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Maki discussion thread

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maki-tv.jpg Maki

Age: 31
City: Toronto, ON
Occupation: Poet/DJ
Relationship status: In a relationship
Describe yourself in three words: Charming, laid-back and open.
If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why? My heart because it has guided me to this very time, it has helped open up people to me, and it has helped me open up to people.
Do you have a strategy to win "Big Brother Canada"? My strategy is to adapt to every scenario. So I guess my strategy is a lack of strategy but to adapt to every environment, situation, challenge, and every person I come across.
What are you known for? My dance moves.
What part of the "Big Brother Canada" experience do you think will be the hardest for you? I think the hardest part of "Big Brother Canada" will be people saying things that are untrue about me, or people teaming up on me for no apparent reason other than the fact that I’m probably just being myself.
Who is your "Big Brother Canada" (or "Big Brother") idol and why? I think Paras from season 6 is a real cutie. Obviously, you side with winners to become a winner. So I would pick her — she did great.
What do people from your hometown have that gives them an edge to win "Big Brother Canada"? Being multicultural and being exposed to so many lifestyles and people allows you to become more open and accepting of everybody.

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