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Guest harvi

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Guest harvi

does anyone think that it's possible that some of the players are paired a "second" time that no one will know about? it is the summer of secrets....that would really twist things around if there was an alternate pairing in the house that IS completely secret. lol

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This thought was mentioned about a week ago. People wondered if there were the pairs and then another set of pairs among the pairs. Like Janelle and Ashlea then Janelle and Beau, etc.................I think it would be the FUNNIEST most shocking twist ever if we found out that Janelle and Ivette were really partners. They just hate each other toooooooooooo much.

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Guest harvi

exactly...because realistically, since they all know who is paired with who...they will begin to pick at those pairings to prevent others from getting the larger prize amount, especially those who have already lost their pair. Maggie sure was smiling when she heard about it...after Crappola had been evicted....i don't think i would've been smiling if i just found out that i had lost 1 mill.......

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I am new to this board but a longtime fan and feedwatcher of bb. 

Anyway, I too have started to wonder about janelle and ivette possibly being secretly aligned... I mean, why DO they despise each other so much? could be a coverup

They despise each other because on day one, James told Ivette that Janelle wanted her out of the house.

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