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Posts posted by CasperSabe

  1. You know .. money is a strange thing if you think about it. On one hand a million dollars is a lot of money .. on the other hand .. celebrities blow through it like there is no tomorrow .. they frequently spend in 2 hours shopping what I make in an entire year ..

    Kinda makes you think why people are so willing to push their morals aside for a million dollars..

    Not that I am saying there is anything wrong with your potenital game play randster .. lol just kinda commenting on people in general.

  2. lol I see where your coming from Numfar .. I guess I just don't agree.. I think the prize should be higher .. I think that it would make it seem more like a *true* reality/compeition .. all the other *real* reality shows on CBS have a 1,000,000 prize .. Survivior, Amazing Race, etc..

  3. Jokers was the first site i found for BB updates... I also am a member of the FORT (www.fansofrealitytv.com) .. but Morty always had the best updates I thought .. this will be my third season reading updates, and first season posting here .. I like the whole BB community .. last year I was lucky enough to find a few people offline who watch the show .. but the message boards are totally my support group ... (you can't be really crazy if you have a group) .. right? right? ;)

  4. Without a 'big' pay out .. why would they volunteer to be sequestered away from friends, family, tv, the internet, and their daily lives??

    In that case, I think we'd only get fame whores who want to be on tv .. instead of people who really want to complete or play a game ..

    I kind of like the idea of a bigger prize, with compeitions that they must win to perserve it ..

    Or on the opposite end .. the regular 500,000 grand prize with compeitions to increase the jack pot .. somehow I think that would keep the house guests from throwing comepitions

  5. I think that we'd find in BBs around the world, making whoopee is much more common than in the US.

    lol well making whoopee is common here too .. just not on tv .. the whold ethics thing .. people freaked out when they saw janet jackson's boob .. I doubt very much that CBS wants to be associated as the network to air nudity ..

  6. I think the person who said 'singles only' was coming from the point of view that none of you lovely ladies, or gents would cheat on your Signifigant Other.. I mean look at all the heat Allison took for fooling around on Donny .. (of course some of her other antics inspired it too) ..

    I think that although the HGs know they're on camera after a while... they kind of 'forget' and act more normal .. in all honesty I am surprised that more house guests haven't had sex ..

  7. Aren't we all, randster?

    I always forgive all the house guests for their bad traits .. lol last year .. I really liked Scott even though he was arrogant, and said 'by the angel on my back' way too much .. lol I still wanted him in the house.

    I would have a lot of trouble picking alliances .. you'd see me being a mingler .. but not on purpose lol .. I'd always want to save everybody from the block lol

  8. In my head of course I would be the ultimate contestant .. liked by everyone, etc .. unfortunately in social situatiosn people to tend to treat me a lot like cowboy .. my brain tends to work faster than my mouth and everything comes out jumbled .. heh .. I am a much better writer than speaker.

    I get teased a lot. I just have that personaility that lends itself to being fodder for bullies.

  9. What components do you think are necessary to be an effective BB contestant? What stratagey do you think you'd use .. here are the stratagies that I've witnessed .. which one do you think you'd use?

    Looking at past winners .. here are the ones that I've found:

    Scheeming, Crying, Begging, Plotting, Cooking, and wielding a mean electric razor -- Nicole

    Being the most hated man in the house -- and telling everyone, no one will vote for you -- Will Season 2

    Picking just one alliance to be true to, flying under the radar -- Danielle

    Being friendly and sweet with everybody .. having a cuddle buddy in the popular click -- when he's evicted immediately getting your head back into the game .. allowing other people to always be a bigger threat .. being selfless/giving up a call so other people aren't deprived... Lisa

    Never making any real alliances -- being a floater -- Jun

    Never making any true alliances -- being a floater -- using sex appeal, and crying to win -- Allison

    Pick one alliance and be true to it -- unknowingly be the one to go to the end with because everyone thinks no one will vote for you .. flying under the radar / seeming uninteligent -- cowboy

    Being nice to everyone .. having one main alliance -- but getting out / switching teams when it seems most appropriate .. having a cuddle buddy you let do your dirty work .. and then ditching her at the end -- Drew

  10. I actually read that it was $750 on Morty's BB page last season. I'd so bye bye to my job anyday to do the show and make that kind of money a week. I can't make that in a week now so i'd take it!

    I make roughly that every 2 weeks -- so making it once a week would be nice. But not if I lost my job, and couldn't go back for sure .. cause after the show -- you'd want to go back to your job .. and what if your employers didn't like how you were represented on the show and thouht it reflected badly on them?

    Yeah ... that's kinda risky. I mean I don't live in LA or some other big city .. so finding work is hard here.

    I have a feeling thats why so many set off for Hollywood after the show .. nothing to go back to.

  11. No matter who they get for the show, after 3 months of listening to them talk on the live feeds .. they all start to get boring. I really hope that BB gives the hosue guests something by way of entertainment this year .. with truly interesting people (no matter their gender, sexual orientation, age or race) .. so long as they're interesting to listen to.



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