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Everything posted by pierceka

  1. 4:25 PM BBT Jess won Veto, Nick won 5K, Tommy talks to Sis and says best case scenario, and Jack isn't going home. They think Nick will vote with them to evict Michie. Tommy is happy he got a punishment, it pays for his trouble last week. Kat won something, but I am not sure what. Sis thinks Kat and Nick will vote out Michie, and they have himself, Christie and Sis, so Jack is safe.
  2. 11:00 AM BBT Holly is still talking about last night. She said at 5:30 when she came down, she heard voices in the SR. She asked if they got re-stocked. Sis said yes. Holly said she just stood there listening to voices that weren't theirs. BB said the SR is currently closed. Holly said she really didn't need anything, well, yes, a tampon. All they have left are lights. They need more. As more people get up and come through, talk changes to general talk. Tommy is now whispering that Cliff fed false information to Christie and Jack. Holly thinks Cliff got impatient waiting for cracks in the alliance, so he thought he would speed things up. Holly said Cliff approached her about working together. More Cliff bashing going on, saying he is trying to cause issues. (I am out, hubby coming home early and we are going to the fair!)
  3. 9:50 AM BBT BB says What do you not understand about please? Wake up! Jack is in the KT, he goes to the TBR and said there was a whole pot of coffee and now it is gone. He blames Cliff (I think). Nick is in the round bed with Tommy, and says that it is that side of the house's turn. Sis says Cliff is a snake, that he made Jess eggs and coffee (Michie did that last week plus a lot more food) Sis says Cliff usually stays in bed until everyone gets up, but today he was up at the second song. Sis goes into the RV and talks to Christie. She re-tells her Cliff story, badmouthing him. Christie said he is such a player. Christie is telling about Jess coming to talk with her last night. Jess said with the big blow up, she sees where people stand. Jess said she didn't get involved, it wasn't her fight. Sis and Christie don't know what that means. Jess said this is the first week she isn't anxious. She said every week she has been nervous, and since she is HOH, she isn't anxious. Christie said Jess said it is time for others to feel that anxiety. Christie told Sis of her advise to Jess to put up who is best for her game, not to be influenced by anyone else or what is good for their game. Sis said that was good. Holly slept in the hallway, Michie slept in the have not room. They discuss that Holly has a big decision to make. Back to Cliff bashing. Christie said he f'ed himself, and is now public enemy number one. She said she caught him lying. Sis can't stand him. Christie says that since he is safe this week, he will go home next week. Sis says unless he wins HOH. Christie said that SHE is going to win. Christie is going to put up Cliff and Jackson, if Jackson goes home this week, then she will put Nicole up. Sis is anxious about this week. She is afraid she is going up. They are bashing "the committee". Sis is cussing, calling them names and said she wants a one on one with Jess, not all the others. (When they aren't in power they really get ugly!) More bashing, can't listen to this anymore 10:09 AM BBT Tommy and Nick have joined the HOH crew. Cliff goes to get some clothes so he can take a shower in the HOH room. He will check the TV screen to see if it says Nominations today. Jess said everyone is welcome to use the shower. Tommy says he wants to earn it. Nick said Holly put him up last week, so he didn't ask to use the shower. Jess thanks Tommy for the coffee, then he leaves to change his battery. Nick leaves, too. Nicole, Jess and Kat are left in HOH room. They joke about how people are all coming to Jess now. Jess said they brought her coffee in Nicole's mug! It even says Nicole on it! They wonder if they saw Jack's mug if they would just take it and use it. Jess said there are no boundaries in this house. Jess announces she is not pregnant, she started her period. Nicole says they are all synced up. Jess said it could be a bad day for people she wants to put up. Cliff comes back with his clothes. He said said Nick stopped him and asked if he is safe. Cliff said you will need to speak to Jess. Nick said he wanted to , but there were a lot of people up there, and he wanted to do an one on one. Tommy said the same thing. Cliff told them to talk with Jess, he is sure she will be open to individual talks. Cliff wants to see if they can pull in one or two more to keep themselves safe going forward. Jess wonders how much she can say to Christie. Cliff said if they bring up his name, he wants someone else to be there. He doesn't want a he said she said situation. Jess says they have done that before, so it isn't a new concept. Jess said she can't say names, but she can say it is someone that is bad for her game, who has already put her up. Nick comes back up wanting to talk. Jess said she has to get dressed and change her batteries. She promises Nick will be the first one she talks to. She also tells Nick that Cliff is in the shower Nicole decides to get up. Jess said she is welcome to sleep in there again tonight, or if she wants to sleep downstairs to get a feel of what is going on, that is fine too. Nicole leaves and Jess starts getting ready. 10:22 AM BBT Holly and Tommy are talking, sounds like about all the stories going around from yesterday. Trying to figure out who said what to whom, Christie back-pedaling , Tommy wanting to know what was said about him. Nicole comes through, they say good morning, how was it (in HOH) she says amazing. She goes into the RV room where Christie and Sis are still in bed. The six-shooters are scrambling and anxious today!! Sis comes out. Holly said he primary color scheme is so disgusting. Her bedroom at home is all white, and fluffy. Now they are talking about how late it was last night. Tommy came down at 3:30, Holly went up to help take things up, it was 5:30 when she came down. Sis, Holly Christie and Jess get called for new batteries. Holly said when she was up, she was joking with Jess, but not serious campaigning.
