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Everything posted by Goldylucks

  1. 59. "Default HoH" created by Lisa, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 60. "Comp Beast" created by Lisa, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 61. "Canceled" created by Bryan, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 62. "Uninvited" created by Jodi, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 63. "Picked" created by Josh, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group.
  2. 12:00 PM BBT The HGs are anxiously waiting for the veto to begin. There is speculation that the delay has to do with Ian. He is in the upstairs DR and has been for a very long time. There have been conversations about BB checking his blood pressure and that he may be ill. 12:05 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on David who is alone in the LR, biting his fingernails. Feeds 3 and 4 are on Nicole, Christmas and Bayleigh in the loft. Christmas and Nicole are teaching Bayleigh how to play Backgammon. 12:08 PM BBT Enzo has joined David in the LR. David "The next few weeks are critical. Just know that I got you." Enzo "I got you too." 12:14 PM BBT Enzo is talking to David about his kids. He loves the age they are now. It's the perfect age. He tells David that he misses them so much. 12:16 PM BBT David is called to the DR downstairs. The feeds switch to the critter cam. It's veto time.
  3. 10:49 AM BBT Nicole and Christmas are now talking about Ian. Nicole admits that he made some mistakes and threw her under the bus, but at the end of the day, Ian is loyal to the 2 of them more than anyone else. Christmas agrees. The only really safe back up nom is Kevin, but Kevin may have a power. Bayleigh is getting stretched and ready to compete.
  4. 10:38 AM BBT In the HoH, Nicole and Christmas are talking about the Tyler/Dani drama. Nicole cautions her not to do their dirty work by backdooring Tyler when Tyler is not coming after either one of them. That would just blow up their entire alliance for no reason. They discuss Nicole possibly throwing the comp to Dani so that Dani can be blamed for any fallout. Nicole says that Dani doesn't want to win it either. 10:43 AM BBT Christmas and Nicole continue to talk in the bathroom of the HoH. Nicole says they can't afford to let anyone else win the veto because Kevin may have a power. Their only nomination options are Bayleigh, Da'Vonne and Kevin. Nicole is confident that Kevin has a power. If Bayleigh or Da'Vonne and Kevin has a power, then they are screwed and have to put up someone else. They need to control the veto so they can keep at least one of Bayleigh or Da'Vonne up there. 10:47 AM BBT Christmas and Nicole start to talk about pre-house partnerships and the feeds switch to David and Bayleigh in the KT, LR area. Bayleigh is stretching out her muscles by sitting on the ground facing the wall in a split. She looks like she is in a time out.
  5. 9:54 AM BBT Bayleigh and Memphis are talking in the LR. They are talking about past relationships and how it has turned them, and their partners, into the people that they are. Meanwhile, Dani, Nicole, Christmas and Da'Vonne are hanging out in the WA. Nicole is putting on her makeup and introducing each product she is using to the other girls like she is doing an advertisement or infomercial. 10:03 AM BBT Bayleigh and Memphis are still talking in the LR about the need for good communication and making eye contact. Bayleigh says that when she and her girls go out to eat together, they put their phones in the middle of the table. Whoever grabs their phone first gets the bill. 10:08 AM BBT Nicole, Da'Vonne, Christmas and Dani are hanging out in the WA. She is talking to them about her podcast and how expensive it was to start it up. Now that they are set up to be able to do it over the phone without losing audio quality, it is much better. She recall days they traveled to do the podcast in person, and then the person would cancel after they had already bought the ticket. 10:15 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Christmas in the HoH. She is laying in bed listening to music and holding a picture. She rubs the pictures, giggles and sniffs. Almost like she is laughing/crying at the same time. Meanwhile feeds 3 and 4 show Memphis, Bayleigh and Nicole getting ready in the WA while Dani looks on. 10:26 AM BBT Christmas and Bayleigh are in the HoH. They are looking at her photo of Loyal. Christmas says he is blonde headed but when he was born, his hair was black. 10:33 AM BBT Nicole goes up to the HoH to speak to Christmas before the veto. Nicole says that she would prefer to keep Da'Vonne in the house. She doesn't think that she could ever trust Bayleigh. The Dani, Tyler and Bayleigh stuff is freaking them both out. Christmas "Memphis can't compete. Do we just carry him around for a vote when we can't control him?" They discuss back ups if someone comes down. Nicole mentions Kevin. Christmas "The whole point of putting both of them up there is to get one of them out."
