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Are Bb Collectibles The Priceless Antiques Of Future?


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Watch Antiques Roadship sometimes guys. Some of this junk from 150 years ago is now worth huge amounts of money. Isn't it possible that shows like BB (unique for showing so much detail of a reality show be studied endlessly in Universities of the future?) Will there be majors in subjects like "Early 21st centure reality shows..." Just a thought, Any ideas...?

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i love antiques, and collect them. with bb stuff? it's really too soon to tell? but i would think it would have a narrow focus, and possibly collections that are the most extensive might be the most collectible in the future. reality tv is so extensive now, that the rarity of reality tv memorabilia is diminishing. and some of the stuff they're selling[unwashed kneesocks!] probably won't preserve so well.

this is a really interesting question...because as with all antiques, you can have an exquisite piece with perfectly documented provenance, but it's the market that dictates it's sale. of course, if michelle bb10 were to go on to win the nobel peace prize! her memorabilia would become more valuable. that's why i only collect what i love [not bb stuff!] so it's a win/win situation..

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Some of this junk from 150 years ago is now worth huge amounts of money

Well it's not like us two geezers are still going to be around to see. :laugh4:

But . . . . . If we did make it that long, I'd be willing to bet that Zack's crap STILL isn't selling! :animated_rotfl:

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That's right, guys. We won't be here but we can leave BB memorabilia to our descendants and spend all our money now!!! Remember "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens began as a daily newspaper soap opera/series. Most copies of daily papers were later wrapped in fish. Now a complete collection of the series in newspaper/newsprint would be priceless. Anyone left the complete Dickens in Newsprint in 1890 would be insulted and probably burn it for kindling!

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I'm not leaving anything to my descendants. Not that I don't love the little dears (clears throat). If, by chance, I have anything left of value, and some poor schlub finds it valuable 200 years from now, well bless em. But 200 years from now, crap will still be crap, and that reads BB memoribilia. Now can I buy everyone a cocktail? :food-smiley-005:

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Hi, Shipp! Just keeping greedy little descendants "self sufficient" is the best inheritance they can get! Scroll down to Off Topic at the bottom of main TV.Fansforum.net...we're going through first stages of BB withdrawal. Wonder if Jerry's house in Houston (And Libra and Oilie have electricity. I guess they can all crash with ED or Shebot....

By the way, I saw Sheila's pix at Wrap Party...she's had lots and lots of surgery...So Adam mush have paid for it before the rest of his winning went up his nose!!!!

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