  4. 9:11 AM BBT We get FoTH, possible wake up call? 9:27 AM BBT Feeds are back. Lights are on in the HOH, but people are still in bed. Cliff and Michie are in the KT, neither one is talking. Jess is up and getting ready for the day, Nicole and it looks like Kat are still in the HOH bed. Nicole mentions about hearing things up there. (This is Nicole and Jess's first chance at the HOH room) 9:35 AM BBT Michie goes in to the CBR to wake up Holly. He gives her several kisses, then turns around and we get FoTH. 9:38 AM BBT Michie makes himself something to drink, takes it upstairs to the Have Not room, sets it on the floor and crawls into bed. (pouting??) Feeds switch to the WA. BB asks the for the mirrors to be cleaned. Cliff says he will go get some Windex. Nick gets into the shower. Cliff is cleaning the mirror as Jack walks in. No talking. (no pleasantries today!) 9:42 AM BBT Cliff does a very good job cleaning the mirror, he mentions it is done. BB says Thank you very much. Cliff says you're welcome Cameras follow Cliff as he goes upstairs to the HOH room. He tells them he cleaned the mirror in the bathroom. Kat and Nicole are still in bed. All 4 feeds on HOH room. 9:45 AM BBT Cliff sits down on the sofa in the HOH room, Nicole and Kat are sleeping, sounds like Jess is taking a shower. Cliff covers up with a blanket, no one is talking.
  5. 10:22 AM BBT Sam is talking about singing Karaoke. He said he doesn't have a great voice and he can tell when he goes flat. He prefers to harmonize. Kat and Christie leave, Sam gets undressed then goes to the WC. Feeds switch to the Have-not room. Jess and Nicole are talking. Jess said not one of "them" has come through that door in the 4 days they have been have-nots. Nicole said it is a social experiment. She said 2 people couldn't go outside, so everyone stayed inside. As soon as the 2 could go outside, everyone went outside. She also note some people are chased or followed (in a good way), while others are ignored. Jess feels they are being lead in certain directions. Nicole agrees and said in the early part of the game she realized she is not like most of these people. Nicole says she tries an experiment since week one. She wants to see if she can figure out who will come check on her. She said it was Ovi, Kemi, Jess, Kat and Cliff. She said if she and herself(she doesn't want to use anyone else) had the poison ivy, no one would have stayed in to keep her company. Jess is saying last week people were trying not to be rude by making cookies, etc, but this week they don't care. No one is coming up to talk, like they did with last week's group. Jess said no one hung around upstairs for Cliff's HOH. Nicole said there are 2 types of people in this world, and she is on one side. She is happy with it, but feels the others are fake. 10:31 AM BBT Nicole said there is a theory that everyone seems to have jumped on, that tomorrow will be a double eviction (nope) and one goes home while the other goes to the jury house to be alone for the week. Jess said maybe. FoTH (They slept late, I am out for a while)
  6. 10:01 AM BBT We finally have FoTH, hopefully waking up the HGs for the day. 10:10 AM BBT Feeds are back. Michie, Tommy and Jack have joined the girls Christie, Holly and Sis in the HOH room. Michie said he was up until 5:30 doing laundry. They discuss how long it takes for things to wash and dry. Michie said it is on medium heat, it is like trying to bake a chicken in a 200 degree oven. Everyone laughs, and said they hope BB does a montage of his Jackson-isms. Jackson said something about 6-shooters. Michie said if he loses to any other than the 6, he will be butt-hurt, upset, etc. They are talking about being in the jury house, and they won't have to be fake, don't have to kiss *ss. Tommy said if they make it to final 6, he is going to run naked in the house. Christie said she will join him. Jack said he will helicopter off the KT island. Christie leaves and goes to WA. Sam and Kat are in there as well doing ADLs. (I had to switch into the WA, couldn't take any more of the HOH room)
