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Everything posted by MamaLong

  1. Jag and Bowie Jane are asleep in Scaryverse with the lights still on. 5:00AM BBT Matt is out of the DR. Matt brushes his teeth and gets ready for bed. 5:12AM BBT Matt is now in bed in Scrambleverse. The BB25 House is dark with sounds of exhausted sleepers.
  2. WBRB 3:58AM BBT Jag: He won! He Won! He Won! Bowie: Oh well! Jag: We said let's win the good old fashioned way. Bowie: Wow! Felicia would have dropped off in one second. It's still the right thing to do, though. This house would be a real knocker if she stayed. She'd be in everyone's ear. Jag: It was still the right thing to do. I had to make the right decision. It's not like suddenly it was the wrong decision. Bowie agrees. Jag: I would have regretted it (evicting Matt)
  3. 3:21AM BBT The feeds return to Matt in the shower. Jag is in the DR. Bowie is moving about the house. She walks into the bathroom. Matt is audibly shivering! Bowie: Are you still shivering! Matt: I am still shivering (despite the hot shower). You can see a noticeable tan from the bandage that has been covering Matt's Olympic tattoo. The feeds pop back to RCHS. 3:29AM BBT Feeds move to WBRB 3:37AM BBT The feeds are back on the BB25 House. The part one competition was endurance. Matt says this is why they got rid of America and Cory. Bowie brings up that the cold would have been hard for them. BJ and Matt both believe that Blue would have done well, except for the cold factor. Matt: Smaller people get cold faster. Matt says his muscle mass helped him a lot. Bowie: I was freaking freezing. I can't think of anyone that could beat you! Matt won Part One of the final HoH Competition! 3:45AM BBT WBRB 3:47AM BBT The feeds return. Matt is talking about how nervous he was because he knew that Felicia was getting in everyone's ear. He says words "are the only thing she has" to play with in the game. Matt says Felicia made it far in the game because of them, but 8 times on the block is really rough. His one time on the block was super hard for him. 3:53AM BBT Jag is out of the DR and heads into Scaryverse. Big Brother: Matt, please go to the Diary Room downstairs. Bowie joins Jag in Scaryverse. Jag: Well, we fumbled that one. Bowie: Yeah
  4. 4:06PM BBT The HGs have been talking in the kitchen about things that have happened and various HGs this season. 4:24PM BBT WBRB Gold Swirlies followed quickly by Rancho Coastal Humane Society on the feeds
  5. 2:49PM BBT In Scrambleverse, Jag finds Matt taking down his photo of Reilly. Jag: You're taking everything down now? Matt says he wants to have everything packed. Jag: Are you not going to want that up? Matt: I'd rather have it with me. Jag: Leave it up! Leave it up, Man! Matt: Okay! Let's make our families proud! Jag: I am not going to do that! I'm not going to do that to you. They hug and walk into the LR where Bowie shows Jag how much the jewelry is sparkling. 2:51PM BBT Bowie Jane has been cleaning everyone's jewelry. Matt says she needs to clean the PoV necklace next. Jag: That shit is so raggedy. It's been through Hell and back! 2:59PM BBT In the kitchen... Felicia: Well, Matty, one of us is going out the door. But, it has been an experience. Felicia praises Matt for representing the deaf community well."You have opened the door for a whole community!" Matt: You have, too! 63! Kicking Ass! And you almost took me down in Buddy Ball! He tells her nothing in the game was personal, just game. 3:14PM BBT Bowie Jane is studying in Scrambleverse. 3:23PM BBT The boys and Felicia are playing Black Jack at the dining table. Jag: Should we make pizzas? Matt: Let's play one more.
  6. 2:14PM BBT We have WBRB Gold Swirlies and then the feeds return. 2:16PM BBT Inthe HoHR, Jag tells Bowie, "Here's where I'm at because I've been thinking a lot about it. I'm gonna keep Matt because I think I would regret it......It feels right." Bowie: Okay Bowie agrees saying it will be the decision he feels best about. Jag: Let's just go out there and win it. Bowie: I think it's the right decision. 2:28PM BBT Bowie: We are going to win the old fashioned way. Jag: The way we've done it the whole fucking season! Bowie: Exactly Jag:Thank you! 2:36PM BBT In the kitchen, Bowie whispers to Jag, "Imagine if she won. I couldn't handle it. This is safer." Jag: Yeah, it's the right decision. Matt comes in telling Jag that he's leaving his $15 cheap Wal-Mart athletic shoes behind. Jag says he will take them as his souvenir. Matt: You can take them. But the cheap athletic shoes are probably really bad for your feet over time. 2:41PM BBT Jag is in Scaryverse studying. 2:44PM BBT Matt enters Scaryverse and tells Jag he accidentally left his Reilly hangar in the HoH bathroom. Jag asks Big Brother to please get the Reilly hangar for Matt because he plans to propose to Reilly with it. Jag then tells Matt to be sure and go through everything (study) before the show. Matt picks up his mic and holds it very close to his mouth telling Big Brother he really wants that hangar because it is going to be a funny gift for Reilly.
