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Posts posted by kitten200

  1. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Most Hg complaining about Rockstar and how she is acting. JC tells Brett to go to the DR to complain  about her. Brett is not worried about what Rockstar is doing  the only thing that upset  him was her sitting on him. Brett says that Rockstar is a BB super fan as she knows what Evil Dick did with the pans. Angela and Brett go to the HNR and Brett complains about rock star sitting on him and he couldn't do anything about it. Angela tells him go to the DR and tell them. HG going to bed talking about Rockstar and who Sam might put on the block. Rockstar gets called to the DR.

  2. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Tyler goes to talk to Kaitlyn and she tells him she did nothing to Bayleigh he tells her no more fighting with people . She says Bayleigh called her a bully first and she hasn't done anything. Haleigh goes to the lounge rm and talks with Bayleigh she is nervous of what sam will do this week. Rockstar is still crying and mad at Brett, Haleigh comes in to talk to her and Faysal and Haleigh tells Faysal to get the pans to bang because they have a song for Brett. Rockstar says she is going to do loud cheers all night for her best friend (Brett) since he is still here, JC tells her to go get the pans. rock star goes and gets the pans heads to the HNR and bangs them telling Brett she is so glad he is still here. Brett leaves the HNR and heads to the KT and rock star follows and keeps banging pans together as she follows Brett through the house. Sam comes down stairs and ask Rockstar to please stop banging the pans as it effects the whole house. Rockstar agrees that tomorrow they can  celebrate Brett being here. Most Hg are going to bed.

  3. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Everyone leaves the HOHR and then sam yells on the Speaker first one to bring the bottle opener gets a sip of champagne. Brett got the opener first and he and Rachel head upstairs. Rachel gets the sip as Brett is a have not and can not have it. Rockstar still going on about Brett  in the PBR calling him names. kaitlyn says she voted out Brett and she does not care who knows . Faysal is upset and gets up to walk out and kaitlyn gets upset with him. Rockstar says she hopes sam put her up this week. Rockstar goes to the HNR with Tyler and kaitlyn and Brett comes in with his suitcase, Tyler welcomes him back and Rockstar gets up to leave, she then goes to cry to others about Brett again. Kaitlyn telling Bayleigh that she thinks Haleigh and JC flipped the vote and that she thinks the power was used. Bayleigh  says she is tired of kaitlyn bullying people. Bayleigh then goes to talk to Tyler and tells him she can not take kaitlyn anymore she is not going to be bullied and  is about to have a melt down.

  4. 8:00pm-9:00pm BBT: Rockstar is crying  to Bayleigh saying it was not fair what Brett did to her and on her daughters birthday, She says that Brett better stay away from her. She cries to sam  saying she just wanted to make her daughter proud. Bayleigh and Rockstar in the PBR and Rockstar says she wants to get a shower but is afraid Brett is in the. She heads to the shower and  sees Faysal and he hugs her telling her it will all be ok. 
      Faysal and Bayleigh talk and Bayleigh tells him she is finished with this and does not want to work with her alliance anymore she wants to work with the other side. Bayleigh thinks that Tyler flipped a vote this week and Faysal tells her that two people flipped and he knows JC voted Brett. Kaitlyn comes to the PBR and Bayleigh leaves. Kaitlyn tells Faysal she thinks Brett is telling the truth about Rockstar.
    Kaitlyn and brett now talk and she tells him she thinks haleigh flipped her vote. haleigh comes in and kaitlyn ask her and she says she did not flip. Kaitlyn ask her to swear on her mom and she tells her that she will never swear on her mom for a game. She then yells at kaitlyn for always putting her on the spot in front of other people and she is tired of it.


    9:00pm-10:00pm BBT: Tyler and kaitlyn now talking he says he is happy that Sam gets to sleep in the HOH bed tonight Brett comes in and says he is mad that Rockstar blew up at the live eviction and then brought her kids into it and he says that he did not tell her to come on a show on her daughters bitrthday. In the other room Rockstar is still crying going on about brett and how he is a piece of crap.
     JC in the PBR telling Faysal that he thinks Sam is putting him up since he did not vote for her. Haleigh and Bayleigh go to the lounge rm to talk. Haleigh tells her that she was mad that Kaitlyn asked about the vote in front of Brett she says she did the same thing last week in front of Faysal and i do not appreciate it. Haleigh is mad. Bayleigh says  She thinks kaitlyn talked to Tyler and gave him permission to vote Winston out. Bayleigh is mad and Faysal walks in she tells him to shut the door she then rants to him about being mad. Kaitlyn then comes into the room They talk about the vote and then Haleigh says she thinks  Sam will put herself and kaitlyn on the block this week.All HG going all over the house repeating themselves to everyone about who voted Brett and who didn't  and how Rockstar is still crying.


