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Everything posted by pierceka

  1. 11:09 AM BBT The parade continues to the current HOH. Nicole spoke with Michie. He tells her almost the same thing as Cliff, she won't go up unless he is positive she won't go home. He asks for her to vote the way he asks, in return for safety, Nicole agrees to that. She apologized for being so emotional yesterday, he said that is fine. He is here for her if she needs a shoulder to cry on. After Nicole leaves, Holly brings up a frittata for MIchie. He doesn't know what it is, but it looks amazing. Sis comes up next. Michie says he isn't telling anyone what he is going to do. They have a nice talk with nothing really being said. Michie verifies that Cliff didn't go to people with a deal, it was brought up by Nick. (Cliff was telling the truth) Next up is Christie. She goes over the deal, not an alliance. She goes over several times that it was not an "alliance", it was a deal. Christie says she doesn't ever talk game with Nicole, she had heard Cliff was gunning for her, Tommy and Sis. Without the deal, she would have voted out Cliff. Michie said going into a possible double, he understands and doesn't blame her that she made a deal. Christie keeps talking, saying she wanted to stay loyal to the people she came into the game with (him and Holly). Chrsitie continues talking, every time Michie starts to say something, she keeps talking. Michie finally says after 44 days, being public enemy number one, why would he talk to people about how he was going to vote, or who he would put up. Christie says again that she took it personally, that people were telling her Holly and Michie were voting her out. Christie said she sees through it, people jumping from room to room. Kat told her some bombs before she left. Michie again says he has kept to himself, he stays in the have not room, he doesn't talk game with anyone. Christie keeps trying to voice her perspective, repeating herself, having trouble finding the right words. Michie said he isn't telling anyone who he is putting up. Holly comes in wanting to take a shower, asks if she is interrupting. Christie said she isn't saying anything that Holly can't hear. Holly goes to the shower. Michie said he knows people are going to tell him what he wants to hear, he has to sift through it all. He said he told Sis the same thing. He is keeping an open mind until he gets called to the DR. (he pretty much knows what he is doing). Michie said they have closed the book on personal stuff. Christie said she was hurt, he said it has been flushed, it is gone. He said anything that happens, he is going to be selfish, it is for his game. Not Holly, not anyone else, he came into the house alone, he will leave alone. He is making a decision for his game. Christie says there aren't that many left, he has to do what suits him.
  2. 10:12 AM BBT Tommy and Sis on all 4 feeds, still whispering about what will happen this week. Sis says she has no idea. Tommy says Nick said he can beat Sis in the end. Tommy said putting Jess up would be stupid. Sis said not really, Jess is all about girl, girl, girl, so that would be a good reason to put her up. Cliff is upstairs talking to Michie. They joke about Cliff being the FDR of deals. Michie said he suspects the deal was only good for a week, or through the double eviction. Cliff agrees. Cliff said Holly said something to him about him approaching everyone about the deal. Cliff said that was not true. He was approached and told the only way he could stay was to make this agreement. He said he did what he had to do to stay in the game. Cliff tells Michie that Jack offered him four weeks safety, and he turned it down to vote Jack out. Michie said Jack told him that in the chairs before the eviction. He said Cliff was Jack's white whale. Michie said Cliff won't see the chair unless he is sure Cliff won't go home. He said with that being said, he wants Cliff to assure he will vote the way he wants. Cliff said that he promises, with one caveat, he won't vote out Nicole. Michie said that isn't his intention. He wants to work with Cliff, Nicole Holly and Jess going forward. Michie said he will tell from his nominations, that he will protect Cliff from breaking a promise or being upset over a choice he has to make. Michie said he understands Cliff is playing BB, Cliff offers a handshake that Michie owns his vote this week. Michie wants to talk more with Cliff this week, but needs to talk with some others right now. Cliff said Nicole wants to talk with him, he will send her up. Michie said he needs to go downstairs anyway, he will get her. (gotta walk the dogs, out for a while)
  3. 9:44 AM BBT Tommy is lying in the HOH bed between Holly and Michie. Tommy is discussing the HOH roll. Michie said he is going to talk to each person individually, he is talking to Tommy about him and Tommy, he will talk to Cliff about him and Cliff, he will talk to Christie about him and Christie, etc. Tommy tells them that even though he said he wanted Kat gone because of the two of them, that isn't really true. He said Kat had a good relationship with them, but also with Jess, and Nicole, and everyone in the house. Tommy said Kat told him yesterday that she would put up him (Tommy) next to Michie. Holly and Michie are both glad they decided to vote her out, they had no idea. Talk shifts to the chocolate from the HOH basket, then back to game. Michie said he isn't saying names, Tommy is fine with that. Michie said there are only 9 left, 8 without himself. He said Holly and Tommy are safe, so that leaves six people. He says that means half of those could go up (must be including replacement). They talk a little more about Kat, Tommy not needing to know everything she was doing. Michie said he needs to go take a shower. Michie said whatever he decides, has nothing to do with Tommy. He said he won't put him up as a replacement either. Michie offers Tommy to listen to Eminem while he is in the shower. Holly and Tommy are left talking in the HOH bed. Holly said she is happy Michie won, but this is the eighth HOH, and there hasn't been a duplicate yet. Tommy said you can't write this stuff. Holly wants to go downstairs, Tommy gets up to leave. Holly goes to the bathroom, where Michie is getting ready to take a shower. Holly says Tommy was doing damage control, especially for Christie. He said he knows. Tommy said he was loyal to his people, Holly says they were too, just their "people" weren't loyal to them. Michie gets in the shower, asks Holly to see if there is coffee made. She said she will check, after she goes pee. FoTH 10:00 AM BBT Feeds come back to Michie alone in the shower, other feds on Tommy in talking to Sis. She can't wait to get out of the costume. Sis says she is nervous, Tommy thinks she will be alright. Whispering is hard to hear, but part of it is wondering if Michie will take a shot at Christie. Tommy said Michie isn't saying names or where his head is at. Sis said just telling if you are safe? Tommy said not even that, he just wants to hear everyone out. Cliff comes in. Tommy said they were just discussing speculating on what would happen. Cliff said he saw Tommy come down and went up to talk with Michie. Tommy said he was in the shower. Cliff said he was afraid Holly was in there with him, Tommy said no, Cliff said she was downstairs. Tommy said Michie will do whatever is best for his game, but they don't know what that is. Cliff said there are a lot of targets, he just hopes that it will be a calm week. All feeds switch to the WA. Back to Tommy and Sis, Cliff is gone. Tommy said if he wants Jess gone, put her up, but if you don't want her gone, don't put her up. They think if someone comes down, Christie will go up. Tommy thinks Michie will spend the first part of his HOH rebuilding relationships, Sis said that isn't his game. He doesn't care about relationships. Tommy goes over what he said in HOH, and why he really wanted Kat gone. He is leaving out that he is safe. They talk about the comp, and how some said they threw it so Michie could win (no one was even close to him).
