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Really BBCanada?!? REALLY? What a joke!

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Ok BBCANADA what's up with the extremely poor planning of our inaugural season of BB? First of its not like Canadians are unfamiliar with BB, its rules and to "expect the unexpected". My issue is that I NEVER heard BBCanada advertise to "Expect the Ridiculous, Video reviews, Cheesy female moose who's voice is really that of a gay male and trying to cram every possible twist that usually unfolds over an entire regular season in one week or three episodes!" How unfair and stupid is it to disqualify Emmett after a day or two because video review showed he carried one yellow ball with his hand? If BB were to video review all the competitions from the US seasons AND even just the Canadian competitions for any and all infractions no matter how big or small I'm sure every player would be guilty of something! The competitions themselves were obviously not well thought out and probably not even tested! Who comes up with blind folding players, attaching the thickest rope created and then have the players wade through a swamp looking for body parts to place properly in a coffin? Was it any surprise that in no time everyone was so tangled that they couldn't reach their coffins to put the body parts in for lack of rope? I'm not sure about anyone else but its painfully apparent to me that rules are essentially being made up as they go. I'm a proud Canadian and a fan of BB but I'm certainly not a proud BBCANADA fan and that's just sad!

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Lol - I have a lot of complaints about BBC, mostly I feel that the median age of the players is overall too low. They need more players that are Andrew's age, a little older, a little wiser, a little slyer. Watching this cast feels a little too "high school" for me.

Emmett getting disqualified from competitions is not one of my complaints. The little yellow ball in his hand? Direct violation of the rules.

Telling Jillian to bang the brush against the green plaque? Direct violation of the rules again.

Andrew knew it, and Emmett could not stand Andrew telling him - look man, I heard the rules. I knew you screwed up. (haha Emmett!)

I actually respect that production went back, reviewed the footage and reversed the ruling. Fairness in competitions is very important!

Anyone feel that Andrew and Jillians HOH handshake deal was a little scripted? I got the feeling that production was trying to create an interesting storyline - especially considering that Jillian WILL NOT go against Emmett - she is just too deeply smitten.

But overall, BB is like sex, which has been compared to pizza. Even when its bad, its still pretty good, and will probably get better. :P

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"If BB were to video review all the competitions from the US seasons AND even just the Canadian competitions for any and all infractions no matter how big or small I'm sure every player would be guilty of something!"

If we use this dumb logic then there would be no rules. If you make rules, you also have to enforce them, otherwise making rules becomes meaningless. And what the hell is wrong with the voice of a gay male? What a dumb post...

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