    10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: In the lounge rm Tyler and kaitlyn are in there talking Tyler tells her he is loyal to her but she thinks she is bad for his game and he says she is not  that he wants to play this game with her. Faysal and Bayleigh talk  about Haleigh and how Faysal really likes her but that he thinks Haleigh is flipping to the other side of the house now. Bayleigh tells him just figure out if you  trust her oe now. Bayleigh tells Faysal about the power she has and says she does not want to tell anyone else. Rockstar is now talking to Rachel about Brett and still crying. Sam, JC and Tyler are talking and Sam says she will not be doing one on ones and she will keep her HOHR door locked this week. Sam then talks to Rachel,Angela and Brett that they are safe this week she will not put them up. Sam gets called to the DR . HG going around repeating themselves a lot as Rockstar is still going to everyone still crying.

  5.  2:33pm BBT: Tyler and Scottie on the balcony playing games and kaitlyn comes up and ask what Tyler has heard he gets aggravated and says that no one has told him anything. They then start counting votes and then kaitlyn and Scottie start whispering, She tells him she talked to sam and she said she was not using her power she tells Scottie that sam promised to use it on her. Talk then goers to what the HOH comp might be. Scottie is mad he can not play in this weeks comp.

     2:45pm BBT: HG just getting ready for tonight and standing around talking general talk, Winston, Brett and Tyler sitting by the memory wall just staring at it.

    2:48pm BBT: sam now doing Faysals hair and Tyler in the KT on the table cleaning a spill that went everywhere. JC standing in the KT in his underwear while Scottie does dishes and Angela watches him.

     2:55pm BBT:Brett and Winston in the HNR and Winston says lets go back to last week  now the vote was 8-4 and Scottie was wearing Swaggy c's shirt  now Scottie wanted to keep me here but do not know what is happening this week. Brett says he was a man walking through those doors 30 days ago. Winston says no you was a boy, Brett says i was broken and you all have put me back together piece by piece.

    2:58pm BBT: Rachel, Sam and Tyler in the WA doing hair and make up. Brett and Winston continue to talk and says that Scottie needs to disappear. They start whispering and can only hear part of what is being said. 

  6. 1:00pm-2:00pm BBT:Feeds return to HG lounging around and some in the KT cooking and eating.
    Tyler and JC are in the BBR with kaycee about when to start getting ready for the live show tonight. JC complains that it takes the girls forever to get ready  and they use the mirror all the time, Rockstar walks into the BR and talks softly to JC and he tells ask if they are going to reject him? JC then tells them that being gay  he can be honest with girls without getting into trouble.
    Kaycee and JC start talking about food and telling BB they have no protein left in the house.

  7. 11:05am BBT: Sam and kaitlyn talking in the HNR Kaitlyn tells sam why she was not talking to her much this week. She says that the bros promised her safety last week if  she put Sam up and got her out and kaitlyn says i could not do that. sam says it is ok she understands and she is still there.  Sam tells she could have used the power but she isn't going to she says lets just get through this week and move on.

    11:24am BBt: Brett is making Slop while Angela washes dishes and Winston sits at the counter watching Brett, In the WA Tyler is shaving and kaycee doing her eyebrows.

    11:28am BBT: we now have Reels as the HG go to HOH lock down.

  8. 8:54am BBT: BB says Good Morning HG it is time to get up for the day.... we get FOTH.

    9:06am BBT: Winston, Sam and Rockstar in the KT getting coffee. sam sings and BB tells them to please stop singing. Kaycee in the STR changing batteries.

    9:14am BBT: Rachel is in the shower while Kaycee is doing ADL's. In the KT Winston is cooking eggs and Angela trying to work the vacuum. Sam telling Winston she is going to go ask for the hair clippers and trimmer.

    9:29am BBT: Winston, Angela and sam playing a 20 question game while Kaycee watches them and Scottie is making himself some breakfast. In the PBR Rockstar is sitting in bed drinking coffee just staring at the walls.

    9:40am BBT: Brett and Tyler in the HNR awake just laying there. IN the WAS Rachel, Kaitlyn and Rockstar are doing ADL's. Just general talk going on

    9:54am BBT: HG in the KT still playing the 20 question game as they eat and drink their coffee. Brett gets out of bed and heads  to the STR to change his batteries.