  4. 2:00 PM BBT Kat and Jess are re-hashing last night and all the conversations. Kat reiterates that Cliff has made a deal, and he is a snake for not including Jess in it. Kat said she has her integrity, and if she goes out then so be it. Jess says they want to keep a bigger target, and Cliff is a bigger target. Kat said that Cliff is wearing a bigger brace today. She thinks it is for sympathy. ( His calf is wrapped from below the knee to just above the ankle. It is a wrap, looks like he is preparing just in case it is physical tonight ~ pierceka) Kat said she confronted Cliff and told him it wasn't right that he made an alliance without Jess. When Cliff tried to explain, Kat said she just walked away. Nick tried to follow her. She claims she shut him down. Kat said she should have been a savage player. Now Kat said she is so glad she is going to jury, she feels like she has been lied to for 57 days, and she won't miss anyone but Jess. Jess said that she can get with Jack in the jury house and tell him everything. Michie comes in, asks Jess to trim his hair if she isn't too busy. She said do I look busy? BB tells Michie to put his mic on. Michie says he doesn't want to interrupt. 2:08 PM BBT. Michie said he will be in the WA for his hair cut. He leaves. Kat says she is so ready to leave, that if it were a rewind week, she doesn't know what she will do. She wants suggestions from Jess about what to put in her speech. Kat keeps playing with her mic, can't hear what Jess is saying. Kat asked if Jess is still voting for her, Jess says of course. Now the waterworks begin. Kat loves Jess so much, Jess is so good to her, she will make it up to her. Kat said she will plan a girls weekend for just the 2 of them. Jess starts crying, says she is so tired of being there, she misses home, she tries to be honest, she can't take the way others are playing. 2:13 PM BBT Cliff goes into the SR looking for something, leaves without finding whatever he was looking for. Sis goes to the room outside the RV, talks with Holly. Holly doesn't know if she should wash her hair or not. Michie told her to wash it, it is really bad. Holly thinks it will be the slip and slide tonight, and she doesn't want to wash her hair if it is going to be messy comp tonight. Holly is going to wash her face and put her hair up. As Holly leaves, Nick comes in. The door to the RV room is open a little, Nick said it is just him, he isn't coming in. He closes the door as he puts on deodorant. He tells Sis that they are trying to get Nicole to change her vote, but are subtle, not saying it in so many words. As Nick bends over he hits his head on the RV handle. He is ok. Sis is whispering to him, but camera is not on her so hard to hear. In the WA Tommy is getting ready, Michie is on the couch and says he looks 'fresh". Feeds switch to TBR, Cliff is packing and getting ready, Christie walks in. Feeds switch to puppy cam At the top of the feed page is a scrolling message that says to turn in to the live feeds tonight at 10:00 PM EST (after the show) to watch the HOH competition live.
