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Question about next POV comp... (spoilers ahead)

Guest xodarlingxo

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Guest xodarlingxo

Ok, so James is asking BEAU to play for him in the POV contest? WHY? Kayser and James know that Beau is just playing him for a fool....am I missing something?

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They're just letting Beau and the rest of the THINK that Beau is going to play with him. He's actually going to play with Howie (maybe Janelle)

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Guest MickeysMom
What if they don't get James off?

This is a fool proof plan. Either way.

If any of the 4 - Howie, Kayser, James or Janelle win POV, they are taking James off. Eric goes up.

If either Ivette or Maggie win, and take off Maggie, Eric goes up.

Either way, Eric is up.....and is most likely out.

Some way, Eric is going up....and either Maggie or Eric is going out the door. Then the "cool" group is broken, fractured....and soooo distrusting of one another.

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If Maggie comes off and James stays up against eric .. I am not so sure that they'll have the votes to kick eric out ..

Ivette, Beau, April, Jennifer, Maggie will vote to keep Eric.

Janelle, Rachel, Sarah, Howie vote for James ...

Basically it's going to come down to who can persude Jennifer to vote for their team. And Jennifer follows Aprl's lead .. and I don't think that April would want to keep James ...

Although .. I am not sure who Ivette would vote for either .. she has some loyalty to James and some built in distrust of Maggie .. no matter her loyalty to Cappy.

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