cassondra0222 Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 7:55 PM BBT Victor tells Natalie that he thinks the person that's evicted this week will be part of a competition to come back in the house. He says they always do 2 double evictions. Natalie thinks a HG from another season will come back. Paul says that Paulie could come back in with a ruler. Paul says that Paulie should have never mentioned that he was coached by Derrick & Cody. He says that he paid $450.00 for a pair of sunglasses. Victor says he got his at H & M for like $5.00. Natalie says she gets hers at Forever 21. Paul says he has name brand sunglasses, but he gets them cheaper because he knows the vintage guy that sells them. Natalie says if there is a jury buy back & he comes back in this house she is going to literally vomit. Michelle says they asked her about how Paulie bakes his pies. BB says Michelle, you are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions with other HG's. Michelle says that Paulie stole Paul's hairstyle, so he should steal his baking skills. Victor says he has his own style. They talk about their names from the Veto comp. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 8:01 PM BBT Paul says that he said, "Hi, I'm your name blank." He laughs. Natalie says she can do a teleprompter reading. Natalie says she couldn't read any words in one of the competitions. Michelle has Natalie say Derrick's name, to see if she has an accent. Michelle says that Paulie used to go out a lot & have fights. Natalie says he has a bad temper. Michelle & Paul says he has scars all over his face. Natalie says Paulie does have a bad temper. Paul talks about a Spanish night at a club he's been to. Michelle finishes up eating food out of a plastic container. Natalie tells Paul that she finds his beard hairs around the house. She says there are trails around the house. Victor says there are beard hairs in her make-up bag. Natalie asks Victor if the tampon was real or fake? Victor says he doesn't know he just picked it up & threw it away. Natalie asks Victor if he smelled the tampon? Paul says it's just blood. Victor says, it's disgusting. Natalie says it was a fake tampon it had BBQ sauce on it. Natalie says she watched someone do it. She says she's not allowed to prank James anymore because she got in trouble. She says she doesn't want to get in trouble anymore. Natalie says that Zakiyah was jealous of Paulie & Paul's relationship. Victor says she asked to sleep in his bed one time she was so upset with him. Paul tells him he should have boned her. Victor says, no, he told Paulie to handle it. Michelle says they probably boned while he was HOH. Paul says they probably boned all the time under the covers. Michelle says that Paulie was trying to bone almost all the girls in the house. Michelle says that he never tried to flirt with her. Natalie says that Paulie tried to cuddle with her & rub her back. She says that Bronte called him out for trying to play Cody's game. Michelle says that Paulie was telling everyone that she had a crush on him. Natalie says she thought he was hot, but she would never date him. Paul says that he thought Zakiyah was really pretty, but she's not his type at all. Michelle & Natalie says she was gorgeous. Victor says he would never try to date Zakiyah. Natalie says she loves nerdies. Paul says he doesn't think he would ever try to date anyone they put in the house, he needs balance. Michelle says that she really loves Ian from BB14. Victor says he is supposed to wear glasses & he wears a retainer. Paul says he doesn't get it. Victor says when they were casting him they said he was a nerd we see FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 8:12 PM BBT Live feeds come back on. Natalie says her dream job would be a mall cop on a Segway. Michelle says it will get boring. Paul says he saw Paul Blart Mall Cop. Michelle says he never saw it. Victor leaves the Safari Room. Natalie tells Paul & Michelle that she literally saw Paulie always looking at himself in the mirror all day every day. She says he was always checking his sideburns. Natalie says that Paulie had her share a water with her during the Ride The Rocket comp. Victor comes back to the Safari Room. She says after talking to Paulie for a while she realized that she knows his ex-girlfriend professionally. Natalie shows Victor what Paulie would do all day every day to check himself. Victor says he saw it a little bit. Victor says they are literally sh*tting on Paulie right now. Paul says the next care package could be a cell phone to call jury. We see FOTH briefly. Michelle thinks she got the biggest care package. Victor says the next care package has to be better. Natalie thinks safety for a week was the best. Victor says CO-HOH is good because you can pick one of the noms. Natalie thinks the next one could be golden power of Veto. Paul says that would make them a target. Victor says