  7. 11:00 - 12:30 BBT People in the KT getting something to eat, not much talk. Outside, Sis is doing laps, Sam, Jess Cliff and Nicole are on the couches. Sam is going over his eviction speech, where he blows up Christie's game. They make sure that he doesn't hurt any of their games while throwing Christie under the bus. Most everyone goes inside, are sitting around the table talking over each other. They are joking with Kat about Brett (season 20). They make a few hypothetical what ifs. They joke about a restraining order, or an HOH letter saying to stop talking about him. They then take turns doing fake Zingbot zings. They have trouble coming up with something for Jess, then said Jess, you should spend more time on your competitions instead of making bacon. They have one for Sam, but it only works if he doesn't go home this week. They said there are so many for Jackson, it is hard to pick just one. More throwing out zings.
  8. 10:03 AM BBT More FoTH 10:11 AM BBT Feeds are back, Tommy and Jack are mid conversation in the WA. Tommy is talking about Holly and Michie saying something about Christie, Tommy said he jumped on the bandwagon to make a stronger bond with them, as well as distance himself from Christie since he is partnered with her. Sis comes in to go to the WC, so Tommy starts talking about a dream he had. Sis comes out and washes her hands, Sam comes in and asks if they did music and said good morning, or if they just turned the lights on. Jack said they did the music. Tommy is looking forward to getting to scrub off the pink today, and his skin healing. Tommy is now telling Sis and Sam about his dream while Sam is brushing his teeth. 10:18 AM BBT Other feeds show HG's still sleeping with the lights on. Sam is talking about one of his dreams. Sam finishes with his dream and leaves. Jess comes in to brush her teeth. Jack said he didn't dream, he was awake a lot. Jess said she doesn't dream there either. Jack wants his whitening strips. Tommy thinks he dreamed because he went to be so early. Tommy is talking about being able to go outside, but his skin is so sensitive right now. Jack wonders if there will be punishments next week. Tommy doubts it, said there are usually only one or two per season, and Camp Comeback was a punishment. Sam comes in talking about something that was in the SR, couldn't tell what it was. Tommy said he needs to go drink a lot of water, if he can't hydrate on the outside, then he needs to at least hydrate from the inside. Jess said her stomach is bothering her (she is on slop). Jack asks if she needs more toilet paper, she said there is enough in there, she won't be asking him for any. She goes into the WC. Tommy comes back with a glass of water, Sam comes in to take a cold shower. No game talk just general talk about slop and the temperature in the house. 10:28 AM BBT BB reminds HGs there are fresh batteries in the SR. Tommy is now telling Jess about his dream. 10:28 AM BBT Sam is in the KT with Jack. Sam said he doesn't want to take a shower until he poops, and he really doesn't need to go now. Jack asks if he drinks coffee. Sam said he does, but not in the house. He is afraid he won't sleep. Sis comes in and they yell "Travis" is back. (the stuffed carrot) Sis goes into the WA and lays on the couch. ( gotta walk the dogs, will be back later)
  9. 9:24 AM BBT Got FoTH for a few minutes, but came back to dark rooms and everyone sleeping 9:33 AM BBT FoTH again 9:44 AM BBT Still sleeping
  10. 8:42 AM BBT All feeds on sleeping HGs in darkened rooms 9:10 AM BBT All feeds on sleeping HGs, lights are still off.
