices on the sheets and they made out

    It shows the wiping but not the kissing....

    Funny not in a million years would I have thought that the delivery boy/stoner was Amanda's type......

    Oh I thought what she was wiping was from what she need to the pizza boy. I didn't know she was doing something to herself too.

    The feeds do show them kissing at 7:14am on cam 2

    Vann, if they did have those rules, BB isn't following them. I sure hope they create them soon, because some of their comments are really offensive.

    Yeah more comments from nasty Aaryn just a few minutes ago.

  11. I think season 9 was the worst cast ever, for a lot of reasons. Funniest was how Natalie was "doing things" with Matt at night and then went on to call her alliance "Team Christ".

    Here is a link to an article I found with similar opinions to those expressed here in this thread. Apparently many viewers are disgusted with a lot of different things.


    Also while they are a personality disorder filled lot I kind of like that as opposed to Season 12. Season 12 players were all extremely intelligent and besides Brenchel not much was happening. Same goes for last year. At least with these pinheads we will have some fireworks.

    And here is a letter to CBS from former HG Ragan Fox:


    I didn't realize this:

    Yeah, I'm confused. I'm a new uk bb viewer, but this series, when someone made racist statements, they were called into the diary room and given an official warning. They were told BB does not tolerate such language and that they were made aware of the rules against offensive language before they came into the house. Does US BB not have such rules?

  12. I think season 9 was the worst cast ever, for a lot of reasons. Funniest was how Natalie was "doing things" with Matt at night and then went on to call her alliance "Team Christ".

    Here is a link to an article I found with similar opinions to those expressed here in this thread. Apparently many viewers are disgusted with a lot of different things.


    Also while they are a personality disorder filled lot I kind of like that as opposed to Season 12. Season 12 players were all extremely intelligent and besides Brenchel not much was happening. Same goes for last year. At least with these pinheads we will have some fireworks.

    And here is a letter to CBS from former HG Ragan Fox:


    Oh wow I missed this:

    But Saturday on the live feeds, he was bragging to David about how he touched Kaitlin's vagina because he wants "to see what [he's] working with." But he also called it her "meat wallet."

  13. Thanks for this thread! I guess someone missed posting about Davids little reveil? 2:21pm on 6/29 cam 3, rear shot on cam 4. (viewer discretion advised)

    Here is one of Amanda and McCray 5:40am Cam1 and also 7:14am cam 2 . (viewer discretion definatly advised)



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