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Everything posted by lilsis

  1. this girl drives me crazy!! she needs to go soon so shane can play his game w/o her all over him needing compliments.
  2. i did not judge his faith---i just said he was not putting it in action. Not stopping bullies is wrong, no matter what.
  3. the little worm is excited over b/f calling out joe and starting a fight. Grow up little boy.
  4. dan get off your christian butt and stop this attack on Joe. You are a poor example to your team and to other people who admire you. Right now I think you suck at being a christian man. Go home!!!
  5. I am sooo fed up w/this usless bunch. They better not let Joe be ambushed by AG's pet bullies. If this goes down I am going to flood Julie Chen's box. So much for her "honor" in hosting such crap.
  6. he needs to turn his little balls over to dani to keep and let her handle booger and snot. she will have no problem standing up to them. shane is just a big sissy.
  7. he is going to get caught playing both sides. he is playing like shelly and we all know what happened to her.
  8. that is what happens when you are covered by booger and snot(aka mike & frank)!!!!
  9. her and crazy ashley both need to go to jury so they can swap lies together. Both are as plastic(fake) as credit cards!!!
  10. he is playing both sides like shelly. It will catch up w/him sooner or later, just like it did her. I personally do not want him to win.
  11. Me too! Send frank home and then boogie. Quick question: did frank let the have not girls sleep in his bed?? seemed like on bbad that was being whispered about. Thanks in advance for an answer.
  12. on bbad she was playing charades and getting off the floor and back down,up twisting around--I am calling FAKER on this girl. Now in the wee hours of the morning she wants drugs and ice packs. Send her faking butt home. I am soooo tored of this stupid girl.
  13. I plan to vote for Janelle to win fan fav. Not only because she is but because it will p/o boogie!!!
  14. i agree, they need to punish the whole house and it would stop. Whether it is taking stuff away or my favorite, taking money from their checks. If I lost money because someone would not quit singing, believe me, I would shut them up. Take money BB-stop this sh## now!!!!
  15. i think she just wanted drugs. One minute the pain is a 9 and while she is getting all the attention she suddenly sit up and gets all perky. soon she is walking around. She needs to go home--to float because she is faking back spasms is not fair to the hgs who are competing. jmho
  16. Great post Yawnie. You are right on about them. I agree- I think Shane needs to come out of the closet and cuudle w/boogie in the bed - then we could watch stalker dani loose her cool. That would be worth watching.
  17. She is a classless, stupid and man crazy b####. I want her to be a have not with onions to eat. Pleeeeaaase.
  18. is it too late to evict them all and start over??? I would love to have a fav as this season they are all least favs. Sad, sad season
  19. I cannot stand this creepy mean man. I want him to be b/d w/o a chance to save himself.
  20. This girl is a real freak job. I hope her fat a## goes home next week.. I would love to see her on the block--crazy would not describe her. Please evict this biatch.
  21. BB just wants drama tonight for ratings a this season sucks. Hgs have always told people how they are voting. This has been screwed w/by production that the players aren't playing the game--ag and her crew are. If Jani leaves tonight, so do I . BB season is over for me. This is the worst cast ever. No one will be left that I would want to win the money.
  22. Gift box for hg tonight and they open it thinking it is a party box for them: Suprise-jani pops out!!! What I would give to see all the faces especially Dani's.
  23. I wish she would jump up and give Boogie a big hug and say"it worked Boogie. Thanks so much for letting me go see my daughter. Now send the rest of the clowns home as the other newbies are voting w/you-not Dan & Brit. Love you" Would shock the sh## out of them.
  24. I do hope Boogerman srabs her in the back next. I can say I hate this self-absorbed girl. She drives me crazy needing her ego boosted 24-7. Shane is just using her as she has power, next week she will be nothing to him - I am looking forward to that!!!
  25. I hope Boogie is HOH and he opens Pandoras box and it is Janelle back in the game!!! He would sh## his pants. Would be priceless.



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