  5. 1:24 PM BBT Kat is with Cliff at the memory wall, she really wants OTEV, but thinks it is too early. She thinks everyone already knows all the answers, it is just the physical with it. Cliff asks her a couple of questions, she has trouble answering them. He keeps looking at the wall. They whisper about the three people picked for the field trip, they think it was people that are disliked on the outside. There was a punishment and a nomination, so why put your favorites up? Kat and Cliff hope to get Christie out this week. Kat thinks Nick has already jumped ship, and he has tried to get Nicole to jump, too. Cliff said if Christie goes home this week, then where will Nick go, to Tommy and Sis? That is a pretty small ship. 1:30 PM BBT Kat wants to know who is taking a shower. She goes into the WA, and talks to Michie in the shower. Michie discusses not wanting to show his cards this week, but he really wants Christie to go home. He wants Kat safe, hopes if someone comes down, that Jess goes up. He hoped to get HOH, but that didn't happen, so this came along and saved him. They talk a little more, then she goes to the WC. Michie is getting dressed, BB tells him to put on his microphone. He said sure, just a second, while he does his hair. 1:35 PM BBT Kat leaves the WA, Michie asks her if there is coffee made, and did she use 2 scoops. He gets his deodorant and goes into the WC to put it on. 1:38 PM BBT Kat goes up to the HOH room, asks about some rubber bands to do her hair. She said that is why she came up. Jess asks about the headphones. Christie said they need to charge, she thinks Tommy plugged them in, but they might be okay by now. Nicole asks Sis if she wants to lay on the bed. Sis said she is fine. Kat comes back and says Jess's HOH room was a baddie. Christie said that is like a young girl's word. Kat asks people if they played with Bratz or Barbie. 1:40 PM BBT Cliff is alone downstairs. He said whether the cameras are on him or not, it is time to dance, to get loose, it is dance time, celebration time, Cliff Hogg is happy where he is time. Cliff said he is happy where he is, he is proud of who he is, he loves his family. He needs a dance for when he wins. He tells Sharon he loves her, when he gets home they will dance the night away, but right now he is in the B house. Cliff says his life is amazing, BB is amazing. He continues dancing. Cliff said you have to enjoy life, even on the bad days, you have to enjoy life, there are people who have it so much worse. He is giving himself a pep talk before the competition. 1:44 PM BBT Cliff is done with his dance and pep talk. He says now back to studying. He loves BB, thanks BB, tells the live feeders he will give them a show. He hopes the field trip was for people that live feeders don't like. He keeps talking to the live feeders (thanks!) He hopes people value what they have in their life, he sure does. He starts talking to his wife again. 1:47 PM BBT Cliff says that at some point, they (Him and Sharon) need to renew their vows and start another chapter in their life. He goes on a tangent about when they lose each other, it will be so difficult, then apologizes for getting morbid. Starts back on just watching BB on the couch, driving along in the car, or eating a PB and J, it is all better with her by his side. He says he feels the same about his kids. He said Kat calls him her dad, and he will be there for her, but she can't hold a candle to his own kids. He is back to Sharon again. They usually don't go a day without talking to one another, and 60 days is an eternity! He says he needs her support and understanding. He knew what he was getting into, and he is strong enough for it. He will see her in less than 2 months. Whether he walks out with the 500K or walks on Thursday, he is happy with how he has played. He values her even more, that is the biggest take away from this game. Cliff is still going on about his feelings for his wife, she is his everything, the reason for his life and all they have is a camera, a one way camera to them. He is being very sweet, and living about his wife and family. 2:00 PM BBT House guests got up early today for the Veto drawing, now just waiting around. Sis is braiding Kat's hair in the HOH room, Nicole Nick and maybe Christie are sleeping in the HOH bed, Tommy is chatting with Jess about music and Cliff is still talking to his wife about how much he loves her. We get short FoTH because Tommy keeps singing. (Gotta go if someone can take over)
  6. 12:49 PM BBT Up in the HOH room, Christie, Nick and Nicole are in the bed, Tommy, Sis and Jess are up there too. They are studying for the next comp. Tommy said that everyone up there knows that they are taking Christie down (Nicole and Jess are just listening). Cliff is sitting looking at the memory wall, talking to his family. He thanks Sharon, and his kids for supporting this. He is in the house with a bunch of knuckleheads. He said they are in a completely different place than the others in this house. He thanks his kids, Kelly and Daniel for being such great kids, and not like the people in this house. He said they would drive his kids crazy. Cliff said how glorious it would be to get beat by a 54 year old member of AARP, with gray hair and a bum leg. He says if he lives, it will be because he is more focused, more prepared. Christie comes downstairs, they discuss where everyone is. They think Holly, Michie and Kat are all in bed. When she walks out of earshot, Cliff says he wants this more than Christie, more than Kat, more than Tommy. He said he is not going home this week! Christie comes back and general talking. After she leaves, he asks why would you not prepare for this thing? (they were preparing upstairs). Cliff gives a shout out to Houston and the Astros. He hopes when he gets out, he will see the Astros in the World Series. He laments about missing the beginning of the football season. Cliff also shouts out to George Strait and Troubadour. He said he has been in 53 days, and the only music he had to listen to was George. He said thanks for making it possible to dance with his wife, drink with the guys, etc. He does more shout outs to What A Burger and wanting breakfast taquitos and fries. Shout out to Rob's podcast. Hopes Eric isn't racking him over the coals. Cliff goes back to studying out loud. 1:02 PM BBT In the HOH, still Nick, Christie, Nicole, Tommy Jess and Sis. They are talking about the chicken suit. Nick explains that a rooster or cock is a male, so Sis is a hen. Now talking about his pictures. Just general talk going on. 1:05 PM BBT Kat is in the KT, Cliff is studying in silence at the table. Kat appears to be making a pot of coffee. 1:08 PM BBT Upstairs, they are saying that when Sis gets called, they know it is time to get ready. That, or if they hear the doorbell. Sis thinks it will be soon. Nick said he doesn't know, they are letting everybody just sleep. They say Kat said she could sleep 24 hours a day. Christie said Kat is up (that leaves Michie and Holly). Looking at the TV monitor, she said Cliff is really studying. She wonders if she should be downstairs studying too. They talk about the face mash-up, and how different people have certain eyes, coloring, etc. Christie said it could be the counting one, where there are 3 pieces of firewood, how many are in this stack. Nick said he wouldn't be any good at that. Tommy thinks it will be OTEV or ...Sis cuts Tommy off, the topic turns to stretching and doing the splits. Jess can do the splits. Christie said her legs are too long to do that. (leg length makes a difference?) Nick said Christie has a really long inseam. Jumps again to previous HG's, hoping Rockstar comes back and hosts this one. Christie said she likes Rockstar, they called her that since her name was Angela, too. Sis said she didn't really like her. Christie keeps talking about her and what she did in the DR and outside the house. Jess doesn't know why they called Rockstar a pagan witch. She never heard her say it. They are talking about Tyler being called back for 20, he applied for 19, and that Rockstar was an alternate. Sis wants to know what BB Over the Top is, she has never heard of it. They explain it was on CBS all access, you had to pay for it. No one up there saw it. They discuss Celebrity BB. Jess loves Ross Matthews, someone else likes Shannon Elizabeth. They explain who she was. Sis had said that she didn't watch it, because hey need better celebrities. Tommy said Shannon played too hard, but their season was only 30 days. They talk about some of them wanting to leave, and it was only 30 days, they left at around 15 days.
