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Wednesday, August 14 Live Feed Updates


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8:10PMBBT Andy has about 7 minutes left on his pizza, the havenot girls are watching for him. They are excited to sleep in "a real bed tonight!" Amanda is putting cornrows in McCrae's hair. Andy is talking about the waterbottles and who got what color. Helen enters the HoH room and announces a couple more hours til she can eat. It is a very slow moving night in the house.

8:15PMBBT Andy says to Amanda, "You know I am just joking, I only never joke with people I love so I don't joke with Helen." They are now listing off who is what animal on the shelf in the HoH room. Jessie wants to know why Amanda is a panther. She says "A panther is a sly, sexy predator who sneaks up on their prey!" Spencer says "Well so is an alligator." She says "NO, it's not." Spencer "It depends who you ask." Amanda drops it. Amanda says she looks like Eva Mendez, Sandra Bullock or Cindy Crawford. Andy says Sarah Silverman.

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8:22PMBBT Amanda said Spencer was Jigsaw from the Saw movies. So now the talk in the HoH is about the Saw series. Helen has not seen them. McCrae's hair rivals Gene Simmons when he is in full makeup. (kinda creepy) Andy can't believe his reign of terror as HoH is almost over.

8:28PMBBT Amanda and Elissa were whispering in the chair room about the vote tomorrow and what the plan is depending on who wins HoH. The camera grinds in that room so it is very difficult to hear.
Amanda hanged her shirt, spritzed some perfume on and headed back upstairs. McCrae says she smells funny, she says it is perfume. She smells his armpits and says he isn't wearing deodorant and smells like a taxi. FotH off and on.

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8:35PMBBT Helen is whining about starving as a Havenot. She is talking to Jessie in the HoH room. Helen says the house is meant to drive them nuts. Jessie is asking her what the deciding factors are for her leaving. She says Spencer "Is such a strong competitor! He has almost won 3 PoV's!"
In the KT Aaryn asks Amanda if she is getting the right amount of Adderall. We get a FotH for 10 seconds. Aaryn is making snacks, Amanda and Spencer are razzing her.

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8:43PMBBT Jessie is trying to put it in Helen's head that people in the house want her to stay. She has been pleading her case for a few minutes.
Elissa's butt is in the air in the chair room, she is doing yoga, again. Spencer is wandering throughout the house, one liners and joking. McCrae is now in the HoH room with Jessie and Helen. The conversation has slowed immensely. GinaMarie is wondering what the HoH competition will be, Andy says endurance like the wall thing.

8:49PMBBT Aaryn is now doing Andy's make up in the HoH room. He says he just did an awesome DR session. Aaryn says "McCrae is next" He says "What?" And he left the HoH room.
Elissa's in a headstand bending her feet back behind her head... she does that when stressed.

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08:47 PM BBT (Rewind) McCrae and Elissa in the chair room whispering about Aaryn being a strong competitor in the final 2 because she'll have friends in jury plus her winning competition record. They both agree. Elissa's hair is rubbing up against her mic making it difficult to hear. BB asks her to move her mic. Elissa now saying it's not good to do Yoga without a Yoga mat. She says it's not fair she doesn't have one but everyone else has things they can work out with. Amanda comes in.

09:05 PM BBT Aaryn continues to do Andy's make up in the HoH. Amanda was doing her hair and finished to lay down next to McCrae on the lounger in the WA. Amanda likes their nicknames. A squeak can be heard behind the wall and McCrae turns and asks if Julie Chen is back there. McCrae says if he was making a fake alliance up he'd give everyone nicknames. He calls out to one of the camera windows "I see you back there".

09:13 PM BBT Andy's beauty make-over has been completed by Jessie and Aaryn. Helen is listening to music in the HoH. He walks down stairs to show Amanda and McCrae. Amanda says he looks like Rocky Horror Picture Show. Andy says it's not weird enough but yet weird enough. Andy asks if Amanda had a fun DR and talked about the wall and we get FoTH.

09:20 PM BBT Andy is currently doing Aaryn's makeup in the HoH. Spencer was down in the WA chatting with Amanda and McCrae about how there's not much going on. Yoga now doing Yoga in the chair room. McCrae is about to take a shower.

09:28 PM BBT GinaMarie was woken up when Amanda was calling out to Andy to tell him that McCrae was taking a shower. Having seen Andy's expert work on Aaryn she wants him to do her nails now. Meanwhile we have idle chit chat in the WA. Aaryn comes in and says they can't look crazy right now because they're about to start DRs. Amanda says they need to give them a deck of cards. Aaryn comes in and tells Jessie that she can't get her make up done right now because she has to go to DR.

