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Posts posted by kitty

  1. They are doing a surprise outdoor lockdown right now. Grodner is getting the Pandora's box ready that has a button in it that turns the veterans back into coaches as long as one of them presses it. And then any vet that loses all their players will be offered the chance to enter the game again as HGs.

    I wish too but Grodner could have given Frank a penalty nom for not wearing the suit. He's had it off way too many times. Maybe would have stopped Dan and Brit going with B/F. They would have to get more votes.

    Right now it looks like Janielle might get a vote from Frank.

    Love Janielle and will miss her.

  2. This girl is driving me crazy. She was acting like a teenager during the spin the bottle and what did my kiss look like with Shane on BBAD.

    I think she's trying to get Shane so they can be like Jeff and Jordan. Production could be pushing this. Sadly it looks like it's turing more into a Natalie going after Matt on Big Brother 9. Shane not interested in her.

  3. Congratulations to Rachel on her win. Wishing Brenchel good luck in the future.

    Adam and Shelly had a conversation in the house about voting for Rachel. Shelly was shocked that Adam would vote for Rachel. At that time he said he would vote for Rachel because she was the best competitor. With conversations with B/J/J in the jury house and remembering who Adam said he would vote for she probably wanted to go with the majority.

    Not sure how the votes would have gone if there was only 2 left before the finale. Adam would have gone to the jury house. Could he have changed Shelly mind or could B/J/J/S change his?

    I'm just happy that he stay in the house.

  4. If he wins final HOH and picks Porsche sending Rachel to jury, she would be pissed and her and Brendon vote for Porsche. But if the takes Rachel then he thinks Porsche would vote for him over Rachel.

    He'd lose Rachel/Brendon votes if Rachel goes. Rachel goes and he would get Jeff/Jordan votes. If Rachel stays he's stupid if he thinke J/J will vote for him. I wish there was a Sunday show so we could see some DR to see how they are thinking.

  5. Could not agree more Marty!! Honestly...I think she wants Rachel to win more than her winning herself. Of course I think she wanted Jeff to win since both have said that he wanted to win for his and Jordan's future. I think when that was no longer gonna happen she would have settled for 2nd with Rachel winning the big prize. You watch...if Rachel does go to F2 Jordan will be so happy for her.

    VERY nice post Janis!!!!


    Well said Marty, Jammer and Janis.

    I love the advice she gave to Rachel and dealing with the jury. That's where Rachel could blow it if she get witchy when answering the questions. Saying getting Lawon out was all her doing will piss the jury off.



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