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Laura Roberts discussion thread

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laura-roberts-tv.jpgLaura Roberts

Age: 26
City: Calgary, AB.
Occupation: Judicial Clerk
Relationship status: Single
Describe yourself in three words: Funny, passionate and smart.
If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why? I would probably take the entire box set of Seinfeld with me. I grew up watching the show and for me it’s always been something that’s relaxed me and made me feel good.
Do you have a strategy to win "Big Brother Canada"? I want to say that I do but I really think that I don’t. That being said, I think a lot of the game is about adapting to the situations as they come. I’m pretty quick on my feet — I’m a quick thinker and a fast talker.
What are you known for? Being goofy all of the time.
What part of the "Big Brother Canada" experience do you think will be the hardest for you? Definitely disconnecting from family and friends. My family is a sounding board, like a vocal diary I can unload my feelings on. I think that’s going to be a challenge for me. I see emotions as a vulnerability or a weakness so I don’t like to tell people who aren’t my family about my feelings.
Who is your "Big Brother Canada" (or "Big Brother") idol and why? I know a lot of people probably say "Big Brother Canada" houeguest Ika Wong and I agree because I love people who are unapologetically themselves. I’m a bit of a ball-buster and I like people like that.
What do people from your hometown have that gives them an edge to win "Big Brother Canada"? I’m originally from Sarnia, Ontario, and it’s very much a blue-collar community and a lot of us are very tough. I grew up in an Italian-Canadian household with very passionate, tough-talking kind of people.

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