09:35-09:44 PM BBT Aaryn is now correctly doing her makeup for her DR session with Jessie chatting with her. Jessie says Amanda told her she would work with her (it's clear by now that Amanda won't). Aaryn says nobody thinks Jessie will throw HoH, it doesn't make sense. Jessie says it does make sense because she will at least be here another week and she would have a chance to play for PoV still. Aaryn agrees but her past has been sketchy. GinaMarie chimes in as well. Someone starts to sing in the WA and we get FoTH across all four feeds. Jessie points out that Jessie tried to flip the house and Jessie says it was her and Helen. Aaryn points out Helen isn't on the block. Jessie says fine vote me out. She's annoyed. Jessie's annoyed and GinaMarie...well...she's GinaMarie.

09:45 PM BBT GinaMarie Andy and Spencer heads into the SR and she begins to tell them what Jessie was saying upstairs. Spencer says his favorite part of this conversation was her makeup. Meanwhile upstairs Jessie says she's done campaigning then because it seems pointless. Aaryn says it's not over. Jessie says it sure seems like it. Jessie questions why evict someone who is apparently so bad at implementing plans because everything has failed so far. Aaryn says she makes people nervous.

09:54 PM BBT Aaryn and Jessie continue to do their makeup in the HoH bickering back and forth without any serious arguing (Special thanks to GinaMarie for that description it sums it up quite nicely!). Spencer and Andy down in the KT chatting. Andy laughs saying McCrae is taking the world's longest shower. Spencer tells him to ask to save some hot water for people. Andy calls out to McCrae and tells him to save some hot water. McCrae says "NOoooooo!" Aaryn says she needs better light so she's going downstairs to finish. Brief FoTH. They both head downstairs.

10:03-10:22 PM BBT General chit chat down in the WA between a majority of the HGs while Aaryn continues working on her makeup. Jessie and Helen playing chess.

10:25-10:47 PM BBT Idle chit chat around the house. Andy, Spencer, McCrae head up to the HoH. Andy has nothing new to report he just wants to touch base. Talk turns to Nick and how he sniffed out the "Andy, Mandy, Candy" alliance. McCrae laughs and agrees. Spencer says he came up with that name. Amanda comes in and they tell her. Amanda says she never talked to Candice. Helen comes in and they tell her. Talk turns to Candice and how she stuck up for Howard even after TMC was revealed.

10:47 PM BBT Jessie bashing in the HoH with Spencer, Andy, McCrae, Amanda, and Elissa. Aaryn was seen in the KT. Jessie and Helen playing chess.

11:02 PM BBT Just before this time the subject was Judd and Amanda mentions she feels much more at ease now that Judd is gone. She points out that this is the first time she's not been on the block for 2 weeks. Talk is currently about GinaMarie and how much fun and silly she is and how Nick is at home probably worried about being left alone with her and how frustrated he is that she survived so much longer in the game than he did.

11:09 PM BBT The HoH party is watching the spy screen which is trained on Helen and Jessie playing Chess. Game ends and Helen wins. Jessie says she's going to pack her stuff up tonight. Brief close-up on GinaMarie apparently taking a snooze somewhere with Nick's hat over eyes, mouth wide open.

11:17 PM BBT Up in the HoH Jessie bashing has begun again with theories about what may happen still because of Julie's last message "You are out of the house but you may not be out of the game". Andy laughs saying if he talks to Julie he'll tell her "You need to stop! You have to tell us things!" Meanwhile Jessie packs downstairs.

11:24 PM BBT Up in the HoH Helen, Spencer and Andy are chatting. Spencer understands what Jessie is doing right now. Talk turns to the BBQ challenge. Meanwhile Aaryn is down stairs getting some food together it's almost have-not happy hour.

11:34 PM BBT Idle chit chat in the HoH with Aaryn continuing to make dinner in the KT (It's almost Have-Not Happy Hour!)

11:43 PM BBT Nothing really to report. Elissa tells everyone she won't be able to see her husband for a year because she won't want to travel because of her experience sleeping in the HNR this season. Amanda laughs. Elissa says the house won't be the same without Amanda in it. Amanda says it's another reason to keep her around.

11:49 PM BBT Up in the HoH they're discussing what HoH could be this week. Andy says HoH should be determined right away because for the past two weeks they've had cliff-hanger style episodes as a fan that's awful. Down in the KT Aaryn continues to make dinner.

12:01 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the BB house as the HNRs get ready to dig in to their dinner. They're watching the clock.

12:03 AM BBT Everyone celebrates the start of end of HN restrictions and begins eating. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any alcohol as of this moment so there is some disappointment.

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