  7. 12:15PM BBT In the kitchen, Bowie notices Felicia staring off into space. Bowie: Are you okay, Felicia? Felicia: Yeah Bowie: It's stressful. Today! Felicia says she is fine. She is thinking about her brother a lot today, for some reason. She tells Bowie that she has had a wonderful game and is the only one who can say she made it 100 days without seeing the block. Bowie thanks her saying she just maneuvered the best she could given most people were just unpredictable. Felicia tells Bowie she stayed herself the entire game. Felicia: This is a testament that if you can just be you and be who you are, you can make it to the end. Bowie: I think being sort of predictable helps in here. Felicia: I tried to stay right there in the middle and just stay Felicia. Bowie: You definitely stayed Felicia! Felicia: I'm just excited and can't wait to see what the day brings. Bowie: Yeah! We shall see. Felicia: We shall see! 12:56 PM BBT RCHS is on the feeds now. The feeds pop back showing the HGs gathering in the HoHR. Jag asks Matt if he can come into the bathroom to pee. Matt: I just blew it up. Sorry! Felicia: I wish they would give us a feel for how this day is going to play out. Bowie: I know! Give us something! They hear the door to the HoHR lock. Bowie: And, we're locked in! Felicia: Aha! 12:58PM BBT The feeds pop back to RCHS.
  8. Matt made himself some breakfast then sat at the table to eat and watch the game of Chinese Checkers. 11:57AM BBT Big Brother: Matt, please go to the Diary Room downstairs. 12:08PM WBRB Gold Swirlies
  9. 11:17AM BBT In the kitchen, Matt tells Bowie it is 11:15. Bowie: That means we are competing today. Felicia is applying makeup in Comicverse. 11:27AM BBT Jag sits at the table to eat and watch Felicia play Solitaire. 11:30AM BBT Matt is in the bathroom packing up more of his items. Bowie Jane is upstairs listening to her music before she loses it. 11:31AM BBT Jag and Mama Fe are setting up Chinese Checkers when she gets up to run to the bathroom. 11:34AM BBT Bowie Jane is shown in the HoHR studying aloud rather than listening to her music. Big Brother: Bowie Jane, please go to the Diary Room downstairs.
  10. 10:42AM BBT Felicia: Yeah, I would like to win, but would I all the sudden flip and take Bowie? Absolutely not! Jag: I believe that! Felicia: Once I give my word, I don't back out of that. Once I commit, I stay there! That's my truth! Jag: And we'll put it right there. They shake hands They hug and share "love you"s! Felicia tells him she will not bother him for the rest of the day and let him just make his decision. Jag: Perfect! 10:51AM BBT matt is still in bed in Scrambleverse. 10:55AM BBT Big Brother: Good Morning Houseguests! It's time to get up for the day! 11:10AM BBT Matt is now out of bed and looking for meds in the storage room. 11:13AM BBT WBRB Gold Swirlies 11:16AM BBT Jag is getting ready in the bathroom area telling Matt he isn't sure if it is 11 yesterday's time or 11 today's time. Bowie says she is going to have a good start breakfast. Matt: What is a good start breakfast. Bowie: A bowl of grapes.
  11. 10:18AM BBT WBRB Gold Swirlies! 10:20AM BBT The feeds return, quicker than ever for a "Wakey, Wakey," to all lights on and everyone getting up for the day. Felicia is vacuuming the living room for tonight's live show. 10:23AM BBT In Scaryverse, Bowie tells Jag she thinks she knows what he is going to do. Bowie: I think you are leaning to keep Felicia. So, I think that's what might end up happening. Jag: Yeah, I think so. I'll see how it goes. I was like, wait, what would I give him. I feel like maybe I should just tell him the reasons. Like, dude, here's a lot of times that you have chosen to look after yourself and not me. So, for once in this game, I am going to look out for myself. Bowie: That sounds good. [Who knows how this will end up. Jag has been bouncing back and forth for days, and I have no idea how much this is truly affecting him because he has been so good at not revealing his truest thoughts to other HGs, but rather, allowing others to see and think what he wants them to see and think. I'm not even sure exactly which way Jag prefers, or if he even has a preference. At times I have thought it was Matt and then that changed to me thinking he was obviously taking Bowie to F2. Now I'm thinking he would be fine to sit by Felicia, too. He may believe that standing up for himself makes his argument to win stronger. I think he definitely knows Matt is the worst option to sit next to, which would be true if I was the jury. Yet, that jury is filled with HGs who know half truths and most who truly honor the clever physical competitor over amiability. What a mess! -ML] 10:33AM BBT Well, it seems Matt is still in his bed in Scrambleverse. 10:35AM BBT Felicia is talking with Jag in the bathroom area. She repeats to him, "If you trust me, I trust you. My whole game now depends on your decision. I want you to know, if it is me in the end making a decision, I am sitting there with you. I will feel like I rolled to the end with the people I trusted the most." Jag: The one thing I know of you to be true is your faith, and you spread that...you believe, and you have faith. Yes, in this game people have had to lie and share secrets. But, the reason I believe you is that you are talking about your faith right now. You have never lied to me, and especially not using your faith. I know you are above that. You are far, far above that. It really is a toss up because sitting next to Bowie Jane (he mentions that Felicia's 8 times escaping the block is an argument but the one thing that trumps that is never being on the block) Felicia: Well, there you go! Jag: They call that the perfect game. Felicia: That is a perfect game. Jag: The jury is going to say... Felicia finishes for him, "Yeah, you're right." Jag: That's a scary thing Jag goes on to say that he still doesn't know what he is going to do, "It's a huge, huge decision for me today. Up to this point, this is the heaviest decision for me to make. This is a big deal."
