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About Boriqua&Proud

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    Da Bronx, New York

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  1. I can understand why some people esp outside of the US have a hard time understanding why the word shouldnt be used. I live in a community which is prodominetly african american and you cant listen to a conversation among the younger crowd without hearing that word used 1000 times. Its part of everyday slang. altho not being of african american decent If i was to walk outside and use that word I would be given 1000 nasty looks. My husband however is quite popular with the older teens in the neigborhood (we own a cell phone store and they are very popular now a days) if he was to use the word in context of saying friend, buddy, dude etc... people wouldnt think twice about it. Hey am from NYC too, and I really don't think it would be 1000 nasty looks u would get if u were to say the word.
  2. double eviction, double eviction, double eviction, double eviction, double eviction..........etc
  3. Do u think one of the Summer Secrets is that when a "pair" is put up it is a double eviction. Just a thought.
  4. Lets hope one of the "Summer of Secrets" is not bringing back evicted hgs. That can really come back to haunt some people. :twisted:
  5. Reading ur post does bring back some of my memory. I remember Jack calling Dana (I also liked her) that. I really don't remember Jun and Alison saying that, wow. Also, I think I do remember Erica saying those things about Jee. Well, i guess I was wrong, but for some reason this season is really gettin' on my nerves. Thanks Hey, am glad u have a good circle of Latina friends. Trust me, we can get loud and stuff when we are around each other and just bummin, but damn, have some respect for urself, especially when America and ur family are watching u on TV. I know she will be embarrassed (or maybe not) when she sees herself acting like a fool.
  6. Beau is a little Bitch. I don't mean that in the good sense either.
  7. Playing the game u lie, cheat and so on.... calling people names, and knowing u r being heard is just classless. Maybe being Latina myself I feel it more, I don't know.
  8. I think BB should get rid of everyone and start ova. These people are not playing this game right. I have never seen (not that I can think of) a bunch of name calling bigots in BB history. I can be wrong. Robert was (is) Cuban and nobody called him names. Anywayz, neither one deserves to win. Maybe and then maybe Kaysar.
  9. Eric's problem is that he wants to be everyones HERO. He needs to leave the heroics for fighting fires. Ivette and company are really a bunch of...... I don't know, can't find the right words. But she is truely not representing Latinas. But let me tell u, if this Latina was there with Ivette, I would have put her in her place a while ago. We are not all loud (even though I can't loud) and drama queens like Ms. Ivette. I don't think Mike is no angel either. Jennifer is slimy. I don't think I would last too long on BB. Some of the things people do is so embarrassing. Don't get me wrong, am no friggin angel, but damn. Beau, people better watch Ms. Beau. Ms. Beau is going under the rader like, Sarah and Maggie. The person I feel should win......... NOBODY. Get a new group
  10. Neither April or Ivette have "leadership" qualities. All Ivette got is mouth. She was the girl who always got beat up in school, cause she had a big mouth and nothing to back it up. I wish she would stop saying she is Latin, cause not all Latinas are like her. BB is all about fibbing, lieing, telling 1/2 truths, etc, but the ladies in this game are LOSERS. I thought they were SMART If so, why are they trying to play the sexual harrassment game. Granted, I haven't seen the feeds, but by reading I don't think Mike is doing anything inappropriate. If he was, wouldn't CBS have taken him out long ago? I don't know, this game (the HGs) are pissing me off and taking away from the game. These guys are a bunch of LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Is it ALL the other women or just whinny April and annoying Ivette. Ivette is playing "i can't defend myself Eric, please help me", but I bet Ivette can kick some a$$. I bet April loves all the attention, but since her husband is watching, she is being a drama queen. I bet if her husband felt that Michael was harrassing his wife, am sure (if he were man enough) he would get his wife outta there or complaine, money or no money.
  12. As a fellow "Latin Chick" (Puerto Rican), Ivette is an embarrassment. Ashlea - just dumb April - Oh My God - what makes that idiot think that calling Kaysar "Sadaam" was alright. BB should send them all to sensitivity training. They should have them all see/hear themselves saying those things and in front of the person they said it about. These are grown people. Age has nothing to do with it. Ivette being a minority, I can't believe she would be so stupid.
  13. How about Fisher. I know its not that original but Bubbles is just so... corny :? . I think Glow is cool. Just my two cents.



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