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Gone For A Week


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Hello, I have been gone for a while and I know Angie was evicted. However I don't really know anything after that. April won and Nomed Memphis and Jesse, but she promised she wouldn't nom Jesse right? Just wondering if someone could catch me up with a few sentences!

Thanks a ton!!

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yeah and if you believe that.......lolol

It is really easy to just read the update page

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America voted Dan as America's Player for the week and he chose to accept the offer.

On July 31, in a vote of 8-0 Angie was evicted from the Big Brother House.

The Live HoH Competition was endurance Michelle and April were the last ones. Michelle finally dropped making April the new HoH.

Julie said the Banner plane had NOTHING to do with the Big Brother House.

On August 1, during the nomination ceremony April nominated Jessie and Memphis.

On August 2, in a late night PoV Competition, Jerry won the PoV. He later promises April he will do her bidding.


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