  12. 9:45AM BBT Felicia is awake sitting in Comicverse with her Bible on her lap. Everyone else is still sleeping.
  13. Jag and BJ talked for hours in the wee hours of the morning. Jag told Bowie that he did a lot of thinking before the game about how to play and represent as the first Sikh player on BB. His father told him to just play the game and not worry about how everything looks, but he would just feel like a bad friend if he didn't take Matt to Final Three, yet Blue was his friend, too, and he feels bad about that. It's different with Matt. He cares deeply for Blue, too, so it's confusing because why can't he just cut Matt, too. BJ told him it's because he knew Blue was targeting him. In summary: Jag, basically, said all the same things and concluded he should take Matt to Final Three because he doesn't want to blindside Matt and the conversation with Matt to not include him would be too agonizing. 1:29AM BBT Jag: I'm going to the bathroom and then I'm going to sleep. Then I will wake up and it will be more confusing, probably. Jag returns to Scaryverse, "It is 1:32." Bowie: That's the wrong time Jag: It is 2:32 in in terms of yesterday's time but 1:32 in fake time. Bowie: Good night. It's all gonna be good. Jag: I hope so! I'm not strong enough to make this decision. This is going to be the most exciting part of these episodes. 80% will be me talking about should I do it or not do it. Fuck. Mr. B, can you turn the lights off so I can go to sleep? Bowie: Please and thank you! Jag: Please and thank you? Okay, good night Miss Jane! Bowie: Good night Mr. Jag! 1:36AM BBT The lights go out in Scaryverse Bowie whispers: Thank you! Jag: Thank you! 7:55AM BBT The HGs are still sleeping
  14. They continued playing until around 10:15PM 10:35PM BBT The Final Four got Checkers and Chinese Checkers delivered to the SR. The HG's say, "Thank you Mr. B!" and have fun playing Chinese Checkers at the dining table for over an hour. 11:43PM BBT Felicia changes the clocks in the kitchen for Daylight Saving Time. 11:54PM BBT Felicia has gone back to bed. Matt walks into Scaryverse and says good night to BJ and Jag. Hugs all around. [There has been no more discussion between Matt and Jag about Mama Fe. I'm quite sure Jag's discussion with BJ was just to pad and secure himself should BJ end up having to choose her mate for F2. He is playing on her emotions and judgment of character. I don't think Jag has any intention of saying more to Matt about things, as he knows he is secure with Matt for F2, as well. Maybe I'm wrong, though, because Jag sure is spending a lot of time focusing on his "moral dilemma." -ML] Matt: See you guys in the morning! Extra hour of sleep! Bowie: Yeah, it's gonna be nice!
