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Big Brother Canada


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On House Calls Gretchen & Marcellas talked of a Canadian Big Brother. As a Canadian myself, I'm all for the idea.

Rules For CDN BIg Brother:

1. You need to support the Liberal Party of Canada. Contestants found to support the Democratic or Conservative party will be taken to a back alley and be "Healthily Challenged".

2. All Offensive language will not be permitted in order not to offend anybody~~~~~

3. Bi-Lingual House Guests will be given special consideration.

4. BB CDN will have more people coming into the house than one's that leave. We start with 14 and after 2 months will have 75 people going at one another hollering screaming & bitching. Makes for great TV!

5. Special consideration given to contestants who have criminal tendancies and/or come from shady backgrounds.

6. All competitions are some version of hockey.

7. Change water fountains to Beer Fountains.

8. All Women Go Topless (It is Legal in Ontario)

9. Need to Pay a 20% Tax to Apply to be on the Show

10. Need To Pay a 12% Tax if Accepted on top of the 20% Tax.

11. All PB&J is subjected to a Goods & Services Tax of 7% plus the 12% tax plus the 20% tax.

12. Handling fee of 10% applied to the Winnings of BB Grand Prize.

13. Federal excise tax on BB toilet paper of 8%

14. Grand Prize after winning is a net loss of $5000 payable to CBS of which is ALSO subject to taxes.


15. And finally failure to pay your taxes will result in prosecution and a lengthy maximum jailterm under CDN law. You should be out in 48 hours or less.


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On House Calls Gretchen & Marcellas talked of a Canadian Big Brother.  As a Canadian myself, I'm all for the idea. 

Rules For CDN BIg Brother:

1. You need to support the Liberal Party of Canada. 


If the liberals were involved with the show it would be corrupt and fixed for ure...

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