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Thursday, April 6, 2017 BBCAN5 Live Feed Updates

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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates.  Comments and BBCAN discussions are in the Big Brother Canada 5 - Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. 

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

As many of you know, we didn't get enough help this season to continue our social media program that included having live feed updaters that were scheduled, and would also post here in the forum.  Since there's no longer a schedule, you are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, someone else take over!" or whatever so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  

Thank you!

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12:01am BBT Good Morning Canada! Today is eviction day and the house guests are reviewing over and over the video's that they have seen so far. There have been two from Cassandra, one from Dallas and two from Mark.


12:05am BBT Dre and Ika are in the HOH room talking about how Ika wants to win the next HOH. Ika said that Neda needs to build a resume because right now she is safe so she has to have something to say if she makes it to final two. Ika thinks that if Neda won HOH she would put up Dre and William. Ika thinks that Neda has an unfair advantage in this game. Sindy joined Dre and Ika in the HOH room and she is quizzing them about the video's that they seen.


12:18am BBT Out on the back yard couch Jackie and Emily are talking about what they are going to wear tomorrow, how they are going to fix their hair and then they start reviewing the video's. 


12:32am BBT Emily and Demetres are now playing pool. Demetres thinks that today is going to suck because he does not want to stand in front of everyone and have to evict Gary on his own. Emily asked if Gary has tried to talk to him about it. Demetres said yes. Emily said it is what it is. Demetres said that BB is Gary's dream and he has to be the one to stand up and end it and then he does not even get to play in the next HOH.


12:41am BBT The pool game is over for Emily and Demetres so Emily makes her way into the house. She found Dillon sitting on the couch and gave him a hug around his neck from behind. Dillon asked her what is up baby. Emily does not answer her question she just asked him if everyone is sleeping. We hear BB call Demetres to the DR.


12:44am BBT Demetres is out of the DR and is now up in the HOH room reviewing the video's with Ika and Dre....and then the feeds go down.



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12:51am BBT The feeds are back up with Dre and William sitting on the stairs and talking in French so I cannot tell you what they are discussing. 


Gary and Ika are in the wash area. Gary is talking about the videos, but he is saying things wrong and Ika told him to stop because he is confusing her. Gary does not stop, he just keeps on going.


Bruno, Emily Kevin and Jackie are all laying on the living room couch not talking (probably waiting for another video). Neda is sitting under the stairs.


Dillon is pacing around by the kitchen table and it looks like he is studying the video information quietly to himself.


12:59am BBT The living room group was doing hand signals but we could not tell what it was about and then they broke up with Emily and Bruno going into the have not room, Neda went up stairs and Dillon, Jackie and Kevin went by the kitchen...then feeds 3 and 4 went down.

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1:00am BBT Up in the HOH room Ika, Demetres and Gary are reviewing the video's. Gary is still reviewing all of the information wrong and it is making Ika aggravated because he is confusing her. We just heard BB say good night house guests sleep well. Ika thinks that BB will not do anymore videos tonight.

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10:03am Cam 1+2: Kevin and Dre in showers, Emily, Gary and Jackie getting ready for the day in WA. No chatting going on.

Cam 3+4: Sindy, Ika, Karen in Pink bedroom going over video stats [must be a part of a task this week...I don't know much about these videos] like location, temperature, times, etc.

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10:07am: Neda in HOH bathroom, getting out of shower. 

Kitchen area: 10:07am: Emily, Dillon, Gary in kitchen cleaning up.

10:09am: Demitres and Gary go into Pantry, and Demetres tells Gary that he is the hardest person to vote out. Gary says "Really? You told me 100% on the couch." [last night] Gary seems upset, Demetres looks like he feels bad, and Gary walks out of pantry.


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10:11am: Gary heads up to WA and goes into shower to rinse off his feet. Kevin is shaving, Neda and Jackie are putting on makeup.

No chit-chatting.

Cam 3+4: Pink bedroom: Sindy stretching while she talks to Karen and Ika about what day it is today, and what the stats are for the week (who is on slop, numbered days, etc) Not much chatting other than that.

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10:19am: Ika asks karen "Is it normal to wake up with hate in your heart everyday?" 

Karen says "No, it's not healthy at all."

Karen speaks about people talking and living their "truth." Ika talking about everyone being fake, and being enlightened by everyone living in this house fake. Karen relates it to politics.

Karen decides to figure out what she'll wear today. 

Ika decides to go start getting ready for the day. She says she thinks two people will leave today.

Karen says "I've said that all week. I really think today we will be losing two people."

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10:26am: Bruno joins Demetres in HOH. They chat about this week. Demetres thought there'd be more of a twist this week. He can't beleive he signed of for "HOH" this week. Demetres told Bruno when he was talking to Dre and Ika, Dre said that William's mind is on kevin and gary, and isn't even trying. That william is throwing his chances away to gary and kevin.

Talk switches to video stats.


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10:35am: HOH room: Bruno and Demetres talking about who is with who.....that Jackie and Dre have "something bad going on between them" which bruno thinks is good, because if Jackie wins HOH, she'll put up Ika and Dre to get them out. Bruno thinks Jackie has a great chance of winning HOH. Bruno thinks it would be sweet to win HOH because it's his birthday week. Demetres agrees that if Dillon were to win HOH, that would be the worst case scenario. 

Bruno says it's a waste of time trying to speculate what will happen this week for the comps, and whether there's a double eviction coming or not. "This week is so up in the air."

Bruno doesn't care what people say, William is playing the game. He may come across like English is his second language, but he's smarter than everyone thinks, and he is definitely playing it. 

10:44am: Bruno is trying to reassure Demetres that they are in a good spot in this game. Bruno "You have to stop saying it's us against them...it's us dude, we are in this together." We [I think he means himself (Bruno), kevin, jackie, ika, and demetres] are sitting in the middle between two sides. If we win, we are in a good spot."

10:47am: Kevin joins Bruno and Demetres in HOH room to go over video stats. They discuss the different emoji's.

Bruno to Kevin "We got this bro. This week is our week."



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