  9. 2:00-3:00PM BBT: Bayleigh and Rachel continue to talk about the powers from the app store, they think Kaitlyn has a power and promised it to Sam. they think it is not a good power but they are worried about JC and thinks they can not touch him for a while.
     They then talk about this weeks eviction and agree that Brett should stay this week, Rachel asks who needs to go next week and her and Bayleigh agree that Tyler needs to go but they will have to backdoor him. Rachel leaves the HoH room and goes to the kitchen where Winston stares at her he tells her he is trying to make eye contact. she starts pacing the floor then goes to the bathroom where Angela is and then tells Angela all about her talk with Bayleigh and how they think JC has a power that lasts until jury. They then talk about what the power might be.

  10. 1:00pm-2:00pm BBT: Sam and Rockstar talk about all the girls being willing to be in an alliance together.Sam says that makes her happy. Rockstar agrees they are all happy. Sam goes and lays under the stairs with something shooting things across the room, Faysal comes and joins her and they talk about storms and Birthdays. Faysal says he stopped telling people it was his birthday when he was 17 because he didn't want the attention. Bayleigh and Rachel talk about how they think JC has the second week power and that it expires  next week.

  11. 9:00am BBT: All HG still in bed sleeping with lights out through the house.

    10:05am BBT: BB has waken the HG, Rockstar,Bayleigh, Sam, Winston and Angela in the KT getting coffee. In the PBR Faysal is getting dressed.

    10:15am BBT: Most HG in the KT drinking coffee and making breakfast. Rockstar says she has a 10 year old child now. Just general talk going on. All other Hg still in bed sleeping. BB says HG must be awake between 9am and 10pm.

     10:24am BBT: Bayleigh working out in the LVR. Winston and Kaycee talking about having a bagel today. sam offers to make him an omelette and he says no thats ok he can make it.

    10:39am BBT: HG just sitting around the KT or laying in bed talking general talk.

    10:58am BBT: Sam and  Tyler in the KT making slop. Brett laying in the HNR in bed rubbing his head.

  12. 3:00pm-4:00pm BBT: Kaycee and Tyler still talking in the Lounge rm about needing to win this HOH comp this week when JC comes in and tells them that he just told Winston he is waiting to see what the house is doing  before he decides how to vote. Jc says he wants to sit  across from kaitlyn Thursday night and see he face when Winston leaves so he can see her facial expressions. Kaitlyn walks into the RM and game talks is halted. In the HOHR Scottie , Haleigh and Rockstar are talking about Kaitlyn having a power and how she would keep that a secret from everyone. Scottie says that Kaitlyn told them about the Cloud App  and they think that kaitlyn has it now anyone else. Rockstar tells Scottie that JC swore he would not use his power on anyone but himself. JC and Faycel talk about  some Hg think JC has the power and JC says let them think it then.

  13. 1:00pm-3:00pm BBT: Tyler and Winston in the STR talking about Winston staying, he says he is due to win a comp now but then he might have to throw the comp so he can lay low again. He says he will not campaign against Brett but wants to talk to everyone one on one to see where their heads are. Tyler then tells Winston that kaitlyn is telling the other group in the house about sams Power and how they are saying sam better not use it and how they have to get her out of the house now. Winston agrees that Kaitlyn is stirring up Drama  Tyler leaves and goes to the Lounge rm and talks to kaycee and tells her about the talk with Winston. kaycee says that kaitlyn is trying to make an all girls alliance. Tyler thinks that Winston will stay this week.

  14.  12:30pm -1:00pm BBT: Kaitlyn and Scottie talk in the HOHR about Sam not telling Tyler about the power until later in the game, She then complains about Production and how they cast someone like Sam who does not know anything about this game. In the LVR Rockstar is climbing the wall and gets to the top and tries to come down and is scared so other HG try helping her down. WE get FOTH for a bit then Feeds come back with Rockstar still hanging on the wall. She decides to let go and drops. Other Hg come to give her a hug as she is shaking from being so scared.Back in the HOHR Kaitlyn tells Scottie that Swaggy told her and the group everything that Scottie said. She said that Swaggy betrayed you.


  15. 10:00am BBT: Haleigh in the HNR snuggling with Brett they look to be sleeping. In the KT Angela , Winston and kaycee are getting coffee and breakfast. just general talk going on about everyone's cups.

    10:02am BBT: Sam joins the KT getting coffee, Kaitlyn and Faysal in the STR hugging, They leave the STR and go towards the BR's. In the PBR Haleigh is talking to Bayleigh and Rockstar about they have nothing to do today since they are on indoor LD now.