  7. 3:12 PM BBT Nick is swearing over and over that he is not in an alliance with the other side. He said now that Tommy is HOH, he can show his cards. He will definitely take Christie down if he plays in the veto. He think Nick, Tommy, Sis and Christie can go to the end together. Nick makes sure that Tommy knows Cliff was going to put up Christie and Tommy with Tommy as the target. Nick said he doesn't like playing both sides. Nick said he and Cliff talk, and Tommy wants to put up Cliff and Kat. He said Kat is dangerous. She has a good relationship with everyone in the house. They are already counting votes with Christie coming down.
  8. 3:10 PM BBT Michie got safety, Sis came in second, Christie is third one on the block. Tommy told Nick that he wants to put up Cliff and Kat, with Kat being the one to go home. In the SR Michie, Cliff and Holly are thrilled Michie is safe, they want Christie to go home, but it depends on the veto.
  9. Tommy, Sis, Nick, Nicole, Jess, Holly and Cliff were just hanging out in the HOH room when Christie comes in to use the shower. This was at 11:04 BBT Feeds cut at 11:05 AM and are still off at 1:30 PM BBT (puppy cam)
  10. 1:47 PM BBT Kat said so Nick hasn't made any promises to Jess? Jack said no (earlier he said Nick promised to vote out Jack) Jack said so Jess doesn't know how Kat is voting, Kat said no one knows how she is voting, not even him. Kat is telling him that looking at the numbers, no one really has an advantage. Kat wants to think about it. Jack wants an answer right now, Kat is putting him off, she wants to "marinate" it. Jack calmly pressures her, giving promises to NEVER put her up. He then says that he isn't trying to back her in a corner. He again says that he offered Cliff a deal first, but he turned him down. He said there is a rift in the house, and it is a good time to make some moves. (she is second choice). He keeps offering her safety in the double eviction. She is still waiting. He keeps talking. He said he doesn't want Holly and Jackson getting wind of this. Kat said she didn't know anyone had any dirt on her. He is now saying that if they hear it, Holly or Jackson may use it against her. (he was going to use it against her in his eviction speech). He said he doesn't want her to feel pressured, as he pressures her. She says she has to go do her hair and get ready. She said she will talk with Nick. He said they can call Nick in now. She said she wants to think on it, talk to him later. 1:56 PM BBT They come out, Christie and Tommy are there. Christie is crying (big surprise). She said she doesn't like not knowing what is going to happen. Kat goes to get her roots dyed by Jess. Cliff said he is getting his tips done. After they leave, Christie, Tommy and Jack talk. He tells them he offered Kat an alliance, she wants to think on it. He said it is his last chance. 2:05 PM BBT Nicole and Nick are in the SR. Nicole is ironing. Nick said Jack makes a lot of sense, and his pitch is really good. Nicole said yeah, but NO. Nick is whispering that he made a promise to Jess to vote out Jack. He tells her he is sticking to it, but keeps saying what Jack is trying to do with Kat. As Nicole talks, he keeps shushing her. She said if he is flipping, to tell her. He said he isn't going to flip, but he wanted her to know what is going on. She said it is going to be another interesting Thursday. Nick keeps talking, repeating himself. Nick leaves, Nicole talks to the camera. Her eye is twitching, she asks Allen (the alien) to save them. Nicole says she doesn't like when people say she is on a side, she isn't on a side, she votes how she needs to. She likes it in the SR, it is peaceful in there. She is ironing her shirt, and says shit shit shit, she just burnt her shirt. She hopes this isn't the trajectory of the way the day will go. 2:13 PMBBT Nick is talking to Kat, while Jess colors her hair (roots) and tells her that he and Cliff are on the same page, they are voting Jack out. He said his last ditch effort is getting Kat to flip. Nick said don't do it. Nick leaves, and Cliff comes by and says that Sis feels he is single handedly responsible for Jack going home. He thinks Jack spun it that way. They agree that sitting at the DR table isn't the place to discuss this. Jess continues to color Kat's roots, telling her the hardest part is getting her hair separated from her extensions. Jess said we are supposed to tell how we are voting, but everyone is. Kat said she will just tell him it was a last minute decision, Kat says isn't it always? Jess asked if she told Jack she isn't voting for him, she said she told him she wanted to think about it. Kat says she was hoping Jess would come in to say it was time to do her hair. 5:24 PM BBT While Jess continues to color Kat's hair, and talk about how the coloring is going, Jack is in the CBR with Tommy,. Christie and Sis. Sis is on the bed putting on her make up. Christie is too. Christie asked how it went with Kat. He tells her that he wanted to bring Nick in so they could solidify the vote, but Kat wanted to marinate on it. Holly comes in and Tommy asks if she knows what outfit she is wearing. Game talk stops as Holly is in there. BB calls out for Holly to put on her microphone. Jack sitting in the chair with his feet up, looking down, Christie and Sis putting on make-up, Holly trying to dry her hair and Tommy just laying on the bed. 2:28 PM BBT Tommy leaves. Christie jokes that he can sit is silence anywhere in the house. Tommy goes to the DR table and watches Jess doing Kat's hair. They aren't sure how it will turn out since they are using box coloring. Kat doesn't like the smell, she is having flashbacks to the challenge wher she had to smell things. She thinks it smells like bobcat pee, or maybe coyote pee. They discuss the smell of perms, and say they could perm Jack's hair. Jess said not to freak out, but she hasn't done a box color in a long time. Kat isn't really worried about it. She is sure it will be fine. (I am out....just getting ready now, no game talk. Feeds sure end soon)