to Michelle, "Fool thinks she got the best one." BB tells Michelle to please move her microphone higher. She fixes it & sprays some perfume on herself. Paul thinks it might be an HOH takeover. Michelle thinks it will not. Paul says that he is making a best-educated guess. They make a deal to be a butler for the other person if they are wrong. Michelle asks if he's scared that she will ask him to wipe her ass. She says, never. Michelle asks what Jozea's impressions were of everyone there? Victor says he literally can't remember. Natalie says she's going to take a nap in the HOHR. She talks about how Jozea thought he had a connection with everyone in the house. Michelle says she wants to watch live feeds for that whole week. Natalie leaves the Safari Room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bebeJM Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 2:34 pm BBT all cameras on backyard/pool area. Nicole and Corey are playing pool. James and Victor are in the pool, while Natalie sits on a chair. 2:49 pm BBT Victor has the eagle puppet from Corey’s Patriotard. Victor starts to put on a puppet show for James. 3:08 pm BBT Nicole and Corey on the outside couches. Nicole says she threw OTEV, and she didn’t hurry either. She says the only thing she has going for her is that she can’t win comps. She says she didn’t really try on the last one either. She feels safe with Nat, James and Corey. Nicole says she would give the win to Corey because he played harder she says she would be happy with the $50k. 3:20 pm BBT Corey says he wants to get into Michelle’s head that way she freaks out. Nicole says she could get paranoid and make something happen in the house. Nicole says Michelle plays emotionally rather than strategically which is why Nicole thinks she will put her up over Corey. Corey says he hopes he goes up that way in his speech he can toss Victor a bottle of lube [referencing an earlier comment about Victor getting boned by getting evicted this week]. Nicole says Corey as good at being on the block. 3:34 pm BBT Cameras on Michelle who is still asleep. Victor joins Nicole and Corey on the couch. 3:46 pm BBT James is in the kitchen eating. Nicole and Corey are lying in the Tokyo bedroom. 4:04 pm BBT Michelle is up in the kitchen with Victor and James. Victor tells Michelle she missed the puppet show. He also says Paul is not feeling well and is in bed. 4:16 pm BBT Nicole, Corey, and James in Tokyo. Nicole says Corey snores so loud, she hopes they montage it on the show because sometimes it is so loud she smiles to the camera. In the kitchen, Victor asks Michelle if she is grumpy. Michelle says yes. Victor says he could not sleep last night so he went and worked out last night and then talked with feeders while in the hot tub. 4:20 pm BBT In London, James is talking to a sleepy Paul. James says he thinks Michelle is gonna put up Nicole because she wants to talk to her. Paul says he told Michelle he thinks the next care package will go to Corey if Nicole goes out and it could be a HoH takeover. That’s why Corey needs to go this week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 8:25 PM BBT Michelle thinks they may get the power to pick the HOH for the following week. Victor says it should be for that week. Michelle says it could be that they are the sole eviction voter for that week. Natalie gets mad at James for pranking her. She tells him that her neck is sore & she can't believe that he keeps pranking her. Natalie says she got in trouble for putting a pie in his bed. He says that Michelle put a penis on the pie. James says he's the master prankster after Natalie goes to the HOHR. James goes to the WA & tells Nicole that he put Vaseline on the door knob to the HOHR. Natalie calls him & he goes up to the HOHR. He tells Natalie she knows he likes her. She locks the door. She asks who it is? She says it's her Knight in shining armor. She tells him she's really parched. He tells her to go to get something to drink from the KT. He asks Natalie if they have any waters? He pranked Natalie again. She says this isn't fair, because when she pranks him she gets called into the DR & gets in trouble. James says, "You did?" She laughs & says, "Yeah." We see FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 8:29 PM BBT Back in the Safari Room, Paul says that would be cool if they would be the only person voting. Paul tells Michelle that her care package was crazy. He says, imagine if it was 2 enemies. He says she could have put James up. Michelle has her HOHR key around her neck, just like Natalie does. Paul says they could get the power to have their vote count as 2 votes & they could be safe for the next week. Paul says they could be HOH & get to vote. Michelle says they would never do that with 4 votes with no one to be a tie breaker. Michelle says it would be weird if she was the HOH & she got the care package for CO-HOH. Victor says they could