CeCiMom Posted March 19, 2008 Posted March 19, 2008 Please post ONLY "real time" Live Feed observations here ! If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use Parenthesis (*brackets*) around the text. Please post pictures and video the following forum! http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?showforum=82 If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted. Thank you!
Jem Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 9:45PMish BBT: Adam and Ryan are in the kitchen talking some game. Adam wanted to know whom James would put on the block if he won HoH. Ryan said "Probably me
Jem Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 9:50PM BBT: Sheila is going on about James and the fact that he only just worked out that the prize is 500,000 NOT 250,000 and all of a sudden he's all over wanting to win the money. SHe is alos explaing that James made fun of everyone that's come on the show wanting their 15 minutes of fame.
Jem Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 Sheila still.. Josh is a weak player and he always plays both sides. Have to change feeds... Chelsia just came out of the DR and feeds change to Josh, Ryan and Adam in the hallway. Josh is talking about being called into the DR before he cut his hair as they wanted to be sure he wasn't going to do anything too drastic. James is called to the DR Chelsia has requested some good music tomorrow as it will be her last day in the house. Josh says that the 80s music they've been playing has done nothing for him.
luvbbinTOKYO Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 11 PM BBT (OMG) Sheila and Nat in the boatroom talking about how embarrased Chelsea's family must be!!! Nat's family would be rooting for HER that she is the better person..........( Can't watch anymore of them, sorry!!) Sheila says that they are not going to let anyone throw her under the bus by making it look like she didn't vote for Sharon............Enter Ryan, he tels She and Nat, that "they" are working him and Chel asked what she can do to stay in the house..."WHAT??"" chimed Sheila and Nat. Ry says Josh told Chel that he couldn't vote for her. Ry says Chels knows she going Chelsea and James & Josh in the bathroom, Chels is crying
luvbbinTOKYO Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 11:30 boatroom talking politics..Ry asks how much breaking news do they think they have , TONS declares She...she is sure that McCain will be up against Obama...Ry asks if there will be a new prez when they get out of the house....................They are all getting ready to turn in.after the Ry and Josh leave, Nat tells Sheila that she knows that she can trust her, and that since Matty left she doesn't have anyone to talk to about her personal life, and that she knows that Sheila would never throw the personal things that she knows about her around to hurt her. Bathroom-James telling Chels to let it out and cry...he will cry with her, she needs to get it out, he says She and Nat telling eachother that THEY both deserve to win the game..and UNGRATEFUL Chels is.................
CeCiMom Posted March 26, 2008 Author Posted March 26, 2008 12:19 am BBT: Chelsia threw Grapes at Adam, he then threw them back. Then threw the big stem at her and hit her face. After Adam leaves she turns to Josh and James and says,
CeCiMom Posted March 26, 2008 Author Posted March 26, 2008 12:40 am BBT: James told Josh and Chelsia that Adam and Ryan told him Matt had ADD. Josh asked if he took meds while he was here
BBHeaven Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 1:51 BBtime Adam wakes up he walks outside checks the dryer and has a smoke. He is admiring himself in the mirrors outside. (very quiet not saying a word) He finishes his smoke and goes back inside up to his HOH room. Uses the bathroom in the HOH room and now proceeds to bed.
Jem Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 9:05AM BBT: Feeds are back. They're all on Josh. He says, "Good morning HGs, it's time to get up for the day" and "The bedroom lights must remain on during the day." Sheila is telling Josh a dream she had in the kitchen. That they were casting for BB10 and that everyone was just "so over us" (this cast) and that there will be someone in their 50s. Natalie is up and around too.
Jem Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 Sharon is feeding the GPs... She's not said "babieeees" yet [Thank God] Josh says they're getting so fat Sharon. She is telling them to "hold on"... Now saying "Hiiiiiiiii, (kissing noise) hi babies"
pink3572906 Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 9:30am BBT: Sheila, Natalie and Sharon talking in the kitchin. Foth has gone on 3 time so far because of Sheila mentioning names and songs. 9:37am BBT: Sheila and Sharon are still in the kitchin talking about how "their plan worked" ( assuming they are talking about Chelsia getting evicted ) 9:40am BBT: James, Chelsia, Joshua, Ryan still no where to be found!
