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This week's Answers:


Sixth HoH 2 Angela
Nominee #1 1 Angie
Nominee #2 1 Scottie
Name one Have Not HG 1 ---
Veto Player #1 1 Brett
Veto Player #2 1 Kaycee
Veto Player #3 1 Scottie
Veto Host 1 ---
Veto Winner 2 Angela
Veto Used? 1 Yes
Saved Nominee 1 Tyler
Replacement Nominee 2 Bayleigh
Who is the first HG to vote? 1 Kaycee
Who is the last HG to vote? 1 JC
Evicted HG 3 Bayleigh
HoH comp Questions or Skills? 2 Questions
Former HG in Live Show Audience? 2 No
Eviction Margin More or Less than 2? 1 More



This weeks Point standings


Dade                  6 Points

Fuskie                3 Points

KatFer                4 Points

gishy333tx        7 Points

vyvashuss44    1 Point

BBWatchr        10 Points



Total standings


Dade                     30 Points

monadyan           26 Points

gishy333tx          25 Points

kitten200             18 Points

Fuskie                    11 Points

BBWatchr            10 Points

vyvashuss44         9 Points

KatFer                     7 Points

Kakidoodle09        6 Points

Flickz                      5 Points

Jinx                         3 Points

Nataliebb23           2 Points

Vampirelover         1 Points


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