    10:14am BBT: Tyler and Brett up i the WA doing ADL's Scottie in the HOHR doing ADl's.  Most HG in the KT drinking coffee and eating breakfast.

    10:50am BBT: Tyler washing dishes, In the LVR Kaitlyn and Winston are talking about if he thinks he will stay or not. Faysal is working out and climbing the wall.

    10:55am BBT: Hg are sitting around talking general talk and telling about dreams.

  16. 9:04am BBT: ALL HG still sleeping.

    9:38am BBT: BB waking the HG as we have FOTH.

    9:46am BBT: Winston and Faysal in the BBR talking about music. Rockstar in the KT getting coffee. Have Nots are still laying in their beds covered up with their heads covered.

    9:48am BBT: Kaycee, Bayleigh and Haleigh in the WA doing ADL's. Rockstar takes her coffee and goes to the BBR listening to Faysal and Winston talk about rap music.

    9:55am BBT: Winston and Rockstar in BBR talking about listening to Pandora and Apple Music and which is better to listen to. Rockstar says she listens to alot of instrumental stuff too since she goes to clubs.

  17. 10:02am BBT: Rachel and JC get up and Rachel tells him to help make the bed, JC says no then Rachel tells him be a good friend and help, He tells her he hurts and she says me to as they start to make the bed. In the KT some hg are making breakfast and we get FOTH.

    10:35am BBT: Winston and Brett in the HNR whispering very low, Bayleigh talking to Kaycee about working out her abs and how her legs and Abs will hurt after riding the bike. Haleigh on the hammock eating.

  18.  9:22am BBT: BB yells "To Read or Not To Read" Haleigh gets up to put on her costume to go read her book as the other Hg are sleeping. Haleigh takes her box and her book to the LVR and starts reading alone.

    9:25am BBT: Faysal and Kaitlyn and Rockstar come to the LVR  wrapped in blankets to listen to Haleigh read.

     9:27am BBT: BB stops Haleigh from reading now, as she gets off the box she says she is almost on page 300. She then goes to the WA waiting for Rockstar to get out of the WC. Kaitlyn and Faysal in the WA doing ADL's.

     9:46am BBT: After FOTH we come back to Kaitlyn and Rockstar in the BY and kaitlyn working out with weights. In the HOHR Rachel and JC are awake in bed talking about Keeping Brett in the house this week. Rachel ask him if he is telling anyone how he is voting and he says No Way i am not telling anyone. Back in the BY Kaitlyn tells Rockstar and Haleigh that she knows what the powers are. They ask her really and she says yeah as she shakes her head.

    9:58am BBT: BB telling some Hg to please put their mics on and that there is fresh batteries in the STR. Kaitlyn, and Bayleigh in the BY working out as Rockstar and Haleigh watch them and they talk about Brett and Winston and the argument lastnight, They talk about Scottie not trusting them.

  19. 10:01am BBT: rachel gets a gallon of milk from the STR and comes to KT with it and they said it was not there earlier. Sam asked if there was any eggs and Rachel says she did not see any eggs.

     10:08am BBT: kaitlyn gets in bed with Tyler and drinks her water as Tyler is sleeping. In the KT most Hg are sitting around talking general talk.

    10:16am BBT: Faysal and sam talking as they go to the HOHR about Faysal sleeping in the HNR and BB told him he can not put his feet on the dresser anymore while he is sleeping.They then talk about working out in the house if they do not get the BY back soon.

    10:28am BBT: Bayleigh talking to kaitlyn about how hard it is to be without Swaggy. Faysal and Rachel talk about the vote lastnight and how he knew that Swaggy was going but he could not vote against him he had to stay loyal to Swaggy. They then try to figure out who has the power in the house. Faysal tells Her that he told Scottie to play his own game and make his own decision about nominations and do not be scared to do it.

    10:45am BBT Faysal and Rachel still talking repeating themselves then talk about life choices and what Rachel wants to do  when she gets out of the house.

    10:53am BBT: In the KT, Tyler,Sam,Angela,Scottie and kaycee talk general talk about playing games maybe bowling. sam says the best bowling place is upstairs.

  20. 9:32am BBT: Hg are getting up now after a brief WBRB.

    9:39am BBT: Hg are talking in the KT about JC and how he does on slop like Turning the cold water on during his cold showers and sleeping on the floor in the HNR. Bayleigh and Rachel in the WA whispering about what Scottie might do today.