  11. 1:20 PM BBT Nick and Jack are talking in the TBR. Nick tells him that he will do whatever Cliff does, because if it is 4-4, it f's his game. Nick goes to the SR and talks to Cliff. Cliff then goes into the TBR and tells Jack he doesn't feel comfortable splitting the vote. Jack says Kat has lied through the game, he is going to blow up her game in his speech. Cliff says he can do what he needs to do. Cliff says he has mad respect for Jack, and it isn't just the physical aspect, but people gravitate to him. Cliff said he is sorry, but he can't do it. They end amicably. Cliff said he will tell Sis and Tommy unless Jack wants to. Jack said he will tell them, but if Cliff wants to be stand up, then go ahead. Cliff goes and tells Sis, then Tommy. Tommy said he gets it. Cliff said he could have bought a couple of weeks safety, but where does it go from there. Cliff continues to tell Tommy that other people have treated him better, Jack left hm out of a lot of decisions. Tommy said this won't make Cliff public enemy #1, just because he didn't take the deal. Cliff said he didn't want to wait until the last minute, he has too much respect for Jack. Cliff said he didn't want to be the swing vote, but it fell on him that way. He said while he was sitting upstairs, he just added it all up. Nicole talks to Tommy for a minute and asks if Cliff has talked to Jack, he said yes. 1:35 PM BBT Tommy and Nick are whispering. Nick said he hasn't lied yet in this game, but he doesn't want a big target. Tommy said that won't happen. Tommy pitches to Nick to bring in Nicole and have her jump, then they will be strong. Cliff goes to Michie and tells him that he told Jack, Tommy and Sis. He said Sis is upset, but that is to be expected. Cliff hopes there isn't too much blow back for this. Michie said he has his back as much as he can. Cliff told Michie that Tommy said he is going to vote with them (Jack out), to show he isn't with the others. (funny, Tommy is still campaigning for Jack to stay). Looks like Tommy is telling everyone what they want to hear, and he will make a decision at the last minute. Michie and Holly are eating at the DT, Tommy is there too. They are discussing how they are on a sound stage, that makes the temperature hot from the lights, and cold when they are off. Nick is talking to Jack, giving more suggestions on how to bring people in. They discuss Kat. Christie comes in, Jack said he is going to go to Kat and tell her the info he knows about her, and that it is precious to her and Jess's game. He is going to hold it over her and say he will keep her safe and not spill the info if she votes to keep him. (blackmail anyone?) 1:33 PM BBT Jack goes and gets Kat and they go to the TBR. Jack said he wasn't able to pitch her an alliance yesterday. He said there are people that are special to her game, and that is Jess. He said also Holly and Michie, Kat said that is up for interpretation. Jack said that Cliff turned down his deal, so he wants to move forward with her. He knows she knew about the flipped vote, but he doesn't want Jess to know about it. She doesn't know why? She said it wasn't a big deal, she doesn't want to blow up her game. She is trying to understand what he is pitching. He said align with him, Tommy, Christie, Sis, if he gets the vote from her then Nick would go with them. She keeps having him repeat himself. She thought Cliff was with him, she questions him, he said Cliff is not voting to keep him. She keeps asking him. She said she thought Cliff was on his side. Kat is playing very dumb, doesn't understand what is going on. Kat did say she thought everyone was just voting individually. She ask again how this saves her, he said he won't blow up her game and trust with Jess. Kat said she isn't sure that would blow it up. 1:41 PM BBT Continued talk in the TBR with Kat and Jack. He tells her if she flips, Nick will flip too. Jack said Nick said he promised Jess he would vote out Jack, and he doesn't want to go back on that promise. Jack is shoveling his respect for her game, didn't want to make her have to explain herself to Jess and Nicole. Jack wants to bring Nick in, she says she wants some time to think on it. Kat says she didn't know her vote was so important, she said but now there is pressure on her. Jack said her vote is very important. Kat asks that she can't let Jess know? Jack said he wouldn't. He backpedals and says Jess wants to be let in, Kat can tell her that she has decided to keep Jack, and why. He offers to bring Nick in , again, or bring in Jess.
  12. Thursday morning recap. Jack was making his rounds focusing on Nick and Cliff. He talked to Cliff about safety loyalty. He talked to Nick about him (Nick) talking to Cliff and reiterating what a good deal it is to go with Jack instead of Jackson going forward. Jack said there are three points, one is a 6-3 house compared to a 5-4 house. He needs Christie through the double eviction, but they understand that she is playing both sides and she will need to go. His third point was that if Nick pulls the trigger and votes to keep Jack, then he has to make sure Cliff knows and understands. Jack said Cliff's biggest fear is being hung out to dry. Nick goes over the points again. Nick talks to Cliff and they agree it is best for Jack to leave. Cliff found Orwell and did a brief Cliff Notes, it may be his demise, but he is NOT keeping Jack. Cliff says he is giddy. He said giddy is an abbreviation for giddy-up, like giddy on up out of here tonight. Most of the HG's were slow to get up and get going, some were in the KT getting something to eat. Feeds went down at 10:45, then switched to puppy/kitty cams at 11:00 BBT.
