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Posts posted by BamaLady

  1. Also, Arnold said that they can make up anything they want to about themselves. Such as who they are, where they are from, how old they are, what they do for a living..I'm just giving some examples here. So, who knows, maybe even we will be scammed this year. We may not know the truth about them until the show is over.

  2. They had it pretty bad in Louisiana and Mississippi with the storm late last night early this morning. Keep these people in your thoughts. That was from Tropical storm Cindy, now Dennis is on the way.

    We have a lot of people from Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi as members of Morty's.

  3. OH MY! Rock a bye baby on the tree top... I will sing and rock all of you to sleep. So far as I've read I'm OLD - the oldest - 42 - Yikes!! !

    Nope mom...you're not the oldest...and neither am I. There are several others on here that are our age. :D

  4. Mommy2Kaitlyn,

    You said you had it taped right? Can you look back (and go ahead and post on here), where the actual door is. It looked like it was about 2 maybe 3 feet to the left from where a sconce or something was on the wall. I can't remember, or either they didn't show it, where the "pull down" block to open the door was. Also can't remember if they showed Arnold opening that block, or if they just cut to it.

    Sorry Mommy for all the questions, but I just wanted us to get it down for future reference.


  5. Also, the shower door doesn't leave much to the imagination. If someone is taking a shower....you WILL be able to make out everything! It is a very light frost...very light.

    Also Janelle said that she WOULD use her sexuality in the house to get her far in the game. If she does that, then she better wait until some of the other Ladys are evicted. If she trys to use sexuality right off the bat those women will have her outta there!!

  6. Well I screamed "It's On!!" Nobody heard me?

    Arnold also said that in the HOH (awsome room), that the HOH each week could choose which camera he wanted to spy through and listen...so they do have that again, but they will have audio this year. If I remember right they didn't have audio last year right?

  7. Good question Brekkie!

    For the HOH competition, I think there should be 7 teams of 2. Make the teams quickly turn back to back. Then ask them questions about their teammate ie...what color are their eyes, color hair, where are they from, what do they do for a living...and such as that. The one that answers the most correct answers is the winner.

    For the Food competition, have 5 covered plates in front of each HG. Tell them that each HG will have a pair of plates that has there favorite snack. Under the other 3 will be a secret. They have to take turns and choose whether they want to pick a plate or eat PB&J for a week. If they choose to pick a plate they must eat what is under that plate. Then have really gross food under the other 3 plates. This would be an individual competition, so you might have 0 or 14 eat PB&J for the first week.

  8. If one "pair" gets outed, then the others will figure it out. Because if one pair gets outed, then the others know that at least they are another pair, so it won't be hard to figure it out. As to them wondering about it in the beginning, I don't think that will happen. Look at last season, they only had one set of twins. So, I don't think each individual pair will think it is anything out of the ordinary.

  9. Karen, I hadn't even thought about them being able to speak arabic. Yes you can use whatever means you want to communicate (unless it's a new rule) I know if I were going in their with a partner of any kind....I would learn sign language really quick. That way you wouldn't take the chance of being overheard saying something.

  10. Welcome Happygirl. You'll like it here.

    I wonder if a "couple" get found out they both get evicted. Do you think since they are playing the "couple" factor, that the 2 will stay away from each other? I know if I was trying to hide the fact that I didn't know someone, I would keep my distance from them.



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