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Sunday July 16, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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9:45PM BBT: Alex is in HOH room by herself. Most of the other HGs are in the backyard. Jessica, Ramses, Matt and Jason are in the hot tub having general talk about which cities they've travelled to. Jessica and Matt don't like NYC because it's so dirty. Jason says he's never been, but his wife said the same thing. Conversation shifts to Jason's baldness. He feels somewhat insecure about it, but Jess says he has green eyes and wearing a hat all the time takes away from his nice eyes.


9:47 PM BBT: Paul and Josh are setting up to play pool in the backyard. Christmas is sitting nearby with her leg propped up to watch. Elena, Mark, and Kevin also come over and sit down in chairs to watch them play pool. Paul says Josh is being quiet and wants to know if he is upset for some reason. Josh says "Nothing's wrong, I just want to destroy you silently in this game." Everyone laughs and general talk continues as they begin the game of pool. No BB game talk tonight thus far!

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