  15. The Mafia has started playing Hide-N-Seek throughout the house. 9:05PM BBT Jag comes downstairs and calls for Mama Fe. Felicia calls back, "They just turned my light out." Jag opens the door and tells her they are playing Hide-N-Seek if she wants to play. Felicia: Where are you gonna hide? Jag shows Felicia that Matt is hiding in the short armoire in Scrambleverse. Matt: I barely fit in here! Felicia: How does she know when to come? Jag: We told her give us 5 minutes. Mama Fe, what's a good spot? Big Brother: Felicia, please put on your microphone. She takes Jag to the SR and puts him in the cabinet. Mama Fe has decided to play, too. Jag: Wow! So this is the life, huh? Day 95 and I'm hiding in storage room cupboards. I am stealth. Upstairs, Bowie Jane asks herself, "Has it been 5 minutes? Ready or not! Here I come." 9:11PM BBT Bowie Jane creeps through the house. When she gets to the LR, she takes off her shoes and bracelet. She quietly approaches Scrambleverse and sneaks up on the armoire. She opens the door and finds Matt! BJ laughs! Matt: How did you find me? BJ: I can't believe you fit in there! Matt: Could you hear me breathing in there? BJ: No, I was like, surely... Matt: There's no air circulation in there! I didn't think I'd be the first one to be found. BJ: There's not many spots to hide! Matt: Also, Felicia is playing. BJ: Is she? They move about the house looking for the others. BJ clears Scrambleverse then Comicverse, "Wow! They are hiding really well. This is crazy!" Felicia is hiding behind the chair in Comicverse. Matt whispers to her that he won't tell Bowie where she is. Felicia giggles. They are having a great time. Matt: Shh! Matt rejoins Bowie in the search. 'I know where they are." BJ: Don't tell me. Maybe they are moving around. That's why I am being secretive. Shh! Bowie looks in the oven (LOL!) Matt: You're kinda bad at this game. 9:14PM BBT Jag (still hiding): Damn Bowie! Check the storage room. Please check the storage room. Damn. My legs are falling asleep. Jag gets out to stretch his legs, "I'm fucked." He decides to try and hide between the wall and the fridge but hears them coming so he stands super still. The SR door opens and Matt sees him right away because of the mirror on the wall. Then Bowie see him and laughs. Matt: We saw you moving because of the mirror. Did you not think of that? Jag: I'm so dumb! I had to stretch my legs! Matt whispers to Jag where Felicia is hiding. 9:18PM BBT Bowie resumes her search determined to find Mama Fe. She sighs in frustration. Matt: You cannot find Mama Fe! BJ: I CANNOT find Mama Fe! Matt: Think about where she would be! BJ: I looked in the toilet! (Funny, Bowie!) The boys laugh. She searches Scaryverse where Jag has found another hiding spot and tries it out on Bowie. She finds him on the ground between his bed and his dresser. They laugh. Matt: Just think! BJ: But where is Mama Fe? Matt tells her she would be somewhere it would make sense for her to be. BJ says she looked in the kitchen. She then heads back into Comicverse. "Wait a minute! This looks a bit sketchy!" She finds Felicia behind the chair covered with a blanket and pillow. Felicia is proud her spot was so good. Bowie tells her she covered herself really well. BJ: That was fun! Jag then shows where he was originally hiding.
  16. 8:54PM BBT Felicia is under her comforter in Comicverse and hears the camera move and zoom in on her, so she begins talking to Big Brother. [I honor Felicia's dialect the best I can below. I find dialect so interesting! I love it, actually! -ML] Yep! I am laying here, Mr. B, with nothing to do. Z young people are upstairs. And I am in the room by myself. That's why I stayed in the dining room a long time so I wouldn't feel isolated and alone. But, it's okay! I am okay! I don't know why but I have a sense of peace. I don't think I'm going home tomorrow. I could be wrong, but my spirit tells me that I'm gonna be in final three and I'm gonna sit in that chair on finale night as final two. I am gonna trust and believe in that. I don't know why. God has carried me 95 days. 'I'm carrying you all the way to the end.' I am trusting and believing that. I think it's gonna happen, as crazy as it sounds. And so, here I sit, or lay, waiting for 10 o'clock so I can go to sleep. I have nothing else to do for the day. I'm tired of playing cards. My eyes are tired, so I don't feel like reading. I have taken my tooth out for the night. Tomorrow I'll have 4 days until I see Dewayne and Jair. 4 days! And I promise, Dewayne, I'm coming back a better version of me. I do promise! That I promise. I don't know what I'm going to say on finale night, but I think I might be able to say enough to get a win. I still believe I'm gonna win this thing. Yes I do! And I know everybody thinks, 'Girl! Shut Up!' But them angels have carried me 95 days, and they only got 5 more days to do so. They said, 'We got you girl!' When I came through the door, I said, hopefully, they would never be able to say, 'Bye Felicia!' So far in 95 days, they have not. Not one time. I have sit up on that block 8 times. 8 times! I know I set a BB record. 8 times! 8 times I sat on the block, Mr. B! Now you know that's stupid. I have become the season's proverbial pawn, which is kinda shameful. But you know what? I was able to handle it. Some days were easier than others. Some days my feelings were really hurt. I sucked it up. I survived. Perseverance is the name of the game. I have kept my staying power with me. I can't wait to get home. I need to get my teeth fixed. I think I'm going to get those implants and just fix all these crazy damn teeth. I'm getting 4 implants. I am tired of having this damn flipper in my mouth. I 'm getting 4 implants. I'm going to the spa and gonna spend an entire day at the spa. I don't care what it costs. I'm going to the spa. Then I'm getting my nails done, my feet done, everything. I gotta renew me. But first, me and Dewayne gotta hang out for a minute. Mm! Hm! Mmmmm! I'm coming Boo! Well, actually I hope you coming and meet me on this side. That's the surprise I am really looking forward to. Please! Please! Mr. B, get him here. Get him here! Get him here! Well, I know if I sit in the final two chairs you'll be here. And since I m believing I am, I'm gonna see you Thursday night, Dewayne. Yes I am! Okay, Mr. B. I done got tired. I don't know what damn time it is. It's probably only about 8:30 and seems I got about another hour and a half where I'm supposed to stay awake, but you let them guys take naps. I didn't take a nap today. I have tried to be nice today and stayed out there for the predominance of the day. So, I'm exhausted! What did I say earlier? I am exhausted being exhausted! That's a lot! That IS a lot! I just know it's time for these 100 days to be over. This is a long time to just stop living your life. Normalcy of life. 100 days is a long time! 9:03PM BBT I was hoping to get a movie today, get the video. Well, until tomorrow when I become the final three. I know some people are saying, 'Girl ,you got a lot of nerve! You don't know.' No, I don't know. The lights go out in Comicverse Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! Praise ye oh Lord.
