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Im confused?? CT & S6


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Have ct just told the sov's that they have an alliance with them?? Y do the sov's believe ct will vote out james? After looking at the video of will & boog in the weight room they are talking about james being around next week...someone fill me in pls.

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I believe CT are biding their time to see which way the wind blows. Does no one remember these two calling Janelle stupid and Howie a retard? If it looks like there is no way Kaysar can get the votes he needs to stay, they will drive the bus over Janelle and Howie. They know James is no longer with the Sov, yet have never shared this bit of information with Janelle or Howie.

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That is a really great point Mendes.. I hadn't thought of that. Things that make you go hmmmmmm... lol anyway.. Will is playing this game just like season 2, I just can't believe everyone is falling for it. I hope he keeps going... and wins again.. he freaking deserves it.

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I can't believe they are falling for it also they all know how his game play is and not to trust either one of them but yet everyone in the house seems to trust them, I hope Dr. Will wins this whole thing also because if he can pull this off twice by playing the same game he deserves to win.

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As of 11:00 last night EST, James was going home. Janelle and Kaysar had approached CT and they were fine with the idea of flipping the vote. Then Kaysar had a conversation with George where George told him that he knew that the floaters were just being friendly to him this week because they needed his vote, and promised Kaysar to vote out James. That would make it 5-2, enough to cancel out James' eviction vote nullification.

But that was last night. Things change in a heartbeat in that house. And what CT says is often not what they end up doing.

I really don't think we'll know for sure who is going this week until Thursday night. This is the first nail-biter eviction of the season.

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Hmm, I believe the conversation I saw between Will and Boogie in the gym took place AFTER the one you saw (I'm central time zone), and in that one they were alone talking about sending Kay home. I also think CT waits to see what the wind does, and actually really just Will waits. Then he tells Boogie what to do and he does the opposite. Yup, we won't really know what's going on till Thursday night's show. And then I believe much will become clearer (er, sort of ...)

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thats y I was confused because i was pretty sure the convo in the gym happaned after the s6 made a deal with ct. I think kaysar is gone because the only people ct are honest with is themselves....boy are they funny though saying if they win HOH (which I doubt) they will put up dani...LMAO, they better make sure if they put her up they get her out.

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I understood from their convo in the gym that if they win HOH they will put up Marci and Janelle, telling each they were a pawn. Then they'll vote out Marcellas and make no enemies in the meantime.

What they were saying about Dani was making sure she was protected. I think there true alliance is with Dani but Will knows he can manipulate Janelle so he'd rather keep her around as well.

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Unless Erika wakes up, Kaysar will be going home. I find it funny how Danielle has convinced everyone that a soon to be two person alliance is to be feared. Danielle thinks she is being real??? Come on. CT is voting Kaysar out. Perhaps Will throws his weekly odd vote in for Kaysar, but George, Erika, Boogie and Marci will vote for James to stay.

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I find it funny how Danielle has convinced everyone that a soon to be two person alliance is to be feared.

and thats a valid point all by itself, look at what Chilltown has done with only two ppl. bottom line is janie can win comps, so its only smart for dani to make everyone aware of that over and over again.

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