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Is it just me, or is anyone else annoyed with all of the production influence/ interference?  I mean, Tyler has known since day one that he was/is the winner...seriously...we're just watching to see the order the rest  of the houseguests get evicted.  Sometimes production influence is so  obvious it's absolutely ridiculous....and this is supposed to be a game?

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I don't know that production is taking a heavy hand in the game. They obviously tried with Kaitlin (sp?). Getting back in the game couldn't have been any easier and, from my understanding, production had let the HGs know that whoever was evicted had a really good chance to get back in. But even that chance was dependent on Sam not using her power until that eviction. Production couldn't help it that Kaitlin was totally useless and blew it. Seriously, it was a six piece puzzle! Foute has played horribly since the beginning. Starting with Swaggy thinking he was staying to the most recent eviction.  If production wanted to influence the game, and create better tv, they would have made it possible to keep Scottie. Tyler is playing a good game. So is JC, Brett, KC, and Angela. Sam is a scatter brain and Fay and Hay have proven themselves to be inept. If production wanted more drama they would have made a way for one of them idiots to cut into L6's numbers. In MHO. 

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