  6. 9:26 AM BBT David asks Nicole if the girls are ready to compete. She says "yeah, it's a girl's world." Dani "Girls and Ian." 9:30 AM BBT David is looking forward to hosting. They hope he gets a cool costume. The veto players are Christmas, Bayleigh, Da'Vonne, Dani, Nicole and Ian. David is the host. Dani tells Da'vonne that she is willing to throw the comp to her if she wants her to. 9:32 AM BBT Christmas is called to the DR. 9:35 AM BBT Dani and Da'Vonne are in the HoH. Dani has told her that Da'Vonne is not the target but that they don't think Da'Vonne has the votes to stay if she stays on the block. Da'Vonne says that she doesn't understand what she is doing up on the block. The nomination speech was so confusing. She is on the block because of a conversation that she had with Bayleigh? With Bayleigh? Dani says it is probably because Bayleigh makes Christmas nervous and Da'Vonne and Bayleigh are together. 9:37 AM BBT Da'Vonne is talking to Christmas in the HoH. Da'Vonne says that she hates that she has to do this, but she wouldn't be a good player if she didn't ask for Christmas' support if the nominations stay the same. Christmas doesn't give her a straight answer and says that she wants to see one of them win the veto. She wants to see Da'Vonne win the veto so that they can put someone more deserving up there. If the noms do stay the same, then she does want to come back to this conversation. She wants to see her win an HoH and a veto. 9:40 AM BBT Da'Vonne and Christmas continue to talk in the HoH. Christmas tells Da'Vonne that she did have a similar conversation this morning with Bayleigh. She wants to talk options if the nominations stay the same with her too. 9:47 AM BBT the HGs are up doing their ADL's and anticipating an early veto comp. They hope it is a rewards veto or luxury veto. Meanwhile, Bayleigh and Memphis are talking about their exes. Memphis has a good relationship with all his exes.
  7. 9:22 AM BBT The feeds return. No one is discussing the veto. Bayleigh, Da'Vonne and Christmas are in the KT talking about parenting.
  8. 7:52 AM BBT Christmas, Memphis, Dani, Kevin and David are chatting in the KT. Most of the others have changed out their batteries and returned to bed. Christmas is talking about her dreams where Loyal is a puppy and how hot she gets at night when she sleeps. She says that she is like a furnace. 7:59 AM BBT Critter cam
  9. 7:03 AM BBT FOTH. Maybe an early wake up call. 7:18 AM BBT The feeds return. BB has woken up the house. 7:27 AM BBT Memphis is sitting in the KT drinking coffee. Most of the HGs have remained in bed or have gotten up and exchanged their batteries and crawled back into bed. Christmas goes down into the KT and talks to Memphis about how funny he was last night. She says that he was slap happy. 7:32 AM BBT Christmas and Memphis are sitting at the KT counter together drinking coffee. Christmas is joking with him that he is breathing too loud. "What part of be quiet don't you understand?" Memphis "Yes madam Christmas." Christmas says that they need to get out Kevin next. 7:34 AM BBT David has joined Christmas and Memphis in the KT. They are speculating why BB woke them up so early, especially since they did so much yesterday. They have come to the conclusion that they are probably going to pick players at 10 and then veto at 12. BB "Wakey Wakey house guests." 7:36 AM BBT Christmas whispers to Memphis that last night, Kevin went in the HN room. 20 minutes later Da'Vonne went into the HN room. Memphis "I saw that." She rehashes her conversation with Da'Vonne last night. Their conversation ceases when David joins them in the KT and says that he is going vegan until Monday. BB is again telling the HGs to wake up. "BB isn't messing around this morning."
