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VOTE for 2 International Big Brother All-Stars to be in the BB-CAN4 house!


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Who will be the Wildcards???

You decide!

Vote at the GlobalTV BB-Can4 website: http://bigbrothercanada.globaltv.com/


This Season, two international Big Brother Icons will enter into the Big Brother Canada house. You decide which world players you want to see added as the Season 4 Wildcards! Cast your vote for one guy and one girl – it’s time to really shake things up!



Jase Wirey
Hometown: USA
Many Big Brother fans know Jase Wirey from his appearances on two seasons of Big Brother US. Jase is a born entertainer who has seen fame as Brad Pitt’s body double and an actor, but now wants to bring his past experience to the other Big Brother Canada houseguests about life after the show. More than anything, he wants to bring the fun to the house and win for the sake of the game, not for the money.


Tim Dormer
Hometown: Australia
He will happily admit that he is annoying, but that hasn’t stopped Tim Dormer from succeeding in reality tv so far. The former winner of Big Brother Australia, Tim loves to keep the audience at home (and himself) entertained.  Confident and brimming with Aussie charm but not afraid to rock the boat, this houseguest from down under’s greatest challenge will be keeping himself out of mischief and off the chopping block.
Veronica Graf
Hometown: Italy
Veronica Graf may not be a household name in Canada but in Italy her sexy appearance and lifestyle caused an uproar among her Big Brother housemates and led to her becoming the most infamous houseguest ever. Having put her wild child, dancing at the discos of Ibiza, ways behind her, Veronica wants a fresh start in the world of Big Brother, and hopes Canadian houseguests will be quicker to overlook appearances and see the heart of gold within.
Nikki Grahame
Hometown: UK
Nikki Grahame is a Big Brother legend loved by her UK fans, and fans worldwide. Known for her diary room tantrums, she admittedly doesn’t play Big Brother with any sort of strategy in mind, and just enjoys the experience and people while she’s in the house. That said, what you see is what you get with Nikki and she doesn’t hold her tongue. If she has a problem with you, she’ll let you know!
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