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Everything posted by deedsy

  1. I can not stand April she kisses so much butt it is not even funny. I thought for sure she would kiss Renny's butt too. I can not stand her at all!!!!
  2. I like Brian I think he is a good guy, but he way overplayed his cards. Wish Renny could go home instead of him, but that will never happen.
  3. I disagree I think Brain will be sticking around for awhile. I think he knows how to play this game and he is aligning with all the power players so far. No one is on to what him and Dan are trying to do not even wise Jerry.
  4. For the Food Competiton make the HG's compete individually. When the HG's come to the competition have a table with a assortment of food ranging from good food to gross food that you would see on fear factor or survivor. Have the HG's indivdually draw a food. Now tell the HG's in order to have food for the week all the HG most eat their foods. Then allow each HG to make trades. Like maybe someone can take one for the team and eat a gross food. Also allow the HG's to do a trade in which means the HG can drop the food they have and pick a new one, however, dont tell them that once they drop the food they have they can not trade it and can not pick another they must eat what food they just picked. If the HG's all eat their indivdual food then the whole house gets to eat. If one can not eat then no food for week. Here's the Twist!!!! The HG's who didnt eat the food tell them they have an opportunity to win some money. If they accept the offer then they must answer a question about a previous BB season. It would be a cool twist because you could piss of your HG alot and also could lose in the end and not win any money pissing yourself off. Now for the HOH competition make it an endurance competition where the HG must stand on something and the last one standing wins. Finally the second twist of the season is for just this week only make the HOH nominate 3 HG's. If there is a tie allow the HOH to vote out any 1 of the 3 nominee's



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