  10. 12:38 AM BBT Most of the HGs are already in bed. Cody is sitting alone in the LR because after laying down for over an hour, he can't sleep. Bayleigh has left the BR and is in the KT making a snack.Kevin and Dani are talking in the WA. Kevin says he is feeling some weird vibes. Dani "fishy little things". Kevin tells her that he doesn't know who she is close to. Dani says that she is like the X Files. She trusts no one. 12:47 AM BBT Nicole, Dani and Kevin are talking in the WA. They are talking about how annoying it is going to be when someone wins a second HoH before any of them have won their first. They will get a second letter. Dani "Yes, Tyler. Angela still loves you." They hope that they got a party on Monday. 12:54 AM BBT Bayleigh and Cody are talking in the LR. She says it is hard being on the block with Da, and it is particularly hard that it was done by Christmas, who they thought they were friends with. It felt like a little jab. She also says it feels weird because everyone in the house knew it was coming. She admits that she had a miscommunication with Enzo earlier but she has cleared that up and apologized to him. So, they should be good. Overall, Bayleigh is proud of how she is handling herself. 12:59 AM BBT Cody and Bayleigh are wrapping up their talk in the LR. She tells him that it may be more of a sh*t show tomorrow. "Prepare your mind." Bayleigh starts to head back to bed. Cody "More of sh*t show tomorrow? You are just going to drop that on me and then walk away? Yikes." 1:02 AM BBT Dani and Kevin are talking in the WA about how sticky the floors are. Enzo walked around the house with all that goop all over his feet. He even stood there on the carpets and it was just oozing. He told Enzo that he had to stop and get in the shower. 1:07 AM BBT Kevin and Dani are talking in the WA. They are discussing that the new key HoH ceremony is more traumatic. They like the old key method better. You don't see it coming as each key get pulled out. It is just bam, your photo is up there. Kevin says he was really anxious that he was going to be nominated again. He was going to lose his sh*t. Dani tells him that he is bound to be nominated again at some point. 1:11 AM BBT Dani tells Kevin that she can't believe that they have 8 weeks left. Kevin says it feels like they are coming up on a double. He is falling into a fatigue and with 8 weeks left, he needs to snap out of it. It is a marathon. Dani wants a halfway point party. Turn off the feeds and let them party for a little while. 1:24 AM BBT Dani and Cody are talking in the KT. He says that he is tired of being everyone's scapegoat. He says that this week has been petty. "I am over it. I came in to play big brother. Why is everything that I do personal?" He says that it wouldn't be so bad if he could sleep at night, but he can't. 1:29 AM BBT Ian has joined Cody and Dani in the KT. He says that Cody looks so forlorn. Dani jokes that Cody doesn't know what that means. She tells him that it is okay to ask if he doesn't know. He says that he knows what it means. It means, like fruitful. Cody says they are in the 5th week and still hasn't been able to figure out the routine. Dani "Because there isn't one." 1:32 AM BBT Cody, Dani and Ian are in the KT talking about their inability to sleep. Ian says that he can't sleep if he isn't at least laying down so he is going to give it a try. He starts to head to bed. Cody "When you get in there, can you wake Nicole up and tell her that she didn't wash her bowl?" Ian "I think I better just let her sleep." Dani "I always wash my bowl." 1:37 AM BBT Cody and Dani continue to talk in the KT about how Cody feels like he is everyone's scapegoat and that everyone has seemed to forget that there is a game going on. He says that at least 400 times he has heard people say F**k it, I am done. I want to go home. 1:40 AM BBT Cody and Dani are talking about their previous seasons. Cody says that his cast didn't take things personally. Everyone had enough respect for the game to know it was a game. This season, everyone takes everything personally. Dani says that during her season, Jordan accused her of trying to rip her and Jeff apart and all they wanted was to spend the summer together. 1:44 AM BBT Cody tells Dani that no one likes to look in the mirror. They like to accuse him of doing exactly what they are doing. If he talks to people and is friendly to everyone then he is talking to too many people. If he doesn't talk to anyone, then he is accused of not talking to people. 