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Posts posted by Relevart

  1. What I meant to say is that I hope that it will set an example for the rest of the world to follow.... I agree that in a living situation people tend to be more tolerant because they get to know each other. I hope that this interaction will help people outside the house to become more tolerant than they would otherwise.

  2. Kaysar did his prayers tonight and seemed almost embarrassed when Michael and Janelle happened upon him...maybe he was just "interrupted", I don't know much about the Muslim prayer ritual (would love to hear more).

    Then when Michael was going to bed, he laid down and then genuflected (I think that's the right word - he did the sign of the cross then touched his fingers to his mouth) I think that's a very Catholic sign if I'm correct.

    It should be very interesting to see how the different religions honor their faiths and how they can coincide peacefully, as we all hope they would in the real world.

  3. Howie and Kaysar were just talking about finding quarters... Howie was looking for a quarter in the flower pot and Kaysar was saying "if you find one, they'll lock us down again" and then they said it will be another try again later... or something like that. Then they said something about the gumball machine. And Howie said he thought there was some kind of luxury item in there.

    Now Howie is telling virgin Kaysar that he hopes someone will jerk him off, Kaysar is asking why he thinks that way and does he mean a chick. Howie says "preferably a chick" and "anyone besides him" (meaning himself)

  4. I have an off the wall prediction... Ivette is a self-described lesbian... and April is a newlywed, who we saw kissing a guy goodbye on the cheek, but never heard the word husband...there was speculation that in interviews, questions were asked that led a runner up to believe there was a gay married couple in the house... anyone think it might be Ivette and April???

  5. Me too squirrel... I'm going nuts seeing them in there and not being able to tell what they're doing or what they're saying. This is the part I would like to see most next to the very end. They are gathering their first impressions of each other, they're in their most vulnerable moments ... let me see them!!!!



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