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The 5 Stages of Grief??


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After watching Big Brother from its inception, I have noticed many houseguests faced with certain eviction go through the identical stages of someone who has lost a loved one.  First they are in denial, unable to believe that the other houseguests actually intend to vote them out .  Then when assured that they are indeed going home or to the jury house, they display anger and wail about their betrayal and the fact that they don't "deserve" to leave the game. Some go so far as to curse out or call out everyone who should have "had their back" including their so called alliance members. Then they try to "blow up" everyone's game or even try to fight others who they felt opposed them.  Once cooled down, they begin to bargain and begin their campaigning. When convinced that their campaigning will not be successful, they enter a depression. They muse about quitting or leaving the game early and self-evicting. They do a lot of crying and moaning in the jury room.  Finally, they come to accept the decision of the "house" and come to understand where they failed in their game play and their bid to win Big Brother.


Now  folks, I am talking about houseguests who were given the courtesy of being told they do not have the votes to stay, not the ones  who are "blindsided" on eviction day. I have always thought the blindside was pretty cruel and cowardly. 

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Very well put! I have said this many times that they all do this, and those that are sending them out the door are inconsiderate and do not sympathize with them in their misery. Until that is, they are the one in bed with their hoodie and sunglasses weeping under the covers. Unfortunately they can't all be like James, just trying to console the other person when in fact, he could be the one heading out the door... or is he?

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I love watching the stages. Especially the denial and game blow up. 


I dont one mind the backdoor. It's really the only way to get some out & prevent them from swaying weaker voters. 


I'm all about the game as a whole. I never have one favorite. I enjoy watching them wiggle and dance for us. Horrible I know but it's Big Brother! 

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