    9:47am BBT: Hg sitting around talking general talk in the HNR, Scottie and sam hug in the KT while Angela, Bayleigh and Winston get coffee and breakfast just general talk going on about roses.

    9:57am BBT:HG sitting around and doing ADL's trying to figure out what they are going to eat for breakfast. Winston ask when JC comes off of slop and Bayleigh says Sunday. Winston says he is eating all the Steaks before JC gets off slop and then he laughs.

  21. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Tyler tells Scottie that Swaggy told Bayleigh about the Core, He says that Kaitlyn told him that Rockstar told her about it. Tyler talks to Scottie about putting Rockstar on the block and Scottie tells him no ever time . Tyler then tells him that Rockstar is telling everyone that you voted against Steve. Scottie says he will not go after Rockstar he says the  that there are two sides of the house, Haleigh, Rockstar,  Bayleigh, Faysal and himself against kaycee, Rachel, Angela, Brett and Winston. Kaitlyn comes in and volunteers to go on the block  as a pawn.


     3:00am-4:00am BBT: Winston comes to talk to Scottie in the HOHR  He admits to Scottie he told Sam that he voted to evict sam but told sam he voted Steve out ,he tells Scottie it is week three no one will worry about his nominations so he is good this week.Brett comes in and Winston leaves and goes to bed. Brett tells Scottie that Rockstar and Haleigh voted Steve out. Brett repeats himself then leaves the HOHR and Scottie says he is good he is damn good.Scottie walks around the room gets a blanket then walks more then turns out the light and goes to bed.all HG in bed sleeping.

  22. 8:00pm BBT: Faysal and Haleigh in the HNR talking about Kaitlyn and how she said that she told Haleigh that she thinks Scottie flipped before the HOH comp.  Haleigh says she did not flip that it was Scottie. Faysal says i am trying to figure this out. Haleigh and Fasal are mad talking and yelling at each other, Faysal says there is no way he would flip on his boy. Haleigh says i voted Winston out.

    8:08pm BBT: IN the PBR Angela , JC, Kaycee and Bayleigh are talking about comps from past BB seasons and how people played them. Back in the HNR Haleigh and Faysal are still talking about the votes. Faysal says  he has a problem if kaitlyn lied to him. Haleigh says she already lied to you did she put up Angela? Faysal says no.

    8:11am BBT: Kaitlyn comes to the HNR and ask who Haleigh voted to evict she says Winston and Kaitlyn says i thought you voted swaggy out , Haleigh says no i would never. Faysal says he is so confused now. kaitlyn ask why he is getting mad he says he is not he is trying to figure this out.

     8:16pm BBT: Kaitlyn and Haleigh are mad at each other and yelling about the votes when Rockstar walks in and kaitlyn leaves then Haleigh leaves the room. Rockstar tells Faysal it was Scottie he threw that comp instead of saving Steve and then he wore Swaggys shirt and voted him out. Faysal looks at her. They then talk about making slop and Faysal leaves the room.

     8:24pm BBT: Half the HG are in the KT eating and talking about food. Bayleigh and Angela in the PBR, Bayleigh is braiding her hair and they are talking about the dishes in the HNR and how small they are to sleep in.

     8:30pm BBT: Bayleigh and Angela  talking about going to Vegas and playing and drinking in Vegas. kaitlyn laying in the bed listening . Rachel comes in and Bayleigh says it will probably hit her when she goes to bed that Swaggy is not there. Feeds switch to Haleigh and Tyler playing Foosball.

     8:35pm BBT: Winston and Brett in the lounge rm whispering about who to get Scottie to nominate this week and  they say they will tell Scottie they voted to keep Steve and voted sam out that first week and they should be fine this week. kaycee comes in and they tell her the plan.

    8:43pm BBT: Brett tells kaycee that they know it was Scottie who flipped the vote on Swaggy and they will get him to put up who they want this week. He says  maybe Rockstar since Haleigh and Kaitlyn are already on the outs now we seen that earlier.

    8:47pm BBT: Winston tells Brett and Kaycee to lets just Chill for the next 24 hours just chill. They then start talking about the coffee creamer in their coffee as kaycee gets up to leave the room.

    8:49pm BBT: Tyler and Scottie on the balcony whispering very low, Scottie gets up and tells Tyler we will talk and heads to the KT.

    8:53pm BBT: Winston, Brett and Kaycee still in the lounge rm  repeating themselves, Rockstar in the KT cooking slop for her and Faysal. Faysal in the WA washing his hands while JC lays on the lounger in there. Rachel comes in and sits down. Scottie is washing his glasses.



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