  13. 11:48 AM BBT Michie and Jackson still re-hashing things. Jackson said he is still going to pack, especially since it might be a double eviction. Michie brought Jack's things in from outside. They are going to Vegas first. Jack said he is going to try to find something work out here. Michie said he might as well. Michie, and Holly are already out there, Bella, Nick and Jack should get get a house all together. They are now talking about the jury house, (code name Mexico). They said they will party, drink, no cameras, work out every day, swim in the pool, etc. It will be like real world. Jack is joking about it being the bros in the house. 11:54 AM BBT Jack asks if Michie will be campaigning today. He said he will make the rounds, and Jack should do what he needs to do. Jack said he is an upstanding guy, except for the two times he screwed him. Nick comes in, apologizes for interrupting. They say no, they are done. Jack leaves and Nick talks to Michie. Michie said for the foreseeable future , he won't put Nick up. They discuss Christie campaigning, beacuse she is scared. Nick tells him to keep a low profile, and he should be good. Michie said he understands Nick has to do whatever he needs to do. Nick understands. Nick said he has talked to people, he knows where they lie, unless something happens. Michie is again alluding to the "golden" speech he has in his back pocket, but he isn't going to use it. Talk ends, Nick says to take it easy, don't do anything stupid. Michie hopes it is going to be a double eviction. They keep talking. They want Christie to go home next. Michie said he will be on the block every week. He said he wants to see Holly go far, she has a good chance of winning it all, better than him. Nick said he was on the bottom 2 weeks ago, now he is fine. He said he isn't on the top, but he is in the middle and fine there. They talk about Nick's pimples that Michie popped. Michie gets called to the DR downstairs, Nick said he is going to read the Bible. 12:02 BBT Feeds go to the KT. Jackson walks by, Tommy tells him he was called to the DR. Jackson says he knows, he is going to pee first. Jack is singing about going poop, then Tommy sings it. BB calls Jack to change his battery. Jess is getting coffee. Holly, Christie and Kat are in the TBR. Holly said they are both keeping it classy. Christie said why couldn't one be a complete jackass? Why couldn't they suck ass? Kat says one does, Holly and Christie go Whoa! Kat said she wasn't going to say which one. Christie saying she wants to be friends outside the house. Kat yawns as she agrees, and it sounds like she said no. They joke around. Christie and Kat are telling Holly she will need to do good bye messages today. Holly said she hopes he doesn't see it. They all get up to leave, they want to take showers. Kat stubbed her toe again. 12:10 BBT Jack is campaigning to Nick now. Nick is saying his loyalties lie with Jack, Sis, Tommy and Nicole, but he is leery of Christie. He said when he sees her talking with Kat and Holly, he knows she is trying to get the target off her back, but he is afraid it will fall on him. Jack said if his Kat thing falls through, then he wants Nick to talk with Cliff and try to get him to turn. Jack is going to offer Cliff and Nicole safety. Nick is trying to decide who will be up if Cliff and Nicole are safe. Nick said he promised Jack out on the hammock that if he got Cliff, he would keep him and it wouldn't go to a tie. Nick is assuring Jack they are good (he did the same with Jackson). I am out for a while, going to visit my son)
  14. 11:05 AM BBT Holly and Cliff are alone in the KT. Holly said Michie made a promise not to campaign against Jack, but she told him she thinks he needs to talk with people. Cliff agrees. He understands why Michie is doing that, he doesn't want to break his promise and say negative things. Michie comes in, Cliff is talking about coffee filters, and that Michie made coffee this morning. Also, there are 2 more watermelons in the SR. Holly said she will make chicken and waffles tonight with her watermelon salad. Cliff said they need to talk in case there is a double eveiction this week. They think they are all on the same page, aren't really saying names. Holly said she has heard Christie and Tommy are coming after her, but she thinks it is Christie influencing Tommy, and he isn't really after her. Cliff said they are all thinking he same tree people, they just need to make sure that those tree don't win HOH. They notice the time is 11:11 and Holly does a Spotify shout out. She is talking about a song she loves, but she isn't allowed to sing it. Michie goes to the TBR with 2 cups of coffee, one for Jack. Christie, Tommy, Cliff and Sis are in there, possibly Nick. They say Jack is in the DR. Michie says he wants to hash some things out before Jack starts out on the campaign trail. He leaves. 11:20 AM BBT Feeds1 and 2 are on the HOH room with Nicole and Jess sleeping, no one is talking. Feeds 3 and 4 are on TBR. Christie left to go poop. Cliff jokes that Michie just left there, Christie said it might be bad. Nick and Tommy are in bed in the TBR. They talk about Michie saying he isn't going to campaign. Tommy says it shows he is a stand up guy, and if he starts talking he can only hurt himself. Christie comes back, said she was kinda scared over what is happening. Sis comes in and says she didn't like Michie coming in wanting to hash things out. They explain to her that it isn't bad, it is just wanting to clear the air. They still aren't going to align again, since one is going. Sis thinks this is going to work, that Jack will be staying, and Christie agrees. She said the only thing Jackson can say is no one is his target but Christie. She said she has been mellow all this time, just wait (ooohhh!) Christie and Sis again say this is going to work. 11:28 AM BBT Christie said if she and Jack are the first tow in jury, it will be a cry fest. They will just sit around and cry. Nick asks if they will be snuggling. She strongly says no. He is trying to get a reaction from her, and she is falling for it. Christie said she won't be next to jury, because she is going to win the veto. Tommy said can you stop saying veto and say HOH? She said if she doesn't feel like winning the HOH, then she will win veto. If she wins