have voted everything & took the HOH out of the running & gave it to the next highest person. Paul tells Victor that Nicole has a sh*t ton of fans, & if Corey stays he could bet the next care package. Michelle tells Paul if he really cares he should use the Veto on Victor. Paul says she is crazy after he was called a manipulator & a liar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bebeJM Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 4:25 pm BBT: Paul tells James in London that the plan is to take out Nicole next week. James asks who the pawn would be? Paul says he would even volunteer, but Michelle has offered so he would ask her to do it. Paul points out that everyone will be playing in the veto next week. James says he is scared about the care package. James asks why hasn’t America sent him a care package? Paul answers maybe they don’t like me or maybe they are saving it because the last could be the most powerful. James says a HoH takeover almost takes away the integrity of the game. He doesn’t know if it will be the next CP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 8:34 PM BBT Paul tells Michelle that she had talked to Victor about this prior. We see FOTH briefly. Michelle says she had no idea about the plan until she had the care package. In the HOHR, Natalie tells James that now that Victor is on the block everyone is saying that there might be a jury buy-back again. James tells Natalie that Victor is paranoid about him. Natalie says that she told Victor that she talked to James a few times & she trusts him. Natalie tells James to vote out Corey, but he's going to do whatever he wants. Natalie says that Victor said that Corey would target James next week. She says he's saying that to make sure they keep him. Natalie says he said he will win to come back in. James says they are not going to bring someone back with only 20 some days left. James asks how may people are in jury? James doesn't think they will do a comp with 5 people for someone to come back. He says they have always done it with 4 people left. Natalie says they are trying to scare her. James tells her they are trying to use her, because they know he will listen to her. She says it's so funny how the tables have turned. She says she doesn't like this. She says she likes people liking her for her, not for having the power. Natalie says noms are tomorrow. James says, once noms are over he will tell Michelle that Victor is gone. Natalie says she's asking James to vote out Corey, but she's out of this. James says she's trying to be their little do boy & deliver the message. She says she's not delivering a message, she's giving him information. Both of them say they didn't give the other information in the beginning. James says this could be his BB face. She tells him he has a different face when he wants to give him information. Natalie wants James to hang out with Paul & Victor so they don't put him up. James says he doesn't care. He says that Corey & Nicole aren't going to vote him out over Victor. James thinks that Victor would go after Natalie & Michelle. James says Corey knows if he puts him up & he gets off the block, he won't be able to play the following week & that's a big risk to take. He runs down who will be playing for HOH. (He doesn't realize the evicted HG this week will also be playing with the other 4 jury members to get back in & then the winner will be playing for HOH also.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 8:44 PM BBT Natalie tells James that Paul said he would never date anyone in this house. James says that he can still flirt. Natalie says she's fat. She says she gained a lot of weight & he wouldn't date her. James says to go try to see what happens & then tell him. Natalie says she feels that she has a big personality. We see FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 8:45 PM BBT James says they both know how guys are. Natalie says she put up with Paulie all summer she knows how guys are. She says he was boning one girl & then talked about kissing her. James says he doesn't have to like her to flirt with her. She says that Paul agreed to James being a smooth talker. James is filing his nails while sitting on the bed in the HOHR with Natalie. He says he is a smooth talker because he has a daughter. Natalie says she finds out today that James gets girls when he wants. James says he's done well for himself. He says his dating life has sucked. He says girls have either used him or cheated on him. He says they think he has a lot of money because he's on Reality TV. He says they wanted to take pictures & put it on his Instagram & tag themselves. Victor opens the HOHR door & gets Vaseline on his hand. James & Natalie laugh. Natalie says she got in trouble for putting a pie in James' bed. She says she wanted to find James before taking a nap. She says she scared her by hiding behind the couch & made her jolt her neck. She