1:51 AM BBT Dani to Cody "I feel like everyone's strategy this season is to just say that they want to go home." She asks him who he thinks has the other powers. He said that he doesn't know and racking his brain trying to figure it out is not what he wants to do right now. We know it wasn't Nicole. We know it wasn't Memphis. Cody "Nicole walking around in her underwear." 1:54 AM BBT In the KT, Dani asks Cody to tell her a time that her parents bailed him out of something. He replies never. His parents never bailed him out of anything. He and his siblings were held accountable. If they wanted to quit something, they had to make the calls themselves. Never allowed to skip. If the got in trouble they had to own it. 2:00 AM BBT Cody and Dani are still talking in the KT. Enzo is also awake and has been in and out. Cody is giving her a hard time for not talking to him about the day's drama with Bayleigh. She jokes that she is going to slap him. 2:02 AM BBT Enzo, Cody and Dani are in the KT. Cody tells him that Ian was in there earlier and said that Cody was forlorn. Enzo "For who?" Cody "Forlorn". Enzo "Forlorn? What is that? That's not a word. You have been warned? Forewarned?" Cody "Forlorn, it means sad." 2:06 AM BBT Cody, Enzo and Dani are laughing in the KT while talking about the comp earlier today. They are talking about Cody falling on Nicole and that Nicole lost her pants in the comp. 2:15 AM BBT In the KT, Dani asks Cody if he has ever told anyone in this house that he would vote to evict her. He says never. She says that she was told that there was a meeting and Cody supposedly said that. Cody says that he never told anyone that, ever. Cody "And now I can't say anything." Dani "No, you can't say anything. Cody "I hate this part of the game. Because everyone likes to talk. So, that was brought up in a conversation today?" Dani "That's why I am asking you. I am sure you know who brought it up." Dani further explains that the conversation was about her going up and that Cody said he would go along with that. Cody said that wasn't what the conversation was about and he is so annoyed now. 2:21 AM BBT In the KT, Dani tells Cody that it did hurt her feelings to hear that there was a conversation about Dani going up and that Cody said he would go along with it. Whether it was actually said or not, the fact is that there was a conversation like this that took place and Cody didn't say anything to her. Cody says there was so much going on and he didn't know how she would react. Cody says that Dani has threatened to freak out in the past and he didn't want anyone to blow up. 2:25 AM BBT Dani continues to talk to Cody in the KT. She tells him that her feelings were hurt. She tells Cody everything. Cody says that he is bothered that she doesn't know that he has her back. She asks if he can see why she would be upset that he didn't tell her. He replies "Totally". He tells her that he never said he would vote to get rid of her, but he did encourage them to talk to Dani if they feel she is coming after them. He says he is more mad that they made it appear like he agreed to go along with it. 2:28 AM BBT Dani tells Cody that the reason she was crying was because Enzo has a power and was lying to her and that her power is horrible. She says that the powers suck. Enzo was walking around in there against the wall trying to look busy because he already won one. His comment that the powers are trash, along with her power being horrible, leads her to believe that all the powers are bad. 2:35 AM BBT Dani lays out her power to Cody. She tells him that her power is trash but it does allow her to play the next HoH after winning an HoH. She can also use it so that someone else can play again as the outgoing HoH. She thought it was going to be some great power and it is trash. 2:38 AM BBT Cody tells Dani that he doesn't think Enzo has a power because Enzo would have told him. Dani "Not everyone tells you everything Cody." Dani says the only that really concerns her is if Kevin has a power. That could be a problem. 2:42 AM BBT Dani and Cody continue to talk alone in the KT. Dani says that Kevin keeps trying to make an alliance with him and that she keeps ignoring him. She also tells him that she thinks Bayleigh is going to go off on Tyler. Dani tells him that Tyler has been taking things that he (Tyler) has said to her but then tells Bayleigh and Da'Vonne that Dani said it. Dani also says that Tyler has been saying a lot of things about Bayleigh personally and that Bayleigh is taking it to a whole other level. 2:45 AM BBT Dani and Cody are teasing each other in the KT. Dani "I feel like I could get you up on the block fairly easily if I wanted to." Cody "You think?" Dani "Yes, easily." Cody "It isn't about getting me up, it's about getting me out." Dani "You would suck at this game if it wasn't for me."