  17. Picking back up from last night... 7:30PM BBT Bowie Jane, Jag and Matt washed and dried the dishes then put them all away. They discussed Luke and how he thought he could just drop his bath towel on the floor and someone would do his washing for him. Matt: Funny! Felicia: Yeah, Luke was funny. I wonder what he is doing. Mat: Yeah, I don't know. That was 100 days ago. 7:45PM BBT Felicia has resumed her position on her bed playing Solitaire. In the HoHR... Matt tells BJ and Jag that the dining table is so small it doesn't even feel like a table anymore. Jag: Okay guys. It's time for me to play Solitaire my first time. Matt coaches him through. 8:16PM BBT Bowie Jane poses with Jag for a "goofy" photo the ends up being a scary picture [See? Prophetic -ML] as part of the King's Cup drinking card game because a face card appeared. Bowie: That's funny! You actually look scared. Jag: I AM scared! There's many variations to this card game, but their variation includes tasks like Never Have I Ever and Categories. Bowie says they are going to run out of liquor and hints to Big Brother, again, that they need a bottle wine.
  18. 6:48PM BBT It's time for dinner, so they all head to the table. Jag: I'll grab the napkins. Are there plates? Felicia: Bowie Jane!!! They laugh because Bowie set the table but forgot the plates. Bowie sits down, "Day 95! That calls for some wine! (BB still hasn't given them wine, despite the requests) Felicia offers the prayer which includes blessings for the final two, "...It's been an amazing adventure, and I'm glad I've made the relationships. Amen. Dig in." Jag is enjoying the food with lots of "Mmm" "Mmm" Bowie: This is really good! I can't wait to go to a restaurant. You know! Jag: We are at Mama Fe's right now! (They have been telling Mama Fe that she should open a restaurant called Mama Fe's.) Bowie: I just love going to a restaurant. 7:02PM BBT Table talk turns to the dreaded tradition of Daylight Saving Time. Bowie Jane tells Felicia not to forget her tooth. Jag: You lost it before? Felicia tells the stories of her lost tooth. There are many over these past 95 days. Jag: Do you have any spares? Bowie says she does. Bowie: What about when you pulled the chicken out of your pocket? Felicia laughs "That was actually from the day before. They had me stuff my pockets..." *WBRB Gold Swirlies because Big Brother doesn't want us to know that was scripted. Felicia tells them people used to hide shit in the house. MeMe would take a whole box of dryer sheets and line her closets and drawers. Jag: As a kid, I would always sniff dryer sheets. Felicia tells them that Cirie would take the fabric softener to the back room to use it there. Jag: Wow, so the rest of us couldn't use it? Felicia says Izzy used to get something but she couldn't remember what it was. BJ says someone was talking the kiwi because they were disappearing fast. She says MeMe would eat a lot of kiwis and adds that MeMe would hide grapefruit, too. Jag jokes that no one was looking for any grapefruit. Felicia confesses to taking a baggie full of Frosted Flakes because she knew Matt would eat it all Jag: That's crazy. Bowie: That's survival Jag: Bunch of piranhas in here. Jag, Matt and Felicia admit to hiding the whole milk in the 1% jugs because no one would touch that stuff. Felicia says Cirie would hide pork bacon under the turkey bacon, "so she could have bacon whenever she wanted." They all thank Felicia for the dinner, saying it was delicious. Felicia: You're welcome! Matt takes the knives back to the SR. 7:26PM BBT I'm out for the night! -ML
  19. 6:15PM BBT The boys decide to go to the HoHR, instead. Matt plays Solitaire while Jag snacks. 6:26PM BBT After Matt loses to Solitaire, the boys move on to bumper pool. There is no game talk even though no one is within earshot. 6:35PM BBT Bowie offers to set the table, 'If we had wine, we could drink it in actual wine glasses." Felicia raises her voice and tells Mr. B that would be nice and their dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. Bowie begins washing the wine glass: I am getting the wine glasses ready....for the wine....that will be here any second Felicia laughs: Keep coaxing them 6:38PM BBT Jag asks Matt where he hopes his parents are living 9Matt's parents moved right at the beginning of the show, but Matt does not know where they decided to go.) Matt: Nashville (where Reilly lives) Matt then says that North Carolina has great beaches, so I guess that's his second choice. 6:42PM BBT Felicia tastes the chicken she made, "That is delicious and there's no onions." Bowie: That's why I like when you cook. I know there will be no onions. (Bowie and Felicia shouldn't eat onions.) Back in the loft, Jag: You hope North Carolina Matt says that would be good and mentions Georgia and Alabama as a possibility. Jag: So they were down to move anywhere? Matt: Well, in the south. It's cheaper there. They won't do Florida. I wonder if my mom flew or drove to Nashville. They could have flown her." Jag: Wow! That's crazy! 5 days until you see Reilly! Matt: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...you're right! Jag: Wow! How do you feel? Matt: About her or in general? Jag: In general. Matt: I'm excited about everything. Matt says he can't wait to go back to training and get his body back to where he is confident and likes it, "Waking up at 5AM every day. I am excited to see everyone again. And life!"
