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About BBinMiami

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    Sunny Miami

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  1. My wife and I disvovered a new drinking game last night. We were joking around and said we would have a sip of wine every time one of the houseguest used the word "literally". Next thing we knew we had downed two bottles of wine.
  2. Watching the live feeds and every camera has Paul running his yap. He goes from room to room monopolizing every conversation. Would love to send a petition to BB18 to show less of Paul. Hoping for an eviction soon.
  3. Sangria and Big Brother 14 = Big Brother Miami style. Can't wait for it all to begin!
  4. Is in BB mode.

  5. I would hope that CBS/BB would ensure that Renny's family is safe and out of danger. They should allow a phone call from her family and not wait till after the fact. I would be a little upset if I was advised of the storm after the fact. Its the least they could do for someone that is participating in one of their reality shows.
  6. There is no way CBS is giving this psychotic winch alcohol tonight or the next. There is no way they are lighting that fuse.
  7. :smilielol: :smilielol: That was hilarious and a very apt description of Michele.
  8. Would you care for Whine with that Cheese. I am so glad she is gone I was so tired of her whining and complaining and telling us how pretty she was and more better looking than Keesha and how Keesha is just jealous, blah, blah, blah..... Get over yourself. Ollie When you get the chance you should run like the wind from this evil bitch.
  9. When Renny was acting as if she did not know who she was going to eliminate was a priceless bit of mini-drama as well. Everyone knew that April was toast.
  10. How fast does she turn on Ollie when they are both on the block? I bet it starts soon!
  11. I don't know for sure that Jessie is leaving (crosses fingers and looks heaven ward for a sign) but I think his hours are numbered. Michele will not IMHO be able to make an alliance with anyone in the house. She is pure poison right now and has been tainted by Jessie and his failed alliance.
  12. Jessie has no one o blame but himself for his up-coming and well deserved eviction. He has isolated himself from the others with Michele and has made no effort to interact with the other hg's. At least Memphis has seen his former alliance is a sinking ship and is attempting to mend his image in the house. Jessie and Michele will continue their pity party of two all the way to the end.
  13. Stupid Stupid, Stupid... Why he is still here. I just cannot figure out the mindset of the idiots that are BB10.



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