  11. 9:50 AM BBT Sam is in the WA now. Cliff repeats his story about the gate being down, can't do laundry. They wonder if the hot tub is being fixed, they hope so but not sure. Cliff hopes they do an early Veto meeting. Tommy says he hates pink (looks a lot lighter today, maybe rubbed of in his bed). BB says sternly "I said get up for the day!" Tommy goes back to TBR, Jack and Sis ask if the BY is open, he says no. Sis can't believe it, Jack says maybe a luxury comp or something outside. 9:56 AM BBT Tommy tells Sis and Jack that Holly asks questions sometimes just to make people paranoid. Sis says she feels it too. Tommy said he and Holly have had several conversations. He compared notes with Christie, she feels it to. Tommy said after talking with Christie, they figured out the common denominator is Holly. Talk turns to Tommy being pink. Tommy hates it, Jack said he is still Tommy. Jack asks Sis if she is feeling better today, she said yes. He asks if it is just a day thing. She said there is still a few more days to go, but she is much better. They discuss the mob flash and if they should make cookies today. 10:00 AM BBT Jess and Nicole are talking in the Have Not room. They are wondering who is going up. Nicole feels like Holly will talk with people unless there is a new target. Jess says Holly told her she will talk with people before putting them up to make sure they are okay with it. Jess says she has to poop. They are talking about slop, being constipated, slop being hard on their system. Jess is talking about slop pancakes, and having to chew 100 times. 10:04 AM BBT Tommy is still in the TBR talking with Jack and Sis. He said there are enough targets in the 6 of them, they need to get the targets outside of the 6 first. Tommy said he told Holly to do what is right for her game. He said like with the Kemi thing, if something doesn't feel right for your game, then go for it, he will support her 100%. Jack says he agrees, he is a big boy and can take care of himself. Christie comes in, says she put a pot of coffee on. Christie says she had her first sexual dream about Jack. They say it is the bed. Sis said she had a couple sexual dreams in that bed. Jack asks who, and Sis says him and Jackson. Christie said the dream she had last week was not a good sexual dream. The encounter grossed her out, and it really creeped her out, and there was bad breath. She won't say who it was, even if they guess. Christie says the dream last night was good. Jack is going to get up, wants to know what people want in their coffee. Christie said she will make her own. (sorry, I have to run for a while. )
  12. 9:46 AM BBT Tommy goes to the WA, Cliff is in there. Tommy asks how long he has been up, Cliff says he got up to do his laundry, but the gate is still down to the BY. Tommy brushes his teeth.
  13. 9:44 AM BBT Feeds are back. Feeds 1/2 on the TBR with no one up, Feeds 3/4 are on HOH room, lights are still off, Michie and Holly still in bed. Tommy gets up in the TBR, Jack asks if it is brighter during the day, Tommy doesn't know. Tommy goes to SR to get a new battery.
  14. 8:47 AM BBT Still sleeping HGs and some snoring. 9:15 AM BBT All HGs sleeping
  15. 11:47 AM BBT For the last hour or so there has been the usual parade to the HOH room. The TV downstairs says nominations today. Other than Nick and Sam pleading their cases, the rest have just been telling Holly how great she did, how proud of her they are, a few little snips for replacement noms if someone comes down. Cliff wanted to make sure he was okay, as did Nicole. Both are happy they aren't on the radar. Sis mentioned putting Kat up as a replacement, so that no one would be upset, and she wouldn't go home. Tommy even mentioned that going after the guys is what others will do before going after them. Not much news, just kissing butt. Holly is pretty sure what she will do, which it looks like Nick and Sam will go up, so they can only take off themselves if they win Veto. Tommy did mention that Sam and Nick suggested Jess, because they both want to make it to jury together. Holly said both of them have something to go home to, she was surprised they wanted to sit in the jury house for four months (Nick has Bella, Sam has a wife and kids) 11:51 Holly is putting on her make up, no one is upstairs. Nicole gets called to the DR downstairs. 11:55 AM BBT Kat comes up to talk with Holly. They disucss the comp last night, how it was the three of them left, they kinda showed their hand on how strong they really are. Kat mentions Sam not wanting to sit in the jury house, but Holly explains that he must have changed his mind, because he told her (Holly) that he wants one more week so he and Nick can be in jury together. Kat asks if she is going up as a pawn, Holly said no. Holly wants to put the two guys up together. She said if one comes down, they will discuss who to put up next to him. Michie comes in, so they continue talking but go back to the comp, and bruising. Holly thinks she bruised her face from the goggles being so tight. She didn't want anything getting in like it did on the first hugging the tree comp. FoTH