  11. 12:26 AM BBT Dani and Christmas have been talking in the HoH. Christmas has been updating her on her conversation with Da'Vonne. Christmas says that Da'Vonne knew she was in trouble when Nicole was so happy that Christmas won the HoH. She jokes to Dani that Nicole and her happiness almost blew up her game.
  12. 12:04 AM BBT Dani asks asks if Christmas is awake. She is told that Christmas just went to bed. She says she is going upstairs to tell her goodnight. Dani walks into the HoH and turns on the light. She asks Christmas who she is picking if she gets HG choice because she is hearing that Tyler might use the veto if he wins it. He is walking around calling Bayleigh and Da'Vonne sisters. Christmas says that she has heard that. Dani says that she thinks Enzo has a power. 12:10 AM BBT In the HoH, Christmas and Dani are now talking about Ian. Christmas says that she is not sure what is going on with him. Since he has been in this house, all he has done is rock. Now all he is doing is hovering. It is shady.
  13. The winner for Week 4 is Jodi, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. Her meme "Who Can I Blame" has now been entered for the grand prize at the end of the season.
  14. Week 5: We will be pulling and collecting the memes from all our different platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc) and posting them here. Each meme posted is an individual entry into the Live Feed Meme Contest
  15. 55. "Who Can I Blame?" created by Jodi, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 56. "Pooped My Pants" created by Bryan, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 57. "Silicone" created by Bryan, member of Morty's TV Facebook. 58. "Dead Bird" created by Bryan, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group.
  16. 51. "That Way" created by Alice, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 52. "Please Oh Please" created by Alice, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 53. "Gonna Eat You" created by Alice, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 54. "Smelly My Finger" created by Alice, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group.
  17. 48. "With My Husband" created by Michelle, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 49. "Good Tasting Booger" created by Bryan, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 50. "Same" created by Kelli, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group.
  18. 44. "She's Still Trying" created by Lisa, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 45. "Seed of Doubt" created by Lisa, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 46. "Personalities" created by Jodi, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group. 47. "Exciting Game Play" create by Jodi, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group.
  19. 4:36 PM BBT Tyler is in the HoH with Kevin and Cody. Tyler is talking about living in the house with JC. JC was always getting called out by BB. JC would always respond "Shut up Bob". Cody says he bets it was a trip being in the house with him. Tyler says that JC was always mad at something. He would just hear him scream f**k out loud. 4:47 PM BBT Bayleigh and Christmas are talking in the lounge. Bayleigh says her fear is that she is not seeing everything through the right light. She feels like when you talk to people, you have to be careful that they aren't setting you up for a trap. Something that they will use against you next week. Christmas agrees and says that the key is to not take things personally. She feels good about not playing emotionally. Those that do, need to watch a little closely. 4:50 PM BBT In the lounge, Christmas asks Bayleigh if there is anyone in the house that she is concerned with. Bayleigh says no one, and that alone is uncomfortable because she wonders if she should be. However she feels like it is more likely that it is because there are so many bigger fish to fry. 4:52 PM BBT In the lounge, Christmas tells Bayleigh that she feels like David would put her up if he was HoH. Bayleigh says that's crazy. Da'Vonne feels the same way. Bayleigh tells her that he is that way with everyone who has tried to help him. It is crazy. The talk turns to Ian. Da'Vonne says that if Ian wins HoH, and doesn't go after big targets, then he is probably working with them. Because Ian would go after big targets. 4:57 PM BBT Dani and Cody are talking in the PBR. She is eating slop. He asks her how it is. She replies sarcastically "Delicious". They are trying to figure out where everybody else in the house is. Dani keeps bringing up Ian. She feels like his game play is see through and that he is trying to downplay himself. 4:59 PM BBT Dani and Cody are now talking about Tyler. She is getting vibes that he really doesn't want to be there. She doesn't think it is an act.