  20. 5:44PM BBT Matt: How are you doing? Jag: I'm just tired, and they say 'Don't nap' Jag shares that he is nervous about the 3-part upcoming competitions. Matt: Don't be nervous. Jag: I always get nervous Matt: I am just nervous about tomorrow. It's not like it's you I am nervous about, it's just I want to get it over with. Jag: Yeah Matt: You have to keep me! Jag: I don't know, man. Mama Fe is a tough competitor. Matt: What did you tell her to make her so confident? Jag says even Bowie commented about that. Jag says he has no idea why she feels so confident. "I literally did not say shit to her. She keeps wanting to talk with me." They joke that she must have had a dream that she wins. Matt: Yeah, it's annoying. I thought it was interesting when she went upstairs to talk to Bowie and she wants to make Cirie the bad guy...and she says 'I never told a lie" Jag: I don't know why Mama Fe keeps saying she has never lied. Matt: That is an impossible thing in this game. Jag: I've lied. You've lied. Matt: I lied to everyone about the power. jag: We lied to Blue. Matt says Mama Fe knows the only thing she has is to get them to go against each other. Matt: She knows the only way she can get through is by breaking us. Jag: I know! 5:51PM BBT Matt tells Jag he can't be fake and hang around Felicia. Jag: She can dream about being Final Two in the jury house. Matt: I am surprised how long she made it, to be honest. Jag: Well, it's because we carried her. Plus, she has all day to cook things up. Matt: I think that's what she was cooking...just lay it all on Cirie because why wouldn't she say that before (as argument one the block against Cirie)? She is so paranoid so she always felt the need to do stuff. Remember, she was trying to flip the Blue vote. She was trying to do that. Jag: Every time she was on the block or see a comp she would get mad and say, 'Put them up!" Matt: I know! The invisible HoH she was like, 'This is some bullshit. Put them up!' She was like, 'This is not the point of the game. You are supposed to take a target out.' I was like, bro. So we are just supposed to let you go tot he end? Jag: Oh, Man! Should we get up? Matt: Yeah, I got up and came in here. I don't think Bowie will be too long with her videos. Jag: She is a fucking professional. Matt: She is a fucking professional! Three times! Jag says he hopes the comps won't involve his thumb because he lost his grip. Matt: Just bandage it up. 5:57PM BBT Felicia is still cooking dinner in the kitchen. Jag tells her they got in trouble for napping a bunch of times. "How are you?" Felicia: Oh, just chilling. Jag: Boneless chicken is it all day long. I hate having to work for my food trying to get the food off the bone. I eat fast. If I have to work for my food it makes me slow down. Felicia: That might be good for you. Felicia says she had to retrain herself to eat slower after being in the military and being a cop where she had to scarf down her food. Jag: When I get full, I start eating. Felicia: You said that the other day. That's a little odd! Well, no surprises in the HoH Room. She went up there. Nothing. I don't know what they been doing up there all day. She is the last one to be in that room. Matt says Cameron's didn't take that long (when production had to do a repair during Cam's HoH) 6:02PM BBT Felicia: Well, how are you doing Matt? Matt: Just chilling. Felicia praises Matt for his great game and only seeing the block once. She mentions Bowie Jane never seeing the block at all, "I wish I got that lucky." Jag: Okay, now what? We made a little trip out here. Now what? Felicia laughs, 'Time to go back to the bedroom?" Jag: How long before this will be ready? Felicia: About 30 minutes. Jag: Okay then I shouldn't eat. Want to play bumper pool Matt? Matt agrees and they grab a small snack, first. Matt: Is it good? Jag: It's not super good. I don't think so. Want the rest? It's gluten free. Felicia: That's why it's nasty.
