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Posts posted by bearpawz

  1. Maybe he is tired of her dry humping him every night and hanging on him and calling him buttercup and precious and her whiny grating voice. He might be tired of her telling him how much he stinks and to quit

    biting his nails and bossing him around and making him look like a weenie.............. (but yes it is too soon for his game)

    whewwwwwwwwwwww :pizza:

    Bahaaahaa .... you just convinced me, Maccrae vote her ass out.

  2. :lol2:

    Sorry, it's hard for me as black person to have sympathy for someone who so easily spews racial slurs every chance she gets. She's old enough to know what she's saying and that it's not acceptable and if she doesn't, than she will learn one way or another. It's not just stupid things, it's hurtful, racially offensive things. Let's not downplay what it is and how it effects who those slurs are directed at.

    And yeah, it looks pretty bad when you're the one spewing racially derogatory "jokes" and stereotypes in the house and you put the only two black people in the house on the block. Don't play dumb and compare it to other things that don't even compare. It is what it is.

    Nope not playing dumb Denise, we just don't agree. I'm not ready to sentence her for racial crimes, I'd rather educate and hope we've seen enough hatred that we can teach our youth (mean spoiled girl...yes) what harm these comments make. I have a hard time believing you, like I, have never made a comment or joke at some point that you've regretted.

  3. So just because they are black she cannot put them on the block together ? :D

    Couldn't agree more. Now we're really pulling for things to make her look worse. If she put Helen and Candice up she'd be be a racist, if she put Andy and Spencer up she'd be homophobic and hate plump people....give it a break . She's a spoiled YOUNG girl who got too cocky and said some stupid stupid things. Let's hope she becomes a better person from the experience.

  4. I'm not sorry to see him go. He and Candice bore the hell out me. The whole religion thing (leaving it in gods hands etc) is wearing me down too. If there is a god, do you really think BB is even on the radar? And he talks about puppets not making moves...why didn't he follow through last week and not vote for Kaitlan. Good riddance.

  5. I think Kaitlin is actually smart but got caught up in the good looking whirl pool (still to young to realize people are more than looks). It was impressive to see how quick she processed the question challenges and came up with the answers. She lost at the guesstimate part. She could be dangerous if left in the house.



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