  20. 4:00 PM BBT Christmas and Enzo are talking in the lounge. Enzo is telling her that if David uses the veto, then he is securing his exit next week. Because every body in the house wants Kaysar to go. 4:01 PM BBT Enzo and Christmas continue to talk in the lounge about the veto. Christmas says that David is likely going to win it. So, if he does, he needs to wait for David to come to him and tell him what he is going to do with it. Meanwhile, in the HN room, Da'Vonne is talking to Kevin. Kevin is trying to convince her that the only reason that he chose David to play in the veto is because he wanted someone to beast out on the comp to reduce the risk of Kaysar winning. The biggest threat to his game is Kaysar winning the veto. Da'Vonne thinks that Kevin is working with David. 4:09 PM BBT In the lounge, Christmas is asking Enzo how his relationship with Tyler and Cody. Enzo says that he is good with them. When they were HoH, they told him that he was safe and didn't go after him, so during his HoH, he returned the favor. Same with Memphis. The conversation stops when Bayleigh joins them. Bayleigh tells them that she thinks David might use the veto if he wins it. Christmas says it is better just to wait and see who wins it. 4:12 PM BBT Enzo says he isn't going to talk to David until after the comp if he wins it. Christmas says that it is possible that David feels like his back is against the wall. Christmas "He did say the other day that he wanted to shake things up." 4:18 PM BBT Kaysar is expressing his frustrations to Memphis in the KBR. Kaysar says that there are those running this house and then there are others who are just comfortable doing nothing. He says it is boring. No one wants to do something. This is freaking all-stars. Kaysar says that maybe it is best that he just goes home because he is losing his mind. And the others need to wake their a$$es up. 4:21 PM BBT Bayleigh, Christmas and Enzo are in the lounge. They are discussing how they do things in there they don't do at home because no one has a corner to themselves, like talking to people in the bathroom or farting around others. Enzo "This is not reals life." He also says that the house is cold. It is calculating. It is all business. 4:29 PM BBT Kevin is talking to Da'Vonne in the HN room. He is telling her that all she needs to do to get right with David is talking a little bit of game with him. Make it look like they can trust each other. Da'Vonne is entertaining Kevin ,but is openly rolling her eyes at the idea of it. Kevin tells her that she can do this.
  21. 12:10 PM BBT Memphis is doing arm curls with weights in the hallway. Cody, Nicole and Memphis are in the WA talking about curly versus straight hair. Tyler, David and Kaysar are talking in the KT pacing. 12:26 PM BBT In the PBR, Dani and Nicole are talking about some of their BB experiences. Dani wishes that they got alcohol to help them relax in there. The first time she was in the house, the house got alcohol but she couldn't because she was 20 going on 21. So, she told the others she didn't drink because she didn't want them to know. 12:30 PM BBT In the KT, Tyler, David and Kaysar are talking about movies; A Quiet Place and Bird Box. Tyler likes those post apocalyptic types films. 12:38 PM BBT Cody and Tyler are in the WA. Tyler said he is tired. Tired of the bulls**t. Cody tells him that they have to talk later. Cody needs to update him on what has been going on. They will talk later. 12:44 PM BBT All 4 cameras are on David and Kaysar at the KT talking business. Most of the HGs are just doing ADL's, getting ready to pick veto players. 12:50 PM BBT Dani, Memphis, Nicole and Ian are sitting in the LR talking about being bored and not having access to the BR. Nicole to Ian "Want to lose at Backgammon?" Ian "Want to lose? Well, I'll play you" 12:59 PM BBT David and Kaysar continue to talk business and careers in the KT. David had a rough go for a while. There was a time he didn't have car insurance for 3 days because he lost his insurance. Getting started can be tough.