Jem Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 9:40PM BBT: Sharon asks Natalie how she feels about tonight. Natalie says she feels good. Sheila says if she wins HoH it's going to be girls ONLY, no guys, "If Josh comes up he has to promise no drama." Discussion turns to makeup and Sheila thinks today is going to be a long day, "I can see it" and questions if Sharon found her shorts. She says from the shower, "No, I did not." They discuss the things they've lost. Natalie lost a pink flip flop during a PoV competition. Sheila will be 46 in 17 days. Natalie is upset that she is almost 30. "Noooo, I want to be 20 again." Sheila tells her to embrace it. All four feeds are on the bathroom. 9:50PM BBT:
myss911 Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 11:00 AM BBT - HoH lockdown... can't hear much except for Natalies chelwing and slurping
myss911 Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 11:04 am BBT - HG's in HoH LD, they had on the spyscreen and they could see all of the people behind the scenes coming into the LR area. They were all telling Adam to turn it off as they were going to get into trouble. They were all in awe that they could see real, living people. Still hear slurpalie chewing and slurping away. They are talking about Rock of Love and other reality shows. Nat talking about the Bible... Sheila going on and on about things being ridiculous and "Oh God No!" "Thats disgusting"... Shar now telling a story how she got spit on at a Panthers game and some guy came up to her and sayd "Panthers pfffft" (did a spitting noise) and then her man came out of the bathroom and went searching for the guy and the spitter was a huge dude and her "boy" decked him. Sheila says that he has no class. They are talking about the spitting incident and that it was all over her... They are trying to guess who the guy is, but Shar says she cannot say as he didn't sign. Then Sharon squeels for no apparent reason. James asks if there have been several times that she has fallen off of the beaten path in the 12 years (cheating), Sharon says yeah... they are bagging on Shar and she is squeeling and cackling and they bring up the fact that he joined the military for HER and then she cheated on him. She cacles "Whatever, he's not innocent. Shut up" They are bagging on her and she is doing that high pitched squeeking... can't stand it! Sheila tells her she doesn't have to defend herself and then Slurpalie says " I am sure he was getting some Okanawa chicks" and they all say No Way. They say he was busy doing something and Slurpalie says he can get some in between... They are still bagging on Sharon and how she treated and cheated on Jacob.
myss911 Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 11:15 am BBT - Still talking about Sharon cheating. She says that he cheated on her in HS and that he joined the Marine Corps to fix things and they still didn't fix things (probably because you were sleeping around duh !). They are talking about how long Jacob was in the house. James says that she feels like she is going to jump up and shank him. Chels says that Adam looks skinny in a picture. They are questioning why he has so much baby food, they say because "B!tiches want to have his babies". They ask how much he ate, he says he ate two, threw away 2 and Nat says that she ate two. Sharon brings up the cheating stuff again and then says she is done with it, then she brings it up again, she says she is over it and then she brings it up again. Sharon says that she had the last laugh! James and Adam say that Jacob is going to have the last laugh. Sharon says "Whatever" (no joke, she has said it like 40 times in the past 15 minutes). They are asking how she could be in the bed with the guy and then talk to one another. Once again she said she is done, then she brings it up again. Shar is telling how Jacob was civil with the affair guy and then she starts talking about the only thing $hitty she did was with a construction boy... she says Jacob came in and said "whats up bro!" and she had been sleeping with him. Shar says that all of her ex-boyfriends still keep in touch with her parents... again with the multiple Whatevers ! She is saying that in HS she ran around with the guy and then they ask her about theother construction guy... Adam says there are some gaps in the story, and the timeline is not working out... more and more talk about her cheating and such.
myss911 Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 11:25 am BBT - Josh says that his reverend is a lesbian... reverend Jo. Sharon brings up the cheating and Jacob again... She is saying that his parents pushed them together for years. Josh says that she watched his penis turn into a big weenie... she starts in with her Whatever x 50!
Jem Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 They were ragging on Sharon some more during the LD and Chelsia told everyone about Adam and the grapes from last night. Adam says he was angry at her. Sheila told Adam off and he complains that he was angry at having grapes thrown at him. 12:05PM BBT: I can't seem to keep my PM and AM in the right place today... The LD is over. All four feeds are on Sheila in the kitchen... alone... boring!
Jem Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 Natalie was praying. All four feeds are on her in bed with Ryan reading her bible. 12:42PM BBT: BB: "Natalie, Please exchange you microphone for one in the SR." Natalie says, "OK, no problem boss" and goes to change it. All four feeds stay on the bedroom with Adam face down sleeping. (be back in a while, hope someone can post if anything happens)
CeCiMom Posted March 26, 2008 Author Posted March 26, 2008 1:01 pm BBT: Feeds back. Josh talking about the HoH competition. Sounds like they know it's going to be a "question" competition. It will be 7 questions. James and Josh talking about winning the HoH; staying calm, not freaking if they miss 1 question, etc. They know it's going to be about the house guests; saying it will be questions that aren't aimed for a particular person to win. Josh mentions that BB has already had "integrity" issues in the past and that BB wouldn't ask a question about Jacob that only Sharon would know the answer. Chelsia says, they will be wearing blindfolds (So, this is going to be the comp. from All-Stars, that Chicken George won.) James/Josh are assuming it's not going to be about them but about evicted HG's. (Wrong!!!) Sheila comes in KT and her and Josh think it's a crap shoot HoH. Sheila says she doesn't know anything about the other house guests so, it's not a game for her. (LOL, she's already playing mind games with Josh.)
txcyclone Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 real boring... adam is in the kitchen eating the house is so boring that all 4 feeds are on adam eating he had a tuna fish pita and now is belching
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