  16. 10:01 AM BBT Jack is at the DR table eating yogurt, Holly is showing something she got in her basket to Tommy, and Jess is trying to decide what to eat. Jack comments how much fun the comp was last night (he fell fairly early!) Tommy agrees it was fun. Jack said in his speech last night he was going to say how he loves all of the weird people in the house, then go around and say what was weird about each one. He decided not to due to time. Tommy asked what was his thing, and Jack said how when Tommy cries he curls his upper lip and does a baby cry. FoTH. 10:06 AM BBT Tommy gets called to the downstairs DR. Jack gets up from the table, Nick, Sam and Cliff are all still sitting there. Nicole and Jess are in the SR looking for some food, looks like maybe an avocado? FoTH. 10:10 AM BBT Nick is still just sitting at the KT table, Sam gets up to take his bowl to the sink. On feeds 3/4, Christie, Jack and Sis are talking. Christie is excited about getting a punishment today. Jack said he came into the KT today, and told Jackson he has set a precedent that will be hard to follow.(Breakfast in bed). Christie said Jack is f*cked. She said he needs to do a massage today. Jack said he is going to reserve the HOH shower for an hour and a half. Christie said the shower comes after the massage, Jack said it is an all in one. Nick comes in and they discussed the fashion show. Now they are saying there will be some ointment in the SR for sore muscles and some other for the bruises. Nick said he fell after 15 minutes, so he is fine. Christie jokes about her thumbs, and she fell at 6 minutes. More re-hashing of the comp last night, how well Kat did, people walking in and out. Cliff comes in, says he slept in that bed, and it was comfortable. He said if Sam isn't a HN, then Cliff will probably relocate due to his snoring kept Sam up. Jack said Sam is very sensitive. Now going over what the timetable is, nominations today, Veto picks and comp tomorrow, 2 days off then Veto meeting. Cliff is looking forward to getting the yard back tomorrow night. 10:20 AM BBT Sam is upstairs in the HOH room talking to Holly about nominations. She is being non committal. Sam asked if she was in the deal where Cliff is safe for 2 weeks. She said she hasn't talked to Cliff, she wasn't a part of that. Sam said if he doesn't go up, and wins the Veto, he will do whatever she wants. FoTH. 10:25 AM BBT Sam asks if any other names have been put out besides him and Nick. Holly said she really hasn't talked to anyone yet, but she is still having to look at possible back doors. Sam mentions he is a bottom feeder, Holly said he said it, not her. He said the other bottom feeders will throw out their names, because it is an easy choice. Sam is campaigning on how loyal he is. He said he has to make another week, to make it to jury, he said ooohh, sitting in the jury house with Jess. They laugh. Sam said who does she want in her corner, he is loyal to a fault, etc. They joke about he and Nick are the strongest showmance in the house. Holly feels Jack is upset she stole his man (Jackson). Sam leaves. ( I am out for a while, gotta run some errands)
  17. 9:30 AM BBT Holly, Sis, Christie and Kat are in the HOH bed, talking about the other HGs. Holly wonders if she should ask Sam if he wants to go home this week, or be first juror? Christie said that would be thoughtful (or cruel??) as he said he didn't want to sit in the jury house alone. They also discuss how easy this HOH should be, because everyone is on the same page. Sounds like Nick and Sam are going up together. If one comes down with the veto, the other goes home. 9:33 AM BBT FoTH 9:35 AM BBT Feeds are back. Sis squeals that Christie gets her punishment today. They are not sure what it will be. Also, wondering if Holly has to pick HNs. She said if it is the way they fell, not including Christie and Tommy who have punishments, then it would be Jess, Nicole, Nick and Sam. Christie said that is bad, with the two guys in the HN room, they will be campaigning and sway the girls. Intermittent FoTH. Feeds back as the 4 girls are now discussing family and their ages. Holly says Cliff is 13 