veto then he is probably going up. She says okay, she will go for HOH. Sis keeps saying Jack isn't going, she just feels it. Jack comes back from DR, they tell him Jackson came in looking for him with coffee. Jack says he thinks he is just going to just generally campaign today, and not hit it hard until tomorrow. They tell him not to show his cards, so Michie can't counter it. Jack leaves. Sis says she doesn't agree with that. She wants him to start pressing Kat now. If he waits until tomorrow, she will be pissed and vote him out, then align with Michie and Holly. She said he needs to make her paranoid now. (His plan is to tell her to promise to vote to keep him or he will tell her secrets) Cliff comes in, talking turns general. Nick is called to upstairs DR, and Cliff leaves too. Sis, Tommy and Christie talk about all the secrets that could come out tomorrow. Sis said in the morning? They say yes. Cliff comes in and Christie is mid sentence about nothing, to cover. Cliff sneezes twice, gets something and leaves. Christie said she needs to talk with Cliff, she hasn't talked with him in days, but she has a good relationship with him. Sis says she thinks Holly is going to do some campaigning today. Christie agrees. Sis goes back to the Kat thing, trying to decide when is best to confront her. Holly comes in, talk stops. 11:40 AM BBT Michie and Jack are talking in the boat room. Michie said he isn't making anything personal, they are still bros. They agree to go to Vegas together. Michie says now the others are like the six shooters, but holding on for dear life. Jack says whoever lives, has a lot of work to do. They will always support each other. Michie said if they are going to Vegas, Jack needs to work on his poker face. They were talking about Jack feeding the fish, things being shifty. Re-hashing what went wrong, Jack said he is requesting books to read in jury. He thinks the vote will come down to Cliff and Nicole. Jackson said he was thinking about having a speech that would be fireworks. He will tell Jack what it is later. Michie said he doesn't want to go out that way. If he used it, it would be money. Michie said he will share it later, he learned not to tell Jack things now. Jack agrees. Not aggressive or mad, just low key, but truthful. Michie said lie to me in the game, but don't stab me personally. Michie said not to leave him to hang out to dry in the real world, they will chalk everything up to the game. But, Michie said not outside the house.
  15. 10:30 AM BBT Tommy is up and follows Christie into the SR to get new batteries. Tommy says he was hoping to get out of the costume today. ( possibly after the live show - piercka)) She asks what is going on, he said nothing, no one is up but Cliff walking around the bathroom. They say they just want to see what happens today. Christie leaves, Tommy follows once he gets his costume back on. Tommy goes to the KT and talks with Cliff about halfway. Cliff said they are at the halfway point. Tommy said they have only evicted 5 people, there are so many more to go. Cliff said if there is a double tomorrow (there isn't) and the final 3 stay until the end, then they are at halfway. Cliff said Nick has done the math. Tommy goes to the WA and talks with Christie while she is doing ADL's Cliff is in the KT, said he wants a What A Burger breakfast taquito. He asks for them to send them to him by drone. Cliff is getting coffee in the KT while Tommy and Christie discuss how much Tommy got called last night. He says only once. Christie goes into the KT, Cliff asks if she wants coffee. She asks if he made it, he says no, he thinks it was Michie. Nick comes in, they say good morning, and he goes looking for Tommy, he says he misses him. Nick complained about waking up a lot because it was cold. In the KT, Cliff continues puttering around, Christie said today should be interesting. Cliff says yeah, but is not starting a conversation with Christie. 10:38 AM BBT Christie takes her coffee into the WA, joining Tommy on the couch as Nick brushes his teeth. 10:48 AM BBT Jack and Sis are in bed in the TBR, he is stroking her hair. The feeds switch to the have-not room, where Michie and Holly ar in bed. Michie said it is hot, and he sweat a lot last night. She sleepily says she is sorry, they spoon. 10:38 AM BBT Cliff is eating in the WA talking with Nick, Christie, and Tommy. Tommy says he was only called once last night, Christie said he is winding down. He says he has 4 more days in the suit. They are surprised it is that long. He said he got it on Saturday. They discuss taking the helmet off (it makes his neck hurt). We get FoTH while he tells what production told him. Feeds are back. They are discussing the jury house, how they can nap and won't be watched as much. (at all). Christie says when she gets out, she hopes they don't have haters. Cliff said someone might have said one little thing, and it gets screen shot, and goes viral.. She doesn't think anyone will have major haters or anyone losing their job over what happens in the house. (She may be in for a surprise!) They are talking about missing their families, current events, watching or hearing the news. They wonder what has happened while they are in there. 10:59 AM BBT Nick went back to bed in the TBR. In the WA, Christie, Tommy and Cliff are discussing what is being put out about them on the message boards. They hope nothing bad. Christie says he has nothing to worry about. He says you haven't seen my diary room sessions. They all laugh. Then the discussion progresses to faces they make when they are mad, or concentrating. Cliff makes a face when he is thinking, but they thought he was mad. Cliff said they haven't seen him mad, it takes a lot to get him mad, and they will definitely know when he is mad. Christie said she doesn't think anyone has seen anyone really mad. Tommy said maybe a couple. Christie said she hasn't been really mad. (really?) She explains what she feels, and lots of crying. Cliff said he gets upset when people are being treated unfairly. Michie comes in and tells them they will want to leave, he has to use the WC, and it will be bad. They all get up, laughing that they know to heed his warning. In the KT, Holly said she got the preview, and this will be bad. Now talking about pants that were outside.
