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Gary Levy BBCAN5 Houseguest Thread (BB-CAN1 Vet)


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The first runner- up in BBCAN1, Gary is looking to claim the crown after losing it the first time around to a voting mishap.

AGE: 25




Describe yourself in three words:

Funky, fresh, and fabulous. I know my brand.


What have you been up to since being on your season of Big Brother Canada?

Since my season, I had the opportunity to do the Big Brother Canada Side Show which I loved and appreciated so much. After that, I used the coin from the show to travel the world. I went to Miami, New York, Paris, Montreal, and Nova Scotia. I was able to re-inspire myself and get acquainted with new cultures to regroup and download who I am today. I’m an artist today and even though I love that so much, I still can’t deny my itch to be on TV. AND THEN BIG BROTHER CANADA CALLED!


Is your strategy to win Big Brother Canada different going in for a second time?

Yes! First and foremost, I’m going to reiterate the voting instructions when I get to the final two: “Houseguests, vote for the person you WANT to win!” I’m also going to strategize through the fun I’m going to have in the house. I’m going to connect with a strong guy in the house and do his make-up while I talk to him about strategy. I’m going to use my social game, which comes so naturally to me.

If you could call one former houseguest from your season for advice, who would it be and why?

I have two names: Emmett and Jillian (BBCAN1). They’d give me similar advice. I like that they’re very smart and have a great strategy. They’re athletic and they’re great friends of mine outside of the show. Jillian was so good at getting people to trust her and then stabbing them in the back!


What element of Big Brother Canada did you not have a chance to try before, that you’d like to experience this time around?

WINNING. Guys, I’m here to win! Not just look pretty. I’m coming back to take the cake.


What perk within the game means the most to you: a letter from home, a luxury party, a season’s slop pass, or a vote from Canada?

Oooooh. I don’t want to go on slop. But I love my country and I love that my country understands me. I’m really blessed that I can be myself in and out of the house. I choose a vote from Canada. I’m getting emotional now!


Which Big Brother Canada past competitor would you like to channel this season and why?

I don’t channel anybody. I’m an original.


If you could travel into the future or the past which would you choose and why?

I’d go to the past. I’d go to the 1970s. I’m an old soul. I’d want to be my age right now in New York City at Studio 54. Grace Jones. Andy Warhol. Bianca Jagger. Oh, if I could be a fly on the wall in the ‘70s, things would be so different!


What do people from Toronto have that gives them an edge to win Big Brother Canada?

We have a swagger to us. We definitely spend a lot of time getting to know ourselves – we’re very selfish people – but I think it’s a good thing because we know what we want. When you’re in the BBCAN house, you need to be confident. You need to go after what you want. You need to be able to talk to anyone. People from Toronto can do all of these things.


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