years younger than her dad, but seems older. She says it has to do with his walk. BB calls out Kat, Christie, Sis and Holly to get fresh batteries, Michie comes in. They all thank him for the breakfast and french toast. He leaves. The girls also complain about being sore. Jess comes in as they are talking about the next couple of weeks. Christie said she is going to throw the next HOH comp, and really gun for the second part of the double eviction. They said next week will be easy, because whoever goes home this week the other will go up next week. Christie thinks Sam should go home this week, beacuse Nick without Bella and Sam will be a mess and not win anything. Holly feels Sam would put her up. 9:44 AM BBT Christie said Nick is not strong, he wants other people to do his dirty work, which is why he spent 4 hours with Cliff before nominations last week. They think Nick wants Jack gone, but won't do it himself. BB calls the 4 girls out again to get batteries. Now they are discussing last year, and who got the least blood on their hands. Christie said in the final 2 speech, you wouldn't want to brag about not getting blood on your hands, that you want to say what you have done in the game. Christie asks Sis if she is pooping, they all say they need to. Sis is sitting in the chair brushing her teeth. Jess is talking to Christie that Sam said he would never put her (Jess) up. Christie said Sam has said to everyone that he would put Jess up. Christie is talking about the two guys need to go home. One is snakey the other is loud. More re-hashing the same thing. Christie gets an idea, and tells Holly that instead of having the talk about going home this week or next with Sam. If he wins the veto and takes himself off, then it would be awkward. If after the veto, they are both still up (Nick and Sam). That would be the best time to ask Sam if he wants to go home to his wife and kids, or be the first to sit in jury. Sis is trying to understand the double eviction, how it works, and HOH. Now the girls are showing their bruises and talking about how difficult the comp was. Christie said she feels guilty getting breakfast in bed when she fell after 6 minutes. They talk about being warriors, and they all head downstairs. Cliff is in the KT, Nicole and Jack are at the table. Sis goes to the SR to change her battery, Jack goes with her. Christie comes in right after. Sis is amazed by how much food they got at the re-stock. Jack hopes there are no HNs this week. (yeah, right), They said judging by the bags of slop, there should be. Christie sings and we get FoTH. They go to the KT, then to the WA talking to Michie about the breakfast he fixed. He said it took him 2 and a half hours to fix everything.
  18. 9:02 AM BBT Lights are still off all over the house, though Christie is going over dates, and studying in the dark in the HOH bed. Feeds cut to FoTH, possible wake up call.
  19. 12:23 PM BBT Scroll at top of puppy/kitty cam says to tune in to the BB live feeds around 10:00 PM EST, after the show has aired, to see the completion of the HOH competition. Looks like feeds are done until then, and possible endurance comp.
  20. 10:50 AM BBT Cliff is in the KT. Says he will try some of the pancakes. Jack said he enjoys a good hotcake...flapjack. He then tells Cliff those are for himself, then laughs and said they are for the whole house, Cliff can have some. Cliff said he feels he needs to eat and get ready, he thinks he will get called to the DR soon.
  21. 10:44 AM BBT Not much going on. Holly is talking about the hot tub being re done because it was a bacterial soup. She said she got an infection/hives from it. As soon as BB saw it, they knew what it was from. She is sure others had the same issue. Holly talks about the BY gate coming down while they still had towels in the dryer. Feeds switch to KT. Jack is in there making pancakes, and Nicole is telling him about the towels in the dryer when the gate came down. Jess comes in. Jack says he messed up the last last batch, and he didn't prep the bacon but there is some thawed in the SR fridge.
  22. 10:30 AM BBT Sis is up, talked to Sam, no game. Now Sis has crawled into bed with Holly. Holly is talking about something someone said about Sis, either Holly is whispering super quiet, or she doesn't have on her mic. Sis is denying saying "it". Michie is out of he DR. Sam and Tommie come through. Jack said everyone is tired to day, as they stayed in the BY last night. Sam says until what, 2:00? That isn't too bad. Jack is making something to eat, not sure what. He sings, but no BB FoTH.



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