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Can someone list the "winners" of all the previous BB's and the season they won?

Please! Thank you.

I didn't start watching "for real" until half way through the 3rd season.

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2 will

3 lisa

4 jun

5 drew

6 maggie

1 i forgot dude name

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all the winners except lisa somewhat earn their victories

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Yes, he had only one leg due to losing the other to cancer. Then, they had the pug dog ("Pugita"), and one day, they all went outside and there were about 100 pugs running around the backyard. The challenge was to find Pugita. Eddie found a one legged oned and claimed it as his. haha!!! :lol:

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maggie earned hers. and is up there with WILL as greatest bb player ever. the way she made howie vote one of his own. the way she got kaysar evicted after she won hoh. the way she played ivette and the whole house except james.

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lol she up there. but i still dont think even without the diary thingy they would have gave it to her

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About maggie being a great player....what was so impressive about her evicting kaysar when she was HOH? Didn't most HOH's "evict" someone? What made that one so special? There was no game in that, she nominated James & Kaysar, James won the veto & they got rid of kaysar, I dont' see the big deal.

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maggie #1 bb player cause she got howie to evict one of his own when it was a numbers game for each side . she held together a team that at any moment could have gone off the deep end and collapse and cut off each other throat. she manipulated her team to make each one of them think they were in charge when she was actually running the show. she set up herself to win the jury votes by letting ivette do all the talking. she gave ivette hoh when she was b****ing about not getting nothing which in the long run made ivette trust her even more and brought her along to the finals. she won the important hoh went team sov thought they were rolling and got kaysar back after he send her partner home the week prior.

WILL #2 i had to drop WILL to this spot because if he tried that i lie to everyone and I admit it in any other season after bb2 he would have not won bb. maggie i feel strategy would have work in other seasons.

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" the way she got kaysar evicted after she won hoh. "

again what is impressive about nominating someone & having them evicted?

BTW Howie is just an idiot (no offense I love him), as were all the sheep.

I don't really think it's impressive when you can manipulate a bunch of weak minded idiots. It's just like me claiming to be a genus because I got over on a bunch of 8 year olds....who COULDN'T?

NOW....if maggie had played some of the sov's like that...some strong, game minded people, I'd be impressed.

I believe maggie just got really lucky.

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