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So voting in the houseguests was pretty pointless then!

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It all seemed pretty dodgy when we learned that only six of the All Stars would be chosen by the viewers, with the producers choosing the other six - though I think we all pretty much understood why they would do that.

And then I thought the vote was pretty pointless at all - prior to the premiere it seemed pretty obvious who would be voted in - and it was highly likely that these people would have been chosen by the producers anyhow.

However, we then find out the top eight (4 male, 4 female) are going in because it's a "close contest".

To me, that seems to be code for "You didn't pick who we expected you too - so we're going to change the rules a bit to make sure we get the cast we want!"

The vote was heavily biased towards the latter seasons - I think everyone here agreed Will should be voted in.

Having said all that though, of the six rejects the only one I'm disapointed about not getting in (and I never thought I'd say this) is Ivette. It would have been really interesting to see where her alliances would lie!

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The vote was a total scam. We all know that BB casting staff got exactlly who they wanted. with the popularity of the SoV and others it was no quetsion they would be americas choice.. so many Sheep out there following the crowd. And then BB rounds it off with whoever they wanted so even if their top choices were not voted they added them.

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