  16. 12:17 BBT We are on puppy cam, looks like the veto meeting is about to start. Not much has been going on the last hour. Nick took a shower and went to read the bible. Christie made her way to the HOH room to apologize to Kat, then to the RV room with Sis and Holly. Holly was putting on makeup, she said she always looks like "poop in a pouch" for these meetings. Christie said she didn't put her bathing suit on yet, because she feels that is always what she has on when the meetings are called. Jess, Kat and Nicole were being lazy in the HOH room, then Jess got ready for the meeting. Everyone in the house is tired. Between Tommy waking them up, and Allen the Alien for the last 24 hours, no one seems to have gotten much sleep. They are also discussing strange dreams they have been having. Kat about Brett, most about family. Very little campaigning, though Jack has been planting seeds with Nick and Cliff. He told Sis he is going to offer Cliff safety, 3 weeks straight up, 4 weeks if Cliff agrees to not put him up. Sis said he would be a fool not to accept that. Jack wants to wait until the last day, so Michie can't counter offer something better. (This was earlier in the hammock) 12:25 Still Kitty/Puppy cam, so meeting must be started.
  17. 9:35 AM BBT Jack is finished with his story, so Tommy goes back to bed, he is exhausted. Cliff goes into the house as well. They both go into the RV room, Christie asked about Allen the Alien, and Cliff gives a very quick recap.Christie asked how Jack was doing, they both said fine. They are glad it is the last of that. Cliff said now we see about Michie. They are discussing what it might be, but they don't know. Tommy said he is sick of these punishments. Christie agrees. 9:40 AM BBT Tommy, Christie, and Cliff are still discussing the Alien visit. Nick appears to be sleeping in the bed with Tommy. Jack and Sis appear to e asleep in the hammock.
  18. 9:12 AM BBT Feeds are back. Sis and Jack are still in the hammock. Sis asks Jack if he is going to tan today. He said yes, he didn't get much sun yesterday. Jack said he has to go talk to Jess today. He wants to know if he is really the target. Sis said she doesn't think so. She said Jess told her, and someone else told her that Jess was just putting 2 people up, and letting the house decide. Jack said after the veto ceremony, she won't have any power. (she is the deciding vote in case of a tie). Jack said his upper lip and lower lip will be firmly attached to her anus. Tommy comes out, Jack calls him Tommy Brocket. Tommy needs Jack to unzip the back of his costume so he can go pee. When is is done, he is coming back so Jack can recap his final 3 hours with Allen the Alien. It is now finished. Jack said he can't be the first one in the jury house, that is just wrong. 9:18 AM BBT Jack and Sis still in the hammock talk about going to Europe when this is done, or 3 months in a hut in Thailand. All feeds switch to Cliff in the WA, walking through the KT, the only one on the feeds. Feeds cut back to Jack and Sis. Jack says Cliff is a super fan, Sis says he has watched this for years. Jack wonders if Cliff tried out for the show for like 15 years, BB says "you are not allowed to talk about production". Jack says understood, say less. They discuss double eviction, Jack thinks it is this week, Sis said last year Bailey was in the house alone for a week. He said that they didn't have Camp f-ing Comback. Sis says true, that was so weird having them live upstairs. Tommy comes out, says his costume is starting to smell. Sis asked Tommy how many times he had to get up last night, he said one, no two. Jack said Speed of Sound and Speed of Smell. Cliff comes out and Jack is going to tell his stories again of what happened with his final encounter with Allen the Alien. 9:25 AM BBT Other feeds are on sleeping house guests with the lights on. No talking other than the re-cap from Jack.
  19. 9:00 AM BBT We are on FoTH for wake up call. Earlier, Jack and Sis in the Hammock discussing their dogs. Jack told a story about flying with Layla (his dog), and that he is going to put her in a training program Therapy dog I think, but he said service dog, which means she would go to a person that needed a service dog. He is keeping her, so probably a therapy dog. Jack and Sis keep saying how nice it is outside this morning, and how they like the alone time. They hope they can hear the music from outside. They discuss the pros and cons of Spotify vs Apple music. Cliff was in the WA taking a shower and shaving in the shower.
  20. 4:55 BBT Jack is upstairs with Nicole, Kat and Cliff feeding the fish. Jess is at the table with Christie, saying she is welcome to join them upstairs, but don't feel obligated. Christie says are you kidding? She is eating and talking at the same time.
  21. 4:50 BBT Most of the people are mulling around the KT, looking for food, congratulating each other on the comp. Nick seems to have hurt is shoulder/neck and is called to the DR upstairs. He was icing his neck. Tommy is singing but no FoTH because it is nonsense singing.
  22. 4:30 PM BBT Jack comes into the TBR. Tommy tells him best case scenario. Jack is staying, he says I know. They said it exposes Jess as a competition beast. She won everything this week. In the same conversation, Jack said it was luck, no skill (how does that make Jess a competition beast?) Jack wonders if Jackson has anything up his sleeve, Tommy doesn't think so. Tommy says Christie is playing both sides, Jack said he saw how Christie acted when Jess won. Tommy and Jack got punishments. Tommy said this makes it up to the house for trying to flip the vote last week with Kat. Jack thinks he isn't going to get any sleep. Tommy said he isn't sleeping in the same room as they think it will be someone keeping him awake. Jack said he is going to make sure Cliff is in the room with him. They laugh.



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