  22. 11:45 AM BBT Tyler, David, Kaysar and Memphis are in the KT talking about hallucinogens and edibles. Kaysar says that with enough of them, you would end up having an alliance with the fiber pills. Tyler adds that your biggest target could end up being the hand sanitizer. 11:51 AM Tyler says that there needs to be another show like this. But, with a last man standing type of thing, But, not this. 11:54 AM BBT In the KT, Tyler, Memphis, David and Kaysar are creating a reality show. They call it The Society. In incorporates a group of people who all have careers. Then they draw a career out of a hat and that becomes their new job. And they have to work it and if they can't, they are out. The winner becomes the winner. They need a show that doesn't screw you up. This show is like the Stanford Prison Experiment. That really screwed people up. They got savage. Someone needs to do a follow up to see what happened to them. 11:58 AM BBT Tyler is talking about psych evaluations that reality shows make you take. He said it wouldn't be so bad if they actually shared the results with you. Memphis says that it wouldn't matter to him. What you see is what you get. 11:59 AM BBT Cody is clipping his toe nails in the WA. Dani fusses at him for letting them fall to the floor. Cody tells her to stop because he picks them all up. She admits that she has seen him chase them down before. He goes to throw them away and one falls to the floor. Dani freaks out. He picks it up and they find other toe nail clippings on the floor. Cody says he dropped one. Just one. Those are not his. He is not picking up other's toe nails. BB zooms in on the toe nail clippings on the floor.
  23. 11:04 AM BBT Dani is talking to Nicole about the HoH beds in the WA. It helped with doubling up her comforter and sleeping on top of it. Dani tells her about staying up late with Enzo last night. She says that Enzo is obsessed with Nicole. 11:10 AM BBT Dani tells Nicole that she had a spat with Cody last night. She says that she doesn't fight with Dom. They have never even told each other to shut up. She would lose it if he ever cussed at her. 11:20 AM BBT It's a quiet morning. The HGs are up doing their ADL's and getting ready for the veto today. Just general chit chat. 11:31 AM BBT Memphis is going to ask BB for some tea today and a real tea pot. Meanwhile Ian is admiring the smell of David's Axe Deodorant. 11:36 AM BBT Memphis is talking to Kaysar and Tyler in the KT. He tells them that the polar bear is his spirit animal. They ask him why and he said he was in a sweat box in the jungle of Costa Rica. He was breathing in waska. He started hallucinating polar bears. Kaysar "you talk to us about restaurants and sh*t, but you don't tell us about this?" 11:39 AM BBT Memphis is telling Kaysar and Tyler about his waska experiences and breathing it in. It changes your perception. Can cause you to pass out. Hallucinations. Different people have different responses to it.
  24. 9:50 AM BBT Feeds return. David is in the KT about to cook breakfast while Memphis sits alone in the LR. 9:52 AM BBT Kaysar and David are talking in the KT. David tells Kaysar "You know what is wrong with me? I am too honest. Too honest in a house full of lies." 9:56 AM BBT Kaysar goes to sit next to Memphis in the LR for Mornings with Memphis. Just as Memphis gets started, the cameras change to David in the KT.
  25. 8:45 AM BBT Memphis is up. He heads to the KT to prepare coffee and then the WA. He then heads back into the KT to wait for the coffee. 9:00 AM BBT Memphis remains the only one up. He is just sitting at the KT counter quietly drinking his coffee. 9:20 AM Memphis is relaxing in the KT. He is sitting on one stool and has his feet propped up and resting on the other stool. He is just sitting there and staring off into the distance. 9:30 AM BBT Wake up call 9:33 AM BBT False alarm. The feeds return. David is awake and he heads into the KT to where Memphis is. FOTH again.



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