says he put Vaseline on the HOHR door & on the refrigerator. Victor laughs. James says, "BB I got another one." Natalie says that tacky for girls to act like that to want a shout out from his Instagram. Natalie tells Victor to join them, they are just joking around. Natalie opens some heating stick-ons for her neck & asks James to put them on her neck. James tells Victor what they were talking about. Natalie takes her choker off for James to put on of the stick-ons by her neck & one lower on the left side. Victor says he might hang out with Nicole's best friend Mariah. Natalie says she is the ugly friend in her group of friends. James says his mouth will drop when he sees all of Natalie's friends. James rubs Natalie's shoulders to help with her pain. She is talking about her & her friends being so fun, beautiful & diverse. She says guys drool over her friends all the time. Victor says he needs to hang out with them to get in the clubs & not have to pay. Paul goes to the HOHR & gets Vaseline on his hand. Everyone laughs. Paul calls them mother fers. Natalie asks Paul to get her a Gatorade out of the little refrigerator. Paul gets more Vaseline on his hands. He calls them the same thing. Natalie tells Paul the 3 pranks that James just did to her when she was going to the HOHR. We see FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 8:55 PM BBT Paul says that his tweezers are in the HOHR. He asks Natalie if she wants to go swimming because the pool is really warm. James & Victor have left the HOHR. She asks Paul how she is going to prank James? She wants to really get him. Natalie tells Paul that she's watched other Reality TV. She didn't realize that they have to say so much for a long time for them to get the right clips. She says these DR sessions are really long. Paul says it depends how long you make it. We see FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 8:58 PM BBT Paul asks Natalie if he can have some of her gummy bears. They both say they are a different texture. They both say how much they like candy. Paul tells Natalie that her sister looks more like her mom. She says she doesn't look like either of her parents. Paul says, "Fools adopted." Natalie says her sister used to tell her that. She says that her sister is blonde. Paul says he wants to meet her she sounds rad. He asks if her sister drinks beer? Natalie says she loves beer & she knows the good one. James goes back to the HOHR. He is putting wax on something inside the little refrigerator. Paul says he'll eat some gummy bears when he goes back to the HOHR. He leaves the HOHR. Natalie asks James to hand her the two pictures on the left. James shows America Natalie's picture. She whines that they are going to zoom into an ugly picture of her & she's fat. James holds up another picture of Natalie & Mercedes. Natalie shouts out that she loves her mom & she's cute. She kisses the picture. James jokingly says he would probably kick it with her mom & not her. Natalie says that's what usually happens because her mom is mad cute. We see FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 Everything is updated to the FOTH at 9:02 PM BBT. Hopefully someone can take over soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bebeJM Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 4:38 pm BBT Natalie, James, Michelle, Paul, and Victor talking in the kitchen. Corey and Nicole are laughing and lying in bed in Tokyo. James says he didn’t go to his last season’s wrap party because he would get in trouble with CBS if he got drunk. 5:00 pm BBT Victor cleaning the bathroom. He goes to the kitchen to talk to Paul. Victor tells Paul he spent most of the day with James and everything is cool. Paul says he does not trust James and Nat very much at this point. Victor says all he can do is be friendly. He goes to the storage room to get cleaning supplies. Paul goes outside to join the other house guests. 5:23 pm BBT Paul Michelle and Natalie outside joking around. Nicole and Corey are on the hammock. Nicole thinks there will be a reset. She also thinks she is going up tomorrow. 5:30 pm BBT In the backyard Natalie and Michelle tell Paul that Zakiyah took a lot of Natalie’s makeup to jury. Paul says he kind of regrets getting Frank out but they were all being manipulated by Paulie. Natalie tells Michelle about almost getting on to the Bachelor. She says her friend was on Say Yes to the Dress. 5:52 pm BBT Paul and Natalie outside. She is telling him how hard it is to do the comps with ADD. She feels blessed she was cast on the show even with a learning disability. Paul says he has learned a lot about himself on this show. He says he will come out with more confidence which he needs. Natalie continues to talk about her struggles with ADD. She says her biggest accomplishment is graduating college. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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