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Cody's riddle


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On BBAD last night, Cody talked about a riddle he was asked to solve on some type of employment or psychological test he was taking.  The answer he gave the other HGs surely proved that he had forgotten the answer because it made no sense at all.  However,  I remembered the riddle from years before and knew the correct answer. My sister who was watching BBAD with me, came up with a 2nd solution to the riddle.  Can anyone else answer this riddle?


You have 2 containers, one that holds 3 gallons of water and another that holds 5 gallons of water.  You must fill the 5 gallon container with exactly 4 gallons of water.   You have no measuring device other than the containers.  How can you do this accurately?

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Cody's answer seemed to make sense to me.


I think he said you fill the 5 gallon one, then pour water from it into the 3 gallon one until the 3 gallon one is full.

That leaves 2 gallons in the 5 gallon container.

Then you empty the 3 gallon container and pour the remaining 2 gallons from the 5 gallon container into the 3 gallon one, which leaves room for one more gallon.

You refill the 5 gallon container, then pour water from it into the 3 gallon container until it is full, which leaves exactly 4 gallons in the 5 gallon container.

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Yes, I remember that he flubbed through it but never actually stated it as succintly as you did.  The other HGs kinda went along with his explanation although I could tell that he confused them.  My sister gave a 2nd solution, but it was just a longer version of the one I remembered.  


You fill the 3 gallon container and empty it into the 5 gallon container two times.  There should one gallon left in the 3 gallon container that you discard. Then you take the full 5 gallon container and fill up the 3 gallon one, leaving 2 gallons in the 5 gallon container and a full 3 gallon container. You discard the entire 3 gallon container. Now you should then have nothing in the 3 gallon one and two gallons in the 5 gallon container.  Then you take the 2 gallons remaining in the 5 gallon container and empty it into the 3 gallon one.  You now have 2 gallons in the 3 gallon container and nothing in the 5 gallon one.  Now finally fill up the 5 gallon container and add the final gallon to the 3 gallon container leaving 4 gallons in the 5 gallon container.


BTW, did you get a chance to play BB Hangman yesterday?  I loved it, I got through 19 in a row without getting hung.  Went back to play some more today and the game was gone.  I wondered what happened??

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That's pretty much the same solution.  (Just get rid of the first 2 sentences, because for no good reason at all you are using the 3 gallon container to fill up the 5 gallon one at the beginning.


Nope, did not play any BB Hangman.

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