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Friday, August 21 2015 Big Brother Live Feed Updates


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11:00 PM BBT Vanessa is giving James pointers on how to throw better for potball.  She doesn’t understand why James isn’t better at it when he has such good aim.  James says that Julia needs pointers too. Meg is really good at it.


11:02 PM BBT James tells the group that there is something on the screen that says “Be Ready”  He is pranking the group but they don’t buy it. 


11:05 PM BBT Vanessa tries on the short blonde wig.  She says everyone tried it on but her.  She laughs about how it looks on her.  She says it doesn’t look cute. They all agree it doesn’t work. 


11:06 PM BBT James, Meg and Julia are commenting on how late Steve stays up.  James says Steve will stay up until 8 in the morning.  They don’t know how he does that.  Meg says it makes you sleepy when you have nothing to do.


11:07 PM BBT In the HNR, Vanessa is telling Steve that he has to spike his hair every day.  Steve says he doesn’t have time.  Vanessa says it takes two minutes and they have nothing to do!  Steve says his schedule is jam-packed.  He has to pull a name, and he has to compete in a competition.  They talk more about Steve’s hair and Vanessa comments that she eats too much junk in the house.  They go into the CBR and Steve thanks Vanessa for “everything.”  Vanessa asks what he means and he thanks her for all the support she gives him, including a hug she gave him.  Steve says that 80% of the hugs in the house involve him.  He wants to find someone to cuddle with.  He says that she knows what he is talking about and she says yes.  Vanessa tells him that he doesn’t have to know the answers, he just has to go for it and do what feels right.  As Steve leaves the room, Vanessa is in the CBR wondering when they pick players for the veto comp.  


11:16 PM BBT John and Steve are in the WA.  John thinks everyone wants to use the veto, but for different reasons.  Steve says that they need to win HOH next week.  This week should make it clear that they can’t let things go anymore.  That part of the game [when you throw competitions] is over. 


11:18 PM BBT Meg and Julia are raiding the OBR for pillows and blankets.  Julia tries to throw a blanket over James as he sits in one of the nomination chairs. Austin looks on from the couch.  Julia and Meg are plotting in the OBR.


11:19 PM BBT In the WA, John is brushing his teeth while Steve uses the WC.  Steve comes out of the WC and they talk again about others using the veto.  Steve asks John if he knows who he is going to pick to play veto and John says “probably Meg”  If he gets HG, John thinks it doesn’t matter who he picks because everyone is going to use it. 


11:24 PM BBT In the LR, James and Austin are waiting for Liz to come out of DR.  Meg and Liz are waiting with them so they can warn Liz that Austin and James are going to pelt chocolate at them.  Meg thinks she hears Liz coming and Julia stands up with a blanket to shield Liz when she comes out.  Liz shoots out of the DR and the girls run down the hall to the OBR screaming.  Liz has the bag of chocolates [the ammo].  Austin and James follow the girls into the HNR where they are hiding behind the chairs.  They take Liz as prisoner.  She pretends to be passive and then pelts them with chocolates.  Steve is taking a shower while the chocolate wars continue into the Cabana Room Lounge. 


11:29 PM BBT Liz is gathering ammo while Meg and Julia plot their next move.  Liz throws some chocolates through the door, but it turns out Austin and James aren’t there.


11:31 PM BBT Meg, Liz, and Julia are trying to use a blanket as a shield so they can leave the CRL.   They leave the room, but end up huddling under the blanket under the floor in the hallway while James and Austin pelt them with chocolates. BB gives Austin a microphone warning, and Austin says “we’re killing three of them and all they care about is the microphone!”


11:40 PM BBT Austwins, James and Meg are cleaning up in the KT.  Liz hugs Austin and then pulls away and swats him saying he is way too sweaty.    


11:46 PM BBT Meg and James sitting opposite Steve at the glass beam counter in the KT while Julia washes dishes.


11:47 PM BBT Steve says that he has made a hobby out of saying Meg’s name and then proceeds to repeat her name several times over with different intonations. 


11:51 PM BBT Steve tells Meg and James that his hair is very stylish.  Steve says “I’m very sexy.” Steve says that’s why he gets the women and James doesn’t.  James says “Hey!” and points out that he is the one who gave Steve the haircut.  He calls Steve ungrateful.


11:53 PM BBT Julia decides to take a shower in the WA.  She doesn’t feel at home in the HOHR now that it’s Austin’s.  Julia says Liz should go up to HOHR and Liz says no.  Julia tells Liz that she plays so hard to get. 


11:56 PM BBT James, Meg, and Steve are in the OBR chatting about taking showers before you go to bed. 


11:57 PM BBT James says that Meg is finally warming up after 65 days.  If they had been like this on day 1 she would not have had anything to do with them.  Steve says that everyone thought he was a weirdo in the first week.  And now they still think he’s a weirdo.


11:58 PM BBT James accuses Meg of taking the bag of candies he had stashed under his bed.  He threatens to spray something in the room if she doesn’t admit taking it.  Steve and Liz are joking around and Liz gets cornered in the Storage room, with Steve camped outside.  James comes over to help Steve but they end up letting Liz out when she threatens to tell Austin.

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