  21. 5:22PM BBT Bowie Jane tells Jag that if he feels Matt didn't do anything wrong then they move forward, but if he does feel Matt dis anything dodgy there is more to think about. Jag: It's just, at the final comp, we are going to evict him anyway. What difference does it make? Am I just being a coward and stalling it? Jag says they have a higher likelihood of him and Bowie being in the final comp against Matt. 'The first comp, second and third? It's gonna be hard. We are going to be fighting for our lives the entire time. So when I think about it that way, it's seems there is a different decision that leads me to. Bowie: Yeah Jag: The other side is we just play our game and stay confident. When it comes down to the final HoH hopefully it's me and you and BOOM. That's it. It's gonna be a tough decision to do it then. You know, ripping the band aid off. We do it fair and square. Then it's like, of the two, I can't tell what is right. I feel really close to him. You feel really close to him. We are a threesome. We go with that, but it makes it tougher for you and me to sit there at the end. Or, do I just step up and do what needs to be doing, NOW. Do I owe it to him to bring him to the final three? BJ: Yeah Jag: He did use a power to save me. But, ever since then, everything I have done has been done to protect him. I had opportunities to go against him, but I protected him. Have I already protected him in the same way he protected me? 5:28PM BBT Jag: You could argue that he had opportunities (to get rid of Jag) but the fact is, he didn't. When he won HoH, I won the veto. We haven't had a chance to see if he really would have gone against me. He actually didn't have any opportunity to kick me out. At this point in the game, have I given back and protected him and had his back to where this is justified, or do I continue to owe it to him? It can't be forever. After this, where do I draw the line? If I win the final HoH, I know where I am at. If you win, I know where you are at. One of us is going to have to get our hands bloody. Bowie: Yeah Jag: There is not a clear answer. For me it is just a heavy decision. On one route it's like don't be a coward. Just fucking step up and do it. And the other is, do I owe it to him. Bowie: Well, if he didn't betray you, you would take him to final three. Just out of principle. You know, bad luck. If he has been doing things then I wouldn't feel bad about it. Jag: But he hasn't had the opportunity. It's all grey and muddied. I don't know! I don't know! This is stressful Bowie Jane! BJ: I know! I think you should tell him the full thing she said and see what his reaction is. Jag: Yeah! BJ: Otherwise it just looks like you are making it just to win. Maybe you might be able to tell from his reaction. I don't know. Jag: It's just so tricky. I know how it would play out. I'd say, hey I heard you'd say this and he'll say no I didn't. Mama Fe would say yes you did. And he'll say yeah but I didn't mean it and I was not gonna do anything. And I'll be like, okay. Bowie: If you had both of them there together, she might give you more information of the circumstance and what had happened. I don't know. Maybe. Jag: Yeah 5:34PM BBT Big Brother: Bowie Jane, please go to the Diary Room downstairs. BJ: Here we go. See you later. In 94 days I have touched up my makeup every time before I go into the Diary Room. 5:42PM BBT Matt and Jag have been talking in Scaryverse (not about this drama....YET) Matt tells Jag that he has a 30 second speech prepared. He isn't sure if that's enough.
  22. 4:45PM BBT Felicia: Mr. B, could we have the knives? I'm ready to start cooking dinner but need knives to cut stuff up, please. 4:55PM BBT Felicia heads to the SR and finds the knives so she can continue prepping dinner. Felicia: Yay, thank you Mr. B! You're so kind to me! Mr. B, I am going to miss talking to you. You have been my bestie all season. You've done me right, and I want you to know, I appreciate it! Yes I do! 5:01PM BBT Big Brother: No Napping Houseguests! Jag: I wasn't napping! Bowie: Not us! Jag: I can't think with my eyes closed? 5:08PM BBT Jag and Bowie Jane discuss Matt's changed mood. He has been quiet and keeping his distance more today. Jag: Has he said anything to you? BJ: No, but I can see that he's edgy. Jag: Yeah! BJ: I think because Mama Fe is walking around being all happy. Jag: Yeah! She is being loud and more confident. I don't know why because I haven't said anything to her to indicate she's staying. I don't know. What do you think the pros and cons are? BJ: I think with the mental stuff we would win. Jag: Against both? BJ: Maybe even more so with Matt. I don't think he has studies as much. Jag says Matt has been studying. "I think Matt is better at mental than Mama Fe." BJ: Obviously the physical? We win. And, also, I think for you personally you need to think about how how you feel after the game if you made that move. But that's up to you. I don't care what you do. But if that was me, I would feel too bad to do it. What are you thinking? Jag: Pretty similarly to where I was thinking yesterday. I think that's still where I am at. I just want to make sure I hear all of your thoughts as well. Take everything into consideration. I don't want to rush into it or blindly make a decision. I want to make sure I'm not just being dumb, or being played. You know what I mean? BJ: Well, the playing has already been done. Now it's just who wins the comps. Jag: Yeah, I just want to talk it through with you. Hear your thoughts. It's important for me to hear where you're at, too.
