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Is tomorrow the food comp?


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Just wondering if tomorrow (Saturday) has a food competition or will that routine start next week after a houseguest has been eliminated.

I still want to find out what replaces PP&J.

What did the chef of the house make for dinner? missed it.. ty

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George cooked.. and someone else I think, but I missed it.

They had all kinds of stuff- some people had chicken, some had steak and potatoes, and the rest had pasta marinara. And Howie was dishing out the Bryers with M&M's sprinkled in later. As someone said before, I can't wait to til they take it all away! :lol:

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Oh that sucks! I'm looking forward to seeing what the new 'treat' is, too. They better take that food away fast.. watching them this year reminds me of Jun from a few seasons ago.. All they do is eat! Especially ice cream. Everytime I look at them in the evening, they have the ice cream out.

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