  23. 2:50PM BBT Matt has taken a break from packing and joins the others in the kitchen. Felicia: A movie would be so good Mr. B! Jag: They ain't going to give us a movie! We are the show! Felicia: They watching us sit and talk about how bored we are. Jag says they need to start a fight and give us all a real show. Bowie: Okay....Jag....you.... Felicia: You scumbag Jag: Wait! Wait! Wait! You're too good at this. What was that about? It seems you've been fucking holding that in for 95 days! Felicia: I am exhausted from being exhausted Bowie: Me too! Felicia says she will sleep for 12 straight hours when she gets home. BJ: YEP! Jag: Honestly, yeah! No Wakey, Wakey Bowie: We might have press! Seriously, the day after. We might have press to do! Media! Felicia: Well, I need some pressed clothes. Shit! I'm going to the storage room! Bowie: I need a haircut! Felicia: Mr. B! Could I please have Dewayne bring me some clothes. I'm coming to the Diary Room to tell you exactly what I want. Call me in. Call me in because this ain't press attire. Let me come to the diary room so you can tell Dewayne what I want. Bowie: Make more demands of Mr. B for old time's sake! Felicia: Well, I don't have my Ripple milk! I don't know why you didn't bring me anything. Are you sending me a hint? Jag: Wait a minute! They didn't bring eggs either, and Matt eats half a dozen eggs every day! IT'S A DOUBLE EVICTION! Felicia: No eggs and no milk! Jag: And I vote to evict both of y'all motherfuckers. Felica: Why we got to mf's? Jag: That's just how I will say it. They want punchy! I give them (viewers) what they want. Felicia: Oh! Ohhhhhh1 Ugggh! I could just throw myself on the floor right now! Bowie: You should! For the cameras! Felicia: But it actually might hurt! Felicia: We will go to the storage room anytime you *WBRB BJ: I wonder if we are competing tomorrow? Felicia: No! Jag: Okay Felicia: I said it. There you go! No! BJ; Well if they give us wine. Felicia: It could be an indicator. Then no Jag mocks BB, "Wakey, Wakey Houseguests, It is time to rise your ass and shine!" They laugh Felicia says she can't wait to get home and check the live feeds for the jam session she shared with Jag, MeMe and Izzy in the kitchen. "We had us a rhythm thing going on." Jag: That was pretty good! Felicia: It really was! 3:10PM BBT Matt now has the house camera from the DR and brings it to Felicia since the DR says it is her week to use the camera. Felicia: Where do y'all want to start? Felicia says they should wait until Bowie Jane's pizza is done. Matt: They said do some trend on TikTok, but I don't know what that is! Matt says it involves side by side and high fiving.
  24. 2:38PM BBT WBRB Gold Swirlies 2:45PM BBT Jag is helping Matt pack up. He hears them still working in the HoHR Jag: What are they cooking up? Matt: I know! And that's way more than three hours! Jag heads to the kitchen look at food options. Felicia, seeing Jag look for food, "I'll probably cook something about 4." Jag: Okay. I'll just have a burrito right now. 2:47PM BBT The camera operator is having a good time focusing in on Bowie Jane's Vegemite next to a baby head in Scaryverse.
  25. 1:59PM BBT Jag asks Felicia who she is most excited to see again from the cast. Felicia: Hisam! I want to see that he is okay. And MeMe! I'm excited for Matt to see Reilly. Jag: I am most excited to see Reilly. Felicia: And Izzy! I'll be like, Girl, I didn't realize you was playing me! Bowie comes in and says she is nauseous and needs to eat something that is not a grape. (She has been eating at least 2 bowls of grapes every day.) 2:05PM BBT Matt is doing some packing in Scrambleverse. You can see his massive shoe collection lined up underneath the upside down dressers that line the wall in the room. Jag comes in and tells Matt to just put them all in trash bags and have production hold onto them for him. Jag: What I did is a lot of my, like, from the first half of the season, I put in two or three bags and gave them to them to hold onto for me. So you can pack up a bunch of them. You have like 20 shoes. Put them in storage for them to get. Matt: They let you do that? Jag: Yeah Matt: Well, you know they said we can't take all of our stuff and told us not to bring multiple suitcases. Jag: Well, everyone has left. The HGs were given space heaters the other day. They are much more comfortable in the BB25 house now. Bowie: Anything you have left over they will send in a box to you. Matt: Oh! Bowie: Why don't you go in the Diary Room and ask them instead of speculating. Jag: That's what I would do! Bowie says it feels so much nicer with the space heaters. "I don't have to sit here in a sleeping bag!" The boys are both complaining that they really hate packing.



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